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chapter thirteen . missing??

"Psst! Victor! Wake up!"

Victor was shaken awake by Maisie. The sunrise setting off a dim light around the room so that he could see the expression on her face. "Mae? What's up?"

The brunette had a hopeful smile on her face, "Have you seen Oli? I have some great news to tell him."

"He isn't here?" Victor groggily sat up, glancing over at the empty bed across from his. "I haven't, he must've slipped out while I was asleep."

"Oh, that's okay. He's probably at the store or something, I'll come by later." She stood up and gave him a small wave before leaving the room, probably to go wake up Adonis.

β€” β€” β€”

Oliver still wasn't home when the clock struck noon, which struck a slight amount of worry amongst the group. Victor stood in front of the calendar that was hung on the fridge, his finger sliding along the dates until he hit the day that it was.

He was hoping that Oliver would've written down that he had plans that day. He was immediately let down. Oliver's handwriting was nowhere to be seen, in fact, nobody had anything going on that day. It was supposed to be one of the relax days at the house.

Victor sighed and walked back into the living room where the rest of his friends sat. They were all surrounding the couch, watching tv. The friends were under the impression that Oliver probably just made plans and forgot to tell the group.

Adonis looked up from where he was sitting on the couch, raising his hand slightly from Maisie's shoulder to give Victor a small wave. "Any news?"

"Nothing." He crossed his arms and stood behind the couch, "Not even replying to my texts."

Maisie looked up, "He won't reply to mine either." She glanced down at her phone, "Wait! I have an idea."

The two boys watched her eagerly, but tried to mask their disappointment when she let out a small, "fuck." She sat up and buried her face in her hands.

"What's wrong?" Adonis asked, sitting up with her. He tenderly set his hands on her shoulders.

"He turned off his fucking location." She replied, "Why the fuck would he do that? That's just so fucking-" Maisie broke off, letting Adonis pull her into a hug. "He never does that." She mumbled.

Wade spoke up from his spot on the floor. "Should we call the authorities? Maybe he's missing?"

"And make this whole thing public?" Elizabeth snapped, a sarcastically sweet tone filling her voice. "How clever."

"Oh my god! You dyed your hair!" Wade burst out into laughter, pointing at her. The princess insecurely grabbed her hair and yelled something at him. He yelled back.

"Are you guys serious?" Victor interjected. "Oliver is missing and you two are fighting?" He glared at both of them. "You two piss me off sometimes." He turned and stormed out of the room.

Elizabeth's face lit up in shame and she looked down at the floor. "Sorry." She mumbled.

"It's fine." Adonis sighed, "Let's just figure this out, okay?"

"I'm gonna go check up on Victor." Zinnia stood up and hurried out of the room. She was close with Victor and she knew she had the best shot at calming him down.

The room was filled with quiet tension, the tv making the only noise in the room. Hunter turned it off, running his hands though his hair. "Okay, what do we do?"

"I think we should wait, the police won't do shit until it's been a whole day." Lucielle piped up, "I think we just need to assume he's okay until then."

"Are you kidding me? What if he's like dead in a ditch?" Wade stood up, his face softening when he saw the horror on Maisie's face. "I mean- sorry Mae."

Oliver's sister shook her head and stood up, running out of the room. Adonis sat up and shot Wade a glare. "Not cool, man."

"But he could be! That's why we need to contact the authorities!" Wade began talking with his hands, the frustration clear on his face. "Don't you guys think it's weird that his location is turned off?"

"Yeah, it is weird." Jonna shrugged, "Let's just not freak out. Has anyone contacted Taylor?"

"Good idea. Anybody have her number?"

β€” β€” β€”

Home meant a lot of different things to Oliver. There was the home that he shared with all his friends, the home that Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn raised him in- which would always welcome him with open arms, and then, of course, there was the house that abandoned him when he needed it the most.

