009, let us adore you

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Steven's arms were wrapped around your neck loosely as you flew the both of you down towards the decaying Earth below. You cringed slightly at the sight of the damage you had caused, but ensured to return your expression back to its neutral state once Steven lifted his gaze up to look at you.

"So . . ." The hybrid hesitated, looking away for a split second before meeting your eyes again. "What are you going to do now?" he eventually asked.

You hummed, the flapping of your wings behind you growing slower as you found yourself descending closer to the ground. "I don't know," you simply answered after a pause.

"Oh," is all Steven could say in return as you finally sat him onto the ground, the dirt under his sandals crunching underneath him.

"Well . . . if you want, you and Spinel can stay here in Beach City with me and the gems? I could make some calls and maybe sign you both up for therapy?"

You stopped, turning to Steven and raising a brow at his suggestion. "'Therapy'?" you repeated, tilting your head to the side in confusion. "What is that?"

"Oh! Uh . . ." The hybrid chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, placing his other hand on his hip. "Well . . . therapy is basically just . . . talking to someone about your feelings and letting them help you find out ways to work out your trauma, I guess," he explained, though you noticed that he seemed to have a hard time coming up with the right words.

You hummed again, holding your chin in between your thumb and index finger thoughtfully. "Is that so . . ."


Perking up, both you and the diamond-hybrid instantly noticed the human girl running towards you both, her eyes specifically trained on Steven rather than you as she opened her arms out, most likely wishing for the teenage boy to embrace her.

Steven, as you expected, immediately smiled at the sight of his friend as well, and he quickly ran over to her and caught her in his arms; the two of them laughing as they held eachother, tears in their eyes.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" the human girl cried out, relief evident in her tone as she buried her face into the crook of Steven's neck.

"Hehe, yeah," Steven chuckled and loosened his hold on the girl, the two of them still holding eachothers forearms as they shared a smile, "I'm glad you're okay too, jam bud."

"STEVEN!!" You have never wanted to sigh so much in your life. Could they all have just come to hug him at the same time? Surely that would make this chapter end a whole lot faster—

"I assume Steven managed to talk you out of it?"

You jumped, head snapping up and (E/c) orbs meeting a pair of three eyes, which stared down at you with a knowing look in them that made you furrow your brow.

"You're the one who has the ability to read the future," you recalled, eyes narrowing, "You knew this would be the outcome to this whole scenario, didn't you?"

The fusion merely chuckled and slipped her visors back on over her eyes, using one of her hands to ruffle up your already messy hair.

"Wha—" You huffed in agitation and swatted Garnet's hand away, already trying to desperately fix your tangled locks. "That doesn't answer my question, fusion!" you snapped.

She laughed this time and shook her head, acting as if she were dealing with but a small child. You huffed once again at this reaction of her's, and just when you were about to voice your frustrations to her a second time, a pink shoe suddenly appeared from right next to you; a shoe that you instantly recognized.

"Spinel?" you whispered, eyes widening in shock as you watched the mentioned gem stretch her way over to you, her expression being that of anger.

"(Y/N)!" Before you could react, the heart-shaped gem suddenly grabbed the front of your clothes and began to shake you back and forth. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" she asked, sounding oh so obviously upset.

"I-WASN'T-I-JUST-WANTED-REVENGE!" you replied, your voice shaky.

"YEAH?!" Holy stars above, you did not think Spinel could get so scary. "WELL WHAT ABOUT ME? DID YOU CONSIDER WHAT I WANTED?!"

And with that, everything came to a stop. At least, for you.

With widening eyes, your mouth opened, but nothing came out. You looked down, brown furrowing and teeth coming down to bite your lower lip.

"No," you eventually answered, eyes widening again at the realization, "I guess I didn't . . ."

Spinel could only sigh. "I know you were upset," she said, sounding tired. "And I'm upset about everything we went through, too, but . . . (Y/n), taking your anger out on a bunch of innocent beings? Nearly destroying a planet . . .?"

Spinel sighed again and wrapped her arms around you before resting her head on your shoulder. She ignored the way that your being had tensed at the sudden contact.

"That's not how we should be handling negative emotions, sis . . ."

". . . I-I know . . ." Without even noticing it, fat tears had begun to roll down your cheeks, and you hesitantly wrapped your arms around Spinel's form as well. "I know. I've realized that moments ago. I am so, so sorry, Spinel . . ."

From besides you, you heard the heart-shaped gem sign with relief. "I know. It's okay," she gently patted your back, smiling in exhaustion, "It's okay."

Sucking in a deep breath, you slowly released Spinel from your embrace and wiped your eyes, turning around to face the crowd of gems that stood behind you.

You gulped, already beginning to nervously wringle your fingers together in a poor attempt to calm your growing nerves; all of their eyes on you, awaiting you to say something.

