07. red and orange

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     WHEN Melissa woke up the next morning after the hectic night she had at the hospital, she did not expect to see three boys sitting at the end of her bed, sound asleep. She had zero clues on what they were doing but the sight of Scott sleeping on Blaze's shoulder and sitting close to him made her morning a little bit better. She had no idea what was going on with them, but she liked it.

"Really, boys? Boys!" She called out loudly making them jump awake, startled by the sound yell as they jumped to their feet as if they were ready to fight off any danger, she might be in, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, we were watching over you..." Isaac informed her.

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice!" Scott stated. After finding out the next sacrifices were healers, he did not allow his mother out of his sight.

"We are taking this very seriously, Melissa. Do you want to die?" Blaze asked her with a raised eyebrow.  Melissa stared at him wondering how the hell this child could have such a big attuite. It was like he came out of the womb cursing and judging people.

"But you were all sleeping?" Melissa trailed off, confused raising her own eyebrow at Blaze whose mouth parted open slightly not knowing what to say.

"You were on watch last!" Scott said, looking at Isaac who scratched his head looking confused.

"What are you talking about? You were on watch last!" Isaac told him.

"Uh dude, you were on watch last." Blaze scoffed. Okay, he didn't know because he got bored and fell asleep but if Scott said he was, then obviously he was.

"...I might have been on watch last," Isaac said sheepishly amusing Melissa.

"My heroes!" Melissa said. sarcastically making Blaze grin and shrug as if it was no big deal, "Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D. recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear..."

"Yeah, but it could just come under any kind of healer, Mom-- and you were definitely a healer last night," Scott said like a proud son making Blaze want to chuckle.

"Can't believe I missed all this last night," Blaze grumbled. He was at home when he got a call from Scott talking about Danny eating mistletoe, something about Ethan, Melissa saving him, and then something to do with two doctors going missing. He only came over because Scott was worried about his mother and Blaze didn't like the sound of him so frightened and worried.

"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so all three of you get your butts to school," Melissa stated with a deadpan look.

"You're gonna regret saying that when someone starts tying you to a tree and you're gonna be wishing we were there to watch over you." Blaze shrugged at the women as the boys began to leave.

"Charming. Hey, Blaze." Melissa called out before he could leave making him turn to face her, "You hurt my son in any way and you're going to be wishing someone was there to watch over you."

Blaze smiled tightly at her words almost flushing at the mention of him and Scott before he nodded and walked out of the room. He and Scott have yet to talk about everything that has happened at the motel. Too afraid to ruin whatever good thing that going on between them right now. They both silently decided to go with the flow as they were clueless about what was going to happen in the future.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Scott knows what happiness feels like. He has had crushes, parties, and just overall moments that made his heart swell with joy and made him grateful for the life that was given to him but walking into the school with Blaze knowing the boy felt the same as him was a different form of happiness. A form of happiness that disappeared when he got a call from his boss in his chemistry class.

"Hey, Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now-- can I call you back later?" He whispered into the phone but loud enough for Deaton to hear him.

"Unfortunately, no... I honestly thought I might never have to burden you like this, but I'm afraid, at the moment, you're my only hope." Scott's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he glanced over at Blaze who looked just as confused as he listened into the conversation.

"I'm going to be taken. I need you to find me." Scott's heart dropped at his words as he sat up slightly, mind racing over a million theories and hopelessly wishing he didn't mean what he thought he might or that he would wake up and it was all just some scary dream.

"Doc. Doc, doc, doc-- what's happening?" The sound of the line dragging out made it clear that the call was disconnected, and Deaton was gone.

Scott didn't hesitate to grab his bag jumped up from his chair and left the classroom leaving everyone confused.

Blaze followed after him, glancing over at Stiles who remained more confused than ever, "Call your dad. It's Deaton." Blaze informed him making Stiles nod and quickly grabbed his phone to tell his dad something was happening.

Scott and Blaze got to the animal clinic, the McCall boy's hands fidgeting the entire way there. The moment Blaze parked the car, Scott jumped out of the car and ran inside the clinic, Blaze following after them.

