02. information

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Blinding lights by the weeknd

I PUSH ASIDE to walk towards the crime scene. " Good morning, Mr. Carrozza." I nod to my sub-inspector.

"Good morning. So can you tell me what did you get from the information granted to you?" I eye the burnt body which got located in a petrol station. I woke up thinking that at least today's morning will be fine but it didn't. All thanks to the Satan above me.

"We know who did it." I sigh. Fucking finally the case is solved, I didn't even poop. Even though being a part of the FBI is thrilling but not this, my sphincter will get widen by the next few minutes.

"Good good so now the case is solved. We can depart right?" Shit two more minutes.

He sighs getting irritated by my mood swings. Sometimes I pity him for bearing me who acts like a pregnant woman. "It was killed by-"


My eyes widen and I rush out. I quickly enter a nearby inn and did my job quickly. The door to my room banged open and Salvatore enters inside with a red face.

"What the fuck is this Aris? Do you think I am some pet shit that will wag beside you? Fuck you. I will request for my transfer so that I don't need to work with your stupid lazy ass." I sigh tiredly buckling my belt.

"I didn't do my solid release and at the crucial time, you called me making me drop my act and come here. So tell me whose fault is this?" I fold my arms looking at him.

He sighs, "Fine then, but don't you dare to pull this act. Do you know for you I had to run like a bull is chasing my red boxers?" I laugh patting his shoulder.

"It's good to know your anger dissipates now tell me what happened?" He rolls his eyes at me.

I shake my head as we both walk towards the reception area in order to give the receptionist the keys. She smiles at us and thanked us.

I put my hands in the front pockets of my coat. He lit up his cigarette and offered one to me. I put its end in my mouth and wait for him to lit my bud too.

I puff the smoke out, the amazement of having the most deadly poison in my mouth is kind of exciting. "So what's the case?"

He pulls out the cigarette and exhales the smoke. "He is Igor, the private investigator who was in search of that fucking Reaper."


The name that tormented all of the police enforcement and the detectives. We have tagged the owner as a reaper who provides none about its information.

"I just don't know what will I do if I get him." A prize, he is a prize and a ladder towards the goal of being on the top. Some take up the risk in greed while some due to their issues just like Igor and if it was me it would be of adventure.

The rush of adrenaline in that chase and catch case excites me to the core. I am not interested in sex if that's what it is if it only acts as a distraction to our loads. Just like a trekker, I like to take the uncertain path to reach the destination and that's is to burn down the curiosity I have for that thing or person.

Once I get it, I am least bothered about what happens later and now my curiosity is on him. The unknown profile of a mafia gangster.

I smirk when I see a lady slapping a guy who tries to touch her. I am satisfied that she can protect herself. "Maybe it's not he but she." I try to joke making him laugh.

Who knew it wasn't a joke but later a kick to my guts.

"Female? Are you insane Aristide? I can't believe the mafia will be ruled under female guidance." I grin.

"Maybe she is that good to kick your gender discrimination." We both laugh. I chuckle but then sigh.

"So how do you know it's the Reaper?" He shrugs indifferently.

"He was followed by the same shit again. Name carved behind his back and a piece of paper as a warning sent to us not to meddle up in their business." I sigh stepping over the burnt cigarette.

"He is havoc. A destruction that can easily conquer the whole world." Who is he? What's his actual name? Where is he? What he is doing? Questions are never-ending and answer, well that needs to fix. We came back to the same circle from where we started. The cycle that we rounded for five years only to come empty-handed.

"You are right. I just hope that today's seminar ends soon and I can go back to my bed." I chuckle hearing his words.

"Do you know what was Igor's grudge against that Reaper?" I ask Salvatore.

He shrugs opening his phone and giving it to me. I take it from him and look down. Igor had a child who died after an investigation on The Reaper. Her state of the found body was degrading. The slashes were a remark of her bravery but her death was a choice of mockery.

A never-ending war between the police and underworlds.

Suddenly I remember the tracker that Igor wore that night. He spoke to one of our police inspectors about the tracker he installed which was near his heart so that no one can find the hidden piece of object.

"Salvatore, call the ambulance and ask the forensic department to have the autopsy of Igor." He nods his head and take his phone from my hand and starts to dial their number. I diale the number of my finance who picks up by the third ring.

