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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on august 14th, 2021 @ 3:35am

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REI HAD THE MONDAY AFTERNOON off from practice since the gym was being inspected, but it should be finished in time for tomorrow. Rei was walking home from school with his gym bag over his arm, yawning from how tired he was from the school day.

As he was walking, a sign caught his interest as he stopped to inspect it. "Lil'Tykes Volleyball Classroom?" Rei thinks to himself, humming in thought. He was about to walk away when he heard a voice.

"Hey, you." An elder man called out. Rei stopped and looked at him. He had short gray-white hair and a tiny beard at the bottom of his chin. Despite his age, he appeared to be well-built and athletic.

"You're from the Karasuno Volleyball Club?" He asked, gesturing to the black-haired male's gym back to which he nodded.

"Yeah." Rei replied as the elder man smirked.

"Mind helping me train a few of these brats?" He asked.

"Uh, okay." Rei responded, shrugging. He had nothing else to do for the day anyhow.

"Great, just put your bag on the ground there." He said as Rei did so. He walked over to see some kids looking at him in confusion.

"They all have to be in junior high would be my guess." Rei thought, looking over to the elder man. "Hey, I never got your name. I'm Oshiro Rei."

He grinned. "Ukai Ikkei, but you can call me Ukai Sr or whatever." He introduced himself. Rei at first nodded but then realized something.

"Hmm? Did he say Ukai? Why does that name sound familiar?" Rei wondered as his eyes widened in realization. "You're Karasuno's old coach!"

Ikkei laughed. "I see, I've earned a name for myself back at Karasuno." He stated as the black-haired male blinked.

"I thought you were in the hosptial." Rei mumbled as Ikkei scoffed.

"I got discharged. I'm fine now." He reassured him, waving him off.

"Anyway, Oshiro, was it?"

"Yeah, but just call me Shiro. I prefer it."

"What's your position?"

"I'm a libero." Rei answered, making Ikkei's eyes widen with shock as if he wasn't expecting someone like him to play libero. "But I can play setter, as well."

"Great, that's good to know." Ikkei said. "Help these kids with their spikes. I'll switch in after three rounds of spiking."

Rei walked up to a volleyball on the ground and gave it to the first kid. "Wow, so you're apart of a real team?" He questioned, looking at the black haired male in amazement. Rei chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, and we'll be going to the spring nationals, too." Rei claimed as the kids got in line.

"Whenever you're ready." Rei called out as the small boy nodded and threw up the ball as he ran forward. Rei decided not to use all of his power. These were just junior high kids after all. So he sent him a more gentler toss as he watched the kid spike it down.

"That was perfect!" He exclaimed as Ikkei nodded, his arms crossed.

"He's right. That set was perfect, even though you were holding back." He agreed as Rei blinked with shock.

"How did you know that I—"

Ikkei chuckled. "I've been playing volleyball longer than you. So, I know when players are holding back. However, I don't blame you." He interrupted.

Rei nodded as he felt a tug at his shirt, he looked down to see the kids surrounding him. "More sets please!" They all bowed. The black haired male smiled and nodded.


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They were taking a break for a bit. Rei was sitting by his gym bag, taking a few sips of water. He didn't know that teaching kids volleyball could be exhausting. But teaching kids how to play the sport he loved was fun. He watched as Ikkei walked up to him.

"Say, can I ask you something?" He asked as Rei looked up at him.

"Sure. What is it?" Rei responded.

"How would you like to help out here once in a while? The kids seem to love you." Ikkei offered as Rei thought about it for a moment.

"I guess it wouldn't be so bad. I mean, it gives me something to do than just sit at home all day." Rei thinks to himself before looking at the old coach.

"Sure, I don't mind. When do you want me to come around?" Rei asked as he smiled.

"I'll give you a sheet of paper of the days we're open." Ikkei replied as Rei just nodded.

He watched from the sides as Ikkei was setting them to the children. "Come on! Move those legs!" He encouraged as Rei watched him hit the ball as a boy saves it.

"Nice receive!" Another kid complimented. Rei believed his name was Ogasawara Yuu.

"One more!" Ikkei exclaimed. Rei found it amusing watching the children try to receive the ball.

"Whoa, I can't get that!" Yuu whined.

"You sure you're supposed to be moving around like that right after getting out of the hospital?" A familiar voice asked. Rei jumped as he saw Ukai and Hinata.

"Eh, Shiro?" Hinata said in confusion.

"Hinata-kun, what are you doing here?" Rei questioned, walking over.

"Um, I came here to learn I guess." Hinata replied as Rei nodded in understanding.

"What? If they let you out of the hospital, it means they're giving you permission to move around all you want." Ikkei explained to his grandson in which Ukai groaned before looking at Hinata.

"He's my grandpa." He informed as Hinata blinked.

"Huh? Gra... Coach Ukai?" Hinata announced as Rei saw him raise an eyebrow in question.

