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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on august 16th, 2021 @ 2:51pm

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REI YAWNED AS HIS BACK was against the bus that was parked in front of the school. He had to wake up early in order to arrive at school since they were leaving to Tokyo again. "Oh, man! Oh, man! Taking off in the middle of the night is pretty exciting!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Oh, right! You guys were late last time." Tanaka commented as Rei watched Tsukishima walk over.

"Being an idiot must be nice. You can fall asleep anywhere." Tsukishima stated.

"What was that?" Hinata and Tanaka growled.

"It's way too early to deal with you guys..." Rei sighed.

"Well, we're scheduled to arrive early in the morning once again. Ukai and I will take turns driving." Takeda announced once everyone was gathered. Ukai yawned.

"Sorry I nod off." Ukai said.

"Counting on you, sir!" Daichi spoke up, bowing.

"Sir!" Everyone exclaimed. Tsukishima and Rei were the only ones who didn't bow or yell. Mostly because Rei didn't have the energy to do it.

"All right, Ryu!"

"All right, we're heading out."

"Let's show 'em what we're made of!"

"Heck yeah, Noya!"

"Just shut up and get on."

"Let's do this."

Rei was the first one to board the bus as he took a seat near the back. Before he closed his eyes, his phone buzzed, making him take out his phone.

"Messages from Kuroo, Kenma, and Lev..." Rei thought as he quickly responded to the three of them before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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When Rei had gotten off the bus, he was met with a bright light, making him wince and hide behind the nearest person to block out the sun. "Didn't know you were a vampire." Rei heard a voice as he looked up and saw Kuroo.

"The sun is too bright for my liking."

"Are you sure it's the sun? Perhaps you're blinded by meβ€”"

"Nope, pretty sure it's the sun."

Kuroo chuckled. "Whatever you say, darlin'." He commented.

Rei then looked around and saw Kenma and Yaku. Kuroo was heading over to talk to Daichi as the black haired male grabbed his things before heading over to Yaku.

"Greetings." Rei greeted, yawning as he did so.

Yaku chuckled. "Did you get enough sleep, Oshiro?" He questioned.

"I slept on the bus on the way here, don't worry about me." Rei answered.

"Hey, hey! Where's the Skytree?" Rei heard Hinata ask Kenma.

"Huh? The Skytree?" Kenma questioned in confusion.

Rei watched as Hinata pointed to the transmission tower. "Oh! Is that the Tokyo Tower?" He asked in excitement as the black haired male snickered.

"Huh? That's just a transmission tower." Kenma replied as Rei chuckled to himself. Everyone started walking as Kuroo stood in the middle of Daichi and Rei with Kai on Rei's other side.

"What the hell? Are there no transmission towers in Miyagi? Pretty sure I've heard that conversation before." Kuroo said with a sly look.

"To us country folk, all steel towers in Tokyo look like the Tokyo Tower!" Daichi stated.

"That's a bit unreasonable. Also, we're in Saitama." Sugawara said in an exhausted tone. They continued walking as Rei stopped next to Kenma.

"Hey, Kenma." Rei greeted, tiredness still laced in his voice.

"Hey." Kenma greeted back. Before the two could catch up, Hinata came over.

"We're going to be playing in a different high school than last time." Hinata noted as Kenma nodded in reply.

"Apparently, all the summer training camps are held in Shinzen. It's nice and cool here." Kenma informed as Rei jumped when he suddenly slapped his arm. "Though, there are tons of bugs."

"Hinata! Shiro!"

Rei raised an eyebrow at the sound of his name being called. Lev was running towards them. "Have you grown any taller?" Lev bluntly asked Hinata.

"Lev, shut up." Kenma sighed at him in annoyance. Lev stopped once he faced them.

"How rude for that to be the first thing you say. Like anyone grows taller in just two weeks!" Hinata hissed as Lev just smirked.

"I grew two milimetres." He stated, making Hinata jump back in shock. Both Kenma and Rei decided to leave them.

"Anything interesting happen lately?" Rei questioned.

"I have videos of Kuro being dumb. I didn't bother sending them because I knew you'd be here. If you want, I can show you them after practice." Kenma replied.

Rei laughed. "I'd love to see them!" He commented.

