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WEDNESDAY: October 9th, 2026,
the drama club of woodsboro high

the simple thought of it made Benjamin Crowell want to rip his fucking eyes out of his skull until all he saw was the crippling glimpse of forgiveness. His fingernails felt like they were on the verge of falling off as his body quivered in agony. A single thread of despair and desperation ran through his veins intoxicating him with cruelty and the very truth he feared far more than himself. "Forgive me, please... I'm begging you, don't do this to me, don't banish me away from this world. I seek salvation and forgiveness far more than revenge and bloodshed. Grant my sight once more so I shall see the light".

His knees were lace with dirt and blood as he desperately grasped ahold of the woman before him. Her lips sealed shut with beautiful lines of red, such a crimson red it made her smile almost sickening as she looked down upon the boy seeking forgiveness. Her hands were cold to the touch as they rested along his cheeks, she felt the warmth of his tears. Felt the thickness of the bandages that were wrapped around his eyes and skull, such dingy and dirty bandages she almost pitied him.

Her lips parted and the soft hum of silence entered the air, her eyes creased downward in discomfort when the sudden sensation of pain pierced her eardrums. The loud screech echoed along the theater making everyone inside all hiss in annoyance as they held onto their ears. "Andy! What on earth are you doing up there?" Vivian's voice bounced off the theater as she sighed softly. Her hand pressed itself against her side as she looked upward towards the tech booth.

She saw the small head of Andy awkwardly sway its way out the window as he panic-kingly pressed the off switch of the sound. The screech faded away and Andy turned red in embarrassment as he lowered himself into his seat, making himself disappear from the prying eyes of the club. Vivian turned at the sudden shift upon the stage, the bright lights switched on and almost like clock work the loud clack of Claire's high heels entered the atmosphere.

Her hands grasped tightly onto a clipboard and Vivian smiled softly at the sight of the girl looking so concentrated on fixing the issue. Benjamin pulled the bandages off his eyes and blinked rapidly as the bright light flashed into his eyes. "We gotta figure out a way for those not to blind me when I take these off" he cringed as he put the bandages into his back pocket.

Claire tapped her pen along the side of the clipboard as she looked at Benjamin and Vivian. She looked almost irritated by the sight of everyone running around the stage moving props and screaming at each other Vivian saw the indent along Claire's cheek almost immediately, "uh I was thinking Claire, is it possible we change a few of Benny's lines? I don't really understand the whole situation for this scene. I feel as if his character wouldn't beg for forgiveness, he's pretty crazy and would probably kill everyone in the village so he can get his sight back".

Benjamin scratched at his neck as he looked at Claire "you uh.. you don't gotta change anything Claire, I can...". His lips sealed shut when Claire looked at him "I'm sorry, who's the director of this play?" She looked around then back at the duo in front of her. "It's me, I don't see anyone else around here having the utter decency of being able to hold this club together. Without me you'd all crash and burn. This play has to be perfect, and I made sure of it when I spent an entire weekend writing it for everyone".

She held her head up high as she smirked, she shifted her gaze away from Benjamin as the boy awkwardly made his way past the girls towards the back of the stage. "Did you have to be so cruel? Bennys not really the type to ignore your instructions or authority, he's really passionate about this play and he hates when he messes up a line or scene".

Claire sighed as she looked at Vivian "Ben will survive, he's not the one who messed up that scene it was Andy. It would've been perfect, I gotta talk to the tech crew and figure out the issue, actually I'll make Alix handle it, she's been awol all day".

Claire stormed off the stage and pushed past Kieran who was gazing at Nadia. The boy hissed in discomfort when Claire bumped into his shoulder as she made her way toward the back stage door. He rubbed at his shoulder and then he turned at the soft giggle of Nadia as she looked up from the tree she was painting. He felt his cheeks blush as he quickly made his way towards the dressing rooms. He could still hear the noise of Nadia's giggle as the girl rolled her eyes at his sudden exit. As he made his way along the dressing rooms he heard the loud hum of the sewing machine and he saw Angel angrily cutting through a thick cloth that didn't wanna budge.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you" he jumped at the sudden voice beside him. Gwendolyn held onto a pile of papers and her dance shoes as she fiddled with the end of her necklace chain. "I tried to get a look at the costumes for act four which involves that big dance number and she literally almost scissored my face off, Alex went in and the same thing happened, apparently we can't see anything until it's finished".