"I owe you all an apology, as well," you told after clearing your throat. "I was being unfair. And I was upset. I know that does not justify my actions, because the amount of trauma you have does not give you the right to take out all of your anger on people who didn't even have anything to do with it."

Taking another deep breath, you clasped your hands together, and then finally bowed your head to the gems apologetically.

"I am sorry. You do not have to forgive me if you do not want to." You lifted your gaze back up and purposely locked eyes with Steven, "You, especially."

Steven's eyes widened at your words, and he took a step towards you.

"(Y-Y/n) . . . I . . ."

The boy's words were brought to a halt when the wind suddenly picked up, and everyone gasped and instantly snapped their gaze up to the sky, bodies already tense and ready for combat due to their most recent battle.

But, fortunately, instead of another threat, it was simply just the Diamonds.

"Knock, knock, Steven!" Blue called out, voice soft and sweet as always.

"It's us~" Yellow spoke, her tone of voice sending a shiver down yours and Spinel's spines as they went to hug eachother. Was that seriously the same diamond they had heard of all those years ago? The one who led armies to victory in her goals to claim as many planets to be her own as possible?

"The Diamonds~!" Oh my stars, your eyes practically blew out of their sockets, Is that who I think it is?!

The ship landed on the ground easily, and as soon as it did, you opened your wings and grabbed Spinel, absolutely ready to fly off before the three tyrannical beings could spot either of you and send you both back. Back to the garden.

But before you could even make any other sort of move, a hand suddenly took hold of your wrist, and you looked up — with her eyes still wide — to see Steven holding you in place.

"They're not gonna hurt you," he mouthed. "I won't let them."

You relaxed slightly at his reassurance, but still made sure to keep Spinel within arms reach and your wings spread out, just in case.

Ever so slowly, Steven's hand slipped down from your wrist to your own hand, and he gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Yellow, Blue, White?" Steven spoke, watching with a perplexed and confused look as the three diamonds hovered down in front of him on a white platform. "What are ya'll doing here?" he asked.

Yellow was the first to answer. "Well, Steven," the diamond began, "we were all talking, and—"

Yellow paused, taking a moment to sniff the air before waving her hand around in front of her face. "I'm sorry, but what is that smell?" she questioned, sounding disgusted.

Steven gave but a casual shrug. "I don't smell anything," the hybrid answered, smiling as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Yellow merely groaned. "That's because you live here," she said back.

"Anyway," Blue decided to intervene, "we were talking, and we decided—" The poor diamond was pushed aside and cut off before she could even finish her sentence.

"This is taking too long!" White impatiently snapped despite the polite smile on her face. "Steven!" The larger being crouched down and gently booped the boy atop his head, "We've come to Earth to live with yooooooouuu!"

Steven's eyes widened. "What?!" he exclaimed. "My house isn't big enough for all of us!" he told.

White's smile did not falter in the slightest bit. "Oh, well," she shrugged and lifted her gaze up to look around, "I'm sure we can make due with, um . . ."

White took in all of the destruction placed upon Beach City.

Awkwardly, from next to Steven, you coughed into your fist and looked down.

"Steven . . ." White began at last after a moment of silence, "has your planet always been this . . ." she waved her hand as to gesture to all of the chaos, ". . . destroyed?"

"Not that we're judging!" Blue quickly added.

"Goodness, no!" White stood back up to her full height. "Because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!"

The diamond smiled.

Steven looked as if he wanted to chuck himself off the nearest cliffside.

"Yeah. I don't know about this."

"But, Steven!" White placed the back of her hand against her forehead dramatically, "It's been so boooring since you've left!" she stated, her voice wobbly because she was totally about to cry.

"I guess," the giant woman turned around and began to walk away, sniffling, "we'll just wait for you to visit us whenever you're ready!" she cried.

"Aw, don't be like that!" Steven called out, making the diamond instantly come to a stop and look to him from over her shoulder.

"It's just . . . I was busy trying to . . ." Steven's eyes widened as if something was just donning upon him, ". . . to . . ." He slowly turned his head to face you and Spinel, and after a minute of pondering, his eyes lit up with an idea.

". . . Do you guys remember (Y/n) and Spinel?"

As if recognizing the names, the Diamonds all perked up and looked to the side, as if they had finally realized both yours and Spinel's presence (which you honestly felt sort of offended at because you had literally been standing next to Steven the whole time).

"Spinel?" Yellow whispered, eyes just as wide as the other Diamonds. "(Y/n)?" Blue added, slowly lowering herself down and holding a hand out for you and your pink associate to step on.

You tensed, hand already clasping around Spinel's gloved one as you looked to Steven with a nervous expression.

