03. celebration

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Do you like pets?

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Murder in my mind by kordhell

THE DAY YOU WERE BORN is the best time anyone can have yet here I am sitting beside my dead mother sipping wine.

When I was a child I would peep through the window and watch children of my age shouting and howling in joy. They would wear cone caps on their heads, music blasting through speakers, a huge cake being cut by the birthday person and a wish they pray they shall get while I prayed for the time to arrive where I too can taste those heavenly freedom.

The invisible shackles halted my steps, pushed me down with so much of force not to convey the passer by to at least release me from the cage. Just like a werewolf who is being killed by a wolfsbane I was killed by the lack of warmth. The care of a mother can shield her child from the evil godfather but here I am being trapped by the devil in disguise herself.

I expected my life to change but on my eighteenth birthday Dante gave me the entire kingdom of darkness. The only color I hate the most, red. The sight of blood splashed on the carpeted floor on my birthday made me realized that the wish I asked for came with a token of extra gifts.

Cosa Nosta
Illegal activities

And what not. Dante retired from his position and after a year died due to cardiac arrest. I thought I would feel peaceful but no, that old man had to die during the most crucial moment of my time. I had to learn how to rule, sit and act but all he did was to sip wine.

17th May, my birthday date, the day where only bad things happen. People from mafia community refused to grant me the position of the inheritance to mafia throne. I fought and fought to prove my worth even losing the love of my life, Christian Gray.

No, he isn't from that fifty shades fucking trilogy, he was pet dog of mine who died after ten years and that bastard needs to die again on my birthday week.

During the first course of my training all came were resistance like the wired circuit. Big boob, small ass, crude tongue, harsh slap, made for sex bla bla bla. If the identification about a woman is asked from them, they will talk about the front part and the back part but cannot talk about the internal features as they can only remark about the physical traits.

I sigh pulling out my phone from my back pocket and went directly to the Instagram analysis app. The loading of my account takes time and finally I find my million followers, perks of being an influencer. Everything is okay until my eyes land on the not follow back list.

I touch the list and boom, my eyes pop out when I find my fake friends unfollowing me. Steams blow out from both of my ears. I select their account names and get to see their thousand followers. The temptation to write below their fake puffed boobs that they need a good surgeon who should use silicon instead of iron but didn't.

Instead I unfollow them following hundreds cusses to them. "Fake Instagram friends." With that I chug down the entire drink.

I shriek when Adora screams for the millionth time wishing me birthday. "This girl. Carlos, be glad you married this piece of shit or else I would have killed her by now." I snarl at her making her grin.

Carlos laughs snaking an arm around her waist kissing her forehead. "I know capo, from inside you are glad to get her." I fold my arms rolling my eyes at them.

"Really? How come I like her when the first thing she did in the morning was to pour water on my body as a sign to wake me up?"I huff glaring at the bitter couple. Sometimes I envy them, the choices they made were harsh at that time but now look at them, smiling at each other as if the whole world revolves around them.

The sight of pure love is always surrounded by thorns and blood is rare. You need to be like the lotus flower blooming in the mud as a sign and symbol to all those people who think that their life ended. They are a sign to me to keep up my life and come back home. Adora is younger to me yet the motherly guide she offered was hard to ignore.

Don't say this to her but I am glad to have her in my life. "So what's tonight's plan?" Plan? I squint my eyes in confusion.

"Plan? What plan?" I ask them. They both look at each other and then at me. The awkward laugh didn't make me feel any good.

"Can you please tell me what is happening or do I need my weapons to extract information?" My native language is a bit deeper than my English accent.

Their eyes widen and both frantically shake their head. "We will be having a small celebration for your twenty seventh birthday." Adora whispers fidgeting her fingers. I glare at her but later sigh.

What's the use of shouting when the deed is already done? "Fine." She looks at me with wide eyes and asks, "Fine?"

I nod my head causing her to scream in joy. "That's why I hate you." I grumble back. I turn back smiling a little.

Family is a word I was unknown until my DNA offering parents died. Dante's love for his child may have bloomed for a year but that too died. But when the start of blending with my new familia, Adora introduced me to the topic of family.

The actual warmth I felt after seventeenth years, it's unbelievable. I sigh in blissful calmness. "Caterina." I turn back only to stagger back by the weight she puts herself on me while hugging me.

I try to pull back from her embrace but can't. She finally pulls back but her firm grip didn't lose. Her smile is like a sun, she can brighten up every gloomy environment.

"Carlos, we are going to the movie theater and I hope within that time period everything is ready." She turns back and both of them have their eye conversation. I roll my eyes at them but a giddy feeling surfaced my heart.

Maybe this year my birthday will be a blast.

"After spending two hours we will go and visit the parlor and finally dress you up in a mall. Oh, I am so excited." She claps her hands acting like she is going to have her marriage again. I again have to roll my eyes and we both walk towards the movie theater.

"So what shall you choose?" She eyes me opening the door of the room.

I shrug, "I don't know." Truth to be told I am not so much into movie or dramas. My own life isn't lesser than those fictional characters.

"Fine, let's watch porn." My eyes widen at the blunt remark.

