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nightmare by plenka

MY MUSCLES flex as I look around with my head being the greatest pain in arse. I have to blink rapidly in order to remove any blury image from my sight. "You shouldn't have drank." The voice booms in my ears making me wince in pain.

Someone hands me a tablet and a glass of water and I drink it at one go along with the tablet. The scenery somehow manages to lessen it's haziness and I see Bianca and her daughter Vittoria, who smiles shyly at me.

"I apologize for that but didn't know that two glasses of wine can do that harm." I say.

She narrows her eyes. "Didn't drink in your lifetime?"

I nod. "I did but they were mild. Last night was too strong."

"And yet you had."

I shrug. "I guess listening from a stranger that your mother died will definitely put you in coma of drinking wine."

Bianca places a small plate of toast. "Brush your teeth and then have it." I nod. I stand and my feet wobbles as I walk toward the bathroom side. Vittoria giggles from behind.

"What's so funny, V?"

"A, you are in wrong side. The door is on the other." I turn to find that she is indeed right and then something clicks in my mind.

"Where are we?"

"Took you too long, huh?" This time Bianca asks. I shrug casually as I wait for her reply. She shakes her head as if contemplating why she is in this position. "We are being shifted to another room. Today we will be separated and departed to different places in order to lose Ivanov's track on us."

The words register slowly in my brain. I have to again create a map of the new place and a hidden escape that I found here. "Why?"

She again narrow her brows. "Are you kidding me? Don't you remember anything from yesterday?" When I nervously shake my head she groans. "Ivanov attacked us."

"How?" I ask.

She fold her arms and glares at me. "Capo said you had a tracker device and with the help of it they found out this place."

"How come?" I run my fingers through my hair and try to remember bits and pieces of last night's event.

"How come I know? Vittoria, come. We have lots of work to do rather than telling stories."

Vittoria again giggles but replies, "Can I stay with him for sometime?" Just when Bianca tries to say something she makes a cute face and soften her request. "Please, mommy?"

Bianca shakes her head and turns to look at him. "Fine then but later come to me or else now cupcakes for you." Vittoria squeals and hugs her mother before coming and sitting beside me.

"Hi, A."

I smile as I walk to the bathroom to clean my mouth. "Hi, V."

"Do you know, Bella got hurt and V don't like it." I pause the brushing of my teeth and spit out the white foam.

"How did she get hurt?"

Vittoria lips quivers. "Bad men hurt my Bella."

"Are you sure they were bad men, maybe women."

She aggressively shakes her head while I am afraid the knot adjoining her neck will snap due to her movement.

"Bad men. 'Cause only men can hurt just like daddy hurt my mommy." I quickly do my job and lift her up making her sit in the bed while I kneel to come to her level.

Tears freely escape from her eyes bit she doesn't wipe them away. "Not all bad people are men, few are women."

"No, Bella and mommy are not bad." I shake my head smiling at this lil girl.

"No, they aren't but that's to you whereas, to me they are bad."

Her brows furrow in genuine confusion. "How they are both bad and good?"

I sigh. "Perspective."

"Per-p-tve?" I laugh a little.

"Point of view. In your point of view they are good but in mine they aren't."

"Then change it." I again laugh.

"I want to, V. I do but not all perspective can be changed. And not all men are bad some are good. Just like some are good girls and some aren't."

She keeps silent and I thought she is getting ready to leave me but then she again says but quietly. "If I tell you something you will not tell anyone, cross my heart and hope to die?"

I look at her pinky finger as she extends to me. I smile and stretch mine. "Cross my heart and hope to die. But isn't it long, just say promise."

She shakes her head. "Bella once said promises are meant to be broken and I don't want that to happen ever." My heart warms of how deep their bond is.

"Fine then. Tell me."

She facepalms and mutters to herself 'forgetful v'. "I tried to make a girl friend when my mommy put me to school but then that girl pushed me and said I cannot because I am not like them. I have a different colour, you know na." She nods and her eyes sad as she looks down in shame.

