𝟬𝟰. family ties

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Indiana wakes up, she looks at the clock and it's 4:42am. She hears a noise. She gets out of bed.

INDIANA: Hello? Jeremy? Hello?

she tries to turn on the light, but the power is out, she walks downstairs hearing a noise and seeing a figure walk past when she see's the television on.

LOGAN FELL: This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack. The wild animal terrorising the citizens of Mystic Falls has claimed another victim, local high school student Indiana Gilbert. Police are certain that forensic evidence will confirm that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks.

She hears a noise behind her and when she turns around Damon is standing there smirking.

DAMON: You know what's coming next. his face transforms and Indiana screams and runs. She opens the front door, sees Damon, and slams it shut. She slowly walks towards the stairs, but Damon grabs her and bites her neck.


Stefan wakes up from Damon being in his head. He gasps awake to see Damon sat at his desk smirking at him.

DAMON: Bad dream? Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon. Stefan throws a letter opener at Damon, hitting him in the stomach. Damon groans and pulls it out.

DAMON: All right, I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing coach Tanner and all those people.

STEFAN: What are you talking about?

DAMON: It was a mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. "Deadly beast captured. All's well in Mystic Falls."

STEFAN: Why would you cover your tracks?

DAMON: I've decided to stay a while. And I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Indiana.

STEFAN: Can't touch her now or Elena in fact, they both have vervain.

DAMON: Elena Gilbert, the twin sister of Indiana Gilbert looks like Katherine, you see I would mess around with Elena too but her boyfriend Arno, there's something about him and besides Indiana looks like Anastasia, you know my girlfriend. Whereas, Elena looks like Katherine. You're girlfriend.

STEFAN: Just stay away from Indiana, Damon.

DAMON: Well Stefan. Little note, vervain keeps me out of her head. Maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks, my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.

Damon stabs Stefan in the stomach. It clearly hurts Stefan more than it did Damon, for Stefan falls to the floor, he looks down at his shirt then back at Stefan.

DAMON: This is John Varvatos, dude. Dick move. he leaves, Stefan removes the knife, then he starts writing in his diary.

SHERIFF FORBES: I can confirm that a 12-Foot puma mountain lion attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. The hunter is in stable condition.

STEFAN: The real animal is still out there, waiting for me, challenging me to fight back, to stop him. But how do I stop a monster without becoming one myself?



LOGAN FELL: To repeat, the animal terrorising Mystic Falls has been caught.

JENNA: Scum ball. Scum bucket.

INDIANA: Who are you talking to?


ELENA: The news guy?

JENNA: Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?

INDIANA: Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute.

JENNA: He is not cute. There's nothing cute about him. What are you doing with that?

ELENA: I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display.

JENNA: Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?

INDIANA: Originally it was great-great-Grandma Mary's wedding ring.
Jeremy comes over and picks up a ring.

JEREMY: How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?

ELENA: You're not gonna find out. she snatches it back.

JEREMY: That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away.

ELENA: I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy.

Doorbell rings, Indiana know's it Stefan. She runs to the door.


She drags him in the house behind the stairs and checks if anyone is looking before she kisses him passionately.

INDIANA: Hi. they smile at each other


[In Indiana's bedroom.]

Stefan and Indiana are making out. Stefan is kissing Indiana's neck when he looks in her mirror and sees his face has transformed. He sits up.

INDIANA: Are you ok?

STEFAN: I'm good. Sorry.

INDIANA: Maybe we should press pause.

STEFAN: Yeah, you're probably right. That was getting a bit...



INDIANA: How do you look in a suit?

STEFAN: I can pull one off.

INDIANA: How about tomorrow night? Will you be my date to the Founder's party?

STEFAN: They still do that?

INDIANA: Have you been before?

STEFAN: No, the Salvatore's don't get invited anymore.

INDIANA: Well, this year, there's this heritage project that meant a lot to my mom. She was really involved in the founder's council, and it was her favourite party. I know it sounds really boring, but

STEFAN: I would be honoured to accompany you, Miss Gilbert.

INDIANA: The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Salvatore.


([Caroline's bedroom.]

