47. peace

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Loyalty by Daniel di Angelo

I WATCH how the birds sit on one of the branches near my window. But what still makes my body run cold even if the warm embrace from certain someone is the fact that Susanne is someone I am blown away but it can't be only her to extract so much of my inner information and that means someone from our inner circle exploited the trade.

I straighten my body and when I am about to call Monica, Aristide pulls me closer to him. I chuckle, tilting my head slightly to look at his glorious figure, more like being a creep, and stare at him. "I feel the privilege to be your muse." He murmurs and I burst out laughing. He opens an eye to peek at me and then offers his genuine smile. He slightly lifts to peck my lips and asks, "What were you doing?"

I sigh. "Calling Monica to extract a few dirty pages about Dr. Russo."

"Don't you feel the smell of betrayal around her? I still can't believe what I saw."

I rest my head against the headrest. "Now thinking of her silence and with no pay in return confirms many suspicions I had earlier."

He shakes his head. "No, I mean, don't you feel the heaviness in your heart that she was the person who cured you? That she was the one that is connected to your past?"

I smirk. "I am a little disappointed but more proud of her hidden agenda. I was about to cross-connect Adora and Dr. Russo's report. After all, I had already run a background check on individual ones even though it took nearly a month but I am glad that the spike wasn't painful."

He nods but his eyes reflect like he is in deep thought. I try to tickle his tummy but fail to do so but when he does mine, I burst out laughing as if it's my first time understanding what laughter is.

"What will you do if I somehow betray you?" My laugh takes its rest and I look up at him.

On a serious note, I say to him, "Then it will be our last time to see each other."

He furrows his brows. "No revenge?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Probably when I feel bored I will put the thought into action but not during the course. Don't need to worry, you are near to the green sector."

He rests his forehead on top of mine and sighs. "Hey, mon doux monstre," I smile at him. "Tell me about your father." The crescent on my face soon turns downwards.

"Why do you need to know him?" He shrugs but focuses his eyes straight on mine.

"So, tell me. Tell me why did you kill your mother but not your father?"

I tug his nude body enclosing us together as he inhales my hair. I smile ruefully, "Rebecca was the female monster that believed the world entitled her name and when the reality check was slapped across her face, she turned crimson and slashed it on me. She turned everything against me, my likes or dislikes, my allergies, my friends, my pets, everything. She wanted to create a monster and do you know what, I became one. I have no words to say I feel sad to kill her. Instead, I am glad that I ended her life before she took any more colorful steps to ambush mine. But not killing Dante wasn't on my list. He died because I set the time and date, not him."

His voice gets muffled but I hear it. "How come? Didn't he die due to a heart attack?" I smirk eyeing the ceiling that is filled with angel drawings.

"Slow poison every night in his favorite drink. I made it clear to Adeline that if he died she would get the vote to marry the rich guy she was spending time with and so she bought it with his help I helped myself by watching how gently his fingers curled around the stand of his wine glass and gallop the poison while I notify him about my latest kill."

His wood stands erect and pokes my stomach causing me to laugh. "Oh boy, you are horns listening to my kills. Guess you are not so innocent anymore."

After our third round of fuck-making I take a seat and he makes something out of the food stock. "Hey, guys." I turn to look at Xavier and Monica standing.

I walk to them and drag them to my office cabin not before Aristide calls me as an excuse to French kiss me, or was it a lizard kiss? Whatever, the kiss was filthy and sexy.

"Give me the reports. " I take my seat. I look up to find both of them grinning at me. "What?"

Monica shrugs. "Nothing. It's just that my bet is going to win."

"Bet?" I scowl.

She shrugs. "Whatever." Her face turns solemn. "You were right. We did cross-check with each one of us and found two people having the same sheet as the other one."

I smirk. "And I guess it's Susanne and Adora."

Her eyes widen. "How did you get to know?"

I shrug. "That's not important. You tell me, how many companies, contracts, investments, trades, and goals did our dear Maxim lose after the installation of the virus state in his computer?"

She smirks. "Around €10.3billion."

We all three tsks. This time Xavier says, "I talked to Carlos but he is still adamant about ignoring everything we try to show him."

