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3,875 words, sound recommended.

ROSEWOOD IS A WONDERFUL PLACE TO BE. Likened by its inhabitants to this little haven on earth, it boasts a sense of tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. Surrounded by rolling hills, outstretches of rosy fields and thick, lush woodlands: natural beauty manifests and brings fiction to life. Cassius Banks had always thought as much since moving here—that it was almost its own bubble, like if you were to combine the nature of Heidi or Anne of Green Gables with the township of Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls.

        Rosewood moves at a slow pace. Especially in the Summer, where a pleasant heat settles over the town and you can hear the sound of teenagers laughing as they move in and out of stores, or hear the Sheriff groaning as he loses to the Principal of Glenmore High at a game of Chess. "You can't just have your knight fly across the board, Break," the Sheriff insists, to which the older man chuckles and tells the Sheriff to "Dream a little!" as he resets the board. Summers in Virginia have always had that layer of humidity that sticks to your skin, but like everything about the place, it was mild, bearable.

        The small town never had been a place for excessive drama; the most dramatic thing to happen as of late was that the milkman allegedly delivered semi-skimmed milk to Old Joe's doorstep, and lord knows Old Joe needs his whole milk for his morning coffee, else he's cranky the rest of the day. He had put it to the milkman last town meeting, people having to pull Old Joe off of the poor man as he referred to him as a "dirty milk-scamming bastard", making sure to sock him right in the face.

        Cassius shakes his head as he remembers the ordeal now, sitting along the beach, palms sinking into the gritty sand as he tipped his head back, closing his eyes and smiling as the sun cast a golden glow across his face. What else could someone expect from the Golden Boy of Rosewood? From deep gold locks that framed his face, not a pale gold but a warm one, to tanned skin from hours spent surfing on the beach, and cerulean blue eyes that reflect the world with a view that was tinted rose, fittingly.

        Of all his features, the most beautiful is his smile. Sincere, heartfelt, and if your name is Maximilian Fournier, blinding. There are few in town who haven't been touched by Cassius' kindness in their lives, for how can someone bring themself to not grow fond of a Golden Retriever personified? This particular one carries a cat, ironically, a rather grumpy-looking cat with yellow eyes called Mabel that sits curled up on his lap, looking skeptically at the sea which laps at the beach's shore.

        Cassius almost always had Summer plans, someone who was invited to every event, and who went out of his way to be sociable in turn. This morning, he had organised a playdate with Mabel and an Australian Shepherd, Lassie—he had been to Colton Huxley's home on a number of occasions, but had never brought either of his cats along, not Mabel nor Turnip. Cassius wasn't known for being the most sensible person in the world, but Colton had explained the benefit in starting off with just one cat to test the waters, so here Mabel was—the ginger cat would have the company of his family back at his house.

        First things first, he'd have to bring Max to drag along, because he always did want his best friend in the whole world to integrate with his other friend groups. It had worked before! Well, most times it didn't, but truthfully he didn't always notice when it hadn't—ignorance is bliss. If Cassius was the warm, inviting sunshine, Max was the cool, detached shadow, with his dark hair, sculpted features and aura of cynicism. It was an attitude impervious to the pervasive cheerfulness of Rosewood: the resident Contrarian with his penchant for skepticism and his uncanny ability to find the flaw in any plan or person.

Except Cassius Banks.

Cassius gets up from the shore now, carefully holding Mabel in his arms to prevent the sand from touching her as he puts her into a special rucksack designed to carry pets, which Max had gifted him last year. Mabel sits contentedly as Cassius begins to set off on his walk through town towards the agreed meet-up spot with Max, the gentle morning breeze playing with his hair as he makes his way towards town at a steady pace so the ride isn't too bumpy for Mabel.

        There are a number of must-visit places for any teenager in Rosewood, the beach being one of them, often littered with people hanging out or surfing. If you're lucky, you'd often catch a glimpse of the Queen of the Waves of Rosewood, as Cassius often had, close friends with her, since this was her personal favourite spot. Cassius began to approach another popular location now, the record store, the letters above the store faded but readable: KENNEDY'S VINYLS.

        The store has been around since most people's parents were teens, since the 80s, a treasure trove of musical history. It's run by Mr. Kennedy and his daughter, Janet, friendly folk but very immersed in their alternative culture, often receiving questioning looks from the more conservative, older crowd of Rosewood. Cassius often frequents the store with Max and so has only positive memories associated with it, waving to Mr. Kennedy through the display window as he walks past, who waves back enthusiastically, beaming at the young man who spreads positivity wherever he goes.

        Just a block down from Kennedy's Vinyls are two other buildings: a Family Video store similar to the since dead Blockbusters franchise, where you can rent or buy out DVDs, Blu-rays and video games, and then next to it stands the cinema, Genesis, which has motion pictures available to watch every day except Sundays. Opposite the cinema, you have a thrift shop, often simply called 'Courtney's' after the woman who runs it, followed by an array of different clothing stores and a laundromat.

