06. never let you go

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MOTELS. A simple place that freaked Blaze out. Always. They were creepy, disgusting and God knows what happens in them. Motels in the middle of nowhere always had at least a few murders happen in them.

" ...I've seen worse." Scott sighed as they got off the bus and stood in front of the creepy-ass motel called Glenn Capri.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles gaped at him in surprise.

"God, I hate motels. You know Jeffery Dahmer beat someone to death in a place like this in Milwaukee in 1987." Blaze grimaced as Scott and Stiles gave him surprising looks.

"I expected something like that from Lydia or Stiles," Scott stated but was more curious on why he knew that.

"Although that is true, it was actually a hotel, not a motel." Stiles corrected like the smartass that he was.

"I said a place like this, and a motel is like a hotel so don't try to act smart," Blaze said annoyed making Scott chuckle at the duo.

"Listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves! You'll be pairing up-- choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach spoke loudly.

Everyone grabbed a key and paired up as they headed to their rooms. Blaze was sticking with Lydia and Allison as he was not staying with some guy in a motel room. No matter how good-looking they were. He'd rather not be killed in his sleep, and he hoped he could beat a girl if they tried it.

"Lydia...?" Allison questioned when she saw Lydia not moving as she stared at the motel.

"I don't like this place," Lydia muttered.

"Me either. Don't worry you can sleep with me. I won't kill you." Blaze winked at her playfully despite not wanting to be here either.

"And I don't think the people who own this place like this place." Allison chuckled, " It's just for a night."

"A lot can happen in one night..." Lydia stated, having a bad feeling about this motel.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Blaze was never the paranoid type but when it came to bugs, he could sleep with one eye open. Any type of bug scared him, and motels were seriously known for having moths, spiders, and other scary creatures in their bathrooms.

He tried to shower in peace, but he constantly felt paranoid leaving him glancing around as if something was going to jump out at him. He tried not to complain about how disgusting this place was because at least they had hot water and Blaze liked his showers extra hot-- like his men but not the point.

"Lydia, did you bring the new towels?" Blaze called out hearing the door open. Lydia had left to get new towels while Allison left to call her dad leaving him alone in this creepy place, "Lydia?" he said again when he heard the bathroom door open.

He pushed the curtain back a little but jumped when he saw Scott at the door, "Jesus, you know how to scare someone, McCall." He cursed.

"I was looking for you," Scott said almost quietly making Blaze raise an eyebrow wondering why he was acting so weird.

"Well, here I am. Do you need something?" Blaze asked him. He could care less if Scott saw him naked, but he was more confused about why he was in there.

"Are we still friends?' Scott randomly asked him.

Blaze stared at him for a moment before he nodded, "Yeah, we are." He smiled softly. He had no idea what was happening, but Scott looked as if he was lost. Mentally lost. 

"I don't want to be." Scott almost frowned as he stepped closer to him, "It's harder than I thought."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Blaze asked, completely confused as he stared at Scott who was not acting like himself, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Scott blinked before he nodded, "Yeah, I was..." Scott said as if he also had no idea what he was doing, "Um, sorry... I don't remember..."

Blaze watched in confusion as Scott left the bathroom before leaving the room, "What the fuck just happened?" He questioned out loud. He needed to talk to Lydia and Allison about this.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

"Fuck that. I'm leaving." Blaze announced when he heard what Lydia just said.

"One hundred and ninety-eight?" Allison asked in surprise as if she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, and we're talking forty years. On average, that's... four-point-nine-five a year, which is... actually expected. But who commemorates that with a framed number? Who does that? Who?" Lydia asked disturbed out of her mind.

"People like Dahmer," Blaze said with wide eyes. Yep, they were going to die. They could have been murdered and made look like a suicide.

"What is with you and that freak?" Lydia snapped at her best friend who shrugged not having an answer. He learned about him in history class and surprisingly caught on to whatever the teacher was rambling about.

"...All suicides?" Allison asked her.

"Yes-- hanging, throat-cutting, pill-popping, both-barrels-of-a-shotgun-in-the-mouth suicides." Lydia nodded, eyes wide as Blaze sighed and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Did you hear that?" Lydia said looking at the air vent on the wall making the other two confused.