"I'm so grateful to be alive right now. To hear Oshiro laugh. I should just force him to come to Nekoma." Rei heard Kuroo from behind him.

"Not a chance!"

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When Rei entered the gymnasium, he was greeted by a loud but familiar yell.


Rei jumped when he saw Bokuto waving him over with Akaashi trying to calm him down while Fujita looked bored. Rei shook his head and jogged over to the two, leaving his teammates confused. "Hey." He greeted them.

"When are you going to come join my team?! We can use your skills!" Bokuto exclaimed, holding him in a tight grip. Akaashi pulled Bokuto away from the black-haired male so he could breathe.

"I missed you two as well, and you already have Fuji-kun." Rei smiled. Bokuto was going to pull him into another hug but Akaashi caught him on time.

"Bokuto-san, we should let Shiro go join his team so we can play volleyball." Akaashi informed as Bokuto blinked and nodded.

"You're right!" Bokuto gasped out.

Rei just gave a thankful smile to Akaashi who just nodded in reply. He headed back to his team. "You know them?" Sugawara asked.

"Yeah. I met them the last time we were here." Rei replied.

"Great, another team we have to worry about stealing you..." Daichi mumbled as Rei just blinked in confusion.

Soon enough, everyone put on their practice jerseys with their numbers on it and gathered around Ukai. "All right, we're gonna swap out members constantly this time around, so be prepared." Ukai informed as everyone was in the gym wearing their gym clothes with their yellow jerseys over their white shirts.



"Our goal is zero penalties!" Bokuto exclaimed as everyone got onto the court. Fukurōdani was serving first. The ball went towards them as Rei saw it going towards Nishinoya. "Noya-senpai!" He shouted as Nishinoya nodded and saved the ball in time.

"Yeah!" Nishinoya cheered.

"Nice receive!" Daichi praised as Kageyama rushed to his position to set the ball to Hinata.

Rei looked as Hinata charged forward to do the quick attack, it made the red head anxious. "That weird fast attack is coming!" Bokuto announced as another member got ready to lock.

However, when Kageyama had set it as Hinata had jumped, making Rei's eyes widen. Hinata landed on his feet as the ball fell to the ground. It made everyone stare at Kageyama in shock and some in confusion.

"What the heck? Kageyama, that wasn't like you." Tanaka chuckled from the sides as Kageyama grew flustered.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, turning away. Rei noticed Hinata look at him in surprise.

"All right! One more! Nice serve!" Bokuto said.

Rei sighed and rolled his shoulders so he wouldn't pull a muscle.

The ball gets served again as Rei kept his eye on it. "Got it!" Rei yelled as he saved it and it went towards Kageyama once more, who gets ready to toss to Hinata.

Hinata jumped up as Kageyama tossed to him, however, it was too far this time.

Rei sighed, thinking they weren't going to get a point, but was shocked when Hinata used his left arm to send the ball back up as he came tumbling down.

The ball rolled over the net and Karasuno gained a point.

"Nice, Hinata!"

"Nice, Shoyo!"

Rei blinked at what he had just witnessed. Hinata hadn't done that before. Not to mention Kageyama was setting differently.

Asahi was now doing his serve, as he bounced the ball up and down, he threw it up and did a jump serve, making the ball go over the net. However, he hit the ball too powerfully and it was an out.

"Out! Out!"

Asahi clicked his tongue in annoyance when the ball goes out and Fukurōdani gets the point. "That's fine! Keep it going!" Ukai encouraged.

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Kageyama and Hinata had been swapped out and were replaced with Sugawara and Tsukishima. Rei knew that Ukai wanted to try out the synchronize attack, so that's what they did. Asahi charged forward from the back, however Sugawara tossed the ball too late making Asahi along with everyone else tense a little as the ball dropped to the ground.

"Well, we shouldn't expect it to go completely right the first time..." Rei thinks to himself.

The game continued as the ball goes up and Sugawara saved it. "Sorry! Cover!" He announced as Rei watched Nishinoya smirk happily and run forward.

"Leave it to me!" He exclaimed, jumping up to do his own set, however, he jumped too far, he realized his mistake and the ball bounced on the ground once more.