Caroline is trying on dresses for the Founder's party.

DAMON: No yellow. Jaundice. Go for the blue.

CAROLINE: I don't like the blue.

DAMON: Well, I do. And if I'm gonna be your date--

CAROLINE: --You cannot be my date. My mother is going to be there, and she is a very proud gun owner.

DAMON: I went through a lot of trouble to make sure this party wasn't cancelled. It's very important I be there. he compels her , Please take me.

CAROLINE: You should come to the founder's party with me.

DAMON: Not if you're wearing that dress. she drops the blue dress and slips on the yellow one. What's so special about this Bella girl? Edward's so whipped.

CAROLINE: You gotta read the first book first. It won't make sense if you don't.

DAMON: Ah, I miss Anne Rice. She was so on it.

CAROLINE: How come you don't sparkle?

DAMON: Because I live in the real world, where vampires burn in the sun.

CAROLINE: Yeah, but you go in the sun.

DAMON: I have a ring. It protects me. Long story.

CAROLINE: She looks in the mirror at her bite marks. Will these bites turn me into a vampire?

DAMON: It's more complicated than that. You'd have to feed on my blood, then die, then feed on a human's,it's a whole ordeal. This book, by the way has it all wrong. Damon kisses Caroline on the neck.

CAROLINE: You can be very sweet when you want to be.

DAMON: Yes, I can be sweet.

CAROLINE: Are you going to kill me?

DAMON: Mm-Hmm. But not yet.

CAROLINE: Why not?

DAMON: Because there's something I need you to do for me.

CAROLINE: Anything.

DAMON: How good are you at getting this little nose Where it doesn't belong?

CAROLINE: Oh, I'm excellent.




Tyler is eating with his parents.

MR LOCKWOOD: So what happens with the season? One big forfeit? Are they looking for a new coach?

TYLER: I don't know, dad. I doubt anybody's thinking about that right now.

MRS LOCKWOOD: Charles, founder's party, focus.

VICKI: How are y'all doing over here?

MR LOCKWOOD: Ah, we're doing great, sweetheart.

VICKI: Is there anything else I can get you?

TYLER: We're fine, thanks.

MR LOCKWOOD: Just the check, honey.

VICKI: Here you go, Mayor Lockwood.


Caroline arrives with Bonnie.

BONNIE: You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me?

CAROLINE: Go with Elena.

BONNIE: She's asking Arno.

CAROLINE: Go with Indie.

BONNIE: She's taking Stefan.

CAROLINE: Ok, go by yourself.

BONNIE: Gee, thanks.

CAROLINE: We really need to get you a boyfriend, Bonnie. she giggles but Bonnie glares.

BONNIE: What about your mom? Is she ok with you bringing Damon?

CAROLINE: And I'm supposed to care why?

BONNIE: He's older sexy danger guy.

CAROLINE: Older sexy danger guy? Is that an official witch twitter tweet?

BONNIE: No more witch jokes, ok? That whole Mr. Tanner prediction thing has me freaked.

CAROLINE: Ok. And Damon's not dangerous. You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. You know, like major, deep-Rooted drama.

BONNIE: Like...?

CAROLINE: I'm not really supposed to say anything.

BONNIE: Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life?

CAROLINE: Ok. But you can't tell Indie or Elena.


Tyler's parents leaves so he goes up to Vicki and hugs her from behind, she pushes him off.

TYLER: So what you gonna buy me?

VICKI: Ugh, some class. Oh, your parents are gone. I guess can be close now.

TYLER: What the hell does that mean?

VICKI: You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it.

TYLER: I don't think you're trash.

VICKI: Really? Then who are you taking to the founder's party?

TYLER: Vicki Donovan. Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party?

VICKI: No. It'll be stupid and lame. she says smiling at him

TYLER: True. But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there.
he kisses her on the cheek she smiles before he leaves.

JEREMY: You realise you had to ask him to ask you, right? You figure if you dress up like a respectable young lady, he'll finally treat you like one?

VICKI: Screw you, Jeremy.

JEREMY: You know you're making the wrong choice, yet you make it anyway. It's sad.