They paused when they saw the Sheriff and one of his deputies around there and Deaton not around, "How did you know?" Scott asked him.

"Stiles called me as soon as you left the school. I'm sorry." Sheriff Stilinski stated making it clear that Deaton was gone.

Scott gasped in disbelief as he stepped backward, terrified of what might happen to the man he looked up to as a father figure.

"Hey, sit down." Blaze grabbed his hand and forced him to sit on one of the chairs as he sat beside him in the armchair keeping their hands interlocked.

"Your boss' car is still here, and the back door was wide open. Scott... I need you to tell me everything." The Sheriff said as the boys shared a look.

Stiles had arrived at the clinic by the time the Sheriff came back to talk to them in the office, "All right, we're doing everything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school."

When he walked away, Scott nodded his head towards the animal shelter making the boys stand up and follow him inside.

"We have to tell him," Scott said as soon as they shut the door.

"You mean, like, tell him? Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?" Stiles scoffed, hoping it wasn't what he thought.

"You know what he means." Blaze gave him a look.

"You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week!" Stiles told Scott.

"And she got over it! And- and it actually made us closer." Scott says.

"I don't know, dude..." Stiles trailed off, looking at his dad through the window, "I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is!"

"He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening. He's got people dying in his town-- the town that he's supposed to protect-- and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later. It's better if he finds out from you, than a near-death situation like water boy." Blaze stated, referring to Matt who he refused to even mention.

"Yeah, but is now really the right time?" Stiles frowned hating the idea of telling his father the truth about Beacon Hills.

"What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?" Scott asked him.

"What if telling him gets him killed, huh?" Stiles says exasperatingly, "I mean, okay. Look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you-- I get that, okay? But this is my--Scott, this is my actual father. I can't... I can't lose both of my parents, all right? Not both of them."

His words made Blaze and Scott sigh, understanding the fear of where he was coming from. If Scott had it his way, his mother still wouldn't know had it not been forced out and Blaze, well Blaze should just learn to keep his mouth shut and his therapist wouldn't even know.

"You're right." Scott nodded but his words just made Stiles sigh, "No, I'm not. I'm not right. I'll tell him."

"We'll help you," Blaze reassured him. The boys walked towards the door and opened it, but they paused when they saw their guidance teacher talking to his dad. The image reminded Blaze of the first time they tried to tell his father the truth.

"Please, whatever you need. However, you can help find my brother." Marin pleaded making the boys share a look.

"Brother?" Stiles mouthed to Blaze and Scott who appeared just as surprised.

"Will you excuse us for a moment?" Stilinski walked away making Marin walk over to the boys who stood up straighter.

"Okay, listen closely, all three of you-- no sheriff, deputy, or detective is going to be able to find him," Marin said sternly.

"You don't have to ask us for help," Scott assured her.

"I'm trying to help you... because if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have the ability to seek out the supernatural." Marin informed them, glancing at Blaze.

"Lydia." He sighed. He didn't want to drag his best friend into more shit but of course, they needed her. They always did.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

The boys had gotten to the school, and they split up to try and find Lydia. Stiles stuck with Blaze halfway through as he could catch Lydia's scent. It was harder to find her as everyone exited the building due to the fire alarm.

They soon found her in the coach's office talking to Cora and surprisingly Blair who looked like she was arguing with Cora who had a tight grip on Lydia's wrist.

"Let her go, Cora. She wasn't even doing anything." Blair told the brunette in an annoyed manner.

"Agreed. Beat it." Blaze glared at Cora who rolled her eyes and let off of the strawberry blonde's wrist.

"You sure do act the same." Cora scoffed at Blair and Blaze before she looked back at the blonde, "What are you even doing here?"

"I go to school here." Blair said bluntly as if Cora was an idiot, "More than you do so the better question is what are you doing here?"

"Or what are you guys doing back here?" Lydia asked the boys who shared a look before they turned back to look at her with a pointed look.

"You." They said in unison.

"We need you to help us find Scott's boss," Stiles stated.

