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Streets by Doja Cat

I AM KEEPING AN eye on the diary I safely tucked under clothes in my wardrobe. I have no idea how I stumbled upon it but I guess luck did favor me to find it and by looking at how dusty and crinkled pages are, no one witnessed this book. I advance to the aim direction pull out the diary of Dante Berlusconi and move to the next page.

01st May:
Amelia was trying so hard to protect her daughter from me but all went in vain when her eyes landed on the trunk filled with euros, Her greed indeed swallowed the whole motherhood nature and as I confided to her what to do, she followed the same path.

I wanted to puke at how disgusting Dante could be. I flip over to the next page only to find a small orange folder. As I peer inside it, I find several photos but most of them are worn out. Two to four are torn apart so I have no idea what those photos are so I look over the other ones. My heart thunders out loud when I find small baby photos.

What the actual fuck?

I slide onto other pictures where the baby in one of them is naked, utterly naked. I close my eyes and remove the photo by dumping it into the folder. Next, I find four pictures only of the baby but at least they are decent. I sigh in somewhat relief but what strikes me the most are the obvious violet eyes means- my eyes widen in sheer disgust and utter disappointment at how sickening her father is. I put them all inside the folder and just when I am about to go to the next page, a knock is heard. I swiftly tucked the diary under the pillows and walked to open the door.

"Why are you locking the door?" Caterina asks.

I shrug. "I guess I still have the freedom to do shits."

She rolls her eyes. "I heard you draw."

I squint my eyes in confusion at how she knows but don't say anything back knowing that she stalked me.

"Yes, I do. Why?" Instead of replying to me, she drags me to her office cabin.

She opens the door and leads me in then hands over a bunch of rough sketches. I take a seat to scan the papers that she so ruthlessly gave to me.

"What are these?" I ask her flipping through the pages of certain pebbles like decorations but when I look into the sketches, I find out they are jewelry. Different embedded pearls or stones used are written down as a sense of acknowledgment.

"What do you want me to do?" She scurries near me and points to several rough pads used here.

"I need you to give out the final outline structure of the ten pieces of jewelry I made." She is excited and anxious about the presentation she made for me. "I know I'm not that fine in drawing that's why I gave them to you. You finish the traces and I go to cultivate."

Before I can even intervene in her words, she runs like a bullet train. After picturing this bizarre situation, I can only conclude with a chuckle that she is embarrassed in her fine drawing. I shake my head and separate necklaces, rings, and sets and start with necklaces first.

The beginning is a matinee necklace that she wrote at the corner and its length and materials used. I don't find any slight outer work here except a little straightening of the lines of flower petals she used in the middle of the chain.

Next is the lariat, there I had to erase certain basic proportions of the chain and remake them. The rectifications went on for around two and a half hours. I stretch my muscles that got locked during this certain period.

"Do you know how to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" Caterina shouts.

"Yes, and I did all the basic needs," I shout back as I pass by a shelf where in one of the racks is a photo frame.

"Fine then, I'm good at only chopping so I will do that and you make the rest."

"Sure." I near the frame to find the picture of Dante and his late wife. Dante was famous during the period when my father worked but his name got dissipated by the upcoming years. His photo along with the crimes he had done were in my father's file that I read because he didn't offer me any bedtime stories.

But in the picture where the other woman is present, nothing symbolizes similarity to the woman downstairs. Then the question arises, Who is she?

"Have you started investigating there? Nothing can be found except my sketches, Leone. So, come down and turn on the stove, my stomach is growling." I sigh when she again shouts.

"I'm not investigating," I yell as I march downstairs with a glare thrown at her which she smoothly dodges by acting oblivious.

We had a few tug of war then eventually sat down in silence. She offers me a glass of wine and I accept her drink. Without any slight hesitation, I have it after eating a piece of the pizza she cuts the required veggies and I bake it.

"By the way, thanks for the help. I was kind of displeased by my sketches so I took your help." The words she uses make me feel like she never had any dependency cloak and me being the one brings out a certain pride in me.

"You're welcome. Even though you say your drawings are bad," She lifts her eyes to warn me before spitting out the wrong syllabus. "I mean you know pretty much how to draw. From where did you learn to do it?"

She looks down playing with the crumbs. "I learned them myself." My eyes shoot wide. People far away from her art will identify them as a good one but if they come nearer to them, the fine linings of her shaking lines and curves prove that she isn't what she wants to prove to the world.

I too noticed it but thinking that she was a brat flew away from my mind after her confession. "So, your mother didn't help you?"

She shakes her head slowly. "She didn't have any time for me."

Time for you? I want to laugh mockingly. I needed to find out the hidden red underlines of her voice but they sounded neutral.

"You asked me about my past when I was drunk. Let me ask you now about your past. How was your mother?"

She tightly holds the flute of the wine glass and creates a swirling motion at one corner. "What do you want to know?"

"What you can give me." I shrug.

"If they are as fake as the underground house you found earlier." My head abruptly straightened. No, it can't be, she can't make a house full of fake reality. I got proof as much as I could to pull her down. What if- my eyes widen, what if the diary that I was reading too is a fake one?

Her shrill hollow laugh breaks my thoughts. "You sound shocked by my say but don't worry here everything is real, nothing is fake. Not even me, not even my act, not even my past. So, you can start having your search and proof to hold them against me. After all, everything that happens starts from the past. Six days and enough five hours for you to pull out my past. I won't say, I'll show you."

"You tricked me." I grit out the words glaring at her.

"Tricked you?" She laughs throwing her head back and chucking down the liquid in one go. "No, I offered you, and mind you, my Leone, not everyone is lucky enough to sit opposite to me and have wine and dine. You get the opportunity, use it to precision."

She stands walking away from the room and straight to her bed. Her footsteps stop after taking five. "Also, Leone not telling you about my past isn't the ritual here, it's the history you are going to find but with few certain obstacles." With that, she walks out.

I quickly finish up the dishes and then head to read more pages of her precious father, Dante Berlusconi. I will find out your past and your linkage to it, and then I'll tear you apart, Caterina. Mind my fucking words. I will destroy you.

If I am still uploading that means I already wrote the chapters but if I stop, do know it's all about certain pressure to outshine my parents where they spend money on my future.

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