ZACH: I didn't know you were here.

DAMON: Just going through Stefan's homework. Boy, this country sure has dumbed down in the last hundred years. Why he wants to go to high school is beyond me. I mean, in the seventies, he went Ivy League. Harvard, I understood. Actually, no. I didn't get that either. Go ahead, purge. Get it out. What's on your mind?

ZACH: Why are you here, Damon?

DAMON: To spend time with you, Zach. Family's important.

ZACH: I know you. You always have a motive. So tell me, what is it this time? Damon gets up speeds in front of Zach and grabs him by the throat.

DAMON: You are in no position to question me.

ZACH: I didn't mean to upset you.

DAMON: This is not upset, Zach.

STEFAN: What's going on? Damon drops Zach.

DAMON: Having a family moment, Stefan. Spending some quality time. he smirks and leaves.

STEFAN: Hey, are you ok?

ZACH: No, I'm not. And neither are you. How many more people have to die before you see that?

STEFAN: I see it. All right, Zach, I see it.

ZACH: Then why aren't you doing anything about it?

STEFAN: I can't, Zach. I can't. It would take human blood. It's the only way that I could stop him, and I can't do that.

ZACH: The vervain could weaken him if he ingested it. It would help get you the upper hand.

STEFAN: Vervain hasn't grown here since 1865. Damon saw to that. The little I had, I gave to Indiana and Elena. What? Stefan and Zach walk down in the cellar.

STEFAN: You've been growing it.

ZACH: It's just something that's been passed down through the generations. Blood only runs so deep when you're related to vampires. Damon would kill me if he knew that I had it.

STEFAN: But you're telling me. Why?

ZACH: Because I trust you. And you're gonna need it if you want to get rid of him.



The doorbell rings. Jeremy answers it. He sees it's Tyler and tries to close the door but Tyler holds it open.

TYLER: I'm here for my mom. I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff.

ELENA: Right here. Please be careful.

JEREMY: Yeah, be careful with it, dick.

ELENA: Hey! Not now, ok, guys? Please?

TYLER: I'm fine. He's just being a punk. Indiana runs down the stairs and see's Tyler.

INDIANA: Actually, you're punk, Ty.
she smiles sarcastically as Jeremy chuckles as she stands resting her shoulder on Jeremy, Tyler frowns before turning to Elena.

ELENA: Look, Tyler, maybe you should go. Tell your mom that I'll see her tonight.

TYLER: Hey. Would it make a difference if I told you I actually like Vicki.

JEREMY: Not even if you meant it. Indiana high fives Jeremy before Tyler walks off with the box.


[In the Gilbert's kitchen, Bonnie is talking with Elena and Indiana.]

BONNIE: Delicate flower vs Naughty Vixen?

INDIANA: Naughty Vixen for me. she takes the nail polish.

ELENA: I guess delicate flower is mine then.

Indiana looks Elena up and down

INDIANA: Clearly

BONNIE: Look at you two, getting all pretty for your dates. You seem happy-Ish.

INDIANA: I am...ish. Tonight's going to be a good night. But don't let that stop you from telling me whatever it is you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked in the door.

BONNIE: What if I tell you in the morning? I don't want to ruin the night.

ELENA: Bonnie, out with it.

BONNIE: Ok, but it has to go in the vault, because Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed. Apparently Stefan has a very interesting back story.

INDIANA: Go on...

BONNIE: Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend Katherine and her sister Anastasia.

ELENA: As in the girls they dated and that's why they have issues.

INDIANA: Damon said they died in a fire.

BONNIE: Exactly, but it was Stefan's fault there was a fire because he was jealous of Damon's happiness, so he wanted to ruin his brothers life by killing Anastasia but he didn't realise Katherine was there too. Destroyed them both.

INDIANA: That sounds like one person's side of the story, meaning Damon's.

BONNIE: I just wanted you to know.

INDIANA: Anyway, his past relationships are none of my business.

BONNIE: Unless he's a calculating, manipulative liar. That is your business.

ELENA: Stefan is none of those things.

BONNIE: Yeah? How do you know?



