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chapter one:
the silent one

THURSDAY: October 10th, 2026,

The theater was empty, and while most of the drama club had wandered off to fix a few last minute things and prepare for their next class. Vivian Everglass stayed behind, for once she had a free period which meant she'd have time to finally practice alone. She found herself being more in the moment on stage when no one else was around, to criticize her.

She looked down at the script in her hand and then she flinched when the bright stage light turned on. She shielded her eyes with her hand as she looked toward the tech booth "Andy? Is that you messing with the lights again? Don't you have gym class?".

The light turned off and she didn't see the usual head of Andy sticking outside the small window and awkwardly looking down upon her. Instead she was greeted by nothing, she didn't see even a single glimpse of a person hiding behind the window, let alone Andy who often ditched gym class.

She ignored it altogether as she looked back down at her script and then the lights flashed back on again. "Seriously, Andy! If this is your way of messing with me it's not cool, and it's not even funny". The light turned off and she let out a breath as she looked back down at her script, she flipped the page over and then she grew tense. A single drop of blood fell atop the page and she watched as it spread across the page as the drop increased into a long stream of blood.

She went to scream but nothing came out, she realized the blood was coming from her. Her eyes widened in horror as she felt the figure press the knife so deeply into her throat she couldn't breathe. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks as she let out gaping cries for help. The script fell out of her hand and she felt herself being pulled behind the curtain when the doors opened. She couldn't move and she felt the blood running down her chest and throat as she felt the figure push her against the backstage door.

She felt the hair on the back of her neck rise as she felt the soft mesh material of a ghostface mask pressing itself into her skin. It was almost as if they were waiting, and she could see through the crack of the stage door who had walked inside.

Andy, like clockwork, had skipped gym class and invaded the theater. Most Thursdays he'd ditch in the library but for some reason they closed it early today and he had gone for the overall ladder. Studying inside the tech booth sounded almost exciting for the boy, he never had the opportunity of being alone inside the room unless someone called in sick.

While he was the main one in charge of the entire room itself, two others helped alongside him and they always gossiped and bragged about the jocks and cheerleaders of the high school. Seeing two recited on the drama club Andy often heard word of them most. The boy was so clueless of the blood that coated the stage floor as he walked past it, his face was buried deep into his algebra book as he pushed open the door of the tech booth. He set down his backpack at the edge of his feet as he put his algebra book down in front of him. The pages closed awkwardly as he looked away to grab his notebook.

"Hey An" he jumped suddenly and nearly fell off the chair at the sudden sight of Benjamin. "Ah! Why would you do that Ben, what are you even doing in here? This is for the tech crew only". Benjamin chuckled softly as he pushed himself forward in the chair, "library was closed, wasn't gonna eat my lunch in the bathroom like a loser. Vivian also kinda went awol on me, we normally meet here for rehearsals but I didn't see her when I came in".

"You've been here the entire time? Just eating a cold sandwich in the dark?" Benjamin shrugged his shoulders as he took a bite out of his sandwich. Andy cringed when ketchup smeared along the boys cheeks "I've been in here for like three hours, I saw Vivian come this way but the weird part is I literally haven't ran into her yet. Maybe she's just hanging out in the dressing rooms or something".

Andy handed Benjamin a napkin and the boy stared at it with almost a look of uncertainty. "You've got ketchup on your shirt, I always keep napkins close by because people have a habit of eating in here". Benjamin smiled softly as he took the napkin "thanks, so are you studying for that algebra test then? I got an F in that class because Mr.Riley thinks I'm failing it on purpose, but I personally just don't get it".

Andy's eyes brightened "I could totally help you study, I mean I've got notes for the entire semester and once you get the general idea of it then you'll be way smarter. I mean the more you read and study then the smarter you'll get". The boy kept rambling and Benjamin's sandwich was even colder than before making him throw it away as he wiped his hands off with the napkin Andy let him have.

The gesture itself felt odd, normally the drama club ignored Benjamin half the time but for once it felt nice being seen and heard. Even if a small napkin was the gesture and it was only because he was a mess. "Are you sure you didn't see Viv when you walked in Andy? I can't think of anywhere else she'd go".

Benjamin looked through the small window but the theater was completely empty and the stage lights were off making the place look creepy and dark. "I've only just got here, maybe she's with Claire, they're always with each other around this time".

Benjamin stood up from the chair "I'll let you study, sorry about the ketchup. I'll get you new napkins". The boy walked out of the booth and walked down the aisle towards the doorway. Unknown to him the stage lights turned on, and Vivian laid along the ground with her hands weakly pressed against her throat as blood surrounded her body. The figure emerged from behind the curtains as they looked up towards the tech booth, Andy looked lost in his own world as he stared down into his textbook. The door opened and the figure turned towards the sight of Benjamin who had awkwardly bumped into Nadia as she tried to move a fake rock into the room.

"Need a hand with that?" Nadia smiled sweetly at Benjamin as he grabbed ahold of the rock but then her face turned into horror as she screamed. The rock flew towards the ground as Benjamin turned and he gasped "Viv!" he ran so quickly he felt his feet ache. Nadia walked after him, her hands reaching for her cellphone as she watched Benjamin grab a hold of Vivian.

Benjamin blinked rapidly as his hands struggled to hold against the girl's throat. He let out a shaky breath as he looked away from the blood "is she dead?". Benjamin looked at Nadia as the girl paced back and forth in worry "I.. I don't know". His voice cracked as he struggled to breathe, blood wasn't a sight he enjoyed much and it made him feel uneasy as he tried to focus on Nadia's words.

His ears were ringing and he felt Vivian's hands weakly grasping his and then Andy screamed as he ran out of the tech booth. "She looks dead! Is she dead! The one time I come in here and study, I see a dead body, oh...I'm gonna pass out, I think I'm gonna..". Andy's words were cut off when Nadia grabbed a hold of his shoulders "focus! I need you to call the police Andy, my phone isn't working".

Benjamin let out a grunt as he picked Vivian off the stage "woah! You can't just move her; she'll bleed out to death and that's not on my bucket list of accomplishments and achievements. I forbid you from..." Benjamin ignored Andy's words as he carried Vivian toward the doorway.

Andy looked at Nadia as he sighed deeply "no one takes me seriously, gosh I have a test next period and now my entire education is ruined because I saw a dead body... Vivians dead and this could jeopardize my perfect attendance".

Nadia groaned in annoyance "she's not dead, and I doubt class will be the least of your worries". The girl stormed off the stage running after Benjamin who was likely halfway across the high school, of course unknown to the boy as he pushed open the entrance doors of the building. The figure watched from the shadows as they slowly disappeared into the neighborhood. The time would come when Benjamin would suffer the same fate as Vivian, only his would be far worse and he'd never see it coming.

authors notes:
First chapters are my worst enemies, I'm never good at them half the time so I keep them short and basic. The next chapter for the most part will actually be better and it'll feature the entire drama club! Also Benjamin helping Vivian even though he hates the sight of blood (that's a best friend right there!). Anyways it's like 7AM..... and I should sleep so bye!!! Also this chapter is so lameeeee I promise the next one will be ten times better and longer.

answer the question! (Required)
how does your character feel about Vivian's attack? (They learned what happened through Andy btw!)

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