        One of the most frequented destinations in Rosewood, which Cassius was steadily approaching, is the diner, JACKSON'S DINER being the name written along the top, although it was most commonly referred to as 'Jack's'. It was where most Glenmore students had their first date, a go-to location. Of course, wanting to be a wingman to his peers, Colton, who worked at the diner part time, would always be sure to put two straws into a milkshake whenever a pair ordered a single drink. Jack's was known for its milkshakes first and foremost, and that nostalgic retro vibe you'd get on a date, with the stereo playing in the background, sharing a milkshake.

        The owner, Jackson Anderson, would always protest about his wait staff assisting with creating a romantic vibe to the place. "This is a diner, not a brothel," he would grunt as he leaned on the wall with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, to which Colton would only nod with an "Of course, sir. We'd hate to be helping to spread STDs with a milkshake", the sarcasm slipping by the older man as he nodded and tipped his hat at the boy with a "Right on". Speaking of Jackson, he was smoking now outside of the diner, beckoning Cassius over, though he hesitated as he noticed Mabel sticking her head out of the backpack.

        "Funny looking cat you've got there, eh? Anyhow... where are you heading?" He asked thoughtfully, taking out his notepad and looking at the schedule he had scrawled down there. "Do you happen to be passing by the Huxley's? Sally's taking the weekend off for tutoring... damn highschoolers. If you see him, you let him know he can take the shifts if he likes, alright son?"

        "I'm heading over there right after I go to see Max," Cassius nodded, turning around so that Mabel could look directly at the man, seeming to stare into his soul. "...And this is Mabel. Say hi, Mabel!" He smiled as Mabel gave a scratchy mew, Jackson narrowing his eyes, though they couldn't help but crease slightly. Even for a grumpy individual like himself, it was incredibly hard for anyone to dislike Cassius.

        "...Right. You're a good kid, boy. Can't quite say the same about your friend... Miles did you say?" The older man shook his head and tutted, opening the door to the diner. "Oh, and you tell your father I want my liquor license. It's been a week," he grumbled, before tipping his hat and walking back into the diner before Cassius could say anything, closing it with a loud thud.

        "Max. It's Max," Cassius corrected even though the man was long gone—he wasn't sure why he still bothered to correct him, he just felt the need. He made a mental note to remind his father, the mayor of Rosewood, of the gruff diner owner's request before setting back on his path towards the fountain in the centre of town, the agreed meeting spot he had arranged with Max.

        Cassius paused for a second as he saw Max sitting on the ledge of the fountain, dressed as he always was... a white tank top, a worn black leather jacket, and black baggy jeans. Accessorised, because Max was never subtle even in the way he dressed, wearing a weighty studded belt, several silver rings and a couple necklaces. It was hard not to stare, even in a platonic way—his dark curls, the way he leaned forward staring off into the distance, dark brows set straight like a model... All Cassius was saying is that he understood where Max's girlfriend was coming from.

        "Hey man, come over," Max called out as he noticed Cassius by his footsteps, standing up and holding out a coin he had been holding since he arrived ten minutes ago. "You look nice," he commented playfully as he lightly punched Cassius, looking him up and down. Their outfits couldn't be more different, with Cassius wearing a simple white shirt, a blue denim jacket lined with a beige fleece at the collar, matching beige cargo pants and white trainers.

        "Thank you, Maximiser, you look great too," Cassius returned the compliment sincerely, holding out his hand to receive the coin. "Do you want me to toss it in? I didn't think you believed in town folk tales," he teased as he studied the coin and then the glistening running water of the fountain, filled at the bottom with old coins. It was a silly town tradition, that if you tossed a coin into the fountain and made a wish, from the heart, it would come true.

        "For you, I can," Max answered without hesitation, although he quickly looked away, clearing his throat. "...Is what I'd say if you were my girlfriend, of course. Nah, I just thought it'd be fun," he shrugged, looking back at Cassius with a grin. "Just chuck it in, and then we'll hangout. What's the plan?" He asked as he stroked Mabel behind the ear.

        Cassius didn't take the comment to heart, distracted by his wish as he threw the coin in, letting it sink to the bottom. Please let Max be my friend forever. He smiled as the coin joined other heartfelt wishes at the base of the fountain, turning down and looking down at Max.

        "We're going to Colt's. That's why I brought Mabel—it's a pet playdate," he explained, seeming not to notice the look of genuine horror on Max's face. Cassius just wanted his other friends to accept Max and for Max to accept them, it was wishful thinking, but he had positive intentions, and Max knew that, which is why no matter how much he'd complain, in the end he'd always cave. He knew he would cave everytime.