"So... you couldn't figure out what to do with this weirdo quick attack and helplessly ran away, eh, Coach?" Ikkei questioned his grandson who looked away sheepishly after he explained why he had brought Hinata there. Rei was standing beside Hinata as the kids were practicing with one another.

Rei flinched when Ikkei threw his grandson across the ground.

"That's your team, you weakling!" Ikkei exclaimed as Hinata clung onto Rei in fear as the black haired male sweat dropped.

"Coach?" Hinata gasped, as he started to shake in fear at the old coach. "P-Please help me!"

"With what? I don't go smacking random people. Just weaklings." Ikkei said as Ukai got up and growled.

"I-I came here to learn to fight on my own!"

"You want to dominate aerial combat being that short?"

"I want to because I'm this short!"

Rei watched as Ikkei seemed to be taken aback by Hinata's words. "I might sound like I'm saying weird things, but..." Hinata added, frowning a little.

"What's weird about it?" Ikkei questioned. "Even if you're dealing with an ingenious setter... in the type of attack known as a fast attack, the "absolute pace-setter"... is you."

Hinata and Rei watched in curiosity as Ukai tilted his head, looking confused. Ikkei once again threw his grandson. "You're the coach! Don't look so dumbfounded, punk!" Ikkei exclaimed as Hinata and Rei jumped a little.

"It's not even about technique. It's a problem with your mindset. What do you personally think that so-called deviant fast attack?" Ikkei asked as Hinata thought about it.

"Let's see..." Hinata began. "I go like zoom, and with a bang I jump with all my might. That's where the toss vrooms in, so I swing with a whoosh, and it perfectly hits my hand! And slash, we nail it!"

Rei sighed at Hinata's explanation. He understood what he was trying to say, but he figured Ikkei wouldn't have a clue. Ukai seemed to be thinking the same thing as he came over.

"Er, what he's trying to say is when he jumps with his eyes closed, our setter, Kageyama, tosses the ball directly to him—" Ukai explained as he grandfather interrupted.

"I get what you're trying to say. But you got it all wrong, shrimp. Even for that deviant fast attack, as long as it's a type of fast attack, you still hold the initiative of this. Make sure you understand that with your head." Ikkei explained.

"Don't think that a weapon you wield is something unfamiliar to you. Well, I guess it's faster to just show you." Ikkei added as Rei watched him go under the volleyball net to the other side. "Shrimp, you try blocking for a second. You're a middle blocker, right? Try stopping all of these."

"You're in junior high?"

"What school?"

Rei snickered as two boys were asking Hinata those type of questions.

"I'm in high school!" Hinata announced as Hisoka sighed.

Rei looked over to see what Ukai Sr had up his sleeve for Hinata. "All right, here we go!" He announced.

"Okay!" The boys all replied back as Rei saw that Hinata was smiling, most likely thinking how he was taller than all the kids there.

Rei watched as Yuu threw the ball up. "Third tempo." Ikkei announced as Rei blinked. "Tempos, huh?" He questioned as he watched the kids run forwards as Ogasawara Hiroki jumped up and spiked the ball. He wasn't expecting Hinata to jump so high as he accidently spiked the ball in his face.

Rei sweat dropped. "That's an amazing jump! Your face was totally above the net." Hiroki exclaimed.

"Well, yeah." Hinata replied, trying to play it off, even those his face was still red from the contact of the ball.

Rei glanced over Ukai Sr to see he was also surprised by Hinata's jumping power. "You've definitely got some spring in your step... All right, next!" He mumbled before announcing as once again Yuu throws the ball up.

"Second tempo."

Rei noticed that the children picked up speed. Hinata follows the ball as he jumped up and blocked Hiroki. Ukai Sr seemed to be impressed. "All right, next!" He called out as Yuu threw the ball up. "First tempo." Ikkei exclaimed as the kids run forward.

They were fast as Hinata tried to keep up but missed when the ball was spiked down. Hinata, however, seemed amazed by this. "Well?" Ikkei spoke.

"It's fast!" Hinata exclaimed in amazement.

"Can you block that?" Ikkei asked as Hinata continued to look impressed.

"At the least, I can't block it alone! I think..."

"The three tempos you just saw, was there a big difference in how the spiker hit?"

"No! I don't think..."

Rei sighed. "Then, what was the difference?" Ikkei asked as Hinata thought about it. "The timing of their running approach?" Hinata asked.

"Correct! That's what the tempo is. Listen... the agility in any attack is determined by it's tempo. It's not how fast or slow the toss may be; it's the timing of the spiker's running approach. The fastest is the first tempo. It's the best way to get around the opponent's block and is probably the attack you're doing without realizing it. But you need to actually understand it. You need to start your running approach before the setter's toss goes up. The setter tosses to the spiker. In other words, the deviant fast attack is still an attack with initiative on the spiker." Ikkei explained as Hinata widened his eyes.

"First tempo..." Hinata mumbled as Ikkei goes back under the net to Hinata's side. "And so, I don't know what kind of special attack the deviant fast attack is, but this is much certain: There is no better toss than the one that is. "easy for the spiker to hit." Ikkei stated.