DAMON: Do they still wear ties at this thing?

STEFAN: Why are you even going?

DAMON: It's only fitting. We were at the very first one, remember?

STEFAN: I think it's better if we don't draw attention to ourselves.

DAMON: So you should stay here. I'll make sure Indiana has a good time.
he smirks as Stefan looks at him before drinking bourbon.
My goodness, I've driven you to drink.

STEFAN: Can't seem to rid myself of you. What else am I supposed to do, besides go about living my life?

DAMON: Go about living my life. See, the rein lies your eternal struggle. You're dead, dude. Get over it. he turns to Stefan and shows him his suit, What do you think?


Elena, Indiana and Bonnie are getting pretty. Elena's phone is ringing. She answers it.

ELENA: Hello? Hi, Mrs Lockwood. What do you mean? It is? Are you sure? 'Cause I saw it. Let me check. Mm-Hmm. I will find it and bring it. Ok. Bye.

BONNIE: What's wrong?

INDIANA: Elena? Elena goes into Jeremy's room. She hits the headphones off him.

JEREMY: Ahh! God, what now?

ELENA: The pocket watch. Where is it?

JEREMY: What watch?

ELENA: The one you stole from mom's box. Look, Mrs Lockwood just called me, freaking out. It was on the list, Jeremy. And she can't find it, and she thinks she's the one who lost it.

JEREMY: Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it.

INDIANA: Probably! she calls from the bathroom, Bonnie giggles and shakes her head. Elena rolls her eyes.

ELENA: Don't even play that card. Jeremy, you took it. If I go online, am I going to find it on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?

JEREMY: Screw you. Jeremy gets up and gets the pocket watch. I would never sell this, ok?

ELENA: Then why did you take it?

JEREMY: Because it's supposed to be mine. Dad said it goes to the firstborn son. His father gave it to him, and now what? Jeremy hands it to Elena.

ELENA: And he was going to give it to you.


ELENA: Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, ok? Mom promised Mrs Lockwood. What do you want me to do?

JEREMY: Just take it and get out.



DAMON: It's cool not growing old. I like being the eternal stud.

STEFAN: Yes, being a 150-Year-Old teenager Has been the height of my happiness.

DAMON: You cracked a funny, Stefan. I should have a drink to celebrate. 1864. You and Anastasia were the perfect couple. It was hell watching you dance with her.

STEFAN: My happiness was short-Lived, as you well know.

DAMON: I remember. I left the party early, I was waiting for her. The night you dropped her off, I was waiting just inside. You were such a gentleman, gave her a kiss on the cheek. And what she really wanted was... Oh, well. Here's to history repeating itself, huh?
He smells the drink and discovers it's spiked with vervain, he goes to drink it but dumps the drink on the floor and smirks at Stefan who looks tensed.

DAMON: I admire your effort, Stefan. Pouring yourself a drink then spiking the bottle with vervain. I'm not some drunk sorority chick. You can't roofie me. But I can't help but feel a little used. I thought we were having a moment. I have to go to the party angry. Who knows what I'll do?



ZACH: That was his favourite scotch. I'm sorry, I thought it would work.

STEFAN: I wasn't counting on it.

ZACH: You knew it would fail?

STEFAN: Did what I wanted. It lowered his guard. He won't expect me to try again so soon.

ZACH: I doubled what I put in the scotch.



Indiana is wearing a navy blue dress with black heels and her hair is down and wavy. She is also wearing the necklace Stefan gave her, she always does.


MRS LOCKWOOD: Caroline! You look smashing.

CAROLINE: Thank you, Mrs Lockwood. This is my boyfriend Damon.

MRS LOCKWOOD: Oh, well, come on in.

DAMON: Lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while.

MRS LOCKWOOD: Well, enjoy.

DAMON: Let's get a drink. Caroline see's her mum looking at her.

CAROLINE: Wait here. Caroline goes to talk to her mother.

CAROLINE: Really, you couldn't even change out of the badge for this?

SHERIFF FORBES: I'm working, honey. Who's the date you just tried to sneak past me?

CAROLINE: Just some guy.

