๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ. new group?

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chapter two, new group?

Raven had been running and sneaking around for hours, trying to find the mystery person who took the gun. She was now walking in the hallways, that the rooms were in. She was walking fast, wanting to get to her room and relax for a little while.

"For fucks sake!" She tripped over something on the floor. She reached down to pick up her walkie, which seemed to have fallen down.

She walked towards her own room, but she was, once again, interrupted.

"I swear to the lord, someone doesn't want to to relax today." She picked up the walkie and pressed the button to speak.

"What is it Mary?" She spoke to the girl on the other end of the walkie, annoyed about the fact, that she couldn't have her peace.

Mary is one of Raven's good friends, apart from Cassie and Jonathan. She trusted Mary. She was one of the best fighters in the group. The girl had insanely good aim. She could kill you from even yards away.

"I spotted people."

"What." Raven stopped dead on tracks.

"Yeah. They are hiding in the trees. They're not as far but they can't see me. They're hiding, thinking they're invisible or something" Mary chuckled while looking through the scope of her gun.

"Alright, can you see how many?"

"My best guess is about seven or six. I can't tell for sure." Mary squinted her eyes, wanting to have an accurate number.

"Okay. Mary, if they move, even just a millimeter, I want to know." She spoke with full confidence and a steady voice.

"You got it Raven."

Raven strapped her walkie, back to her belt and walked to her room.


Raven was supposed to be looking for the person, who took the gun. Instead she had been taking a power nap. A three hour power nap. She was hearing someone calling her name. Just like when Cassie, woke her up from her nightmares.

"Raven? Raven! Raven! Jesus, are you alive?" Mary's voice was heard through the walkie, that was resting on the desk, beside the bed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm alive. I'm good. What's up?" Raven sat up on the bed.

"They've moved." Raven did not understand what Mary was saying.

"Wait wha-"

"Shit Raven! They're running! What do we do? Fuck. They're going for the front door." Mary was spoke to the girl, on the other line. She was so calm for some reason.

"Do not move. I got this." Raven's voice reassured Mary, who rolled her head, preparing, for anything that can happen. Raven changed the channel on the walkie, wanting to speak to everyone.

"Everyone line up. We're being attacked. Get in positions, I'll be there." Raven's words were rushed, as she was trying to put on her boots.

She took the small pocket knife, walked out the door and run as fast as she could to the main area, that was their front entrance. The walkie creeked again.

"Raven they're not at the door. They're looking around, thrying to spot people."

"Then hide, so they don't spot you."

"I'm already hidden."

"Good to know."

"Are we fighting?" Mary asked.

"I don't know, but don't you worry. We'll handle this." Raven got to the main room and a gun was passed to her, by her best friend Cassie. She took the assault riffle on her hands and turn to her people.

"Everyone, line up! Do not panic over this. We all know we can handle it. Get in positions, and if I give the signal, you know what to do." Raven spoke confidently. Many would say she was born a natural leader.

She run over to Cassie, who was holding a gun of her own.

"Open the door, just enough for me to get out. We don't want them to see everyone. We have an advantage. They don't know how many of us are here. Let's keep it that way for now." Raven walked to her best friend and gave her a small side hug.

The big steel made door creeked loud, as it was opening. Raven made her way through the small opening. She had the gun firmly on her hands.

The door shut closed behind her. As she came face to face with the new people, who were all pointing their guns to the dark haired girl's face. She stopped and looked at them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." She was looking at the man in the middle, who by the way he was carrying himself, she assumed was the leader.

Her and the man were starring at each other for a hot minute. Raven's gaze remained strong and deadly, and it never left the stranger's face.

The man finally told his people to lay their guns down. He took a step closer to the girl.

"Who are you?"

"That is none of your business. Now, who are you?" Raven tilted her head to the side.

"I asked you something." The man didn't seem to back down, as he spoke to her, thinking he had the upper hand. He looked at her up and down, scanning for anything.

"And I answered you. You are in no place to talk to me with that voice, and to be giving me that look." She waved her finger at them, while her gaze never once left his face.

"You are a child. Why should I be afraid of you?" The strange man laughed in her face. Raven was done. She raised her hand and made a swift and fast motion.

