48. nude

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yes to heaven by Lana Del Rey

MY BRAIN IS still processing through all the levels of how can I fall for her. A certain someone who is a murderer of so many kinds. I settled down for the last meal of tonight's date and smiled.

Caprese salad

I didn't make a lot because I knew they would be all in the trash. I collected a few roses from our backyard garden and put them in a glass vase, the one that I found in the attic.

I smile as I tighten my cufflinks as I wait for her to come. I am also going to ask her if we could, that includes her and I, to meet my mother. I don't know why but I am excited for both the women to greet each other.

My smile dims as I look at the clock that strikes eleven, that means she was away for fifteen whole hours. My heart beats weirdly, is she okay? Where is she? Is she...d- I shake my head. Nope, not going there.

Just when I am about to bring the wine glass from the cabinet, the door opens and there she is. I take a huge sigh of relief and stride in her direction. She has the same clothes she wore during the day, black wide pants and a black blazer with a white shirt except that her hair is glossy and now it looks like she dried her hair in a very quick way.

Ignoring the signs and taking the weird heart-pick-up-good-vibes beat, I hug her tightly and pull away only to kiss her ferociously. "I missed you."

Her solemn face lifts and she grins. "I was away only for a short while."

"Yet, that is too much to handle."

She tugs my shirt and kisses me.

I pull back grinning at her. I unfold the tie and tie a knot around her eyes. She stiffens quickly. "What are you doing, Leone?"

My grin is stabbed on my face and I thread my fingers with hers and ask softly. "Do you trust me, mon doux monstre?"

She takes a while but nods her head slowly as if dragging her sweet time to indicate whether anything around her is wrong or not. I carefully make her follow me and pull out a chair placing her down. She inhales the aroma around her and relaxes. "Oh, so you made dinner."

I nod my head proudly even though knowing that she cannot look at me. She purrs softly. "Such a good boy." I shiver in pleasure by the term she uses for me.

She chuckles lowly knowing the effect she has on me. "Okay, serve me, my good boy." She tells the last three words lowly as if relishing the taste of the abstract string characters.

First, I take a plate and grab three to four Arancini, and with a fork bring one near to her mouth so she can eat it. "Open your mouth, Caterina." She does and soon moans when the food is in her mouth. She swirls her tongue on her upper lip to drag any crumbs of it and again moans.

Her moans for food somehow itch my heart to have an acidity effect. Why she didn't moan for me? I shake my head to remove any jealousy over the food I cooked and ask her, "How is it?"

"It's so good. What is it?"

I smirk. "You guess and I will tell if it's right or not."

She pouts but tries to tell the name and fails. Finally, I tell her and she promises to tell the rest. There is only one more dish and that is Parmigiana. I cut a slice put it into a bowl and bring it near her mouth which is wide open.

She closes her mouth to chew but soon throws the food sideways coughing out loud. My heart's weight turns out heavy to see her. I quickly open her blindfold and watch how she is hyperventilating.

"What did I do wrong?" I ask as I run to the faucet to fill the glass with water and come back to give it to her. She takes greedy gulps of it and after a few minutes, she takes a sigh of relief.

"What was it?" Her voice sounds like her larynx is being rubbed against sandpaper.

"Eggplant Parmigiana," I reply.

She shudders. "I-I am...alle-rgic t-to eggpl-lant." She stutters. I somehow dismissed the thought of knowing her which is completely false.

I dump my weight on the adjacent chair and look down at my hands, my fingers are shaking slightly.

Soon her fingers scratched her neck and redness developed on the region. I immediately rush to the first aid box to find anything related to her condition. I find one, flip it on the other side to see the expiry date, and then run back to her while she is coughing madly. I quickly make her gulp the medicine and after a few minutes her breathing turns out normal and she doesn't itch her neck yet the red lines overlapping each other is a witness of dread to me.

She sighs closing her eyes. Just when I am about to apologize to her she cuts me and speaks. "I never ate the hideous shit." She takes her sweet time to pause and start. "I was always allergic to eggplant. Everyone knew my condition except my mother." The sneer that left her mouth shows the dirt her mother dug to turn her. "The day when they were celebrating their success over the massive m-massacre in Sicily, the maids made one of the dishes of eggplant even though knowing I soon would be the victim." A loud cold laugh escapes from her plump lips. "I didn't know about it but guess my luck was suitable as I was being escorted to marry a man who was thirty years older than me only for my allergy saving my soul."

Red is painted in my eyes as I picture her with someone...so- I close my eyes take a long breath and open to look at her.

"I was only fifteen I guess, coughing out loud that my mother found to be disturbing and kind of hideous to use a tactic to save myself from marriage. So, she took her beating up a level. Marking me and throwing the entire food container inside my mouth. Two weeks of havoc ended and then she knew about my condition to allergy. The most laughable thing is Dr. Russo was the one who treated me like a human for so long but guess everyone's expired date has arrived of good work." She side glances at me. "When is yours?"

My jaw is nearly going to crack by the sheer amount of grinding I have been doing for so long. "First of all, why the fuck did you give her an easy escape from death?"

Her eyes widen but she turns her face neutral within microseconds. "Wow. Impressive. You had your good search on me but not on my dislikes and likes."

I pick her up and make her sit on my lap pulling out strings of cusses but I know it's her way of disconnecting vulnerability. I nuzzle her neck and take a greedy intake of lavender scent on her body. "I am jealous."

She stops her fight and asks quietly. "Why?"

"I am jealous of the soap that sticks to your body and still the smell remains for so long. I am jealous of my food that you moan, knowing that everything that you do makes me feel jealous. I want to be every object, edible or not that is related to your body inside out." I rest my chin on her left breast and ask. "How dare you to turn me into a pussy?"