SHERIFF FORBES: He's a little old for you, don't you think?

CAROLINE: Oh, 'cause otherwise you'd approve. Yeah, I doubt that.


Indiana and Stefan arrive,behind them is Elena and Arno.

INDIANA: Hi, Mayor Lockwood

MR LOCKWOOD: Indiana, you look beautiful.

INDIANA: Thank you.
she smiles at him he returns it. She always did find Tyler's dad a bit of creep, maybe it was just the way he looked? He notices Elena and Arno. Stefan and Indiana are with them.

MR LOCKWOOD: Hey, guys, come on in.

STEFAN: Thank you. They all walk in.


SHERIFF FORBES: Where's your dad?

CAROLINE: Memphis.


CAROLINE: With Steven.

Stefan kisses Indiana on the cheek she smiles. Damon watches them, looking slightly jealous. Elena and Arno are looking at her parent's wedding rings. Stefan and Indiana comes up behind her.

STEFAN: Your parents?

ELENA: There's a lot of history here. Indiana is reading the first registry.

INDIANA: "The founding families in Mystic Falls welcomes you to the inaugural founder's council celebration." Wow, look, it's the original guest registry. Look at all these familiar namesβ€”Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Is that Damon Salvatore? And, Stefan Salvatore?

DAMON: The original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually.
he says smirking while walking in with Caroline.

STEFAN: We don't need to bore them with stories of the past.

ELENA: It's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family.

ARNO: Me too, actually.
He smirks at Damon

CAROLINE: Well, I'm bored. I want to dance. And Damon won't dance with me.

DAMON: Mm-Mmm.

CAROLINE: Could I just borrow your date?

STEFAN: I don't really dance.

DAMON: Oh, sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, the jitterbug, the moonwalk. He does it all.

CAROLINE: You wouldn't mind, would you, Isla?

INDIANA: It's up to Stefan.

CAROLINE: Well sorry, but I'm not going to take no for an answer.

Caroline takes Stefan out to dance. Arno offers his hand to Elena she smiles and they go to the dance floor leaving Indiana and Damon. Indiana goes to walk off but Damon steps in front of her, he smirks and she smiles sarcastically.

DAMON: I want to apologise to you for being such a world-class jerk the other night when I tried to kiss you. There's no excuse. My therapist says I'm...acting out, trying to punish Stefan.

INDIANA: For what?

DAMON: It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry. And it all started with the original Salvatore brothers.

STEFAN: Damon told you to ask me to dance. Didn't he?

CAROLINE: Now why would he do that?

STEFAN: Would you like one?

Stefan grabs a glass of champagne for himself and puts the vervain in Caroline's.

STEFAN: Thank you.

CAROLINE: Ok, just tell me if you see my mom.


DAMON: The Salvatore name was practically royalty in this town. Until the war. There was a battle hereβ€”

INDIANA: The battle of willow creek. I know, we talked about it in class. Well if we're being honest the class talked about and I made comments, that "weren't necessary". It was the confederate soldiers that fired on a church with civilians inside.

DAMON: What the history books left out was the people that were killed. They weren't there by accident. They were believed to be union sympathisers. So some of the founders on the confederacy side back then wanted them rounded up and burned alive. Stefan and Damon had people they loved very much in that church. And when they went to rescue them, they were shot. Murdered in cold blood

INDIANA: Who was in the church that they wanted to save?

DAMON: Their true loves, I guess. Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman?

INDIANA: Look, I'm sorry that you and Stefan have this thing between you, but I can't get in the middle of it, Damon. I just... I hope you two can work it out.

DAMON: I hope so, too.

She goes to walk off but stops and looks back at Damon, he looks at her confused.

INDIANA: Try to kiss me again and I'll rip your tongue out that pretty little mouth of yours.

She pats the side of his face. He smirks as he watches her leave the room.


(Vicki and Tyler on a bench, away from the party.)

VICKI: So you want to dance?

TYLER: Me dancing? Not pretty.

VICKI: Maybe you could show me around. I mean, this place is amazing.

TYLER: Yeah, if you like living in a museum.