Kieran laughed "you're joking? There's no way Claire approved of that, unless she doesn't know. What's with the random stack of paper?". Gwendolyn looked down at the stack of paper with disinterest "it's flyers for the play, apparently I'm stuck having to hang them around the school before we leave for the night".

Kieran grabbed the stack of paper from the girl's hand "I can handle it, why don't you go and see if Alex needs help with hanging up that sun for the next scene. He looks like he's gonna fall off that ladder".

Gwendoyle grinned slightly "oh this is totally about you seeing Nadia. She's gonna see you helplessly hanging up flyers and she'll actually acknowledge you for once. She's been painting props all morning, there's no way she'll stop to help you".

Kieran turned to walk away "I'll prove you wrong!" The boy made his way past the dressing room towards the front stage door. As he pushed open the door he ran straight into Benjamin , the boy's entire body was soaked with red paint as the bucket he held onto smacked straight into his chest. Benjamin looked like he was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown as he looked down at the red paint that seeped into his costume. The flyers in Kieran's grasp had unfortunately fallen onto the ground when the incident happened and he watched as they turned from a bright yellow to a deep red.

The paint reeked and Benjamin and Kieran stood in silence and then the panic set in when the clacking sound of Claire's high heels started to approach them. Both boys, despite rarely speaking, practically flew toward the ground. Benjamin panicked as he wiped at the paint with his sleeve and Kieran cringed as he grabbed the flyers that were ruined.

They both grunted when they smacked straight into each other's foreheads. "What is this!" Claire's voice sounded irritated as he looked at the two boys who looked up at her like helpless children. Paint coated their clothes and skin as they both let out a soft chuckle and awkwardly smiled at the girl.

Benjamin stood up first "it.. it was my fault" his voice cracked as he pushed the paint off his shirt with his hands. His fingernails dug into his neck almost immediately when Claire sighed softly. Kieran looked almost guilty as he side eyed Benjamin who looked like a little boy who was telling his mother he threw up. "Then get it cleaned up, the principal said we have to be out of here by eight and it's almost seven thirty and we always pick up the stage before we leave".

Benjamin nodded as he walked off to grab a mop and when Kieran turned to help the boy he paused when he caught sight of something weird. He frowned deeply and Claire noticed it "what? I wasn't even that cruel that time, don't you have a job to do?".

The boy couldn't find the right words as he moved forward "did you just see that?" she turned where his gaze was looking at. "See what? You eye stalking Nadia for the fifteenth time today" she rolled her eyes and Kieran ignored it completely.

"I could've sworn I just saw someone in the back row of the seats. Maybe it was a trick of the eye". The boy felt uneasy as he walked past Claire and made his way towards the middle of the stage where Nadia had just got done placing a tree beside a big log. "Do you think this looks stupid here? I'm setting the scene up for tomorrow's rehearsal but this tree looks out of place and it's driving me insane".

She paused when she saw the distant look on Kieran's face "what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost or something. Did Claire yell at you again?". She snapped her fingers in front of the boy's face and he looked at her "it's nothing Dia, just thought I saw someone is all, must've just been Vivian or Andy".

He chuckled to himself as he looked at the tree that Nadia had just set up. Unknown to him, along the shadows of the theater an intruder watched the very beginning of a masterpiece, a perfect vessel in the making and it all led to the downfall of the drama club. The only issue, getting them all alone.

authors notes:
this is only the beginning and I honestly can't wait to write more. My baby Benny needs to be protected at all costs he's just a lost boy. I was beyond nervous I was gonna portray everyone wrong so I spent so much time doubting myself and rewriting. I at least hope this portrays everyone at least somewhat good. I gotta ask, with the aftermath of the overall ghostface situation would you'd want to see another one. Of course some your characters could unfortunately die but I'm thinking of making a part two that's like a year after this where everyone's in like college kinda like how scream 2 is, only this time it's them all being invited to a broadway production that's of their story and that'll be the overall end of this story. If that's something you'd like to see.

question for your ocs! required!!!
who do they think is the killer and why?

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