"Adora, you have a husband to take care of your sexual fantasies whereas I don't have a bloody fool to fool out with." I huff.

She turns back to look at me and winks. "Maybe after today you will get your favorite one." I laugh dryly.

"Adora, you do know I am not into any commitment shits." She smiles sadly.

"I know but it's just that you have now reached to the age of twenty seven near to thirty yet still you have one night stands but not a person whom you can rest your shoulder and express your emotions freely." I sigh walking towards the drawer and opened the sets of CDs. One of them was Moana so I play that movie.

"Age isn't the matter Adora. I am scared bec-"

"Because you are afraid you will turn out like your father." I nod my head as she finishes her sentence.

"I am scared, terrified to get near to the holy matrimony. I am scared that one day my husband will be the reason for his deathbed." I release my breath taking a seat when the introduction starts playing.

"It's okay. I know. Do you remember when a married guy tried to flirt with you?" We both laugh together, mine is forced to reconsider her match.

I still remember when he pulled that shit. Later, when I got to know I broke all his fingers making him regret the second he touched my skin. He cried like a child wailing for his lost dolls.

"I hate those men who is already committed and have an extra affair." I remember the position my mother was. The eagerness to please her master didn't fit well to me, no respect. It's just a sex my father had when Amelia couldn't give.

I don't want to make the same mistake like my father and live like my mother. A lesson well taught at an early age and never shall I be put on that path. Even a wedding band makes me pull away from the person whom I targeted to.

"What do you want to have from the person you want to be?" These days- I mean months I didn't have any proper satisfaction to calm down my libido.

The problem is that I am a fucking dominant. Whenever I tried to have power my sex partner thinks it's a disrespect given to him making him getting killed for his own stupidity.

"A perfect submissive." I mumble.

"So you are a dom?" I nod my head giving her the response she needs.

She gasps,"OMG. I can't believe that." It's not my fault that I like to take power in having the person to be underneath mine, squirming under my given pleasure.

"Whatever. Let's watch the movie and then we shall visit the parlor. Girl, you need all those methods to pull off your bitchy face." I fucking-roll my eyes and we spent one hour and fifty three minutes watching the Disney character.

We then went to parlour where I had to manicure my nails, I trimmed my dark ash brown hair and well did have our spa. Later, we visited a huge mall where she selected random colour clothes and let me dressed them up.

Finally, she choose a fucking dress at last and I can't wait to reach house and have my way for myself for a while before facing those people.

"Oh my God. You look so gorgeous." I smirk.

"I know." I wink at Adora making her form a pout face.

"Aren't you too much of yourself?" I grin at her.

"If a girl needs to hear those random comments of her beauty from someone else then it makes her feel good but she must know she is damn worthy."

"I am jealous." I scrunch my nose and try to whiff the air around us. Adora quickly looks concern. "What happen?"

I hitch my shoulder, "Just wanted to smell your burnt ego." She swats my arm making me glare at her.

She grinned mischievously. "Let's go." Let's start the fucking party held downstairs. I zone out of the thoughts and conversations she tries to have with me. I look down the stairs and remember the time when my first step to these stairs were blood of Amelia.

I sigh not paying attention to the hard work put by my friend but when I did my mouth agape. My jaws literally hit the floor eyeing the beautiful hall which is now filled with sap green.

My white gown did give a match to the color of ribbons and candles. "This is so beautiful." My tongue slip in Italian language. Adora beams in happiness.

"I knew it. Gosh, I was so scared that you won't like it. Thank you so much for liking our hard work." My real smile surface on my face. After what feels like a century they made it look so beautiful. Last year, I couldn't celebrate because of the sudden increase in death of our another partner for which I had to help that fucker who later thought can displace me.

Like duh! Bro, what capsule did your doctor recommend you? It was a lost of my time and money which I later took along with profit through the new leader.

Carlos arrives with his hands clapping his hand, "Happy birthday tra la la la oh happy birthday tra la la."

I hug him as he came closer. "Thank you." He smiles down at me and flicks my forehead causing me glare at him. New and old faces greet me. I have my fake smile every time anybody tries to approach me or make a move on me. Adora quickly hops towards her husband while I paid visit to my known neighbors.

"Okay, it's time to cut the cake." Adora shouts pulling a tray where loads of cake is placed upon each other was brought nearer. I smile at them. Adora places candles on the first stack and pulls me close to her.

"Make a wish and then blow the candles." I nod my head. I know nothing is true yet I tried my luck.

I crouch down to the level of the candle and make a wish. I wish to get a submissive, a random thought that appeared in my mind and blew the candles off.

Suddenly the door of the hall burst open and for the seventeenth time we again found my party pooper. Police.

I scoop the icing from the cake and smirk at the new guest who arrive in my party. "Hello motherfuckers."

Well the fun just begun peeps! Get ready for some steamy + action set.

Do follow me on wattpad and Instagram to get sneak peaks of the upcoming chapters.

NEXT UPDATE: 1st of October
Or if we reach five hundred reads and seventy votes within this month then for sure one more update will arrive for you all until then wait for October.

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