The hybrid teen smiled, and then he nodded.

So, after inhaling sharply, you hesitantly stepped onto Blue's hand with Spinel, and allowed the diamond to lift you up with herself.

"My Diamonds," Spinel spoke, twisting her arms up into three diamond shapes.

"It is good to see that you are all well," you told, using your skirt to perform a proper curtsey.

"(Y/n) . . ." You looked up to see White Diamond staring at you and Spinel with an adoring look in her eyes, ". . . Spinel . . ."

The diamond then cleared her throat, and she returned her gaze to Steven.

"Steven," she began, polite smile having returned, "since the Earth is so disgusting, we'll just take (Y/n) and Spinel back to Homeworld with us, and you can stay here."

Steven perked up, and yours and Spinel's eyes went wide as you all simultaneously said, "REALLY?!"

The Diamonds all smiled and looked to your duo, their eyes strangely soft in a way you had never seen as they stared down at you.




"Come live with us in the palace," they began, gesturing to their ship, "there's a room waiting for you~"

"Come on~"

"Come on~"

"Come on~"

"Just let us adore you~"

Yellow held her palm out for you and Spinel to step on, and after sharing a look with eachother, you both did.

"Come live with us in the palace," they all proceeded to spread their arms out in an extravagant manner, "there's a room waiting for you~"

"Come on~"

"Come on~"

"Come on~"

"Just let us adore you~"

This time, White held but a single finger out to you and Spinel, and this time, you both went over to it without any sort of hesitance; opting to sing on her finger as if the two of you were mere birds, both your's and Spinel's eyes sparkling with wonder and awe as the three diamonds continued their song.

"Yes, we know that you're not her, but you were hers~"

Although somewhat reluctantly, White Diamond crouched down and allowed you and Spinel to return to the ground, but she still held her hands out to you both, with the two other diamonds crouching down as well to do the same, like they were giving you both a choice.

"You know what it meant to love her, and you remind us so much of her~"

"You guys think you can handle them?" Steven spoke up from behind your duo, your backs facing him. "They're not exactly . . . easy to get along with . . ."

". . . Today . . ." You and Spinel felt your lips tug up to form a smile, though your's wasn't as big as her's, and now the pink gem was beginning to slowly bounce in her place.

"Right here, right now . . ." With your wings fading away behind you, you and Spinel began to walk back up to the Diamonds, your eyes still shining with something neither of you have felt in a long time: hope.

"We'll love again . . ." You and Spinel squeezed eachothers hands and gave eachother a smile, "We've already found someone . . ."

"Just let us adore you~"

"Today . . . right here, right now . . ."

"Come live with us in the palace . . ."

"We'll love again!"

"There's a room waiting for you~"

"We've already found someone . . ."

Once again, one of the Diamonds (Yellow, you quickly discovered), held their hand out for you both to step on, and you and Spinel hopped onto it without hesitation.

"Just let is adore you~"

"Yes, we know that you're not her, and we were hers . . ." You and Spinel jumped over into White's hands, "You know what it meant to love her—" Noticing Blue hold out a finger, Spinel took the chance to leap forward and grab ahold of it, beginning to swing back and forth as Blue smiled to the pink gem with fondness "—and you remind us so much of her~"

"Today . . ."

Spinel returned to you on White's hand.

"Right here, right now . . ."

The platform the Diamonds had used to hover down to Earth returned, and your group began to lift back up off of the ground.

"We'll love again . . ."

Feeling a pair of eyes focused on your back, you looked over your shoulder to see Steven staring at you as you and Spinel were taken away, something akin to longing in his eyes?

"We've already found someone~"

Wanting to give Steven and the gems a proper sendoff, you smiled — a real genuine one this time — and blew a kiss their way.

Unaware to you, however, as you turned back around, a certain hybrid boy lifted his hand up, and pretended to catch the kiss you had left to the wind.

You would both see eachother again, he knew.

But what he didn't know, was the circumstances your reuniting would take place under.

That's a story for another time, though, and luckily for you . . .

I have all of the time in the world.

* * * * *


sorry for not updating last wednesday. family stuff ( it wasn't anything bad though, don't worry ) was happening, and i ended up visiting a place that had pretty bad internet.

also, please don't try pressuring me or anything into updating. i can be forgetful, and i have a life outside of wattpad, so sometimes i can't go by my update schedule. however, please do know that going into the comments and going "it's wednesday. update" or something like that does not motivate me to update this book in the slightest. it just upsets me and makes me feel pressured, and that in turn makes me get somewhat petty and makes me also not want to update at all. like i said, i have a life outside of wattpad. please respect that.

the next chapter is going to be the epilogue for act one, and then we'll be moving onto act two. thank you for staying with this story so far, and i hope you continue to follow it :)

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