11. idiota

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warning: violence included

HE TAKES A seat beside my bed and sighs. The silence is awkward but I don't mind it at all. I look at him, more like examining his calculating moves, ready to lunge if I witness any wrong steps. He may be a new pet to my old world but young enough to play old games.

"So how are you?" I smirk at him folding my arms.

I shrugged before saying, "How shall I be? Good, well more than good. Just woke up from my deep slumber. Tell me how are you?" I eye the faded bruise at the tip of his lips but don't say anything.

He too shrugs. "Fine just like you." Just when I am about to ask him about his brown stain, the door again opens revealing Dr. Russo. She barely acknowledged him and approaches me. She puts a beige sling securing the bandage inside it.

"Why is this?" I ask her.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Well, Cate- I mean Capo, you do know right that if I let you keep your arm down then the pressure on the upper side will increase which will result in pain to your already injured skin."

"Thanks, and when will I take it off?" I tap the soft material with my eyes holding down.

"Aren't you always too excited to remove anything that restricts you to do your job?" I wink at her causing her to sigh.

She mutters lowly to herself yet I hear it as she says, "this girl is hell."

"Fine then. Carlos did all the paperwork and you are free to go by this afternoon." I nod my head, excited to be finally back and no more bitter meal from Bianca as per her so-called healthy food shits.

She walks out and then a nurse arrives placing a bowl of soup and a small box where a white medicine is kept. I drink the tasteless soup ignoring the presence of someone who is continuously boring his eyes on me.

"What?" I ask irritated by his constant watch on my every move.

"Nothing. Just curious as to how you will handle your culprit," I smirk in return.

"Really? Are you that much interested to know about the techniques I implement to extract information from my culprit?"


"Aren't you too excited?" I retort.

He shrugs folding his legs and stretching his tights. Damn if only I wasn't inactive right now.

"I am curious."

"Even you say that."

"So, will you let me watch how you seek justice?" He drags the justice word too long like hollow chalk on a blackboard.

"And why shall you witness our kind of justice?" I narrow my eyes at him.

He smirks at me. "Why, master? Afraid that I will expose your hideouts?" I snort at his statement.

"It's good to know you are so interested to know about my justice giving but I am no fool to fall for your traps."

He feigns shock hearing my lines, "What? No way. I thought the big bad Reaper isn't afraid of anything. Too bad she can't even handle her captive properly." He indicates himself while speaking.

"Get ready for coming with me. After two and a half hours later, I will be meeting you down in the basement while one of my woman guards will make you follow the lead. Do listen to me Aristide, it's not about who hurts whom. You are for sure going to be infected by my given dose. So, later don't speak shits about the unknown scene you will witness."

When I was a child, I was always curious about the uncertain path that leads to marking my body with bruises. Emotional torture was kind of intolerable as I got to absorb them for the past seventeen years, no ointment, no therapist, nothing. I had to lift the broken pieces of myself to be who I am now.

Rebecca was curious as to how will be the reaction of Dante when I was born, my curiosity was the fortune teller for my upcoming performance, Amelia's curiosity was how to mislead her husband and Dante was whom to give his shits.

Curiosity never kills anyone until it's the past, one is trying to dig into.

Aristide's black orbs find those curiosities, he is curious about the present acts but once he starts to dig the past, he certainly will meet his end no matter if I or anyone has the shackle to pull him and throw him in hands of Hades.

"Aren't you too full of yourself?"

I smirk stretching the skin of my inner thigh and slapping it making the muscle jiggle. "I had proper meat with no broiler chickens."

For the first time, I hear him laugh, so infectious and so electrifying. I am mesmerized looking at how he closed his eyes, throwing his head back in the air where his thick volume of hair waves. I quickly snap out of my daydream and look outside the window.

"How do you know I like greenery?"

"Well, your house speaks more than cement and bricks."

I chuckle dryly looking at him more like trying to find more emotions rather than the hint of curiosity that lies in his dark obsidian orbs. "How did you get hurt?" He smirks at me.