" Hear what?" Allison said sharing a look with Blaze to see if he knew what she was talking about, but he remained as confused as they watched Lydia step on the bed to get closer.

"Lydia?" Blaze worriedly asked as Lydia looked horrified at whatever she was hearing.

"Oh, my God!" Lydia gasped in shock as her eyes filled with her ears.

"Lydia? What happened?" Allison asked her.

"Didn't you hear that?" Lydia asked in disbelief.

"Oh my god, no, hear what?" Blaze asked anxiously. Lydia had a knack of dead things, and he was dreading whatever she was hearing, and they weren't.

" The two people in the other room-- they shot each other!" Lydia said horrified before she ran out of the room making Allison and Blaze follow her.

"Lydia..." Allison trailed off as Lydia opened the door next to them.

"Hello?" Lydia called into the room. She tried to turn the light on, but it wasn't working making her step inside.

"Lydia, what are you doing?" Blaze whispered to her knowing they probably shouldn't be walking into other people's rooms.

"Hello?" Lydia called out until she found a light to turn around revealing the room to be under construction and no dead bodies to be found, "it had to be right here. It was a guy and a girl, and they sounded younger, but they were here."

"I believe you. After everything you've been through, I believe you." Allison reassured her.

"And you know me. I'd always believe you no matter how crazy you look or sound." Blaze smiled at the strawberry blonde as Allison gave him a look, "What?" He shrugged.

Lydia turned around and let out a sigh as Allison and Blaze looked around the room not knowing what to do.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

"We all know Scott. Sweet innocent bean. Has he ever even seen anyone naked?" Blaze questioned looking at Allison who rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Yeah, I know... He was a little off with me, too. But actually, it was Boyd who was off-- I watched him put his fist through the vending machine." Stiles said in confusion.

"See? It is the motel! Either we need to get out of here right now, or... someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism ASAP before the Werewolves go crazy and kill us." Lydia expressed as she pulled a bible out of the nightstand.

"Okay, just hold on, all right? What if it's not just the motel? The number in the office went up by three, right?" Stiles asked them.

"Like three scarifies?" Blaze wondered. Something told him this night was going to be long and crazy.

"What if this time, it's three Werewolves?" Stiles suggested.

"Scott, Isaac, and Boyd... Why is Blaze not acting out?" Allison wondered aloud as all looked at Blaze who looked just as confused as them.

"They only need three, but I don't know. I feel fine." Blaze shrugged, "Or maybe because I already had my turn."

If Charlotte heard how casually he talked about that day, he'd probably send him back to therapy. She thinks it means he's not okay and he thinks maybe she's just crazy or over paranoid.

"Maybe we were meant to come here," Stiles said.

"Exactly! So, can we get the hell out of here now? Please?" Lydia pleaded wanting to leave this place as fast as possible.

"Let me see this," Blaze asked grabbing the bible from her hand and wondering why certain pages were sticking out. He opened the book to find a news article, "Twenty-eight-year-old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri."

Stiles grabbed the book from him and started to empty the pages of the book onto the bed, " Oh, no... Look at these two. They both mention room two-seventeen. These are probably all the suicides that happened in this room." Lydia sated.

"So, if every room has a Bible..." Allison muttered.

"There could be articles in all the rooms." Lydia nodded.

Stiles sighed, "That's a beautiful thing. Most places leave a mint under the pillow-- this one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred."

"What if the room next door has the one about the couple?" Blaze suggested before they left the room to go next door but this time the door was locked.

"No, that was not locked before..." Lydia shook her head.

"Forget it. We need to get Scott, Isaac, and Boyd out of here." Allison sighed.

"I only care about Scott." Blaze shrugged as they went to leave when the sound of a power tool turned on.

" ...I'm not the only one who heard that, am I?" Lydia asked freaked out.

"It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on," Allison stated.

"Hand saw?" Stiles gaped at her before he opened the door to reveal Ethan trying to hurt himself with the tool.

"Hey, no! Ethan, don't!" Stiles yelled jumping forward to try and get the hand saw out of his grip.

"Stiles!" Blaze yelled moving forward seeing this human seconds away from hurting himself when Lydia unplugged the tool.