"Let's go then." Lydia sighed in annoyance but was going to help anyway.

"Perfect, I'll come with. You're coming." Cora grabbed Blair's hand and started dragging her with them.

"Why do I need to come with you?" Blair asked with a small eye roll.

"Because you might be useful and I don't trust you," Cora stated.

"Both of you shut up before I knock you both out and leave you in the janitor's closet on top of each other," Blaze said bluntly.

"Is it just me or do they argue like siblings?" Stiles whispered to Lydia as they looked at the three teenagers who were snapping at one another.

"Defiantly." Lydia nodded.

They walked into the chemistry classroom and sat down at one of the tables. Stiles pulled out an Ouija board making Lydia and Blaze scoff, "A ouijia board?"

"Also called a spirit board. And it's worth a shot..." Stiles informed her.

"A shot in the dark," Lydia grumbled thinking this was ridiculous.

"Could you just try it, please?" Stiles asked impatiently, "Okay, let's not forget who this is for-- Scott's boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion."

"I'm just doing it for Scott. His boss creeps me out." Blaze stated just for kicks.

"Are you guys dating?" Blair asked him out of curiosity making him freeze as he thought of what to say.

"What?" Blaze asked seeing all of them looking at him.

"Are you guys dating or not?" Lydia asked eager for the answer.

"No? I don't know, okay It's complicated, fuck." Blaze said making Stiles and Lydia grin brightly.

"Have you kissed at least?" Stiles asked sheepishly.

Blaze's mouth opened but no words came out as his cheeks dusted pink making him blush.

"Oh my god, you did! You're blushing!" Lydia gaped at her best friend in disbelief and happiness before she turned to Stiles with her hand out, "You owe me twenty bucks."

"Screw you, Blaze." Stiles pouted as he hastily handed Lydia the money, he owed her from the bet they made.

"You betted on us?" Blaze asked the pair in disbelief and confusion.

"Yeah, I betted that you guys would be dating if not at least kiss by October. Allison said Halloween which means she also owes me money." Lydia smiled happily, not ashamed of all about betting on her best friend.

"I betted Christmas since you're both stubborn as hell." Stiles sighed in annoyance that he just lost 2 bucks. He really shouldn't have underestimated his best friends.

"Okay, are we all playing this or what?" Cora jumped in, annoyed with this gossip,

" Yeah. Yeah. You guys ready?" Stiles nodded as everyone put at least one head on the board and nodded, "Where's Dr. Deaton?"

Everyone was silent as Lydia looked up and saw everyone looking at her making her confused, "What?"

"Aren't you gonna answer it?" Stiles asked her like she was an idiot.

"Oh, I don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit..." Lydia said still confused.

"In the dark we went." Blaze sighed, placing his head in his hands.

"Well, do you know any spirits?" Cora asked the Martin girl who looked over at Stiles and Blaze, "Is she for real?"

"Probably," Blair muttered in annoyance.

"Okay, these are Deaton's keys for the clinic. Close your eyes, and I'm gonna put 'em in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location. It's called..." Stiles' words were cut off when Blair interrupted him.

"Psychometry," Blair stated, making Stiles look at her almost in surprise that she knew that.

"Uh yeah, yeah. That." Stiles coughed as Blaze raised an eyebrow at him. He wasn't even an idiot he had seen the way Stiles stared at her a little too long and the random glances they threw at one another in the hallway.

"I'm not psychic." Lydia shook her head.

"You're something! Okay?" Stiles snapped in frustration.

"Just, Lydia, put out your hand, and..." Stiles said, pacing the keys in Lydia's hands who tensed up and made a noise making them all sit up.

"What?" Blaze asked her.

"They're cold." Lydia shrugged.

Blaze could've laughed at how annoyed Stiles looked and the way his eye twitched at her He looked ready to talk her head and smash it against the table, or maybe his own.

"Okay, babe, concentrate, please?" Blaze gave his best friend a look and sighed.

"Trying to save lives here, for the love of God," Stiles grumbled.