"Hey, what's up with you guys today?" Bokuto questioned with a smile on his face as Nishinoya was trembling with a flustered look. "Are you all right?" Bokuto added.

Nishinoya groaned looked to the side. "Damn it!" He hissed to himself.

Rei glanced at the score, which made him frown a little.





The game resumed as Rei watched the ball get served into the air, Fujita and Akaashi switched places, shocking Karasuno. Fujita tosses it to Bokuto who happily jumped up. Daichi and Tsukishima also jump up to block him but the spike was too powerful and Bokuto got through them. Rei dived down to save the ball, but he was too late as he huffed in annoyance.

"Yes!" Bokuto cheered when he got through the two blockers.


Everyone lined up once the game ended with Bokuto's team winning. "I need to be stronger." Rei thought as Karasuno lined up and bowed at Fukurōdani.

"Thank you!"

Daichi then lead everyone outside. The sun blinded Rei, but his eyesight quickly adjusted. "The penalty for this camp is apparently something you see only at Shinzen: A refreshing uphill dash through the forest behind the school!" Daichi announced.

All right... ready... go!" Daichi exclaimed as he clapped his hands and everyone started running up. Rei did more of a jog instead, not wanting to use up his speed.

"There's no way in hell I'm running up this hill. I already did that in Miyagi and that was just a complete disaster." Rei thought, thinking back to when him, Kageyama, and Hinata ran into Ushijima.

Once everyone was finished, they all went back down as Yachi handed them their water bottles. "Here." She said, giving the black-haired male his water bottle.

"Thanks." Rei said, taking the water bottle from her and drinking it. He looked over at Hinata who was peeking inside, but decided not to bother him.

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It was dark out and with Karasuno losing they had to do the penalty. Rei was currently walking around the school grounds. His phone started to buzz. He looked down to see Ryuu was calling him.

"Ryu-kun. This is a surprise." Rei greeted.

"You sound dead." Ryuu commented.

"That's because I am. I've been practicing constantly trying to get my misdirection better." Rei said.

Rei heard Ryuu let out a long sigh on the other end. "Anyhow, how's Tokyo? You texted me saying you're at away games? With other schools?" He said as ReiΒ  hummed in confirmation.

"It's okay, I suppose. We keep losing though." He replied.

"Well, losing is apart of improvement."

"Says the one who quit volleyball back in junior high."

Rei could definitely see Ryuu rolling his eyes on the other end.

"Darlin'! Over here!" Rei looked over to see Kuroo waving him over with Bokuto right next to him. They were in the gymnasium.

"Darlin'? Rei-chan, who is that?"

Rei gave Kuroo and Bokuto a peace sign in greeting. "It's just Kuroo-san. He's with one of the schools we're practicing with. Darlin' is his nickname for me. Unfortunately." He explained.

"Never would've taken you as someone who likes pet names, Rei-chan." Ryuu teased.

"Yeah, well, it's Kuroo-san's personality." Rei said.Β  "I'm gonna hang up now. Goodbye, Ryu-kun."

Rei quickly ended the call and walked over to Kuroo and Bokuto. "Was that an important call?" Kuroo questioned.

"Nope. It was just my childhood friend checking up on me." Rei replied. "Anyway, what do you need?"

"Wanna practice with us? We could use a libero." Kuroo asked as he grinned slightly while Bokuto had a begging look.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Rei answered as Bokuto dragged him into the gym.

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Kuroo was busy training Lev who looked as if he might collapse. Akaashi was setting to Bokuto as Rei was saving the ball.

"We need a blocker..." Bokuto informed as they stopped for a moment.

"Why not ask him?" Kuroo spoke as he pointed outside. Rei followed his gaze to see Tsukishima walking by.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea, Kuroo-san. Knowing Tsukishima-kun, he willβ€”"

"Oh hey, you, Karasuno! You with the glasses!"

Rei twitched his eye as Kuroo ignored him. He sees his teammate pause and look over at Kuroo.

"Can you jump a few blocks for us?" Kuroo asked as he gestured Tsukishima to come closer as Bokuto was standing next to him and stretched his arms. Akaashi and Rei stayed a little bit behind in the back.

Tsukishima stared at the duo before he spoke up. "Actually, I'm done for the night. If you'll excuse me." He stated with a small bow.