        "Hell no, not that little bitch," Max hissed, shuddering dramatically at the thought of the football player—a 'dumb jock', Max liked to put it. Ironically, one witty enough to keep up with him in a game of insults, which only made him more of an annoyance. "I thought it would just be me and you hanging out?" He muttered, unable to entirely sweeten the bitter edge to his question.

        "Isn't Colton taller than both of us? Doesn't that make us little too?" Cassius asked in earnest, the hyperbole seeming to fly over his head. "Come on, Maxaroni, do it for Mabel," he lifted the cat out from the bag and held her eye level to Max, the cat blinking lazily with one eye.

        "Cass, that's not what I m—you know what, yeah, alright. He's a big bitch, then," Max gave up trying to correct Cassius, staring at his friend and then Mabel, making a small tsk sound as Cassius held Mabel in place. "Fine! Fine. Put her down, man," he gave in, shaking his head as he set off in one direction, gently pulled back by Cassius into the right direction as they set off towards Colton's house.

The Huxley home was more ranch than house, opening up to paddocks of livestock, mostly sheep and cattle, though a couple old workhorses grazed in amongst the cattle. There was a barn used for rearing animals and storing bales of hay, a truck alongside a red vintage Chevrolet El Camino, and finally a humble house atop the hill the ranch was situated on, painted blue.

        Colton had been up since early morning this Friday, his schedule never really changing even during the holidays. He had brought Lassie out with him to help herd the sheep so he could do their health checkups, going on to do work around the place, including stacking hay bales into the barn and painting one of the paddock fences since the old paint had been peeling. Admittedly, he wasn't the most fashionable person in the world, considering his white tee, checkered red plaid jacket and straight-legged blue jeans, smudged with white paint stains here and there, a perfectly adequate ensemble.

        He had been idly leaning on the kitchen counter reading the morning paper, although as usual, there was never anything dramatic going on. It was usually the sports section and the job recruitment section that he looked at the most, always on the lookout for more work. The Huxley residence was generally tranquil aside from the sounds of animal chatter, but it was now cut by the sound of Cassius' laughter, recognisable and infectious. Colton assumed he had brought a friend or two along with him, which was normal happenings for a meet-up—most friendships at Glenmore were casual and upbeat, it wasn't uncommon to bring others along. He made his way over to the door now, Lassie barking and following closely behind him.

        As the door swung open, Colton first saw the taller of the two, grinning as he went in for a friendly handshake and pat on the back, although his smile immediately dropped as he noticed Max behind Cassius, grimacing at the boy's shit-eating grin as he realised it was going to be a long morning.

        "Good to see you, Banks—and company," Colton gently pulled Lassie away from the door, quieting her as she barked at the sight of Mabel, who was staring at her, unimpressed. "Come in, follow me to the living room and we'll get the little ones to get to know one another," he nodded, whistling for Lassie to come with him, though not before she growled at Max and bit the edge of his jeans, Max's cursing just about audible to Cassius.

        Soon enough, the three were sitting down, Cassius and Colton on the couch and Max on the armchair to Cassius' left, the blonde acting like a barricade between the individuals who were more antagonistic to one another. They seemed to be keeping the peace for now for Cassius' sake, although Max maintained his cocky stance as he leaned back, while Colton made eye contact with a look daring him to do something. Mabel was curled up on Cassius' lap, while Lassie, not the same breed as the dog from the film but mimicking her temperament, sat directly in front, wagging her tail.

        "Now that I think about it, a cat and a dog probably don't have much in common for a playdate," Colton admitted, running a hand through his hair as he looked from the Australian Shepherd to Mabel, both animals staring at each other and then at their owners, as though asking what they were supposed to do.

        "No shit," Max interjected, illiciting a narrowed gaze from Colton. Cassius seemed more optimistic than the other two, placing Mabel on the floor next to Lassie and picking up a bouncy ball off of the floor, tossing it gently in front of the two animals.

        "Fetch the ball with Lassie, Mabel!" Cassius encouraged, Mabel just staring at the ball while Lassie stopped it easily with one paw before it could go far, looking at Cassius like she was questioning his 'playing fetch' abilities.

        "Reckon that's my cue to get us drinks," Colton cleared his throat and stood up, patting Cassius on the shoulder for the good attempt. "You two talk," he added as he crossed over to the kitchen, glancing over his shoulder, his gaze lingering thoughtfully on the two before he disappeared from view. There was something there, he knew that much. Something he didn't care to expose, because truly it wasn't his business, but he did find the two an... interesting pairing. Seeing sunlight and shadows compliment one another was a strange phenomenon to witness.

        Max stood up shortly after, telling Cassius he had better help out, causing the boy to grin, clearly pleased Max was beginning to make an effort to be friendly, although that hope was a false one.

