10. relief

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Friend by Aryan shah

FUCK. IT HURTS LIKE A bitch. I groan in distress and wince looking down the pipe that is connected to the blood plastic bag. "Fanculo."I hiss glancing down my right hand, my palm and forearm are bandaged covering me up for good. I sigh, for sure I look like a half mummy.

I glance out of the window taking in fresh breaths of air. The only sight of my calmness and I am somehow grateful to the person who allowed me to have this room. The door silently opens forcing me to turn and look at the invader. The nurse's eyes pop out when she looks at me and squeaks, "Good morning."

I solemnly nodded my head. "Call the doctor."

"Right away." She hurriedly leaves as if the fire is radiating behind me. I roll my eyes at her over-dramatic motion.

After a few minutes, the door again opened and finally, Dr. Russo arrives. She gives me a small smile and walks toward me. She bends a little to kiss my forehead. "I thought you will be needing more than a week to wake up." This is my turn to widen my eyes.

"A week?" She nods her head smiling sadly and quickly examine the monitors behind me.

"Thank God. At the right time, we got the blood donor and gave it to you." My eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Blood donor?"

"Yes, blood donor. The 'O positive' blood group was finished last week so we had to have a donor." I just bob my head.

"And may I ask who that person is?"

"The new guy you welcomed into your house."

Aristide. But why him?

It's kind of confusing to even understand the motives behind his every word.

"Even he was the one to request for such a spacious room where you are surrounded by greenery. We have three such rooms which face the side of trees. It's kind of shocking he observes more than your own family. I still remember the last month when you turned claustrophobic as there were only two windows." I clutch the fabric of the bed sheet tight.

She smiles at me. "Now everything is okay. A little bit more formalities to be done and you are sent off to your den." My lips twitch as she turns around to take an injection. "It's for the vitals required." I absentmindedly nod my head.

My brain couldn't wrap up the terms of his motives. I am suspecting that he wants me to stay alive to take me as his captive or- I smirk laughing silently, he has a crush upon me. Sound quite ridiculous, doesn't it? Like how the boy killed a girl because for her he had a break-up.

Oh, Umbria! Aren't I great at giving examples? "I am surprised how good you handle needles."

It isn't how I handle it, it turned into a habit of numbing my pain when puberty along with peer pressure resulted in me taking different types of drugs to immobilize my emotions. At a certain point, I didn't need to have them, my body well accumulated to the surroundings and now even the strongest drugs are a slight pinch of salt on my tongue.

"Don't you know Dr. Russo I am a woman with many surprises?" I wink at her causing her to chuckle while the nurse beside her mouthed a gagging sound.

"I think someone needs a mouth refresher or it's better to remove the tongue which is creating a problem," I speak softly yet my eyes are throwing daggers toward the nurse whose eyes find my glare and run away.

"Run, it's not like you are wearing panties after having sex with your co-worker," I grumble making Dr. Russo laugh.

"She really did that?" My glare returned to her retreating figure and with a pout on my face nod.

"Yes, who told her to have sex adjacent to my room and now walking with no panties."

"How do- Leave it. I am not interested to ask how." I smirk and again the door bursts open and comes Xavier.

"Thank the fuck, God, you are still alive. I didn't get this month's payment and you can't die after kicking my hard work." I show him the bird.

"Caterina, I am going down to bring a meal for you. Do have them and then another medicine after fifteen minutes." I nod my head smiling at her and she walks out.

My smile soon turns into a scowl as I look at Xavier. "Any information from the captive?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing. He isn't giving a shit." I bob my head up and down.

"Oh, also I need to talk about that police officer?" My eyes approve him to talk further. "Well when we carried you here, he received a message. Shall we track his messages?"

"No, it's not like he knows we are keeping an eye on his privacy." Xavier's eyes widen and he looks at me guiltily.

I sigh tiredly. "Now what did your over-confident brain do?"

He scratches his back and whispers lowly. "I somehow informed him that we are keeping track on his phone." I lift up an empty tray and throw it at him.

He yelps glaring at me but sighs. "I deserve that."

"You piece of shit, who told you to open your crocodile mouth?"

He shrugs and fuck again the door burst open. I sigh. "I guess there shall be a replacement of the door after a few minutes."

Carlos rushes toward me hugging my body making me wince in pain when he unintentionally pressed too hard on my forearm. I punch his chest making him pull back, he looks down and his eyes widen while I glare at him. He quickly mutters, "Sorry."

"How are you?"

"I did open my eyes so yeah I am still alive." I roll my eyes.

"Don't say like that Caterina, we all know what's your worth in each of our life." I sigh again. "T-this time I-I thought o-of losing y-you forever."

I shrug. "I was earlier in Disney princess. Can't die so easily." He chuckles. I wipe his tears and tell him,, "Adora was a mess when this again happened and even you know how much she hates this place." I smile nodding my head.

Adora has a miscarriage twice and after that, she doesn't want to be here as this place reminds her of the pain she received earlier. Bianca and Vittoria follow. Vittoria tries to jump on the bed as I chuckle looking down at the tiny creature with a firm determination to get up.

Finally, Xavier does her job making her glare at him cutely. Carlos stands up acknowledging their presence. Ever since he did the worst thing to Bianca, their years of friendship broke, and now stood two different individuals. Carlos still grieve for the loss he had but Bianca turned into someone Carlos wished to never do the work.

He walks out not before glancing at Bianca's back. Who does he love the most? Bianca or Adora? Well, I am not at all interested in polyamory relationships though.

"How are you, Bella?" I smile at her.

"I am fine bambina, how are you?" Her teary eyes break my heart.

"I-I thought I-I lost y-you." I coo to her as she sobs loudly. Bianca shakes her head lifting Vittoria while she mewls. Bianca glares at her daughter. "She is injured and you can't hurt her."

Vittoria reluctantly nods her head and both of them walk out not before Bianca offers her motherly speech, "Do take care of yourself and I will ask Xavier to bring healthy meals for you."

I roll my eyes yet nod my head. As soon as they both walk out I turn to look at Xavier. "Do give me the updates of that fucker who is in our basement." Xavier nods his head.

"Si capo." He bows down and walks away. I close my eyes leaning against the headboard. The door again bangs open. I furrow my brows, and still, my eyes are closed.

"Damn give this patient a rest." I groan earning a chuckle from the male person. I quickly open my eyes and look at him.

I smirk saying, "Pet." He rolls his eyes.

"I think you are the last visitor for today."

The game is like a vagina and the winner is the meat between the thick folds this game is a turn-on from both sides. I can assure you that by the look given to each other.

I want to forge Aris to fall for me like how Ares from Greek mythology fell for Aphrodite, so madly that even his last breaths would be of the name of his lover. A chant repeatedly spelled like those saints worshiping their Goddess. I look at him and him at me, the thick sexual tension is so welcoming as if the whole world is melting down underneath our giant feet. All we have to do is watch who falls for the whose trap.

He or I.

Thanks to everyone who read up till here and damn bro we completed 10 fucking chapters.

𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦! 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?
𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺?

But but but, peeps do follow me on Instagram and on wattpad to get notify about my upcoming project and notifications respectively.

You can even follow me on Pinterest to access to some sexy photos *pukes*


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