Heads started popping up from the balconies, the trees and from around the building. They were shooting all around the people.

Raven did not once blink. She was smiling proudly. Her dark eyes scanning, the crouched down, scared strangers.

"That's why you should be afraid of us. One wrong move and you're done."

"You would actually kill us?" The man spoke sarcastically once again.

"Do you want us to prove it?" Raven was not having his bullshit. He shook his head no. He slowly walked closer to the girl, still a little defensive.

"I'm Rick Grimes." He put his hand out and introduced himself to the girl.

"Raven." She shook his hand with a strong grip, as she searched his face for anything that could prove, he was a psychopath, and that he could murder her right now.

"Is there a leader around?" Rick looked around.

"You're looking at her." If looks could kill, Rick Grimes would be long gone. The man approached the girl, not wanting anyone else to hear him.

"Is there anywhere, more private we could talk?"

"Yes." Raven motioned to her people, that everything was okay and that they could go back inside. All of them went their own ways. Lowering their guns and chatter was heard all around.

A girl holding an assault riffle, approached Raven and Rick. She leaned in and whispered something in Raven's ear.

"Do we trust them yet? Do you want me to be around or something?" Mary touched the girl's shoulder.

"I'm not sure yet, just be on stand by." Raven looked and got closer to her ear, to whisper back.


Rick's group was inside a room, one of many, in the facility. The place looked like an interrogation room. It just had a wooden table, about five chairs, and just four dull walls.

Rick was sitting in one of the chairs, next to him was his son Carl. On the other side was Michonne, Rick's girlfriend. The latina woman, named Rosita, was leaning herself against the wall, eyeing Raven up and down.

The well built ginger man, named Abraham, was right next to Rosita. The other one, whose name was Glenn, seemed really tired.

Rick had told her that they came from a community named Alexandria. It had big, steel walls and many people. He told them about the old leader, a woman named Deanna.

"I wanted to talk to you about another group." Rick spoke in a serious tone.

"I'm listening." Rick's son, right at that moment realized the girl was British. He found it weird how people can speak like that.

"Do you have something you want to say?" He was looking at her weirdly and she was not having it.

"No." He spoke unbothered.

"Good." Raven looked at Rick, motioning for him to continue speaking.

"There's this other group. They call themselves 'The Saviors'. Their main base is about sixteen miles from here." Raven was listening closely. New group, means new threat.

"We don't know much about them, but we know that they're dangerous."

"How do we know? Give me a reason to believe you."

"There is another group. The hilltop. They had been attacked by the saviors. They just barged in and murdered people, in cold blood. And now they have to give them things, find them things."

"Like what things?" This is serious.

"Food, supplies. Anything." Rick looked concerned.

"We want to attack them. But we need all the help we can get."

"So you are basically telling me, that I should take my people, lead them into shit I don't know, and they could die?" Raven raised her eyebrow at Rick. Why should she believe him. He could be making all of this up.

"It's not like that. Please. They're dangerous." He pleading her, but Raven was not buying it.

"No." She stood up and walked towards the door.

"What?" Rick got up as well, and almost screamed at her.

"You heard me. Now get out, please." She said as politely, as she could.

"Raven, come on!" He didn't give up, he fought till the last second. Rosita rolled her eyes in the corner.

"Out." She repeated her previously said words. She opened the door, and came face to face with Mary.

The two girls escorted the group out.

"Raven! Just know, that you're making a wrong decision." Rick turned around and spoke to the girl, that he faintly saw, because of the darkness.

Raven and Mary, both watched the people disappear in the dark woods. Mary looked at her friend and they both started walking back to the base.


Raven was laying awake in her bed. She couldn't sleep. Rick's word kept repeating in her mind. Another group. Six miles from here. Danger.

She was worried. Did she make the the right decision? Are they in danger? Could her people die? Did she fuck up? Why was she leading them? She was trying. She really was. Always trying to do her best.

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I hope you enjoyed this!! Introduced mary, my girly ๐Ÿซถ

Anyways, I just finished the first season of the wilds and HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

Vote and comment assholes ๐Ÿ’ž

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