Allison ran over to Stiles and made sure he was okay as Blaze saw Ethan start to try and claw at his stomach,

"Ethan!" Blaze grabbed Ethan by the hands and tried to fight him from doing anything stupid when Ethan pushed him away, tripping over a cord as he landed on the heater. making him yell.

"What just happened?" Ethan seemed to snap out of it as he stood up quickly before he ran out of the room.

"Ethan!" Stiles yelled after him before they followed him down the stairs.

"What were you doing in there?" Blaze called after him.

"I don't know," Ethan said.

"Ethan, come on." Blaze sighed. He could understand why he didn't want to talk to anyone as he did the exact same thing last year but he was not the first person to be trying this tonight so they needed whatever help they could get.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't know how I got there, or what I was doing." Ethan said as he headed back towards his room.

"Okay, you could be a little more helpful, you know? We did just save your life." Stiles sighed having nothing to go on.

"And you probably shouldn't have," Ethan told them before he left.

"What now?" Lydia sighed.

"I'm going to get Scott. We need to get him out of here." Blaze stated as he started to walk back up the stairs.

"And Isaac and Boyd." Allison reminded him.

"I guess." Blaze sighed dramatically. Blaze walked back to the second floor and headed towards Scott and Stiles's room which had the door half open.

"Scott? You in here?" Blaze opened the door and peered his head inside, but the room was empty and quiet making him sigh. He started walking towards Isaac and Boy's room when he heard crying coming from another room. Curiosity got the better of him and he walked over to the door and knocked on it before opening the door.

A girl was sitting against the bed, crying on the floor in the dark, the only light being the bathroom light, "Are you okay?" Blaze blurted out, not knowing what else to see as walked into the room.

"I doubt you'll care." To his surprise, it was Blair sitting on the floor, tear-stained cheeks as she sniffed. It looked like she was trying to stop crying but the tears kept flowing.

Blaze stood there and looked at the door wondering if he should just leave. He didn't owe her anything, but he thought back to the nights he used to sit like this in his room and cry until he couldn't breathe. His parents never once knew what he was going through, and he didn't want this girl feeling like that. Old Blaze wouldn't care but clearly, this was new Blaze.

"Ethan just tried to kill himself with a hand saw if you're curious. Suicides and this motel don't go together apparently. " Blaze stated, making Blair look at him in surprise and worry for her friend, "He's okay. We found him in time. You can thank Stiles actually; his crazy ass saved him."

"Why?" Blair asked him, "Why save someone that doesn't deserve it?"

A part of Blaze didn't like the way she said that, but he answered her anyway, "I saw someone in trouble and called it in instinct, I guess. I think I hang around Scott and Stiles too much."

Blair nodded and Blaze stood there awkwardly until he decided to leave, "I should probably find my friends." He went to leave when Blair stopped him as she stood up.

"I'm sorry about Derek." Her words sounded sincere, but he couldn't stop himself from asking,

"Why are you with them, Blair? You're not an alpha so I don't understand why he wants you in his pack. Does he have something over you, or do you stay with him willingly as well?" Blaze asked her, making her glance at her feet.

"I lost my family when I was ten, he found me and took me in ever since. Only father figure I have, everything I have is because of him so yes I stay with him because although he may be a monster to you, he isn't that person with me." Blair said truthfully.

Blaze nodded, understanding her words and how he also lost his family, or the Hales when he was ten.

"He said he could help me find my family. Said he found out that I have a brother. I'm only trying to find whatever family I have left." Blair sighed. Blaze didn't say anything as he stared at her for a moment before he slowly nodded and quickly walked out of the room. He will overthink those words later.

"Hey guys, I can't find—" Blaze went to say when he saw Lydia and Stiles trying to light a road flare making him confused, "The fuck are you doing?"

"Stiles!" Lydia urged as Stiles couldn't get it to light.

"Yeah, I'm trying." Stiles shuddered before he finally got it making it flare, "Ooh."

"Trying why? What is going on?" Blaze asked confused out of his mind until he saw Stiles run into the bathroom where Boyd seemed to be under with a large black safe on him, "I leave for a few minutes!"