VICKI: Maybe I should just strip naked and give Pastor Bill a lap dance. I mean, that's why we're hiding in a corner all night, isn't it? You're scared of how I'm going to act? You afraid of what your parents are going to think about your date from the wrong side of the tracks?

TYLER: I don't care about what they think.

VICKI: Great. Let's go say hi.

TYLER: Knock it off, vick.

VICKI: Or we could just, you know, sneak up to your bedroom. As long as nobody sees us, right?

TYLER: Vicki, I swear...

VICKI: What's a matter, Ty? You scared to stand up to your mommy? It's pretty pathetic.

TYLER: Let it go! Mrs Lockwood walks over to them.

MRS LOCKWOOD: Tyler...We didn't get a chance to say hello earlier. It's Vicki, right? Matt's sister.

VICKI: Yes, ma'm.

MRS LOCKWOOD: You'll have to forgive my son's rudeness. He gets it from his father.

VICKI: Well, that's ok, Mrs Lockwood. Tyler and I were just saying good night. she smiles and walks off

MRS LOCKWOOD: That's what you get when you bring the trash into the party. Maybe you should've tried to work things out with Indiana.
she whispers to Tyler while he watches Vicki walk home.

Bonnie is sitting at a table. A candle goes out. She looks at it and it re-ignites. Bonnie blows it out.


[Damon and Indiana go out to meet Stefan and Caroline. Elena and Arno are still dancing and giggling together.]

DAMON: What'd we miss?

STEFAN: We were just chatting. Drink, Damon?

DAMON: No, thanks, I'll pass.

INDIANA: Stefan, do you have another dance in you?

STEFAN: Absolutely.
Stefan takes Indiana out to the dance floor.

CAROLINE: They look so cute together.

DAMON: Don't talk, please.
Caroline looks up at Damon who looks incredibly jealous and frowns

STEFAN: I hope Damon didn't drive you too crazy.

INDIANA: No, actually, he was on good behaviour. He even apologised and explained why he is the way he is. And it all goes back to Anastasia and Katherine.


INDIANA: So tell me about them, Damon only spoke about Anastasia not Katherine, I'm intrigued. What happened?

STEFAN: It's not something I like to talk about.

INDIANA: I get that. I do. I just want you to know that you can. I mean, I burden you with all of my drama, and I want you to do the same.

STEFAN: I know. Thank you.

INDIANA: The truth is, Stefan... I don't really know that much about you, and I'd really love it if you would open up to me. Stefan stops dancing and Indiana looks at him.

STEFAN: Damon said something, didn't he? He likes to play games and cause trouble, Indie.

INDIANA: This isn't about Damon, it's about me trying to get to know you. Look, you're the mystery guy, and I like that. But with mystery comes secrets, and this thing with Anastasia and Katherine.

STEFAN: Let it go. I don't want to talk about it.

INDIANA: Well, then, say something about yourself. Anything. Otherwise, I'm left with nothing but what other people tell me.

STEFAN: Don't you see what Damon has done here? He's trying to get you to turn against me.

INDIANA: Well, then I guess it's working.

Indiana walks away. Damon smirks at Stefan.


[Bonnie is eating ice cream and Indiana is led down head on Elena's lap as Elena is stroking her hair.]

BONNIE: This is my fault. I planted doubt. I'm a doubt planter.

INDIANA: It's not your fault. I justβ€”I feel terrible because I said that I wouldn't get in the middle of it, and then that's exactly what I did. I got all snotty.

MRS LOCKWOOD: Elena, honey, there you are. I notice the watch still isn't in the collection.

ELENA: Oh, um, I'm sorry, Mrs. Lockwood. I, um, I couldn't find it. I guess it's still packed up in my parents' stuff somewhere.

MRS LOCKWOOD: I see. Well, please let me know if you do find it.



Damon walks upstairs. Caroline follows him.

CAROLINE: Where have you been?

DAMON: Ah. Looking for you.

CAROLINE: Your brother barely danced with me for five minutesβ€”

DAMON: Ok, just a minute. Stand right...there. Damon starts searching through the collection.

CAROLINE: Um, you're not supposed to touch. What is that? Damon finds what he is looking for.