"Hey, V. You are beautiful?" Her eyes shine in light. "I am?" She asks and I nod. "Yes, you are. You are very beautiful and do you know, God makes beautiful people different from others just like yours."

"It is?" I chuckle. "Yes, it is. See, you got a bad girl and good girls. You also got to know you are beautiful so let's make another deal. Next time if anything happens to you, do inform either your mother or your Bella, okay?"

She smiles kissing both of my cheeks. "Thank you, A. You're the best."

"Best than me?" We both turn our head to find Caterina standing more like depending on the clutch.

Vittoria giggles as she runs toward her. "Bella." She makes a hmph sound while struggling to hug Vittoria properly.

"How did you get hurt?" I ask her.

She replies still looking down at Vittoria. "Got shot near my kneecap." I make a wince face whereas, Vittoria rudely slaps her injured leg. She makes a omph sound but still manages to smile.

"Don't say like this, Bella." Her lips wobbles. "Do you know how fear I was when you bleed?" She extends her pinky finger. "Promise me you won't get hurt."

Caterina chuckles shaking her head as she cross her fingers that hold the clutch. "Pinky promise." Both are settled with fake prizes as they smile each other covering up the real identity.

Vittoria pulls back. "Oh, mommy here I come." She makes the starting of bike sound and runs to her mother leaving me and Caterina.

Then I find her nose ring absent where red region is present. Her one side cheek has a red long stretch. Looking at her condition shouldn't make me feel sad, so why do I feel like this shit? Blame it on drunken mind.

"Get ready. We need to be on the way to another location." She states roughly. The edgy tone in her voice somehow make me feel unsettle.

"Where are we going now? Don't you want me to take evidence to throw you into the prison?" I try to joke, well like my throat it's dry.

She roll her eyes as she limps to sit down in the bed. A sigh release from her mouth as she says to me, "I am tired."

A shock gasp escape from me. It's the first time she actually replied back without any snark left in the corner of her voice.

"Why are we going there?" I ask pushing the boundaries that she settled.

"To shift so that they couldn't trace us."


"Ivanov's." She spits out the surname as if it's laced in venom only that she doesn't know is she caught hold of the wrong road. The earlier was done by me.

I smirk internally at how crumpled she looks now with no crown and no one to lean on. I still remember meeting one of the Chief's associate last night. A plan I didn't want to mess with. Even though we will be again shifting but I can give full guarantee that all the notes I stacked under the ground with minor proofs and evidence will secure her tight position in prison.

I knew from the start that she won't leave me not until she kills me. I still have the gut feeling that wherever we are going is going to change everything. For her to again fall like a queen without a crown and me to rise like a king with vengeance. Just because we had sex will change my perspective, oh boy, was she wrong?

I smirk as the associate made a plan and I recreated it. Being drunk had it's side effect but the biggest one is that I won't be hold as a culprit here. Staying with Caterina taught me one thing and that is, if you need to prove your stance hide and pounce but it must be your mirror image cause no one will be able to trace it.

"-anyways, get ready. We are going in," she looks down her watch and mumbles, "twenty minutes."

Can't wait to explore the new prison. My hands feel itchy to get new information and stab her with them.

so, I was reading one of my earlier page and guess what? The part where I thought of letting Aristide feel protective around Caterina just turned into opposite. He once promised her that she will pay and he is exactly making her pay. Oh boy, I never actually used his FBI brain and that must be a bit unfair to him. So, I just proposed myself to make this chapter a short one to let you all know exactly what happened last night (I mean according to this book).

Anyways, my brain is not functioning to write any sex scenes, so probably you may/may not get. And to say the reason behind this attitude is I have been reading The Virgin Suicides and in first 44 pages I want to slap myself as to why did I fucking buy this book? It's so sexist and pervert. Like who the fuck uses a sewege system route to meet the beautiful daughters in bathroom. SEXIST. SEXIST. SEXIST.

Whatever, do vote and comment readers or else I will send Aristide to put you in prison. Look, how lonely our Caterina is!

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