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Before we get started, let me first apologise to everyone for taking so long to get around to this topic. I have been really busy lately, writing notes and working on other college-related projects. I attended a family ceremony and have not done my research or other tasks. Nevertheless, I am glad I finished everything properly, and I hope you enjoy and learn from this chapter.

This chapter is really helpful for people who are acting as judges in books or want to be judges of award books, hosts, and readers, so do not skip anything.

Note: Guys, before every chapter, I can't give disclaimers, so kindly read the first chapter of this book before reading this chapter, and I also have all rights reserved to display my work of research. I hope you all understand. Also, this chapter is long one so please don't skip it.

Now let us discuss today's topic: plot^story.

So, now all may ask why it's Plot^Story; they both are the same, aren't they?

They are not the same, but they are interconnected. Like wildflowers, there are many species of wildflowers, but they are not all the same.

A story refers to the entire narrative, including character sketches, development, events, settings, and emotions. It surrounds the reader's entire experience, including underlying themes and messages.

The plot, on the other hand, follows a set timeline for the events in the story. The plot is like a road map. A roadmap shows the way to followers, just as the same plot is a road that guides readers through the book or writing, which helps to revise the key points, events, and developments in a specific order.

In more detail:

The story contains elements such as:

Comprehensive Narrative: The story covers all aspects of the narrative, including characters, settings, themes, emotions, and underlying messages.

Emotional Arc: This refers to the emotional journey of the characters as well as the audience's emotional reaction to the events in the narrative.

Themes and Messages: The story frequently explores themes and conveys messages that speak to the audience.

Character Development: Characters grow and change throughout the story, influencing the overall narrative arc.

Purpose and Meaning: It is intended to engage, entertain, stimulate thought, or convey a specific message or moral.

Whereas a plot has elements such as:

Sequential Events: The plot is the order of events in the story that are presented in a structured and logical format.

Cause and Effect: Each event in the plot triggers subsequent events, resulting in a cause-and-effect relationship that propels the story forward.

Conflict and Resolution: The plot frequently revolves around conflicts or challenges that characters must overcome, which lead to resolutions or outcomes.

Structure and Organisation: It provides a framework for organising the story's events, which typically follow a beginning, middle, and end structure.

Tension and Suspense: The plot creates tension, suspense, and anticipation as the audience wonders what will happen next and how the conflicts will be solved.

Finally, here's how plot and story are related:

Plot and story are separate elements, but they are interdependent. A well-crafted plot enhances the overall story by effectively presenting themes, characters, and messages.

• The plot can help to explore themes and character development by presenting events that challenge and shape the characters.

• Audience Engagement: A compelling plot keeps the audience interested and invested in the story, eager to see how events unfold and characters develop.

• The plot and story work together to create a unified and cohesive narrative experience that speaks to the audience.

Now you guys might ask me, "Why and how is it used for fan fiction writers , readers, and judges?" 

For Authors

Why is it important to understand these differences? So most fanfications use the same concepts for their stories, such as werewolves and vampires. Not only that, but most fanfiction writers (Kpop or BTS) use concepts such as mafia kidnapping, forced or arranged marriages, or CEO contract marriages.

Nonetheless, some of them made me sick. *Ahem* Let's talk about my thoughts in Part 2.

So, not every fanfiction author uses these stories; instead, they create their own story and concept, followed by the timeline and events that make up the plot. However, most of us are unaware of the differences between them. "I just knew that after I did research."

If you want to know more about the difference, here's an example: I believe most of you are familiar with strange things, right?

I know it is not a book, but a movie is made up of a story and a plot, so I used that as an example that you can understand, and do not worry, there are no spoilers in this.

Stranger Things is a story about a group of kids in the 1980s who discover supernatural mysteries in their small hometown. It includes the overall setting, the cast of characters, 1980s nostalgia, and the presence of supernatural elements. The story delves into themes of friendship, bravery, and the unknown, resulting in a nostalgic and thrilling atmosphere.

The plot, on the other hand, refers to the specific sequence of events that occur throughout the series. Key plot points include a boy's disappearance, the appearance of a mysterious girl, the kids' investigation, and the involvement of government agencies. The plot is the structured framework that holds the events together and propels the story forward.

And the relationship among them The story sets the scene by introducing the town, characters, and overarching themes. The plot then progresses through a series of events, such as the characters' interactions with supernatural forces and their attempts to solve mysteries. Character development, emotional arcs, and deeper exploration of themes all contribute to the overall story, whereas specific events and their order make up the plot.

Finally, in "Stranger Things," the story revolves around the small town, the characters, and the supernatural occurrences, while the plot focuses on the specific events and investigations that drive the narrative.

Okay, so now we know what the story and plot are.

Now, let us see how useful it is for judges and readers.

For judges and readers.

The plot depicts the timeline and events that occurred in the story, whereas the story depicts the development of characters and settings in the book, so we should keep these points in mind when judging books or writing reviews about them, whether fanfiction or original.

Okay, guys, now I have to go to bed. Let us discuss more about the plots and even my opinions in Part 2. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments.

Have a pleasant day or night. See you in the upcoming chapter.

Stay tuned.✨

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