010, the end of the beginning

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(Y/n) has walked on a thin line since the moment she was created.

Mariposa gems were rare, and despite their rarity, they were created for one purpose and one purpose only: to reproduce and care for younger, newer gems.

But unlike the other mariposas who were sent away to the nursery on Homeworld, (Y/n) was instead given the task of caring for the one and only Pink Diamond — the littlest diamond of them all.

"Pink is going to be relying on you for support from now on. Do you understand, Mariposa?" Blue Diamond had said, carrying the gem in question in the palm of her hand. "She will look to you as an important figure in her life, and because of that, it is your responsibility to set a good example."

"Don't mess it up," Was all that Yellow Diamond had said when she decided to cut in, and that pressure had been left on (Y/n)'s shoulders since.

Pink, to put it simply, acted very similarly to the young gems that were growing up in the nursery. She screamed and shouted when she didn't get her way, cried over the simplest things, and smiled as if she were the sun itself whenever she recieved something that made her most happy.

It was tiring, (Y/n) had to admit to herself from time to time, but she knew that if she showed even the tiniest hint of exhaustion, Blue and Yellow would deem her as useless, and then have her thrown away and replaced with a gem that wasn't as easily tired out.

So, (Y/n) smiled and put on an act. If Pink wanted to play a game, then they would play a game. If Pink wanted to dance with her around her room, then they would dance for hours on end. It was tough being a mariposa gem, as (Y/n) was sure every other gem much like herself thought, though that was probably mostly due to the fact that they were more human than any other gem on Homeworld.

But now . . . (Y/n) supposed that she didn't have to worry about that anymore. Pink was gone, and now all that was left of her was her son and the many other beings she left behind. It almost . . . saddened (Y/n), in a way, knowing that she would never get to talk to the diamond and just ask her why. Why did she leave them? Was she ever planning on coming back? Did she ever stop to think about them when she was leading the Crystal Gems into war, wondering if her and Spinel were truly okay on that little rock their garden sat on?

I suppose I'll never know.

Sighing to herself as she leaned against the railing of her balcony, (Y/n) silently stared up at the stars in the sky above with a certain melancholy look decorating her features. Her (H/c) locks were left free of any ties, allowing her soft tresses to fall over her shoulders like an elegant waterfall.

In the room behind the butterfly-shaped gem, a certain spinel slept alone on a soft, plush bed; her snores filling the air and causing a minuscule smile to form upon (Y/n)'s face. She couldn't believe she had forgotten just how amusing Spinel could be at times, even if the gem with heart-shaped buns wasn't even doing anything but resting after a tiring day.

I wonder what they're all doing right now . . . Had Steven and the gems managed to clean up the mess (Y/n) had left behind? Just how much did the citizens of Beach City hate her now, knowing about what she was planning to do with that terrible contraption?

Another sigh, one filled with sadness and regret.

It doesn't matter now, (Y/n) thought to herself, sending one last look to the stars above before turning around to head back inside of hers and Spinel's little palace; a gift to them from the Diamonds.

All I know . . . is that I won't be going back there . . . or seeing any of them ever again . . .

And with that, the balcony doors were shut, and the mariposa gem with (E/c) eyes retreated to bed.

(From afar, a shooting star — colored a beautiful rosy pink — flew across the sky, before disappearing into the endless black that was the cosmos.)

* * * * *


annnnnd that's a wrap! well, for act one, at least :) now, we can finally move onto act two of this story!

however, before we do that, i've decided that in celebration of this re-write and the completion of this book's first act, the next chapter is going to be a Q&A! so feel free to send in some questions for me revolving this story, and i'll do my best to answer them!! ^^

thank you all so much for staying with this book for so long and even bothering to check it out. i hope you'll enjoy act two as much as you did act one!

sharaug, out ~☆

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