39. haunted

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We finally reached 10K reads in such a long period and I am very thankful for that. Now that's a call for a celebration 🎉


➸911 by Ellise

AS THE ROAD CLEARS, my anxiety reaches its tip point. Although I am given two burner phones and no tracker, they don't know about the pearl necklace of Aristide's. So, earlier when I went to command him to remove it, I couldn't. The way they seem to cling to the owner bends my rule. He does not wear it as a fashion, but instead, as a choker of his imprisonment.

But before abandoning another mansion of mine, I gave my troop a different task. One is to find out about the hidden clubs, whorehouse, warehouse, and weapon settlement of Ivanov. Two, a search of the last trace. Three, block all of the breaching security and make up a new one. And four, all of our phones are under-watched. Messages, phones, use of cookies, Vpn, websites everything is in the open field. Also, a week to gain any information from that girl, Molly.

Now, all I need to do is wait, wait for the sound of the culprit that will soon be a victim on my radar.

The door opens as Adam bows in front of me. Like an addict with a dazed mind, I stand on the wet ground, my flats digging the soft surface but as my eyes wander around, the shiver of past wheeze by. I flinch at the turnover of the weather taking place. It's not adventurous, it's risky cause by the time I reach the old rust gate strong winds blow by, our eyes close where dust particles try to penetrate, and with lots of difficulty we all stand aligned in front of the horror show that only a few of us know.

It may sound horrifying but I guess as we reach near the radar, a sudden cold envelopes us. It's like decades of past lingering even in the air to find us to be the witness of such a show. My eyes look over the building, it's not only a block of dark history but the future of suspects in such mannerism of psychopathic and manual laborer's work to hide truths.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Carlos is the first one to break the brick. But due to the emotional blockage system down my throat, I couldn't just make any sound. My foot pulls me back, refusing to be the main character again of those days earlier.

I want to shake my head and say out loud to them that I don't want to go inside not where Rebecca and Amelia's soul still reside there along with the prison which was my home. With great difficulty, my head bobs up and down to tell Carlos I want to go inside.

"Why are you all acting like from here Conjuring next part will come?" Aristide asks scoffing lightly. He may not know what treasure he will get once he invades this property cause every block here speaks actions louder than words.

Carlos growls at him. "If I find any dirty hands of yours in the recent shit," he turns to look at me with sad eyes and then back to glaring at him, "mark my words Aristide, I will fucking be the happiest one to kill you."

Aristide straightens his posture and with a quick hit of the shoulder between them, he walks to stand beside me. I shake my head and with a slight tremble of fingers open the gate. But as soon it opens, stronger winds blow making me lose my balance and just when I am about to kiss the ground, someone holds me from behind and with a strong tug lifts me in a bridal style. Well, it's Aristide by the way.

He looks at me with concern. "Are you alright?" I can only nod and clutch his shirt tightly in case my weight makes him lose balance then.

Trees from either side of the entrance dance like praising God to accept the sacrifice and I know, it's us. With a step in the boundary, everything pulls us apart. Cold shudders are making me sweat profusely as we all struggle to get inside. Aristide's hand appears in front of me and tucks me in the column of his throat to hide me from the dark chamber but everyone knows the entire chamber is me.

Finally, after a tremendous amount of time, we reach the door of the house. The strong iron-made silver-like 80's door still is young and healthy to work so when Carlos pulls out another heavy key to open it, it opens smoothly but not before giving a chilling whistle of mockery to pull us back to where we started.

My wide eyes capture every set and ritual of everlasting consequences but due to the constant use of bleach applied here, there is not a single ounce of evidence found. Then my eyes reach to the staircase and I picture my mother and I standing on the stairs, her to be happy and mine to be psychic. The imagination turns out like a hologram as I watch how my younger self removes the safety and clicked the trigger without any remorse.

The frail body falls and my younger replica turns to look at me with dead eyes. With a cold smile, she aims the gun at me and just when she is about to hit me, Aristide turns me around to meet the audience I took with me on this journey.

Aristide eyes look over the soak-up blood-like spots on the photo frame placed in the mantle piece. He asks slowly, maybe to himself, "What happened here?"

No one can narrate a story beautifully like the villains. My being in such a category follows the antagonizing part. I glare at the frame where resides Dante and his real wife. My mother and I were placed far behind the family section like a disdain to look into.

Xavier put all the luggage and stands back with a taut face. I sigh clutching Aristide's collar tightly. "Thanks for following us here. Now, we must split before anyone gets hold of us." I state watching their face fall and dread holds each and everyone's faces. I cough a little trying to remove the traces of dryness in my throat. "Also, take care of Vittoria. I also asked one of the best schools to take her admission. All she needs to do is to give the test."

Bianca sniffles and rushes toward me. She bows down and speaks while sobbing. "Thank you. Thank you for everything. I may say it a lot but do know this, capo, I will always be grateful to you for sheltering me to stay and food to eat, a bed to relax, and fresh air to breathe freely."

My heart feels heavy as if this will be our last conversation but I cool down my emotion and softly say, "It's my honor to meet you in my life, Bianca. Your made meal is always my favorite and I will miss the taste," She tends to interrupt but I don't give her a chance, "but it's not only about your safety but your loved ones too and you do know you can't take up the risk to initiate that. So, even with a heavy heart pick up your smile and a firm belief that after this period everything will be alright. Again, we all will be under one roof where you make my favorite dish, okay?"

She frantically bobs her head and runs out of the house. I sigh giving Xavier an eye that tells him to look over her. He gets the instruction and quickly follows her. "Let me guide you to the room I will be staying in," I tell Aristide who nods.

"By the way is the house cleaned? It looks like it isn't." I choke in laughter.

"Not all rooms, five places are only cleaned. Your and mine bedroom and attached bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and my office."

"Who will clean the rest?"

"You," I state watching the horror surfacing in his face as his hold tightens more. I chuckle, shaking my head. "Tomorrow, we will have the maids and they will do the rest."

"Can I meet my mom?"

My smile falters at his question. I clear my throat. "After one week is over you can meet your mother. She is doing well though, if that's what you're worried about."

He shakes his head, "Not that. It's just that it will bring me comfort if I meet her face to face." I act like I understand but the inner fear of him leaving me consumes all of my rational thoughts. I agree that I am obsessed with him and I want to use the last three months fully with him, filling up my throat enough with him to dispose easily.

"But we need to be careful though. They may be tracking us and you out with your mother will bring attention to them. They already think they have killed your mother and you will bring enough limelight to your mother to remove her. Do you want to?" I ask him. He looks straight and then sighs. With his head shaking right and left I sigh in relief. "Then do wait for a week and then meet her."

"Fine. Lead the way."

I nod and we both head in the direction.

As the night approached, I step inside the kitchen and brought two dishes, two spoons, two forks, two bowls, and two glasses.

Bianca packed food for us so we have that in our dinner. Ultimately, we finished and Aristide washed the utensils and I cleaned them dry. We both act like we are dodging the big elephant and go to our respective bedrooms.

My footsteps stop when the gurgling sound comes from the attic. I walk in the direction and find the door opening itself welcoming me to enter. The low lights in the hall don't provide any attention inside the room.

With a bold step, I enter inside only for the door to get closed. I swiftly turn back to find no direction from where I came from due to the darkness invading my eyes. But I feel someone behind me and it calls me, "My sweet little Caterina."

If you didn't feel haunted, I did. Woah, the words I used were shitty but did give me chilly vibes.

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