Lydia closed her eyes and closed her fist as she did what they said. The slightest movement of her body made Stiles perk up in excitement, "Yeah, what is it? What do you see?"

Lydia opened her eyes and sighed, "Nothing."

Cora turned to Blair when Stiles started going on about automictic writing, "Why do you work for Delulu?" She asked her.

"I don't work for him."


Blaze and Blair said in unison.

"Deucalion, Delulu same thing. and why do you stay with him if you don't work for him? It makes me think you're there willingly." Cora said making the blonde stare at the table.

"Cora, shut up." Blaze rolled his eyes.

"What? It's important to know who our real enemies are. Kind of like how you risk all this shit for a guy who wouldn't think twice before killing you when you're no longer any use to him. He's using you Blair for his own personal gain." Cora told the blonde.

"I'm also using him so win, win I guess." Blair shrugged.

"You mean by helping you find your family," Cora smirked almost in a hushed whisper as Blair looked surprised that she knew that and Blaze narrowed his eyes at her,

"Well, my dearest Blair. You're family lives here in Beacon Hills. You have a twin brother, and your father's name is Jeremiah. There now you don't need him." Cora smiled happily as Blaze and Blair stared at her in shock, but Blaze's face held less of a surprise.

"How do you--" Blair was going to say when the sound of Stiles's voice broke them from their conversation.

"Lydia, what are you doing? What... what the hell is that?" Stiles asked the girl who had been drawing a tree on the paper.

"A tree," Lydia said as she kept drawing.

"A tr--? Lydia, you're supposed to be writing words-- like, in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell us where he is." Stiles told her.

"Well, maybe you should've said that." Lydia scoffed.

"Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius?" Cora asked impatiently.

"Genius? Yes. Psychic? No." Lydia informed her, "Honestly, I don't even know why you're bothering with me, anyway... I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny."

"Um, why Danny?" Blaze asked in confusion.

"Because... Last night, he was a target... But he wasn't a sacrifice." Scott walked into the classroom holding his shoulder which was bleeding.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Blaze got off the chair and walked over to the boy who looked at his wound.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Really." Scott assured him. Blaze looked pissed and wanted to say something else, but Cora beat him to it.

"But isn't Danny still in the hospital?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's where we're going right now." Stiles nodded, grabbing his stuff.

"I'll meet you there," Scott stated.

"Perfect, I'll come with you," Blaze smiled, getting ready to leave with him.

"No, you should stay with him. They might need you." Scott shook his head.

"Clearly you need me more. Can't leave you alone for 5 minutes." Blaze muttered in disbelief.


"I can go with them." Blair spoke up looking sheepish, "If you want."

Everyone looked at her but only Stiles spoke up, "Yeah see. You'll be fine."

"Great. That's settled." Blaze started walking out of the classroom forcing Scott to sigh and follow after him.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Standing in Allison's closet, chest to chest with Scott was not what he thought they were going to be doing when Scott said he needed to stop somewhere. The brunette wanted to show them something, but they had to wait until Argent left.

Blaze feels the body heat coming off both of them and the hot breath of Scott making him purse his lips. Whatever cologne this idiot was wearing was making it harder for Blaze to not do anything to him in this closet.

He could hear Scott's racing as the boy tried not to look at Blaze or focus on Blaze's hands gripping his hips.

"What are you doing?" Scott whispered to him, glancing up through his eyelashes to look at Blaze because of how close they were he could barely move.

"Nothing..." Blaze muttered back to him hoping the younger boy would stop looking at him that. So damn innocent and seductive.

"...Part of you is doing something," Scott muttered, his face flushing at mentioning it. Blaze didn't seem bothered by his words because he knew damn well his lack of control right now.

"Not my fault you're hot and so close to me." Blaze shrugged the best he could, smirking at Scott who gave him a look.

"So, you're lack of control is my fault?" Scott whispered with a raised eyebrow.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Blaze nodded. He tried to think about anything else but when Scott decided to carefully turn around to see if that would be better, all he could think about was Scott's ass pressed up against him and his hard-on.


"Yeah?" The boy turned his head as Blaze dug his fingers into the boy's hips, almost hissing at the tension.