"I thought you won't be asking that."

I snort at his prideful talk. "You can tell me or not it's not like I didn't see the wound on Carlo's knuckles."

He glares at me. "If you knew then good. We fought, that's it."

"Why are you here?" He doesn't speak for a while but then answers my question.

"I wrote in my wish list."

"And what is your first wish, my pet?"

"Don't invade my privacy even if it's a piece of shit where my contacts and messages are loaded."

My expression gives zero evidence of whatever he is searching for. "Really? Then how can I get to know that you are not contacting our enemy and your friend."

He waves his hand in the air. "Oh come on! I just wished for something but now I can see you won't be fulfilling anything of mine."

"Fine, I will get my way through it. You have my word now fuck off." I slowly get down from the bed and approach the bathroom.

"Don't you need help?"

"Then come and help me piss, idiota."

We finally reach our home. "Why did you grant him the wish and blocked all the networks to access any information, Caterina?" I look at Xavier who has a good ugly face.

I open the door to my car. "Promises can be broken, Xavier. My family did and so can I. He needed assurance and we offered him that. The last date of each month will be taken into the record. What does he think? That I became a pussy who thinks from her vagina? What a sick joke!" I sneer.

"Fine then. Just be careful, Caterina. We are keeping an interested officer to cut off our throat, especially the Reaper and that's you."

We reach the basement and I order one of my guards to bring my pet. After a few minutes, he arrives. "You asked how we seek justice. Well, this is our way to seek our first step and that is investigation." Carlos growls after seeing Aristide. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Do you have any problem with my decision-making?"

Carlos reluctantly shakes his head. I nod my head and ask, "Shall we?"

Aristide walks straight and stands beside me. "Are you going to wear this dress? You can change, get refreshed, and then come and have your investigation."

"I am not interested to drench my fresh clothes and again bath. I will do it when I am fully stained with your so-called justice." I retort and we all walk inside.

The basement smells like antiseptic liquids, a sign of covering the real crime. I saunter to my newest prisoner. A chair is placed in front of the man as I sit down on the wooden object eyeing the already dead male.

I fold my legs resting one upon another, my uninjured elbow resting on the arm of the wooden piece and my face on my palm. "Wake this fucker."

A bucket of ice water is thrown at him making him recoil from the sudden free wash. I beam when he opens his wide fearful eyes. "Look, our favorite person of the day woke up. Now tell us soon Jerry about the information we all want from you."

Everyone knows how I handle the task unfortunately my pet. He looks confused by the sudden sweetness that invaded my tongue. Whereas, our little Jerry looks afraid of us.

I look around and furrow my brows. "Where is my drink?" One of my woman guards runs toward me with a bottle of mixed juice. I smile at her, thanking her and sipping the juice through a straw.

My brows are still furrowed when no response was heard. I playfully slap his injured arm making him wince in pain. "Hey, tell me who sent you here?" I whine.

He looks at me as if I grew two cute little horns like an incubus. When no response was granted to me, I pull out the knife stacked behind Carlos's back and sliced open his cheek. I kiss my teeth glaring at the weaker male. He cries in agony but the strings he pulls are music with a broken mic.

I put my body forward smirking at him. "That's why your leader left you to die along with the brave soldiers. Too bad you weren't any use to him." I rest my back against the top rail of the chair sipping my drink.

His eyes bore at mine yet we both don't look away. I sigh later, my eyes dip with sympathy as I eye him. "I feel bad that they use you and then threw you in our hands knowing that you will be captured by us and die slowly in a painful death, after all, a week one is the last one to speak about someone who feeds him well, right?"

Manipulation done or created is a charm spelled by a powerful witch but here no such wiggling of fingers will lead to abound magical trap issue shits. In this century, the tongue is the dagger to stab your soul and these types of daggers are my favorite mementos. I mentally count to ten and boom we get the reaction we are eagerly waiting for.