"It's heat. Heat can make them snap out of it." Allison informed him as she sighed in relief when she saw Boyd was okay.

"The shower." Blaze said in a realization, "The heat from my shower. I think it snapped me out of it before it had enough time to make it effective."

"That would make sense." Lydia nod.

Stiles grabbed the second road flare and lit it before bending down by the bed, "Hey Isaac... got something for ya..."

"Why is he under the bed?" Blaze mumbled to himself but decided he didn't want to know the answer. The four of them made sure Isaac and Boyd were alright before they went back downstairs.

"I can't find Scott anywhere." Blaze sighed, wondering if he had figured it out and had let himself.

"It's happening to him, too, isn't it?" Stiles asked as they walked down the steps.

"It has to be." Lydia stated, "Didn't you say there was another flare on the bus?"

"Yeah, I'll get it." Stiles nodded as they reached the bottom and paused when they looked ahead of them. A sight that made them freeze and their minds go blank.

Scott was standing in the middle of the motel, holding the road flare which was lit as he was soaked in what they assumed was gasoline from the bottle on the ground.

"Scott?" Blaze called out carefully and quietly as they slowly walked over towards him, moving to stand in front of him, "Scott."

"There's no hope," Scott stated defeatedly. He looked so sad and numbed. It scared the others who had never seen him like this.

"What do you mean, Scott? There's always hope." Allison said gently.

"Not for me... Not for Derek..." He muttered.

"Derek wasn't your fault. You know Derek wasn't your fault." Allison tried to tell him.

Blaze felt his eyes water at the sight in front of him. He never knew what it was like to be on the other side of something so scary as this. This is what Scott felt when he probably found Blaze in his bedroom all those months ago and all he wanted to do was apologize a million times and hold him close.

"Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse just like you said, Blaze. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed." Scott said sadly and Blaze felt his chest tighten and his throat turn dry. He made Scott feel this way. He did.

"Scott, listen to me, okay? This isn't you, all right? This is someone inside your head, telling you to do this. Okay? Now--" Stiles said with his tears filling his eyes.

"What if it isn't? What if it is just me? What if doing this is the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night-- the night I got bitten. Do you remember the way it was before that? You and me, we were... we were... we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again-- no one at all." Scott said. By now everyone was crying, and they truly felt lost.

"Scott, just listen to me, okay? You're not no one. Okay? You're someone. You're-- Scott, you're my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott, you're my brother, all right? So... So, if you're gonna do this, then..." Stiles stepped forward into the gasoline and stood in front of Scott grabbing the flare with his hand, "I think you're just gonna have to take me with you, then."

"He's right. You're someone to all of us, especially me. You're someone who has saved all of our asses countless times. I'm only here right now because of you." Blaze walked over to them, "The day at Ryle's grave you told me that I had to just keep going, Scott. So, no matter how hopeless everything might seem right now. You need to keep going."

Scott didn't say anything as tears fell from his eyes, "Give it to me, Scott." Blaze said softly holding his hand out as Scott hesitantly handed it over to him allowing Blaze to toss it to the side.

Everyone sighed in relief as Stiles hugged his best friend tightly until they heard Lydia scream, "No!"

Blaze pushed Stiles and Scott to the ground out of instinct, Lydia fell on top of him, and Allison fell to the side as the flare hit the puddle of gasoline making it burst into flames. The sight of a dark Druid was shown in the flames.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Scott was awoken to a pain in his neck making him move but the seat on the bus wasn't as comfortable as a bed. He looked around to see Allison, Lydia, and Stiles asleep, but he couldn't find Blaze on the bus making him sit up.

He looked out the window and saw no one around until he saw a figure sitting on top of the roof, feet dangling over the edge as they smoked what smelt like weed. Scott could easily be recognized as Blaze by the black zipped-up hoodie he was wearing. Scott got off the bus walked up the stairs and made his way to the roof.

"What are you doing up here?" Scott asked tiredly as he reached the top and made his way over to the boy.

"Couldn't sleep," Blaze muttered. He never went to sleep, too worried about Scott and what had happened that night. He was exhausted but he'd rather stay awake just in case than regret falling asleep.