"You just made it so much worse," Blaze whispered closing his eyes.

"Oh," Scott mumbled, flushing in embarrassment. He had thought about Blaze many times in stuff like this but being in his ex-girlfriend's closet was not one of them.

Scott went to turn around when Blaze forced him to stay facing the closet, squeezing his hips until he lightly pushed him back making Scott gasp, covering his mouth to keep himself quiet.

"What are you doing?" Scott whispered, eyes squeezing shut as Blaze put his hands under his shirt and dragged his fingertips across his tan skin.

"You should wear flannels more often. You look so good." Blaze muttered truthfully, leaving a small kiss on Scott's neck behind his ear making Scott tense. It was the truth. This whole tank top, flannel-wearing shit that Scott had decided to inhabit, he was obsessed with it, and it was hard to focus when he was in his view looking so well.

"Blaze—" Scott didn't know he was asking him to stop or keep going. He has never done anything like this, but it felt amazing, and he didn't want it to stop.

"Turn around," Blaze whispered to the boy who took a deep breath and shuffled back around, blushing as he looked at Blaze who almost smirked at his flushed look.

Blaze started into Scott's chocolate brown eyes, placing a finger under his chin and tilting his head forward, subconsciously making Scott do the same. Just as their lips were about to touch, Scott leaned against Blaze's body a little too hard making him stumble back, forcing them to still immediately as Blaze caught himself and Scott who had his head on his chest and a hand over his mouth.

They shared a sheepish look, silently chuckling as they stood back up. They heard the door shut, making Scott lean forward and look through the blinds just as Allison came and opened the door making them sigh in relief.

"Fuck, finally." Blaze took a deep breath, fixing his pants which made Scott look away, hiding his blush as he avoided looking at Allison.

"Can you two be any louder?" Allison scolded the pair, almost getting caught by her dad.

"Depends on how loud Scotty is." Blaze winked at the boy who playfully shoved him as they followed Allison to her dad's office.

"See this map? The last time we were in here talking, my dad put a book over it. There's something about the way he did it. It was like he was like he was trying to cover it." Allison stated, keeping her voice low just in case her dad came back.

"I don't see anything," Scott said looking at the map.

"Me either." Blaze shook his head.

"Yeah, you can't until you use this," Allison said, turning in the UV light and shining it over the map revealing markings among the map.

"Oh cool. This is like the spy markers I got my Christmas when I was 12." Blaze said making Scott chuckle in amusement.

"He's been tracking and marking everything. Cora and Boyd at the bank. The alphas in the penthouse above us. All of the dead bodies have a symbol for where someone was taken. And then a different mark for where the bodies are found, see? Now here's, the scary part. There have been six sacrifices, right?" Allison whispered to them.

"I don't know, not keeping track." Blaze shrugged.

"There are 12 markings on the map," Allison said making the boys confused as they looked down at the mark again.

"What? What does that mean? Did your dad find other dead bodies and not tell anyone?" Scott asked her.

"I don't think so. I think he knows where the bodies are going to be found." Allison says.

"Maybe he's the killer and he's marking his trail before he kills more people." Blaze blurted out, making Allison and Scott stare at him, "Or not."

"One of these six locations, one of these is where Deaton could end up, I mean, it doesn't tell us where he's being kept right now—" Allison told them.

"But it's close to figuring it out," Scott said grabbing his phone and taking pictures of the map.

"Well, done Allicat. I'm impressed." Blaze smiled at the brunette who grinned back at him, but the smile fell when the elevator went off making them share a look.

Scott and Blaze hid in the kitchen before sneaking out once Argent was distracted with Allison in her bedroom.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

"Okay, so what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora asked the group standing around the table at the animal clinic talking about what Blair, Stiles Scott, and Blaze had found out.

"Because it's not just homework, okay? It's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases, all right?" Stiles asked them.

"I didn't understand a word you just said." Blaze blurted out, confused more than ever. He was still confused about why Danny's homework was useful in any way.

