24. childhood

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to understand her character, past occurrence are inserted to familiarise with her. Also, there won't be any updates for how long I don't know. Until I finish this book offline I will not update and plus, by the amount of readers reading my last chapter literally broke my bravery. Till then, have a shame and click on the star button


mercury 𝖻𝗒 𝗀𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖾


MY SMILE remains content as I look around the room said by my mother as it's my personal space.

"Momma, I am hungry." She taught me how to speak Italian. Even though I am not that expert still I try to bring a smile to her stone-hearted face.

She snaps her head as she is talking to a man double her size and height. She is merely reaching to the fat man's chest however her violet eyes widened and a warning is thrown at me to keep my mouth shut.

I whimper but keep the promise she made me do it, after all, she is my mother. The attention my mother gained soon dissipated when the man turns to look at me, eyes that darkened making me feel disgusted.

"So, you have a daughter, I see?" The man asks.

Mother grunts and shakes her head, "No. She isn't my child. My sister left me with this piece of garbage and I have to take the responsibility." Lies. I want to say that they are all lies.

My lips quiver as I say silently, "But you are my real momma." Her blazing eyes glare in my direction.

"I will meet you later, Henry. I have some work to do."

With that, her figure strides in my direction. My ponytail is being pulled by her as she drags me to an unknown path. Darkness invades my eyes as I wail saying sorry hundred times.

"I told you not to speak in front of my people but you did. So, now." She pauses in front of a wooden door and turns back to see me.

She crouches down to my level, white lights illuminated on her face partially but the look on her face, and especially her eyes where the round purple orbs darken with a hint of monster in it.

I face the devil that night. That night she made me believe that not every angel are pure, few are monster.

How the scene will detect if you are a witness to such a horrendous scene? She threw me in jail, locked it, and walked out not even listening to my cries. I was a child, six years old who had huge dreams of becoming a jeweler but like a pearl necklace, the threads detached scattering the white round crystals echoing the lonely path.

Two days and one night I was left there. The next day, she acts like how she did earlier. Concern laced her face and I, being a stupid idiot believed that it was all a stupid scene but not every day.

Every time I voice out my likes and dislikes she threw me in that rotten jail, another home to me at that time.

But what made that little ten-year-old snap back, in reality, was when she used her hand to shut me up by kicking me. Hurting my ribs until my diaphragm refuses to expand.

I lay there closing my eyes and sobbing in pain as she screamed and hurt me once more and walked out.

Again, the next day she acted like a concerned member of that disgusting blood I had me running through my veins but now I knew about her intention. She pushed me away from her fake embrace and hugged the doctor behind her. She glared at me but smiled tightly giving me one last glare and a promise of a tight-fitting kick night.

I met Dr. Russo that day and from that day, that second I made a strong bonding with her. She treated me every time I accidentally got hurt.

What happened for a few months with gaps now the crimes happened every week. I had to wince in school and wear long sleeves and the once beauty now became the beast everyone is scared of.

I close the door silently but pause when I hear background noises. I quietly tip-toed and put myself back in front of the wall. "No, it's too less. €4millions are too light for a tight virgin."

I gasp peeking through the gap of the door that left. "Are you sure Caterina is still that tight virgin you are saying?"

My mother laughs at the ridiculous question. "Of course, she is that tight little virgin. I get updates from her friend circles. A guy had a crush upon her but when he refused to stop his approach, I had to kill that shit."

Tears threaten my eyes remembering my sweet Marcus smiling and waving at me but soon his hand is now covered in blood and his white dress soaked in the blood of his DNA. I muffle my tears and dash out of the scene. I stop calling her my mother from the day I got to know about her real identity.


That's what I called her from then onwards. I was a child damnit. Adelina's mother provided comfort but soon she died pulling back all the warmth away. A child acting like a mature woman is like telling everyone I reached to Sun.

I lost my virginity with full consent at 16 years knowing that Rebecca's trap was getting nearer and nearer.

"How dare you do this?" I clench my fist dropping my anger to the lowest level, after all the master herself taught me the act of numbness.

She again slaps me right across my face. "I am sorry." I was home-schooled cause she wanted to have her fun sucking others' dick in front of me while training for this day. I roll my eyes internally.

"Sorry?" She screeches. "Is that what is now left to say?"

I bow, "Yes. I am sorry. I hope you can accept my apology but it was my consent. I seem to follow the trend to do the most erotic couplings so I t-"


I look at the hand that was shaking. Good.

I never liked meat but to please the master, my father I had to do so. I started eating the gross scales and fats digging my mouth like a craved pig but I know if I don't, next will be poison and I needed to store my body to kill the monster myself.

"Day will end and night shall rise but remember this mother, my vengeance has just begun. Soon, I shall hold the metal inhaling the smell of the gunpowder licking the edge while watching your body get burned." She hates speaking another language so I spoke Russian, a language she shall never know but I must say I felt content looking at her helpless face.

"Good night, momma." This time I speak Italian.

She rubs her forehead but soon relaxed her face pulling out her famous charming face as a guest appears from behind me.

"Hello, Jimmy."

Good luck in remembering dickhead names. I walk out turning back to look at the dick who hungrily eyes Rebecca as a piece of meat.

The roar of the crowd irritates me. I scratch my thighs, a process whenever I am a nervous wreck. I roam my eyes at five different manly-like elephants in the room who are winning on their respective slots and I mine. My back aches to wince at the pain remembering when the fucker threw me on the rocky ground.

Six. Three against each other. I sit in the corner while my boss sent nonsense instructions about my stamina and all those other formalities he needed to provide to me. The strength of women can never surpass men and this line must be underlined with bold letters but we have one thing that they fail miserably i.e. complexity.

