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Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey

DOMINATING Aristide is like showing another set of vulnerabilities I never thought of having. The way he closes his eyes while I shove the dildo in his rectum while his dick inside my pussy shuddering in pleasure was a sight I never thought of watching.

I want to store his beautiful sight only for me, me alone. The sudden urge of possessiveness overpowering my mindset is a huge sign of taking therapy. Yet now, the way he is sleeping peacefully with lips slightly apart is pulling me closer to the dangerous field called love.

I immensely fell for him. I will bow and let him take control of me if that's the only way to keep him close to me cause the day is getting nearer and nearer for him to get separated from me. The thought of telling him to bring his mother to my home now seems to fade.

Fucking seventy-two hours. That means three days. I pray to Umbria that he forgets or else...

He moans in his sleep and captures me between his arms. His head rests between the valley of my breasts and leaves a sigh. I shiver immediately at the cool contact of the action. He makes my breast his cushion as he snuggles with it.

I smile heartily watching him with heart in my eyes. "You are so beautiful."

I slide away from him slowly as he mumbles incoherently.

I walk downstairs while Ro runs around me with his tail wiggling. I hum my favorite singer's song (Ultraviolence) pouring pedigree on the dog's dish and ruffling his fur when there's a knock at my door. Thinking that the guest might be Monica or Xavier, I walk to open the door only to get hit against it, my eyes submerging into darkness.

How does it feel to wake up with your groggy eyes and only to see darkness as my vision? It's not like my eyes always meet a colorful world, but the first effect of getting a dose of yourself sometimes proves to be harmful in any sense. Just like how I invaded my enemies' houses and killed many while leaving few, the table may have turned against me and now I am on an interrogation tour.

I look around and find nothing but only black invading my privacy. My ears stand like a guard and try to perceive any sound they can hear. The sudden crack of opening the door proves that I am back in my basement. A roll of shivers vibrated down my body sending tremors of my past nightmares.

The blind is ripped off and I can see in a blurry state and make out that I am back behind bars. The figure of the person who did the wonderful job slowly gets clearer and turns out to be Susanne. She offers her custom-made genuine smile. "Hello, Caterina."

I furrow my brows acting like I am confused. "What are you-" I make my eyes widen as if getting a response to my previous doubts and look at her in horror. "It was you who did it."

She chuckles. "You took a long time to find me, Caterina. It's sad to see such a brilliant woman doing such a silly job." If it wasn't for that mistakable act I performed that night I might have still gone and stitched my cuts by her. I kiss my teeth trying to not blurt out shits.

My eyes roam around and cannot find Aristide and knowing this she smiles at me. "Oh, looking for that guy. Well, it's not suitable for him to interrupt our conversation. As I-"

"Were you involved in Adeline's rape case and murder?" I ask her.

And she has the bloody right to act like she is guilty. "Maxim and I never thought we would take such drastic steps to take. But when that bitch couldn't give us any information about you so we had to take the step. I swear, Caterina, I am not like that but to win a game you must make a sacrifice and that just happens. Your entire world collapsed, you brought a man toy with you, opened portals of your business, and many connections that have illegal rights. We only wanted to conquer the Berlusconi industry, that's it."

"You fucking killed my best friend for that shit!" I scream at her making her halt.

Her wild eyes find mine and with a backhand move, slaps me. "Never shout at me! Do you understand?" She raises her voice. "Never!"

Blood drips from a mini cut on my lower lips as I see a silver ring on her finger. A ring designed with two snakes on top of each other protecting the title called king hidden in the scales of the snakes has been given by the Berlusconi ancestors to their future generations. "Where did you get it?"

Susanne looks at where I am looking and chuckles. "Oh, this had been given to me by your father, Dante." I furrow my brows. "He was such a kind man and a loving father." I want to puke at whatever she says instead, I stay silent. "Maxim was born two years before you, he is a product of Dante and mine. We kept it hidden because I am Russian and during that time there was a huge conflict between Italy and the Russian mafia. But then your mother, Rebecca gave birth and falsely notified you that you are the product of her and Dante. Dante even confessed to me he didn't. Rebecca was just for show and I was the queen in his heart. Later, when we were allowed to announce our baby Rebecca spoiled everything and killed my family by bad-mouthing to Dante's parents. A tragic story that came to an end. Dante consoled me and told me that by the age of eighteen, you will be removed from the earth and Maxim will be the one replacing you."

She brings a leather belt and soon whips me. "But you killed him. You fucking killed my love and left me and my son living in this brutal place. Maxim had to open his vast empire to slash yours. He never got his side of love only for you!" She stops when she finds me not moaning in pain for one bit. Who does she think of herself? I sucked every pain Rebecca gave me and now this numbness only infiltrate my nerves.