She smirks and pushes her hips grinding her hole directly on my dick twitching the meat. I groan sucking her bud on top of her white shirt creating a translucent mirror of a circle on her rosebud.

"Show me, tell me, explain it to me about your past."

"Will you pity me or turn me into a nice woman? Cause I don't want any."

I shake my head kneading her hair and massaging her scalp. "I want to hear because the woman in front of me is made of bricks from the past. She is the monument of past occurrences. History is listed to know about the past not pity on them when the event had already happened."

"So, you won't show any sympathy for me if I open it to you?" The eye blink tremble shown by her is another element of surprise to humanity. I nod my head.

I lift her and walk to my room and soon we discard our clothes leaving only nudity for the show. I crawl on top of her. "Will you show me what material you are made of, master?"

She growls pulling me by my neck adjoining our forehead. "If I start the entire concept. Promise me, you will still have the same look on me, not the other way around." I smile kissing her lips. Multiple threads of saliva lace together as I pull back.

"You are a whole book and every page throws me nearer to the end of your character. You cannot be only a page when you are the entire book." She takes a deep breath and starts her past.

"Dante always needed an heir. When his wife couldn't do it, he sought others' shelter. I too was produced and the most interesting thing now I believe is he made two step-siblings for me. My mother never wanted a girl, a boy would have given her the position of Dante's wife yet she is plagiarized as whore and sent to another whorehouse to live her life but my being delivered chopped her plan. A girl? No doubt put a shame on her. She then straightened me, matured me at an early age, killed my wings of childhood, nature that loves me, friends that understood me, and studies only to make me cunning. Dante had an obsession to make me the biggest mafia leader after him. He threw me to other departments of sex where I got to know I am dominant, not submissive. I can infiltrate pain,"

"You were raped?" I cut in between her talks.

She chuckles hugging me making my head nestle between the valley of her breasts. "No, I ruled the whorehouse. I created the women to make them flee if they were forced and kept only those who needed this job while entrusting them are do it for themselves. We have now twenty women and ten men who want to. I beat the first five customers Dante sent to sharpen me. Their bodies were dug underneath Dante's coffin. However, killing my mother easily because she had suffered the same fate she was pushing me to. Meanwhile, Dante got a painful death, blood spilling on his bedsheets because that was blood I released while he was making me. Blood for blood, kill for kill, and freedom for freedom. Call me greedy, Aristide, but I will do nothing before I rule the entire region. My name must be the only sync beside Lana Del Rey's song. I love her."

I smile through my fear. "What's your favorite song of hers?"

"Pretty when you cry." I chuckle at how she is telling the lyrics like stabbing the lines.

"For every shit I did Mother taught me a lesson. A program she made for herself while being decorated by Dante or another male. The jail was a hell to my life. Whenever I was dragged by my broken ankle, the strong rods enclosing four walls created repulsion of freedom. Schizophrenia happened when I was seventeen and Adeline found me naked in the basement broken that I made myself. The constant need for beating is resolved deep in my blood. I created fake scenarios to make myself believe that I deserved the beating. She cried that day while putting ointment on my kneecap. I again met Dr. Russo who shook her head and examined me only to find I am suffering from schizophrenia.

Dante never knew where his daughter went at night. All I did was lock myself and scream, the entire basement was haunted, I could still hear her shrill voice, pitch laugh, and scratchy scream. It echoes in my brain, a drug she infused in my bloodstream that I can't filtrate. Then I was drugged by her to be sold to the highest bidder only to get saved from an FBI officer that night." I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Who was he?" And there is a pause. A whole minute pause when she replies. "Henri Carrozza."

My breath takes a huge halt. I soon get myself detached from her hold and look at her. "You met my father?"

She nods her head. "Yes, your Napolean." I close my eyes.

The small yet acting big Aristide looks at his father with a proud expression. "My Napolean."


She winces. "When I was nearly raped by a group provided by my mother. In a drunk haze, I ran directly in front of his car. He saved me, took the complaint but then suddenly I heard he was no more."

I nod. That means when I was a teen. "He was killed by a terrorist," I mutter lowly.

She looks at me with confusion. "No, he was killed due to the illegal sale of internal organs case. He was near to the owner of doing such business. As he single-handedly did the task, no one knew except,"

I grit. "The Chief."

She nods. "He is the one who was exporting organs in the black market. When Henri got to know he confronted Killian but with no luck met his end."

My fist tightens. I chuckle dryly. "While I did every search and even my mother begged the Chief about her husband's whereabouts, he positioned himself as a victim and performed a great act. Oh, how foolishly we believed him." I look directly at her eyes. "How did you get the inside information?"

When I first got my post, I had my search and a few dirty works to access the terrorist attack on that day but none were related to it. But I foolishly asked the Chief about it who consoled me saying that it was kept from the public's eyes.

She grins. "Well, Killian somehow had an accident and was given truth serum. Don't worry, he won't remember us."

I grin back. "Thank you." She squeezes my cheeks and pecks.

"What will you do?" She asks me.

With a solemn expression, I state. "Expose him to the world. I want everyone to look at him with distaste even when he enters his household, the guard spits on the floor he walks on." She chuckles.

"Well, the platform is yours. Do whatever you want to with him." Her smile vanishes. "However, I feel very sad that I couldn't thank him for saving me that night."

I nod my head but a thought still carries in my brain. "Why do you hate Dante?"

"I hate Dante because he used Rebecca and Amelia's heart at a time. I hate those men who mate with someone even if having already have one. That day when I asked you if you had any relationship, I didn't want to be the one to cause drift or a side chick. I want the whole piece or nothing. I hate men who do it and women who follow the trail of affairs."

"Promise me, Aristide, never to break my heart like that."

"I promise, Caterina."

do you know that you are nearer to the end?
Are you enjoying it?

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