"What?" Kuroo and Bokuto flinched a little, as they weren't expecting that to be Tsukishima's answer.

"It's meaningless to practice spiking without blockers. I beg you!" Bokuto begged as Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why does it have to be me? Why not someone from Fukurōdani?" Tsukishima questioned. Akaashi and Rei walked on over.

"Bokuto-san's spike practice is endless so they all hurry and leave to escape from it." Akaashi informed.

"And I'm busy training this guy over here." Kuroo spoke up, as he smirked and gestured over to Lev who was laying down on the floor, in a pool of his own sweat as he weakly lifted his head up.

"I'm saying I'll jump all those blocks!" Lev managed to get out as Kuroo looked at him with an irked look.

"Shut up!" Kuroo scolded. "If you want to continue as a regular on Nekoma's team, you need to actually be able to receive the ball!"

Lev groaned at this as Rei looked back at Tsukishima, who was giving everyone a judging look, making Rei frown. He had been the only one out of the whole team who seemed like he wasn't improving, or more like he didn't want to improve.

"He may not look it, but this guy is one of the five best aces in the nation, so I think he'd be good practice for you." Kuroo spoke up, pointing to Bokuto who just blinked before smiling and crossing his arms in pride.

"He probably just misses being in the top three." Akaashi spoke. Rei tried to hold back a snicker while Kuroo smirked and gave his friend a pat on the back.

"Don't mind."

Bokuto pushed Kuroo's arm off his back and gave him an annoyed look.

"Don't raise me up just to let me get knocked down!"

Rei was amused by their friendship. He turned to Tsukishima who was once again judging them. Kuroo must've noticed because he then threw a challenging look at Tsukishima.

"Besides, if you're a middle blocker, shouldn't you practice blocking a little bit more?" He challenged.

That seemed to make Tsukishima snap as Rei watched his teammate walk over and get inside the gym, they watched as Bokuto gave a thumbs up to Kuroo who smirks proudly.

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"One more!" Bokuto exclaimed as Akaashi sets to him and Tsukishima tried to block. The ball goes by as Rei dives down to save it.

"One more!" Bokuto added as they repeated it again and again. Rei's arms were starting to throb and turn red as he watched Bokuto jump up to spike.

"A straight..." Rei thought, noticing the way Bokuto was aiming. Tsukishima also noticed this. However, Rei then narrowed his eyes. "No, it's not a straight!"

He moved positions once Bokuto slammed the ball and easily got passed Tsukishima. Rei was there to save it as the ball goes back up. He smirked as the ball bounced on the ground.

"Yes!" Bokuto cheered as he got passed Tsukishima.

"You just beat all of one blocker." Akaashi stated bluntly making Bokuto grumble.

"Shut up!" Bokuto hissed as Rei chuckled and picked up the ball. He sees Kuroo walk over to Tsukishima's side.

"Well, how about two, then?" He suggested with a sly grin. "Bring it on!"

"Wasn't he training Lev?" Rei thought as he turned around only to see Lev on the floor once more, surrounded by three volleyballs. "Is he okay?"

"If that's the case, I'll be libero for Bokuto's side." Rei announced, walking under the net.

"Whoo!" Bokuto cheered as Kuroo groaned.

"Aw, but darlin'!" Kuroo complained as Rei ignored him.

Bokuto takes the ball from Rei and got ready to serve it. "Here we go!" He called out as he throws the ball up to Akaashi.

Akaashi tossed it up as Bokuto ran forward to jump. Rei gets into position to save the ball just in case. He watched as Tsukishima and Kuroo jump up as Bokuto was about to slam down the ball. He saw an opening next to Kuroo for Bokuto to spike. However, Kuroo also saw this as Bokuto. The second Bokuto aimed and slammed the ball to the opening, Kuroo moved his hands and blocked the ball.

Rei widened his eyes a little before running over to save the ball but was slow as the ball hit the court.


"Damn it!"

Rei sighed. "I was so close on getting that ball too." He frowned, walking over. Akaashi patted his back in reassurance.

"Specs, you have a good read on things, but you know, your blocks are pretty weak." Bokuto bluntly stated which Rei could tell that made Tsukishima irked.