"Now, look at this-- this is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal." Stiles pointed to the paper which had the note written in red ink.

"I strongly advise you to choose another topic. The ideas here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for the class." Lydia read aloud.

"Harris wasn't just a sacrifice-- he knew something." That confused Blaze more because he could see how he might know something, but Stiles was saying it like he was 100% sure.

"Now, check this out--" Stiles pulled a map out of his bag, "Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, all right? Danny had one, too. Danny marked all the telluric currents, okay? Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a beacon-- you wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through the earth is around this town."

"Stiles, look. They match!" Scott pointed out.

"All right, there's three places, right? Where they're kidnapped, and then the place where their body was found." Scott stated.

"Look, that's right on the telluric current," Blair says pointing at the map.

"So, maybe where he was sacrificed is somewhere in between?" Blaze shrugged as Scott marked on the map where Deaton was taken.

"Let me see that." Stiles grabbed the pen from Scott, "You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton's one of them. Gotta be somewhere in between, right?"

"Stop." Cora suddenly said, grabbing Stiles's hand to stop him before she redirected his hand to the bank vault, "He's in the vault-- the same vault."

"How the fuck—" Blaze trailed off, even more confused about how she figured that out.

Everyone began to leave when Lydia stopped them, "Hey."

"Lydia, we don't have time--" Scott told the Martin girl.

"It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power." Cora read from her phone.

"It's just like he said..." Scott muttered, stunned.

"Go. We can save Deaton myself." Blaze told the group.

"What? Blaze, what about us?" Stiles asked him.

"Um—" Blair muttered, hesitantly looking around.

"Look, Blair. Cora already told you about your family. You may feel like you owe Deucalion something, but you owe Kali and the twins nothing. Do they even want you in the pack? You're not exactly alpha." Blaze told the blonde who pursed her lips.

"Oh my god. Blair Elizabeth, you are going to help us stop Kali so we can save Boyd and Derek. Do you want to know why? Because Derek is your family." Cora dropped the bomb on the blonde shocking most people in the room, "You're a Hale, and Deucalion has always known that. Your twin brother is this idiot." Cora nodded at Blaze who stood awkwardly.

"You guys may not be like Ethan and Aiden, but you're twin. You share everything. Including your abilities which is why your hearing was so good the night you found me. You were both using it at the same time, heightening it. Use your powers together and you'll be stronger." Cora said sternly.

"Okay, you guys can finish this later. We got to go." Scott said making everyone nod and move.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Scott and Blaze ran into the bank and towards the vault as fast as they could where they found Deaton tied to the ceiling and passed out.

They ran over to him but were pushed back by the circle of mountain ash that surrounded the Doc, making them share a look.

"It's worth a try." Blaze shrugged lightly, giving Scott a tight smile who nodded. They stood in front of the mountain ash pressed their hands against the barrier and tried to force their way in.

"Use your powers together and you'll be stronger." Cora's words made Blaze close his eyes and hope that Blair was doing the same and pushed harder against the barrier. They used every ounce of their strength together causing Deaton to fall in and out of consciousness. He was awake just in time to witness Scott's eyes turning red and Blaze's turning orange, something neither one of them noticed.

Suddenly, the boys were thrown back onto the ground, making them groan and sigh in defeat relaxing it didn't work.

"Scott, Blaze!" Sheriff Stilinski's voice was not something they expected to hear in this place, "Let me give it a shot." He raised his gun and shot a bullet through the ropes, breaking it and allowing Deaton to fall and hit the ground.

"How'd you find us?" Blaze asked the older man as Scott helped Deaton sit up against the wall.

"The vials in the clinic with the Celtic symbols on 'em? I knew that one of 'em looked familiar..." Stilinski stated, looking at the logo on the ground.

"Sheriff, thank you for being one hell of a detective." Deaton nodded his appreciation.

"You bet. Let's get you an ambulance." Stilinski left and Deaton turned to the boys almost excitedly.

"Your eyes were red and orange. Bright red and orange." Deaton told the two boys who looked shocked at his words.

"How is that possible?" Scott asked him in shock.