I nod my head as I match every column between the suspects. "And I guess you took care of the matter."

"Of course. By feeding him anesthesia. That one was a hard job by the way."

"Not as hard as to slap and punch your said friend." Monica scoffs. Everyone residing in our old house knew about the strong connection between Monica and Adora, the bestie they were entitled to.

I clear my throat and say, "What was the result?"

She looks so gloomy and that was the entire response I needed. "Alessia already warned me about the bitch but no, I had to stick the dildo in my ass." I side-eye Xavier who looks slightly uncomfortable but continues to listen to Monica, "However, she said she was forced to participate in Dr. Russo's game just because the first two pregnancies were aborted by none other than Susanne. She was threatened the third time to do that and so she did. I have the audio clips and the visuals, I will give them to you."

"Also, we had your lovely partner's check, and his reports involved Adora talking to him but in an encrypted messaging app. So, it is the only one that took time. Adora even accepted she chatted with him to gather more information but only because Susanne so said. Also, his father's report has been submitted to you but the others related to his privacy might be delayed."

"Delayed in the sense?"

She shrugs, "By next forthright hours I guess."

I nod my head. "Fine then, let's start with our new job and that is to find the culprits of Adeline's rape bang."

We are all loaded in front of the whorehouse in a secluded region. Alessia smokes her cigar and offers the same to Monica who rolls her eyes.

Aristide didn't come because I told him we will be having a small dinner date tonight and as he is the chef, he will do everything whereas, I go and submit my new sketches regarding the jewelry I drew last night.

I uncap the bottle, take a large sip, and throw it aside. With the shit I am most probably need a corpse soul, I must have something to immune the soft beating corner mend for my Leone. I smile at the thought of his surprise when I will be gifting him the card where his mother will be staying with him, which means with us.

I can't fathom waiting for his reaction but that will happen when we will reach back to our mansion. Xavier stands beside me and sighs. "Carlos is taking care of his wife. So, he can't come here."

I snort. "Cut off his salary for two months and see where he stands." Xavier awkwardly chuckles thinking that I am kidding. I side-glance at him. "Do it, now, and block Carlos's phone number. What about Susanne?"

"Susanne made us lose her tracks before we hunted down for her." I nod after she spends her nearly thirty-five years with us.

"Let's go. They are all together." That means they die together. I look at Alessia who looks at Monica and Monica looks at Christian and he looks at Xavier. "Don't tell me your involvement is in this polygon session," I mutter.

He grins. "I'm glad to hear that." I roll my eyes as we descend the stairs and way out to the room for the one they are staying at.

I offer a cruel smile as I watch how beautifully they are drinking wine and laughing at their jokes. The veil is on my face and that's the exact representation of Reaper.

"Hello, gentlemen."

With one last hit of the worn-out belt on their back and the castration of their meat, their breathing turns hollow. I crouch to one of them and lift their head for me to see.

"I hope you are a masochist just like Adeline." He sputters out blood from his mouth. "She told me she loves this treatment and said that she will love doing it on her abhor. So, rate us, five stars or three?" I chuckle smashing his face against the hard concrete and pulling out strings of incoherent words.

"Revenge isn't the issue here. The issue is you all enjoying a dead body, a body that belonged to a pure soul who had no touch to darkness like us." I take a few breaths and walk out of the room followed by the rest, our feet drag the sins and as per Hindu myth fire is the only way to wear off any sins, I lift the lighter and throw it on the trail of kerosene we pour onto their bodies.

The beautiful gaslight is created as the fire reaches the ceiling carrying the waste souls with it.

"Caterina," the hushed voice behind me calls my name.

I turn back and find Adeline standing behind me in the exact dress she had on her deathbed.

Her face which carries scratches of her tormentor brightens in the darkness. "Thank you," Her hand rests on her belly and tears fall from her moonlight face. "Thank you for sending me to heaven. Thank you for my soul to finally take the peace it needed for so long."

Her body gets submerged in the darkness and leaves only a trail of light feathers.

double update? Hell yes! I still can't believe we are nearing to end 🔚

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