"I get worried that I might break your arm in two or something. You gotta rush in and stop it. Rush in!" Bokuto encouraged as Rei chuckled a little. Tsukishima then smirked.

"I'm still a growing boy! I have a ways to go in both muscular strength and in height." He grinned as Bokuto grew irked at this.

"If you take things too easy, shorty will take all the glory away from you. You guys play the same position, right?" Kuroo spoke up as Rei slightly widened his eyes and glanced to Tsukishima in concern who got quiet.

"I don't think I can do anything about that. There is an obvious difference in potential between Hinata and myself." Tsukishima spoke, rubbing his neck and giving everyone a sheepish look.

Rei frowned at his words. "Ah! Are you practicing again?" He heard Inuoka's voice call out, making Rei look to see him and the rest of Nekoma walking in.

"Want me to block? I can block!" Inuoka offered as Rei saw Yaku stare at Lev.

"Hey, Lev! Don't you be rolling around there like that! Receive!" Yaku scolded as Lev lifted his head up.

"Gah! Yaku-san!"

"What do you mean, "Gah?"

"Well, looks like I'll be in the way, so if you'll excuse me." Tsukishima spoke as he walked away from them. "You coming, Shiro?"

Rei shook his head. "You go ahead. I'm staying here for a bit." He replied as Tsukishima nodded and continues to walk off.

"Hey!" Kuroo called out but got no response.

"I think you struck a nerve, Kuroo." Akaashi pointed out.

"You pissed him off." Bokuto added. "That was a huge failure as a master of provocation, Kuroo."

Kuroo winced at this. "Well, I wouldn't have thought that." He spoke, making Rei raise an eyebrow.

"Thought what?" He questioned.

"Karasuno's shorty is definitely strange a threat, but in terms of technique and experience, he's like a baby bird. Plus, he's really short." Kuroo replied as Rei sweat dropped but nodded in agreement.

"Specs is tall and has those brains, and yet, he looks at shorty not only as an equal..." Kuroo continued as Rei finally realized what he was saying.

"...But as someone that he is no match against." Rei finished, making Kuroo nod.

"Let's continue practicing!" Bokuto exclaimed, breaking the silence as everyone nodded. The other Nekoma players come over to join the practice.

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It was the next day as Rei sat down at the table next to Sugawara. As he was eating the food from the cafeteria, he heard Nishinoya calling out to Tsukishima.

"Hey, Tsukishima. Eat up! Or you're not gonna last!" Nishinoya ordered as Tsukishima just smirked.

"Nishinoya-san, at least your stomach's big." Tsukishima teased as Rei chuckled.

"What'd you say? You cheeky brat! This is what you get!"

Rei watched as Nishinoya annoyed Tsukishima. "Your true self will pay!" Nishinoya exclaimed.

"H-Hey, stop! They're gonna break." Tsukishima stated, gesturing to his glasses. Yamaguchi and Rei watched from afar.

"Hey, Daichi's gonna get mad!" Sugawara warned them.

"Leave them be, Suga-san. It's entertaining." Rei said and went back to eating his food.

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Karasuno was currently in the gymnasium playing against Nekoma. Rei glanced over at the score since they had been playing for a while now. He sighed when he saw it.





It was Asahi's turn to serve as he waited for the whistle. Once the whistle blew, he served the ball, however it hits the net and Nekoma got match point, Rei sighed, knowing they would have to do the penalty.

Daichi lead all of them outside. Rei groaned at the sight of the hill.

"Go!" Daichi announced, clapping as everyone ran up the hill.

The game they had, they lost once more as they re-did the penalty. It was becoming a norm for them


Everyone rushed up the hill once more.

The same thing kept happening again and again. "I'm done!" Rei coughed out as they entered the gym once they finished their penalty run.

"Here you go, Shiro." Kiyoko spoke as Rei nodded in appreciation and gulped down the water.


They all turned when they heard the voice of Shinzen's manager. They saw the managers holding watermelons.

"The parents from Shinzen High gave us some watermelons!" She said as everyone cheered.

They were all given a break as they ate their watermelons. Rei was on his second one as he was seated next to Hinata, Lev, and Kenma. He also noticed that both Mizuki and Fujita were sitting with their respective teams.