"That is bad for you." Scott gave him a look as Blaze rolled his eyes and threw it off the roof, "Doctors say otherwise."

"Can I join you?" Scott asked him not wanting to bother him but not wanting to leave him up here alone.

"As long as you don't try to jump." Blaze glanced at him, making Scott smile sheepishly as he moved to sit on the ledge next to him.

They sat in a comfortable silence, taken in the view from above before Scott spoke up, "Thank you. For tonight. Saving me, Isaac, and Boyd. I heard you saved Ethan too."

"Ethan, I saved. But honesty, it was mostly Stiles." Blaze told him.

"Stiles makes us werewolves look pathetic the way he saves people." Scott blurted out making Blaze laugh but nodded in agreement.

"Besides, you saved my life. I owed you one." Blaze sighed.

"Did you ever grow to regret what you did?" Scott asked him quietly.

Blaze stared ahead of him as he spoke, "For a while no. I did therapy and did my best to want to live but no. Depression isn't as easy to deal with as I thought. I spent so long dealing with my feelings because of that day that I didn't even think about how the rest of you felt."

"Blaze, you don't have to—" Scott went to say.

"I'm sorry." Blaze ignored the tears in his eyes as he glanced at Scott, "I never realized how scary it is being on the other side of it. Not knowing what to do or what to say."

Scott didn't say anything as they went back to sitting in silence.

"Deucalion contacted me the other day. It's why I have been avoiding you." Blaze blurted out taking Scott by surprise.

"W-What? What did you want?" Scott asked him.

"He told me about my father. My biological father." Blaze closed his eyes for a moment. This town never failed to make him want to leave and never come back.

"Seriously? He knows who your family is?" Scott asked with wide eyes.

"I was right. I am a Hale. I'm Derek's cousin." Blaze nodded. He still didn't know how to process that information but at the end of the day it didn't matter.  He could care less about Derek and Peter and Cora and as for his real parents? Where the hell are they?  Cause they sure as hell are not around.

"Wow. Wait so you're Peter's—" Scott went to say in disbelief when Blaze shook his head, "No. Peter had an older brother. Jeremiah Hale. He's my father and I have a sister who lives here in Beacon Hills."

"A Hale and a sister. That's crazy. Did he tell you who?" Scott asked but Blaze shook his head.

"He's making me leave town," Blaze muttered.

"Deucalion? When? What?" Scott demanded, feeling his heart drop at his words. Blaze wasn't actually being forced to leave, was he?

"I don't know. He said soon and I don't really have a choice." Blaze scoffed.

"The hell are you talking about? Of course, you have a choice. You're not actually going. Leaving town!" Scott scoffed in disbelief. He couldn't believe Blaze was actually going to leave with them.

"He threatened the people that I care about so yes I have to. Wouldn't you?" Blaze asked him, making Scott pause not knowing what to say, "So you know why I have to do this? If I can save Lydia or you then I'm going to take it. No matter what the cost is in return."

Scott didn't say anything as he stood up and decided to leave when Blaze followed him, "Where are you going?"

"Clearly no where's with you." Scott rolled his eyes, ignoring the pain in his chest. He just got Blaze back and he's already planning on leaving.

"Scott, don't do this." Blaze sighed.

"Do what?" Scott turned around to face him, "Leave? Nothing you're not going to do and besides isn't this what you've been trying to do for days? The avoidance from us so when you have to leave it will be easier for everyone. Well, let's keep that up, won't we?"

"If you want to act like we never exist then let me say one thing first." Blaze took a deep breath as Scott sighed and turned around.

"If this is going to be some goodbye type thing, I don't want to hear it. I'd rather go on as if you never existed like you mentioned. It would be easier." Scott gulped.

He never wanted to lose Blaze, but he understands why Blaze had to do it. He was doing the same as Scott would do so he was trying everything inside of him not to get mad at him. This wasn't his fault.

"Ryle was right." Blaze blurted out before Scott could try and leave again, "He was always right, I did feel something for you, maybe not in a very serious way last year but I always cared for you, Scott. A lot more than I did most."

"Blaze—" Scott muttered not wanting to hear any more of this because he knew it was just going to make everything harder.