        "Do you just hang out with my best friend since your girlfriend dumped you?" Max smirked as he entered the kitchen, sliding the door shut behind him and leaning on it, studying Colton skeptically. He'd do the smart thing and maintain a distance, not because he was intimidated, but because the closer he was, the more the half a foot height difference would come into play, and you couldn't pay him to willingly look up at anyone other than Cassius.

        "Is there a reason you're concerned about it?" Came the steady reply, Colton not turning around to face Max as he continued to pour ice into three glasses of lemonade. "Are you bothered by it, doll? If you play nice, I'll let you have your crush's full attention in peace," he continued on provocatively as he turned around with the three glasses held carefully in just two hands, having had a lot of practice from waiting tables.

        "I'm not your doll. And unlike you, I have a fucking girlfriend, and I'm not GAY," Max replied quickly, a little too quickly, saying that last part louder than intended, Cassius lifting his head from inside the living room before shrugging, assuming he must've been hearing things. "Look here you little shit, let's stop having this girl's fight. Just piss off."

        Colton paused as though to think about it, looking at the floor contemplatively before looking back to Max, smiling easily. "That'd make you one of the girls, right?" He finally replied, dismissing the sexist remark and walking on past Max, sliding the door open with his shoe, humming as he walked out.

        "Fuck you," Max got the final word in, quickly following after and taking a glass out of Colton's hand, setting it down in front of Cassius in some sort of one-sided possessive mindgame. Colton only sighed in amusement as he put a glass down in front of Max, keeping the other one as he went back to sit next to Cassius.

        "How'd you get these two all friendly?" Colton asked in genuine wonderment, looking down at Lassie and Mabel, who were curled up together on the floor asleep, the dog wrapped around Mabel, both animals looking like best friends who had known each other for years.

        "Magic," Cassius replied with a grin, taking one of the cookies from the glass jar that Colton offered him, previously set down on the table. Colton leaned over and offered one to Max as well, only earning a scoff.

        "Fuck no," Max snorted, before noticing Cassius' face fall, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "I mean, no, but thanks for the offer," he corrected begrudgingly.

        "These are the ones we baked last time with the others, right?" Cassius asked as he bit into the cookie, Colton nodding. Before anyone could say anything more, Max had leaned over and quickly taken a cookie, leaning back into his chair and looking away.

        "Changed my mind," he said curtly—Max hated sweet things, but if Cassius had made them? That was another story. Colton only rolled his eyes lightly, though Cassius smiled.

        "Do you two have any other plans before school hits?" Colton asked, counting in his head just three days left of the holidays before school would begin on Monday. As he asked this, he put an arm around Cassius' shoulder in a friendly manner, although the eye contact he was making with Max made it clear he was messing with him, something Cassius didn't catch onto.

        "We should swap seats. I've decided I don't like armchairs," Max muttered before he could stop himself, glaring at Colton, who playfully put his hands up in surrender as he swapped chairs, stifling a laugh at how close Max was sitting to Cassius. The latter looked confused but said nothing, thinking about the question that had been asked.

        "Just hanging out with friends, pretty much. Oh, right, Mr. Anderson wanted to know if you'd work the weekend shifts. There's been an opening," Cassius responded, subconsciously leaning more in towards Max, something neither of the two seemed to pick up on, although Colton did, raising a brow subtly.

        "The weekend?" Colton hesitated, thinking on it for a moment. He did always take up work whenever he could, especially because one of his younger brothers, Sawyer, was diabetic and medical bills racked up. "I probably will. That's my plans for the rest of the Summer, then."

        "Uh huh. Well, my beautiful girlfriend is hosting a sleepover on Saturday, so I'll probably swing by on Sunday," Max answered the question, placing great emphasis on the girlfriend part of it all. Whether it was for Colton's benefit or his own remained to be seen.

        "That sounds fun! It sounds like a nice, calm end to the holidays. Dot holds great sleepovers, I love her," Cassius went over to stroke Mabel and Lassie, seeming not to notice the way Max was looking at him, temporarily mesmerised at the sight of his friend before he snapped back to reality and looked away, hand over his face as he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. It's a sleepover, only so much can go wrong," Max replied absent-mindedly. And he was right, nothing can go wrong. Definitely... probably.

Probably not.

A/N - so this definitely isn't my best work but I hope it read alright lmaoo. I have to emphasise the fact this was very casually thrown together, it's not really anything to do with the plot (so following chapters should be a lot more interesting), I just wanted to give a little introduction to Rosewood while incorporating the characters that I could.

Sorry to Gwen and Silv if Cassius or Max was mischaracterised, feel free to DM me about it so I can make note of it, it's of course difficult writing OCs without forms to go off of 🤞. Reminder that the final (extended) deadline to hand in forms is the 15th of August, but no new applies will be accepted after the 10th, the 5 days will just be to hand in forms ‼️

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