"Hey, my soon-to-be husband." I smile at the name given to me. Love was the main root of our base of a newly formed relationship. She is a forensic doctor and our first meet and greet were in a postmortem report. The written lines of love, at first sight, is the reason we are going to get married soon. That's what love is, right?

"Ciao, Aurora." She giggles.

"So how can I help you?" My smile soon fades away remembering the reason for calling her.

"Aurora, there will be an upcoming dead burnt body. Do me a favor and give me the hidden chip that is located close to his heart." I said.

She sighs on the other line, "You do know it turns out to be confidential report needed to offer the Chief." It's now my time to sigh.

"I know it's just that I need it, the information is kind of important. Please and don't worry as we will have the seminar and I will talk to the Chief about this matter but right now I need help from you. Please Aurora." The other line was silent until she speaks again.

"Fine, but get ready to situate me in another forensic department." I chuckle.

I tell in a husky tone, "Maybe I can show you in our bed." She giggles.

"Aris." I laugh saying bye and cut the call. I bump into someone during the process.

"I am sorry," I whispered but he walked out not bothering to look back. I shrug and dial the number of my other partner in crime, Riccardo. "Hey man."

"Hi, dude under a few hours I will be sending you a chip. Kindly do look into it and trace the tracker and find its last location."

"Sure but did y-"

"Dude, I will take the permission from Chief don't need to worry."

"Okay, I am on it."

Curiosity, how bad it can be. The urge to unfold the person who is living underneath our nose is quite tempting. No greed can satisfy a curious person unless the greed itself is a payment to his hard work. Reaper did take my interest, the interest that no one could. The temptation along with the thrill is a dangerous combination and I want to have it even if it burns my throat to have a slight taste of the sin.

Dangerous? Yes, but what's the use of living a boring life until you turn it into an adventure.

I sigh getting prepared for the upcoming seminar.

"I am still not sure for pestering other police officers or private investigators. The same result is shown everywhere and I am kind of scared for the next one." One of the police inspectors speaks.

When asked about who is going to be the next sacrificial lamb everyone tried to flee away. Even a lamb will run away if you say it in its voice whereas I, I want to take up this opportunity. It's not easy but what's the use of being easy weezy if everything is nearer to get.

I raise my hand and everyone including the Chief turned to look at me. "I will take up the role."

Chief intertwines his fingers and put his chin on them. "And how will you do it, Mr. Carrozza?"

I intake a deep breath and say, "Igor may not be here with us anymore but he did some hefty work. I think out of everyone here you know the best that Igor put a tracker near his heart and we can trace his last location. Raid easily and catch them off guard. How much I can take up the possibility they will be enjoying a feast for the death of their enemy."

He raise his brows and after a pregnant pause replies, "Impressive, but Mr. Carrozza?"

"Yes, Chief."

"Don't eavesdrop next time." I silently nod my head.

"Now tell us what's your plan." I look at him directly, a smile so proudly stuck on my lips as if I won a lottery or maybe soon.

"We will find out the location of the tracker and use our army when they are too high." Simple as it is but not that easy to find out until I get what I want. Reaper. I want to meet him face to face. The scene is quite fascinating.

"Sure, call the forensic department and take the tracker from them and give it to our hacker," I smirk.

"I already did that. I just needed your permission which I got." I stand up and inform Salvatore to list the men we will be taking with us.

Then I visited the forensic department and took the tracker device and gave it to Riccardo.

I patiently wait outside when Riccardo opens the door. I turned back and he indicates me to come inside. "I did get the last location."

I sneer, finally a chance to meet my idol. I shake his hand and pat his back as a sign of his hard work.

Aurora rushes towards me hugging me tightly, "It feels I am going to lose you forever." I hug her back soothing her.

"Don't worry. I will soon arrive and we can have our wedding band and marriage altogether."

She smiles looking at me, "Sure." Our relationship is well hidden from everyone. A fear that crawled inside mine breaking my heart to see her in cold blood due to a reason for my enemies avenge.

"I will come soon." Soon. The word slowly fades away when I met someone, someone who broke me and mold me just like how she wanted to.

Thanks for reading

Do follow me in Instagram and on wattpad to get sneak peaks of the upcoming chapters and also certain announcements and notifications related to my book.

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