She then laughs loudly. "Oh, I still remember the day you sprout out saying you hate cheaters but then kidnapped a certain someone who is already engaged." My heart stops for a beat.

"What?" Seeing my shocked reaction positively held her for good. This can't be. Aristide himself announced to me that he wasn't into a relationship when we got together. I have full trust in him. My fist clenches tightly. The earlier pain that subsided burst out fully and soon my entire body felt like I was thrown under the tires of a truck.

She repeatedly lights slaps her mouth then speaks, coming near to me. "You mean, you had no idea you were sleeping with someone who already belongs to a certain other."

I forcefully chuckle. "Well, that was a nice joke. For a while, you caught me by surprise but let's give you a point for that."

She loudly cracks in laughter catching her belly and smacking the bars. "Oh, my God." She turns around to look at me with cruel eyes. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket and within a few minutes shoved the screen in front of my face showcasing a handsome man kissing a woman and not any woman, she was Aurora, the woman he told was his best friend.

Whoever said, a boy and girl can only be best friends is a liar cause all I see is the perfect combination of soulmate.

She tsks. "Look how good they look and imagine, just imagine how will you look with him. Are you a match?" She scoffs. "Cause imagine you and him. Do you know they were the IT couple since school and the best-understanding characters? I feel pity for the Stockholm Syndrome invading his heart polluted by you. You and your mother are the same product, which belongs to garbage. All she was good at was getting manipulated by Dante to beat you at any chance he got and later blame it on her for the sole reason but every time I arrive here and find you breathing just makes me want to kill yourself."

She brings the knife closer to my face and tugs on my septum ring. My breathing hitch as I mind her trace. "Now you will get the punishment served rightfully by God." With that, she tears the ring from my nose and pulls out a scream. I howl in pain, flickers of stars form in my eyes and I continue to scream. I blink my eyes as tears trail down freely.

"You look so beautiful while crying just like the toddler I found crying for her mother's attention."

Thankfully, she forgot to tie my feet. So, with great force, I stand and bang against her back-breaking the wooden legs. As soon as my hands are free I stand with my unsteady legs and push her against the bars clutching her throat. "You touched the wrong person."

She hits me with her forehead throwing my body a few steps back and just when she is about to stab me, the clear gunshot fires behind her abstracting her body and showcasing someone who is now my nightmare.

All I prayed for in my life was to get a certain someone who worships the ground I walk on. My first ever mistake was to trust that my mother would love me, so that I could have friends, later I even dreamt secretly while watching Adora and Carlos have a love life where the guy who loves me turns out everything I dream turns into a cruel reality.

I hiss when the cotton is pressed too deep on my fresh wound. "Sorry, mon doux monstre." I want to make a face of disgust but cannot comprehend the task of doing it.

Even his arm is bleeding from the amount of action he performed to kill Susanne. The picture of Aristide and Aurora kissing each other reflects right in front of my eyes making me flinch back from his contact.

His expression looks concerned and at the same time a little broken but can he hear the crashing sound of my heart? Probably too silent to even notice. Even formulating a smile turns out to be too hectic for me.

Instead of showing him any of my emotions. I hug him tightly. "Make love to me," I whisper.

His posture relaxes and he hugs back. "All you ever need to do is to ask, mon doux monstre." I want to gag in response. When I asked him about his relationship, all he did was lie and now he says this line, how dare he?

He gently lifts me and carries me to his bedroom. A distraction is a section where everything crumbles forming a huge disaster.

"Clothes off," I command.

He quickly does the job and soon we tie our bodies frantically touching each other like we didn't do the job earlier. "Are you okay, mon doux monstre?"

I smile bringing a silk ribbon and tell him to put his wrists in front of me. He does it without any question. "Are you? You were unconscious."

He chuckles lowly. "Yeah, she did hit me pretty hard." I still care for him as I blow the area that is now bandaged.

His eyes look at me as if searching for something even I don't know. "Something happened. Tell me what happened?"

I smile sadly. "You."

I even blind his eyes so that he can't see me. I lie him down, both of our bodies bare as if the bitter truth is the new refreshment nicotine I needed to have.

"I love you." I pause while controlling my emotions. How can he love a monster? It was good to know that he was using me to extract information and send it to his so-called lover. All he is doing is just to crumble me and use me later.

"Hands on the headboard." I grit out not bothering to display any shit. He does that, he fucking does the work offering his vulnerability like a treasure hunt to me.

He moans as I stuff his dick inside me more as if it is hitting straight to my womb. My hand rests against the plywood as I moan thrusting inside and out, the gloomy night and light wind proceed an eerie environment while I come down from high. He is an addictive drug that is not at all beneficial to me.

I rest my forehead on his sweating one and whisper. "You are the worst nightmare I can ever have."

ps: I wrote this during my end sessional

I am thinking of something like what about Caterina dying?

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