"Paramedics are on their way! I'll be back in half a minute." Stilinski left the vault.

"It's rare-- it's something that doesn't happen within a hundred years. But every once in a while, a Beta can become an Alpha without having to steal or take that power. They call it a True Alpha. It's one that rises purely on the strength of character, by virtue, by sheer force of will." Dragon explained to Scott.

"That's awesome," Blaze muttered, smiling at Scott.

"...You knew this would happen," Scott said looking at his boss.

"I believed. From the moment I knew you were bitten, I believed." Deaton told Scott before he turned to Blaze who almost didn't want to know, "The moment I met you, I had already known what you were. What you truly were."

"What do you mean "what I truly were?" Blaze asked him confused. All he felt today was confused.

"I would say you almost one of a kind but there's only one other being like you," Deaton says.

"Blair." Blaze and Scott muttered in unison, being able to put it together after what Cora said earlier.

"You're a hybrid, Blaze. Part werewolf, part phoenix." Deaton said making Blaze chuckle.

"An immortal bird?" Blaze asked in amusement but Deaton remained as serious as ever — Blaze was starting to think it was his default setting.

"400 years ago, a young woman was murdered, killed, and burned at the stake for false claims of witchcraft. Her body self-combusted before she rose from the ashes becoming a phoenix. For years, she grew bloodthirsty and power hungry. She yearned for the power she inhabited. She wanted to be like that forever." Deaton explained the shortest he could for them.

"What does this half to do with me and Blair?" Blaze asked as Scott nodded just as confused as he was.

"It has everything to do with you because that woman is your birth mother. Elizabeth March." words shocked Scott and Blaze even more than the True Alpha part, "She adored you and Blair for the first year of your lives. She lived with the Hales's and loved you guys dearly. That was until she found out what you guys had taken from her."

"Taken from her? They were babies?" Scott muttered with furrowed eyebrows.

"When she gave birth to Blaze and Blair, her only children, she didn't know that the twins would inherit some of her powers, but not only did they inherit it, they took it from her, leaving her with less. She's not as powerful, and she's not as immortal as she was before the twins were born." Deaton explained.

"So, Blaze is immortal and can fly?" Scott asked almost amusingly as Blaze didn't say anything.

"No -- well the flying part I don't know but you and Blair share the traits you got, so you're not fully immortal but if you die, you will come back. The only problem is we don't know how many times that will last for you until you truly never come back, so don't die." Deaton told the boy who chuckled slightly.

"You also knew. Did you always know who I was?" Blaze asked the doctor who nodded.

"I knew who you were from the moment you were born. After the Hale fire, you were supposed to come live with me, but I didn't find out about the events until the next day and by the time I had found you, the Andersons were already adorning you and I let them adopt you thinking they could give you a better and normal life then I could. Had I known they would've treated you so badly, I would've taken you in instead." Deaton confessed surprising the boys.

"Why would you take me in? Why don't I remember anything?" Blaze demanded the answers he'd been dying for. His heart pounded against his chest of as finally got his answers.

"Your mother wants you dead, Blaze. She believes that by killing you and Blair, she will inherit that power back. Your memories were taken by your father, Jeremiah Hale who had sent you guys away and he's been hunting your mother down ever since. Doing everything he can to protect you guys from her ever finding you." Deaton explained to Blaze who didn't say anything and glanced at the ground.

"The paramedics are here," Scott stated from what he could hear.

"Blair being here is what's activating that side of you. You're stronger together." Deaton stated, "Deucalion isn't after Derek-- he's after you three and he already has Blair."

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Authors Note:

Well here's the next chapter. Coming up with plots and all the behind stuff is harder than I thought so deal with this half assed back story for Blaze loll. I think yall get the point. 

but anyways, Blaze and Scott = powerful hot duo

Not a big fan of this chapter but I've made you guys wait awhile already so I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to comment!! I love them.

also Blaze + Landon = bird duo. (But I'm probably not gonna be having Blaze fly cause that's just goofy asf Lmfaoo, taking that shit away by having him share the little power with Blair).

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