So maybe he wasn't home, per say, but back where he started. He was back in that little old town with the same old people that he left so long ago. The town where 85% of the population was senior citizens and the thrift stores were constantly restocked with the clothes of the newly deceased. It was a joke he made often, though it wasn't so appropriate. A joke he made with a girl so long ago he had almost forgotten her.

What possessed him to buy a ticket to Texas was beyond him, but there he was. It was approaching dawn, and he left his belongings, including his phone that would not stop buzzing with the worried texts and calls of his friends. He needed some air, and figured that some snacks would help him feel a bit better.

So, with his hair pulled back into a short ponytail and a pair of sunglasses to cover his eyes, Oliver began to walk in the general direction of the gas station his memory would provide him with.

Opening the door with a chime, he made a beeline towards the fridges, immediately grabbing a white monster. He also proceeded to snatch a bag of Doritos as he made his way to the counter.

Oliver looked up at the muscled man in front of him. His heart plummeted to the floor, shit. He put on a smile to deceive the man of his internal panic.

The man stared at Oliver with a blank expression, slowly scanning the items. "How're you today sir?" He asked, clearly unamused.

The curly haired boy responded with a forced smile, "Good." The man continued to bag the items, showing Oliver the the total.

Oli pulled his card out of his wallet, grimacing as he placed it upside down, his name clearly visible. Both men froze and Oliver felt the overwhelming urge to just cry.

"You've changed." The man spoke bitterly, his eyes raising to stare directly at Oliver.

Oliver scoffed back, "Where'd you just get back from? Rehab or prison?"

The man shook his head, "I've been clean for three years, let it go." He looked down at the grocery's and shoved them into the bag a bit harsher than before.

He almost felt grateful they were the only people in the store. "You want me to let it go? I was twelve years old with a dead mother when the cops showed up and searched the whole fucking house because your sorry ass got hooked on everything there was! Want me to go over the list they had to tell a child? Coke, heroine, meth-"

"Enough, Oliver." The muscled man finally snapped. "I lost her too. What was I supposed to do?"

Oliver watched as his father's hands twisted into fists. "Take care of me! You were all I had! Why wasn't that enough? Why wasn't your own son enough to keep you from fucking over your entire life!" He let his emotions get the best of him, ripping off his sunglasses so his father could see the expression in his eyes.

"Son, let's not do this here." He muttered, lowering his voice, "How that bitch had the brains to adopt you of all people-"

Oli slammed his hands onto the counter, anger filling his eyes. "Don't you fucking dare talk about her like that. She is my mother! My real one is gone. Taylor chose me because she saw something in me. She saw a poor little boy who had nothing. A poor little boy who's life fell apart in three goddamn months. She's done more for me than you ever had, David. You are not my father. You made that pretty damn clear as soon as you chose drugs over a son that needed you. You made that decision when the police took you away and sent you to rehab before locking you up." He paused, taking in a breath to calm himself down. "Just let me pay for my fucking food."

The man he used to call 'dad' fell silent, grabbing Oliver's card so that he could swipe it. Oli snatched it back in seconds and grabbed his stuff, walking out of the store before David could see the tears falling down his son's face.

He let his feet carry him back to the hotel, the walk home filled with his sobs. Oliver was quick to grab his things.

Maybe he was wrong the whole time, this wasn't his home. Not his home anyways. It never had and it never will be. The home of a past life, a distant memory that haunted him. Haunted him. Luring him back to it's deadly clutches, too blinded by the hope of some type of change. Something to suddenly be enough to stay.

No. He realized. This isn't his home. His home isn't even a place. His home is his sister. His home is Taylor, Joe. His friends. The people who love him for exactly who his is.

And suddenly he was sitting at the gate in the airport, a calm aura around him. He was going back.

β€” β€” β€”

Hunter was in the entryway, a hand gripping onto his hair while the other hand clutched his phone. He paced the room, talking desperately to the police at the other end of the line.

He was interrupted by the creaking of the front door opening. He took a defensive step backwards, before his face shifted into a smile. "Holy shit dude." He sighed out in relief. He quickly spoke some incoherent words into the phone before hanging up.