We are like coordination compounds. We know well enough when to be aqua or cyanide. We can be like chelating ligands forming a ring to trap our prey and have our own feast. I smirk knowing fully I have decided my prey, my next target.

Rebecca made me do this just to satisfy my ego and pride in Dante and so I did. The next time she pulls her witch skills, I shall put a shield to block any powerful impacts received from her weapons.

Men are allowed to choose to try to leave a rotten piece for me. So, I decided to inflict Women's Right here. What's a war when there isn't a pinch of your accommodations? "It should be me who will choose the first item. After all, a woman first, right?" I smirk eyeing three of my so-called competitors. They glare at me while the two beside me looked at me like I am the source of pneumonia.

The crowd howl in laughter mocking my words while I stay there smiling coldly at them. I gasp dramatically, "Why? Don't you all know the characteristics that the Equality Act protects? Well, let me rephrase them. They are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation."

The crowd now appeared to be quiet to my liking. I chuckle coldly shaking my head, "Shall I choose my partner?" Three against three and then the runner ups but I can't be a runner-up. I want to- no need to be first.

The referee present at ringside raises his thumb making me smile internally. I take a step front and choose one, the only person who is limp at that moment. His right leg has been brutally injured and it won't take time to break the side discarding the so-called limb from his body.

The rest followed. I take my stance blocking the referee from my perspective. I curl my fingers tightly on the dirty hand wraps hidden in gloves. My knuckles bruised so did my soul and now all that is left out is to win. I blow out a breath through the mouth guard eyeing him as we made a circle one moving and the other following.

As soon as the bell rang, we pounce. I need to win the ten points to score and for him to break. He makes his jab while I block the path wincing slightly when my bruised knuckles again got wounded. No rules, only win. Death or alive.

So, I think of making an uppercut. I go slightly close to him for the close-range punch. Squatting a little, I drive my fist upwards into a punch keeping my elbow bent at a right angle. His chin got the injury making him fall back. I make a flying side kick on the injured leg making him scream in agony. Poor man.

He bends glaring at me while I smirk at him. His fingers quickly tug my hair arching my body painfully in front of him. I wince when he throws me down raising his hands in the air to blow a straight punch at my face. I cross my hands blocking the punches that are showering on my face.

I kick his jewels allowing him to fall down on the other side yet within seconds his legs catch hold of mine. I yelp in pain knowing how painfully he is twisting my ankles. I try to scratch his body but can't. I grab sand and throw it at his face making him release the tight grip. I quickly release myself from his grasp and now I am the owner to hold him.

I straddle his waist and just when I am about to raise my fist to punch him, he speaks. "Oh. How feisty you are. It feels damn good to be in such positions. Hope I can call you after this match wh-" I don't let him finish the line and hit square his face.

"Damn right. I know I am damn feisty. Do you know how? Like this." I raise my fist and punch the side of his injured side. He yells in pain but I pay no heed to his overbearing screams finally he pauses and so did the crowd.

My bloody face smile at the referee whose eyes widen and a look of horror pass across his face.

I won.

And finally the last round. We three look at each other. Tiredness covers our whole body and soon desperation to pause and resume the next day is quite clear but none could. So, we three do what we were supposed to. Right man did the rear uppercut breaking my jaws but I don't pause to reflect the pain.

I pull his leg down jabbing my left side target while kicking the man that fell down. The left one makes a straight punch as I sidestep step giving a lead body kick aiming my lead leg right below his ribcage.

The one below me pushes me forward and both of them lunge over me. I roll to the other side huffing and inhaling air as the only necessary element to me for contentment. My greasy hair drag sweat and I shake my head standing with wobbly legs. I roll my shoulders placing my hand in front of my face. I examine each one of them and finally get one of the faults in them.

I make a run on the right one but change my track snapping the left one's head. His neck holds brutal injury forming a black patch. The crack of the neck is heard the silent crowd still didn't utter any word and I am flattered by their cooperation.

No blood bath but a simple detection of pros and cons.

Finally, that left both of us. A bulky man and a wobbly girl. A power none of us now could process. My back now started to bleed by the harsh inputs produced by these idiots and he found mine. So, now he will be using my tactics.

He attacks me from behind breaking my nose in the process. I have to hold back a groan and quickly try to make a back kick but now he knows every step of mine and it causes me to be a failure. With a huge load over my body, I had to use large force to throw him back on the ground so that I could be over him.

His grip on my neck tightens, and my legs kick the ground as air has been cut off. "Umbria." A Goddess I found while crafting my idol and she is the only creator I look up to. I elbow him, if we were in the Olympics definitely this would have been foul. The pain he got earlier in his ribs now again is constructed by me.

His grip on mine loosen a little bit but not fully to escape me but enough for me to inhale a large amount of air. My hands quickly find his head and I pull him roughly through his neck, then with accuracy sharpening the points of fingers behind his head and unknown to the referee with a force I push them right dislocating a part where detachment is wide and clear.

A secret only I mustered learning as I watched Jackie Chen's moves. The once silent crowd after ten seconds cheered for their new winner.

I won.

This time fully accesses life without any penalty. Cheating leads to survival even if it's for a second and I will not lose any chance. I rise, like a lioness after having her meal. But my face don't hold any smile just a sight of neutrality confusing the crowds yet they didn't stop howling in joy cheering for what they didn't do.

Darkness looms over me and I close my eyes.

They say run away from the creatures of darkness but what if they are already injected into your system? What will be your definition of yours?

Will you call us a monster?

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