Rei sees Lev spit out the seeds, making Hinata stare in amazement.

"Whoa! That's awesome, Lev!" He exclaimed as Rei just ate the fruit.

Hinata kept trying to do the trick that Lev did with the watermelon, only to fail as Lev would laugh and Rei and Kenma watched with amused looks.

"Hinata, you suck." Lev grinned as Rei let out a long sigh.

Soon they were able to start some more matches once everyone had finished their fruit.

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At their next game, Karasuno was versing Nekoma in which they lost at 16 points. Rei had failed to save the ball the last minute.


Rei headed outside, the sun was setting, and Shun was too tired to move. Go!" Daichi announced, as everyone did so. Rei however, felt his legs give out.

"I'm out. I'm done." Rei panted, not caring about the penalty.

"Ah! Rei, are you okay?" Yachi panicked, running to see if her friend was okay. Rei gave her a small nod.

"I'm fine, Hitoka. My stamina is just low." He reassured her as Yachi nodded.

Once everyone came back, to do their game against Ubugawa, Rei headed over to Ukai.

"Coach, can I sit this one out?" Rei begged. Ukai sighed but nodded.

"Fine. But the second your stamina is back to normal, I'm putting you back in." He told me as Rei nodded in agreement.

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Rei sat down at the sides as he watched his teammates. "Left! Left!" Tanaka exclaimed as Kageyama tossed to him as Tanaka spiked through the blockers. "All right!" He cheered as Rei looked at the scores.





"Hey, you went idle just now!" Kageyama scolded to Tsukishima. "Even if you're a decoy, you need to jump!"

Tsukishima scoffed. "So observant... sorry, man." He huffed, jogging away.

"Tsukishima, your serve is next." Daichi informed as Tsukishima nodded and grabbed the ball.

His teammates cheered for him as he served the ball. Rei watched as the ball goes back and fourth, keeping it play. However, he widened his eyes when he saw Nishinoya and Daichi bump into each other. They both apologized before going back into the game.

Soon the ball goes into play as Rei watched Kageyama receive it. Tanaka ran forward to cover for him.

"Go for it, Asahi!" Tanaka called out to their ace as he set the ball towards him, but it was a bit short.

Rei noticed Hinata lick his lips, as if he wanted to spike it. But he suddenly froze, and he saw him look at Asahi who had an intense aura around him. Hinata took a step back for Asahi to spike it instead as Asahi jumped up and got past three blockers with a powerful slam.

"Nice kill, Asahi! That was an awesome spike!"

Even so, they had eventually lost, as Karasuno approached the doors, Rei saw that it was dark out.

"Go!" Daichi clapped as they all raced up the hill.

Once they were done, they headed back down the hill. Hinata was his normal happy self, bouncing around.

"Man, I wish I had his energy." Rei thought as he watched Hinata get excited, it made him even more tired.

"Time for personal practice!" He exclaimed.

"Another magnificent total loss today." Sugawara commented as Rei followed everyone else inside.

Once he stepped in, a familiar voice called out to him. "Shiro, you wanna practice with us again?" Bokuto asked as Rei sighed.

"Sure." He replied as Bokuto beamed.

"Great, now where's Specs?" He asked as Rei was confused at first, but then realized he was referring to Tsukishima.

"Over there." He replied, pointing in the direction where Tsukishima was. Bokuto walked on over.

"Specs!" He called out which made Tsukishima tense a little. "How about you come help us with our spike practice again today?" Bokuto asked as Rei noticed Hinata was listening in.

"I'm sorry. I'll pass." Tsukishima replied, walking away from him.

"Oh, really? Kuroo!"

"Aw, man..."

"I haven't even said anything yet!"

Rei chuckled and patted Bokuto's shoulder. "I'll be in the gym." He informed and walked out.

As he was walking out, he stopped and saw Tsukishima leaving, making him frown a little.

"I can tell he isn't big on volleyball. He doesn't give it his all. That could become a problem for us once the preliminaries come up." Rei thought. "I don't want to pry, but I can't help but be curious as to what happened..."

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A/N: Another chapter done! I'm using my phone to update this since I'm on vacation. Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 4608 words.

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