"The Ivanov family from the Buryat state of Russia wants you." I internally smirk. Instead, I feign shock and look at him.

"Really? Do you know I love Pelmeni, but I never thought I will be hating the country maker?" I fake sob throwing the empty bottle behind not knowing who got targeted. Whatever.

My emotions quickly fade away and I ask him, "So what's the plan?" It's his time to smirk at me.

"Fuck you." I pull out the shown red muscle of the peel-out skin making him cry.

"Fuck me? I already have my pet to do so." I lash the dagger across his arms where metallic liquid flowed down like a Nile river.

"Trace the tracker of their car and find the last location they had before arriving at my estate," I order Carlos as he nods and walks away.

I stand up and look down at the red human meat. I crouch down to his level. "Pity isn't shown to weak people and you, my captive, your sir did the best thing to send you here. I will treasure your buried ashes and offer them a sense of resemblance so that later they can have the DNA examination to find that they did a great job to remove a weak one." Gasoline traces around his body, a ghost rider who is offering like a Grim Reaper to seek justice.

I smile at his scarred face, a sacrificial lamb offered to the Moon Goddess so that she blesses us with her power. I withdraw a pack of cigarettes and take one out of the whole set and put it in my mouth. The brown roll is held down to get burned and produce the cancer activation chemicals.

I place my palm in front when one of my men offers me his lighter. I burnt down, unfolding the dead rotten taste of tobacco. I inhale the smoke and exhale it like a pro. "Do you know, pet? Even we have soldiers and armies who die for us but unfortunately, their names aren't engraved on the walls like yours. Funny isn't it? The name tags are the same yet the featuring roles are different." He doesn't say anything as he looks solely to what shall be my next move.

I smile sadly, an act of grimacing another bodily waste. "Any last wish?"

I ask my captive who has his eyes open looking at his death preparation. He laughs loudly, a cruel one might I add to do nothing but bore me. "You will die Reaper, whoever you are. I am sad you sent a pussy to kill me. Be a man and face me."

I chuckle dryly. "The Reaper is here, idiota."

He squints his eyes as he looks around more like scanning and then when I notice something that should have been secured before. A fucking piece of camera. The dagger that I have put behind my belt, I pull it out and hit the piece of camera shit.

He looks down where the camera is, right at the center of his heart. "They used the same shit to hide their sight, damn Russians. And to answer your question." I press the button up and down lighting the flame and then turning it off. I bend down pushing the button down where fire crafted his burnt cheeks as he cries loudly. "It's me, the pussy whom you considered to fuck but do ask Aphrodite to offer one nymph to you only if you reach to heaven instead where Hades is waiting for you with a garland."

I look down and pull the dagger out through my injured hand as pain shot right after I charge strength onto it. I throw it down. "Xavier, give me the report of this shit." He bends down to lift it and walks out not before bowing in front of me.

"Say goodbye, dickhead." I take a good centimeter and throw the case of lighter which ignites fire as soon as it landed on the liquid. What a soulmate!

"In Hindu saying that burning a dead body helps the departed soul to get over any attachment. It may have developed for the deceased person and I think I am helping it." Mythology, and firm beliefs are the only ones that kept me curious about finding the truth behind those writings. I become a priest one night and by the next day, I again become the Hel, the daughter of Loki.

I had read lots of myths and the belief people have in them is remarkable and sometimes stupid. Mother had a firm belief she could be the Eve but oops she forgot that she must die to poison the human world.

"He shall come with roses

but will stab you with thorns.

He has words stored for you that will be honey,

but he shall poison the liquid.

Be aware princess,

the actual ruler is arriving."

Those were the last words he could say before he died. No, it isn't a light-hearted poem, it's a warning that I shall not take this warning lightly at any cost.

Any last thought or comment I shall read before deleting the app from my phone?
Your companionship allows me to cope up but if you are the one who don't, it breaks my heart and without any content it feels burden to me.

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