25. challenge

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Wishing you everyone a very happy new year


the turnaround by gemini

I GROAN OUT LOUD as I visualize her naked body behind the curtain. The shadow was enough to make me color the shaded region through my imagination.

Shit. I shouldn't think about it but my dick wants to as it pummels between my palms. The way her breasts arch upward glowing in yellow dim light does nothing sort of calm my raging erection. I moaned thinking of grabbing those luscious tits again.

I furiously rubbed my pointed pistol as it thoroughly piston out white liquids that fall on the cemented floor of the bathroom. The way she so delicately pulls her dress lets her hair cascade down just near her waist. God, I still remember her thick volume when we had that stupid foreplay and I never had a certain fetish that I have with her body parts.

Her ass perches back when she bends pulling out the pants she wore. "Fuck." I curse visualizing groping her soft skin. I punch the nearby wall trying to distract my heart from going inside the guilt trap. Aurora, will you forgive me after I have been stripped naked into an evil crawling your pure soul?

It's been two weeks since the last bomb is dropped. The first seed of the trap has been set by me. All it needs right now are care and a well-executed plan. Today, I will be going downstairs where we all are warned not to go. I have visited all the hooks and corners of this particular house and to say they were exhausting will be better said.

Coming to this part, a part of me is well known to the world that I seek adventure. The curiosity that lies within me can't be tamed until I break the barriers leading to either another day or numb my breath.

"How are you?" Bianca asks me as I sit down on the dining chair beside Caterina who hasn't arrived yet now. I look for her but couldn't find where she went.

I put on a small smile, "I am feeling great." I am thankful that she has been taking care of me for the past two weeks meanwhile, Caterina, though acts like a tough bitch, she often comes to my room to check my health especially when I have my beauty sleep.

I get to know when once by chance I had to pee and went to the bathroom. As soon as I come out the sound of someone opening my door comes to my notice. The lock is been opened by the outsider so to catch the person red-handed I pretended to sleep.

"I hope you stay safe and healthy." Those were the only words that froze me from taking any vicious step but it stops beating when she completed her sentence. "So, that I can finally fuck you."

With that she walks away, leaving me and my body hot due to sex hormones. From then onward the picture I tried so hard to forget finally crashed down making me masturbate to her beautiful Aphrodite figure.

"No." I shake my head trying to distract myself from doing the same shit again. After again a proper bath, I walk out of the bathroom and start dressing. The door opens and appears to her.

"Good morning my pet." I clench my jaws pulling my head out from the large hole of the vest. I don't know where she is and now she is behind me. Who is she? A cat?

After a moment of awkward silence, she speaks, "I will be shifting your mother to a hotel where she will be residing for a week cause she is still not fit to travel long distances."

My eyes widen and I turn back to find any dark jokes behind but when her eyes shout sincerity I drop my eyes on the floor.

"Thanks," I grumble.

"At least you still have manners." She whispers. "So, what will you do today? Again visit the gardens or do you want to move out of the house and give a good walk?"

My eyes furrowed in confusion, "With are you so good to me these days?" I ask.

"Good? It's a warming procedure my pet. And after staying inside the house for around a month will be kind of claustrophobic don't you think? Even I don't like to stay in the house for so long."

Is she trying to open a piece of her in front of me? But I need to check the perimeters and finally, that room is hidden from us.

I shake my head, "It's fine. Thanks for suggesting your thoughts to me but today I need a day for myself. Tomorrow we shall go."

There is a pregnant pause before she says, "I am suspecting your sudden submissive side. Whatever. Make sure to be ready tomorrow then, we will be going out for night dinner."

I press my lips together to bold out the words as I am not a fucking submissive but do not when my opposite party is satisfied at the current moment. Instead, I nod my head and she moves out.

I release my breath which I didn't know I was holding and quickly run to the balcony waiting for five minutes until she comes out which she finally did.

Now I have fifteen minutes to act like I am in my dreamy world and aimlessly follow an uncertain path that reached a farm.

"What are you doing here and who are you?" I turn to look at an elderly woman who is glaring at me more like my feet. I look down and jump back finding out that I have stepped on a newly formed leaf plant.