Oliver stood at the door, clutching onto his bags. He let them drop to the floor so he could hug his best friend. He let his head rest on Hunter's shoulder, trying to hold back his tears.

"What happened?" Hunter asked, pulling away. Oliver shook his head slightly, knowing the tears would spill out of his eyes if he spoke even a word about what happened. "Okay, okay. Everyone's in the living room, we were worried sick." He gave Oli a comforting smile, "take your time, I'll go wait in there." Hunter turned and left Oliver alone.

"Any news?" Maisie's voice was soft and cracking, making it evident that she had been crying for awhile. She was sitting next to Jonna, the two girls comforting each other.

"Actually-" Hunter began, getting interrupted by the sound of footsteps making their way towards the room. The room went silent as the figure slowly stepped into the room, shaking slightly as small cries echoed from his throat.

Maisie had seen a lot, she'd been through a lot herself. A lot with him, a lot without. But she had never seen him so vulnerable. So shattered, like a delicate ornament broken into microscopic pieces that could never be put back together.

"Oliver!" She shouted, jumping up and racing towards the boy. Maisie threw her arms around him with a sob that covered his own, cries of relief coming from the other friends.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry-" His words were cut short from the hiccups escaping his throat.

Maisie combed her fingers through his curly hair, holding onto him tightly. "It's okay, you're okay." She assured him.

Oliver slowly pulled away from her, tearfully looking at the rest of his friends. "I- um. I went back to Texas." He started carefully, watching his friends' faces change slowly. "Ran into my dad. It was... It was bad. We argued and he said a lot of... things. I don't know why I left. I just wanted to go back, I guess. It was stupid and impulsive and I should've told you guys and- I'm sorry. It was a mistake, but I'm glad I went. There's nothing to go back to, I know that now. I'm not sorry for going back, but I'm sorry for leaving if that makes sense." He was starting to choke on his words, fresh tears stinging in his eyes. "I really fucking love you guys."

He held out his arms before practically getting swept up by Victor and Wade. Zinnia, Lucielle, and Jonna were next. Then Elizabeth, Hunter, and Darnell soon joined, along with Maisie and Adonis. Even Simba purred at his feet. "We love you too, Oli."

β€” β€” β€”

"You know, you really scared the shit out of me." Victor commented, sitting on his bed. Oliver was already in his pajamas and was sitting on his bed, scribbling in his song book.

Oli looked up, guilt flooding onto his face. "I know, I'm really sorry. It was really dumb and..." He trailed off, closing his book. "I'd do anything to fix that."

"You could definitely do something to fix it." Victor smiled, running a hand through his hair. He stood up and walked over to Oliver's side of the room, sitting on his bed.

"Anything. I feel like shit for doing that and I wanna make it better." He rambled, messing with his hands.

"Are you sure?" Victor smiled at Oliver. He nodded back at him.

Victor grinned and reached forward to set his hand on Oliver's cheek, slowly drawing in the boy towards him. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Oliver's. Although he braced for the worst, Victor wasn't prepared when Oliver began to kiss him back. The two drew away for a second, earning a small, "holy shit." From Oliver.

"I'm sorry, that was too blunt, wasn't it?" Victor quickly scooted back away, and then stood up. "Sorry, fuck- Sorry."

"No, no." Oliver interrupted him, standing up too. "It was fine. I mean, I feel the same way too if that's what you're trying to say."


"Of course."

"Thank God, because honestly, I'm so fucking into you." Victor let out a nervous laugh. "I really am."

"That's great, because I am too." Oliver smiled, sitting back onto the bed. He patted the spot on the bed next to him for Victor to come sit next to him.

The two boys spent the rest of their night talking things out, with smiles and blushing that could last for days on end. By the end of the night they had already decided on their first date.

half of chapter written by kidskrxw
also the writing isn't that good on my part because im still discouraged about accidentally deleting my best writing yet
anyways ily all

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