"I put it off for so long and denied it because I was afraid of being happy again or trying to feel that happiness again, but the truth is it's only you. Possibly loving you is terrifying, Scott. You're such a good person, you want to save everyone, and you're willing to die for a random person on the street and I do not want to live every day wondering if you're going to make it through the day alive or end up in a morgue or something." Blaze felt a weight was lifting off his chest as he finally spoke his feelings.

"And I don't want you to change because that's just who you are, but I don't think I can't handle losing anyone else. I survived it once and I don't think I can do it again." Blaze felt his eyes water, but he ignored it.

"But you are. You are losing me again. You're losing everything." Scott sniffled, "And I won't ask you to stay either because then that just isn't fair on you."

Neither one of them knew what to say. They both felt so defeated. They had tried to fight Deucalion once and it ended up with Derek possibly dead. Scott wanted to give up but right now in this situation, he didn't have anything to fight with.

"If you could stay—" Scott and to say when Blaze went to shake his head, but Scott repeated himself, "If you could stay, would you have ever given us a chance?"

Blaze knew Scott didn't want to know the answer but knew he would regret it if he didn't ask.

"Yeah. I would have." Blaze nodded making Scott look away as a tear fell from his eye, "Because no matter how terrifying loving you is, I never regretted being your friend and I don't regret my feelings for you, Scott and I know I'd never regret loving you."

"Good because I don't," Scott confessed. He had loved Blaze from the moment he had left town. Seeing him drive away in that car left him with a hole in his heart that only refilled when he saw Blaze laughing in Lydia's car, but that hole was slowly opening again knowing he was going to lose him again.

Blaze watched with tearful eyes as Scott turned around not waiting for a response. Knowing he may never have the chance, Blaze walked towards him, "Scott, wait."

"What?" Scott sighed turning around but was taken by surprise when Blaze cupped his face and kissed him softly.

Blaze pulled away from him, looking him in the eye, both of them wondering if this was what they wanted but their answers spoke for them as Scott leaned forward and kissed Blaze with every ounce of love that he had felt for him. They poured every emotion they had felt in the last 8 months into this kiss.

Scott's lips were softer than Blaze had ever felt. It felt like snow hitting the water and it automatically melts into one another, like the feeling of Cotten candy hitting your mouth. It was so sweet. So undeniably sweet.

Every problem in the world seemed to disappear as they made each other whole. They tilted their heads and allowed themselves to get lost in this moment. A moment that felt like hours, a moment that would soon come to an end when Scott pulled back but not too far. Just enough to rest his forehead against Blaze's, close his eyes, and pant for a breath.

Scott shuddered against Blaze's parting lips, filling his hot breath against his face as Blaze licked his lips and tried to speak, "I don't know what will happen in the future but what I do know is that I don't want to leave with regrets."

"You're probably going to regret doing that because I think I might die from that." Scott panted still having a hard time breathing making them laugh.

"I don't want to pretend like you don't exist. I've tried those multiple times, and it never works. I fucking like you way too much to try that bullshit and think it might work." Blaze shook his head. He didn't know what he was doing, and he felt confused but standing here in this moment made everything right.

"Then what do you plan on doing til that comes?" Scott asked him. moving back to get a better look at him.

"I plan on living," Blaze smirked at him, making Scott smile bashfully as Blaze took his hand and started to drag him towards the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Scott questioned him as they walked down the stairs, keeping their hands interlocked.

"To the bus. I'm tired as fuck and after the night we had we could use some sleep." Blaze gave him a pointed look.

Scott followed behind him. A stupid giddy smile on his face. He had no idea where they stood or what would happen in the future but as of right now, he is happier than he's ever felt, and he was going to fight for that no matter what it took.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅


well? Thoughts?

Alexa play "Out Of The Woods" by Taylor Swift.

They are not official together but they are kind of winging it type shit but they will be soon once yk one of them almost dies and then an iconic "I love you" confession will happen so hold on to your panties.

This episode reminds the best no matter what. The acting was always amazing by the canon cast and will never fail to make them want to cry.

Xoxo, I hope you enjoyed this comment and don't forget to vote and comment >33

This took my forever to edit so if I miss any spellings or errors just ignore it.

— Jazmine

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