"I am so  sorry." Her glare is enough for me to step back and chuckle nervously.

"You didn't answer my question, you man. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

I bow down giving respect to her, a manner well taught to me by my mother. "I am Aristide and I-" She waves her hand dismissing my lines.

"I know who you are. Boss told me about you." I arch my brows up as I wait for her to continue her sentence.

"And?" I press trying to gain anything from her mouth but she tightly presses her lips concealing her laughter but soon burst out shaking her head. She bends down lifting a cream basket where a large number of tomatoes are being stored.

"Let me help you." I insist but through her one glare, I pause my humanitarian and take a step back to return to the garden where large and thick bushes are waiting for me.

I access my surroundings knowing fully that anyone will be there to look over me and I was right. Wasting nearly two months, I am well acquainted with their tricks and scores. Finally ending at my destination, I achieve nothing but a breath of fresh air. I greedily inhale the purified oxygen sniffing the fruity smell.

A quick snap is heard and I hurriedly bend a little and made a swift run back to the backdoor of the palace. I make a quick rush to a small cabin that reached the cursed closet. I craned my neck to look at the huge door hidden in a closet. Darkness loomed as soon as the door of the cabin closed.

I fetch out my phone and click on the flashlight illuminating light around me. I scan the ancient hefty craft decorated on the mahogany door. I pull back a key matching the lock outside the door that I stole from that old gardener who always keeps her eyes on this area.

Two months. A big deal to know who is doing what role and even mine.

The sound of clicking echoed through the closed room and a final push was done to reveal what was behind such a beautiful palace. Is it another haunted place I was warned about or a Heaven I was prevented from?

But what make me the shock was a long narrow passage of darkness invading the underground room. I tear apart thousands of webs created by ancestors of spiders of that door but inside there is nothing sort of untidiness. I furrow my brows and then a sudden thought surfaces in my brain, it's a hidden passage.

I continue my walk as I saunter to a final stop in the hallway and turn right to another one. When will it end? I think as I don't stop for once. Ultimately, I come to a room and push it open. The sound of the creaking door was like a door opened after hundred years. I peep inside and found a bed, nicely tucked, and other objects.

Nothing gives me of place vibe but then a certain frame does. My brows furrow as I look properly, I lift it and examine it closely, and lastly get to know that the picture was none other than Caterina.

The same picture I got when I invaded her office room. But here the girl somehow looked happy. Those glisten of eyes shone like light sparkling in her newfound adventure. The light pink dress so beautifully wrapped in her tiny slimy body showed she was well pampered. I am about to keep it down when a sudden point got missing and I immediately take a shot at it.

I bury my face in that picture and find a slight brown ring on her wrist. I push back and again examine that picture and see how she is holding a chair beside her so tightly as if weighing her weight on that wooden piece. Her lips quiver but never her sweet dreams, just like how children of her age reward themselves to build another castle of hope which may shatter later by an outbound category.

But this picture proves a certain point, she was abused. But another question arises. Who did that?

I sighed in relief when the door doesn't make a sound. I succeed in taking a copy of the key. Now all I need to do is to use the copy and make a duplicate key.

"Where were you?" I jump back frighten by the intruder's voice.

I composed my calm as quickly as possible. I look down, "I was in the garden."

"Really?" Another voice interrupts.

I look at Carlos who glares at me. "Yes." I shrug acting nonchalant about the matter.

"It's not like your capo allows me to go out." I sneer at him.

"He is telling the truth," Caterina speaks after ending her call which is definitely to the security guard.

I mock him, "So yeah. I was really in the garden."

Carlos expands his chest trying to match mine, "Wanna show who is better than the other?"

I arch a brow looking at him. "How?"

He smirks at me, " Wanna fight with me?"

I look down at my fading scars. "Afraid that I might win?"

Is he trying to get on my nerves?

All of them wait for my answer while he tries to ignite fuel. "Maybe the police daddy is afraid, I guess."

I know it's not a long chapter but as we reached 7K, a small gift from my side to you all. I hope I can finish this chapter as fast as possible so that I can upload more chapters frequently.

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