Rei glanced at Ukai who had his eyes widen in realization. "Just one of them is no good." Rei heard him say.

"Eh?" Hinata commented as he jumped when their coach yelled.

"Hinata, practice here for a bit!" He exclaimed as he started running to his car.


"What a weirdo."

Rei could only watch as Ukai leaves in his car.

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The next day, the gymnasium was open, throughout the school day, Rei mostly went to class and took notes. He didn't run into Hinata or Kageyama, but he knew they were going to be at practice. He also knew Hinata was going to Ukai Sr again as was he.

Rei was walking to the gymnasium when he heard someone clear their throat. "Oh, hey—" He began to greet him but was cut off by Kageyama.

"I'm sorry, Rei!" He apologized.

Rei sighed. "It's fine, Tobio-kun. I don't hold anything against you." He said.

"I still feel guilty."

"Don't be. If anything, I want you to be back on good terms with Hinata-kun again."

Kageyama tensed at this as Rei patted his shoulder. "I meant what I said back then. My junior high teammates are on another level. We weren't called the strongest for nothing. In order to go to nationals, we have to beat them and their teams." Rei informed before walking inside.

Rei went to join his other teammates as they began their stretches. After they finished, the black haired male noticed a familiar orange haired male walk in. He looked around as Ukai called him over, Rei looked away.

"Sugawara, I'm counting on you." Ukai announced as Sugawara perked up at his name.

"Right." He replied. They were going to play a practice match as Sugawara was being the setter for one side with Kageyama being the setter for the other.

"All right! Let's get this started! Make sure to stay hydrated!"


Rei noticed Hinata and Kageyama walk by each other, Rei frowned a little, noticing how they didn't say a word to each other.

"Um, Hinata..." Rei heard Yachi call out as he listened in.

"U-Um, I was wondering if you were okay. You and Kageyama, um, uh..." Yachi asked as she started to get anxious on asking.

Rei looked at Hinata who smiled. "We're fine." He said, making Yachi smile. However, Rei narrowed his eyes.

"Are you though?" Rei wondered, turning his attention back to the practice match. He was on the same team as Kageyama.


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The next day, they were using the second gym since a lot of the guys were doing their own practices and they didn't have the space. Hinata and Kageyama weren't on speaking terms still, but Rei thought it was understandable since they needed time on their own.

Rei huddled around Ukai, who was showing Ennoshita, Sugawara, Tanaka, Daichi, and himself some clips on a volleyball match so they could see what kind of tricks they can do.

"This is a video of the Brazil national team's attack?" Sugawara commented as Rei watched the clip which showed a tempo that he learned from his grandfather when Ukai Sr was teaching Hinata. "They are started moving at once." Sugawara gasped.

Rei nodded. "Shinzen's attack was like this, too." He added.

"A synchronized attack." Daichi stated as Rei glanced over at Kageyama who was busy practicing his setting. Yachi threw up the ball towards him as Rei watched Kageyama set the ball as he turned to the water bottle he was trying to hit. He missed, making him annoyed as Yachi jumped.

Kageyama just breathed out to calm down before turning to Yachi. "Next, please." He spoke, making Yachi nod her head.

"Got it!" She said. Rei chuckled a little at this before turning his attention back on the video Ukai was showing them.

After practice, Rei headed over to Ukai Sr's volleyball lesson. Hinata was already there, as he had left early. When he arrived, he greeted everyone and began teaching some of the kids.

Rei gave Hinata a glance who had made eye contact with him. He threw a peace sign at him and continued teaching the kids.

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Thoughout the days, everyone had been focusing on improving themselves. Both Rei and Nishinoya were training how to set in mid-air, just like Aoba Johsai's libero did. Asahi was practicing his jump serves, Kageyama was doing some setting as he tried to set the ball in accurate position to knock down some water bottles.

Hinata and Rei went to Ukai Sr's to practice themselves. Hinata was good at jumping at the right time when the ball was set to him, and Rei was improving himself. When he wasn't teaching the kids, he focused on trying to make his misdirection better.

Ukai was getting the team educated on tempo attacks, which both Hinata and Rei already knew about. Summer vacation was coming closer, and before Rei knew it, they were going back to Tokyo for their away games.

It was finally summer vacation, Rei was at the gym with the others as they were crowding around Takeda.

"Now that it's summer vacation, we can practice from morning to night. And starting tomorrow, we'll resume the Tokyo away games. This time, we'll be there for a solid week! This will be the first and last long-term training camp before the Spring Nationals preliminaries. With the Spring National preliminaries in sight, to make sure we have no regrets, take this opportunity to devour everything!" Takeda informed.

Rei narrowed his eyes as his arms were crossed. "Devour everything, huh? I'll definitely try to make my misdirection better. I won't disappoint Noya-senpai again." He thought, clenching his fist in determination.

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A/N: Another chapter is done! Also, I'm thinking of Yaku being Rei's mentor, because why not. And I want to write some jealous Nishinoya moments. Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 2921 words.

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