DAMON: A very important crystal.

CAROLINE: Well, how did you know that it was there?

DAMON: Because I put it there.


DAMON: A long time ago. Tonight, I'm taking it back, thanks to you.

CAROLINE: Well, what's it for?

DAMON: Never you mind.

CAROLINE: Well, you can't just steal it.

DAMON: It's not stealing if it's mine. Come on.



Indiana enters the bathroom. Caroline is there.


CAROLINE: Hey. So how are things with Stefan?

INDIANA: Great. Just great.

CAROLINE: Really? Well, my radar must be off, 'cause I was getting all sorts of other vibes...
Indiana looks at Caroline's neck and sees something.

INDIANA: What is that?
She grabs Caroline's scarf and lifts it up seeing the bite marks and she pulls away.

INDIANA: Oh god, Caroline, what happened?

CAROLINE: Nothing, ok?!

INDIANA: That is not nothing! Did somebody hurt you?

CAROLINE: No, ok, nothing. It just... My mom would kill me.
She pulls down her shawl and sees another bite mark on her back.

INDIANA: Did Damon hurt you?

CAROLINE: No! Of course not! Just leave me alone, ok, Indiana?!
she runs out leaving Indie alone, scared and angry.


Indiana walks outside and sees Damon. She pushes him.

INDIANA: There is something seriously wrong with you. You stay away from Caroline or I will go straight to her mother, the sheriff, or if you still don't listen, I'll break your knee caps. Got it!

Damon looks at her angry and she glares at him before walking to Stefan who's by the fountain.

INDIANA: Look, I'm never one to admit I'm wrong because I'm very stubborn but, I'm sorry. I take it all back. You're completely right about Damon.

STEFAN: What did he do?

INDIANA: There are bruises all over Caroline's body. Bite marks, and he has her all confused and messed up in the head. You don't look surprised.

STEFAN: Um... I'm handling it.

INDIANA: Handling it? Stefan, you should be having him arrested.

STEFAN: Indiana, please. I... I don't expect you to understand.

INDIANA: I don't understand anything, Stefan. So why don't you just clear it up for me?

STEFAN: Look, there are things that you don't know, ok? Things that I want to tell you, but I can't. And I may never be able to. And I just need you to trust me.

INDIANA: Trust is earned. I can't just magically hand it over.
Stefan sees Damon dragging Caroline out into the yard.

STEFAN: I'm so sorry. I have to go.
he walks off, tears fill Indiana's eyes before she starts walking home.


[Damon is dragging Caroline out to the lawn. She turns her around to face him.]

CAROLINE: Don't! She took it off and I got flustered, ok?! I didn't know what to say. But I swear, ok, I did not tell her. I just told her that you didn't mean to hurt me.
Damon goes behind Caroline and wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck

DAMON: You make me crazy, you know that? It's okay. I forgive you.

CAROLINE: I swear I didn't sayβ€”

DAMON: Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. Unfortunately... I am so over you now.
He bites her but he starts chocking and falls over and see's Stefan. Caroline falls to the ground.

DAMON: What the hell?

STEFAN: You know, I couldn't spike your drink... So I spiked hers.



Zach and Stefan lock Damon in the cellar.

STEFAN: I did what I had to do... To protect Indiana, to protect everyone. Yes, Damon, the headline reads "Deadly beast captured. All is well in Mystic Falls."



MR LOCKWOOD: Thank you for staying so late.

SHERIFF FORBES: Did you get the Gilbert watch?

MRS LOCKWOOD: She claims it's packed away in her parents' things.

LOGAN: I can get it.

SHERIFF FORBES: Good. We're going to need it.

MR LOCKWOOD: Are you sure?

SHERIFF FORBES: 5 bodies all drained of blood? I'm certain.

LOGAN: They've come back.


Chapter Four Complete!

Thank you for reading! Hope you have a good day/night.

Love you all β™‘

β™‘completed: 13/08/2020

β™‘edited: 03/10/2021

BαΊ‘n Δ‘ang đọc truyện trΓͺn: Truyen2U.Pro