don't need a mistletoe | hajime iwaizumi fluff

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prompt: after hosting their families for the holidays, (Y/n) and Hajime are exhausted

warning: one curse word lol

word count: 858

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

The clock struck eleven-forty-five o'clock. For the first time in roughly seventy-two hours, it was quiet. You were home, in your own house, and it was quiet. There were no guests, no idle chatter filling the rooms with noise. There was no music rining the same melodies for hours on end. The family parties and gatherings with friends had finally concluded.

Peace hung in the halls once again. It was just you--well, you and Hajime, of course. Throughout the ever-shifting tides and hustle and bustle of the holiday season, he was right by your side. To call him the love of your life would be an understatement.

You tied the last stuffed plastic trash bag and placed it near the front door. You decided you would take the trash out tomorrow morning. With a heavy sigh, you collapsed onto the sofa, too weak to carry yourself up the stairs and into your bed. As if there was an echo, you heard a sigh that was all too familiar to yours. You saw Hajime sitting utterly exhausted on the sofa next to you.

"The dished are done," Hajime huffed, letting his arms fall limp at his sides. "The trash is cleaned up, and I finally got the wine out of the carpet. Tell your aunt, thanks for that, by the way." You let out a small laugh, recalling her spill vividly. Seeing the ones you love is wonderful, but, it can also be draining. It is particularly tiring if you are the ones hosting, which just so happened to be the case this year.

The exact reasoning your mother provided was, "Well (Y/n) and Hajime just got married, why don't they host? They've got that nice house in the city too!" Part of you suspected the suggestion came from a place of laziness, just so she would not have to deal with the responsibilities of hosting. Your eyes drifted over to your husband. A small smile crept onto your face.

"Ya know, I love them, but I'm kinda glad they're gone," You admitted honestly. "I just want to be with you." Hajime scooted closer, bringing your head to rest on his broad shoulder. He kissed the top of your head, allowing his arm to tuck around your waist.

The sound of the wind blowing snow outside the window was the only thing that could be heard. In a state of exhaustion, you basked in one another's presence. Hajime had always been warm, no matter what time of year it was. His fingers drew gentle patterns on your skin, his hands chastely slipping under your clothes.

"Next year, we should go on a trip," Hajime suggested abruptly. "Just so they can't rope us into hosting."

"But then we wouldn't get to see anyone," You pointed out, snuggling closer to him. Hajime grumbled something you could not quite understand. But, you could easily sympathize with his fatigue.

"Where would we go?" You entertained curiously. You stared at the lit tree in the corner of your living room as Hajime took a moment to think.

"I don't care, as long as it's warm," He remarked, his hand moving to play with your hair, which had long since abandoned its neat appearance. Your eyes fell closed, his touch lulling you closer and closer to slumber.

"We'll have to take the decorations down tomorrow too," You groaned. Hajime shook his head.

"We can leave 'em up as long as you want," He said softly, pressing his head against yours. "Especially the mistletoe." Again, you laughed and your eyes peeled open.

"Just because you said that," You told him, "it's the first one coming down."

"Oh come on," Hajime pressed, tilting your head so he could gaze into your eyes. He had a dangerous look in those hazel eyes of his while a smirk made its way onto his face.

"You liked it, didn't you?" His thumb gently stroked across your chin, holding your stare in place. It was almost shocking how much power he had over you and how easily he could make you melt. Even when the temperature was below freezing. You shook the flustered coating off your face.

"I did not entirely appreciate you french kissing me in front of my parents, Haj." He laughed richly. His hand trailed from your chin to your cheek as he cradled your face.

"Well, I don't need a damn mistletoe to kiss you." With those words, he dipped his head down and captured your lips. He moved slowly, but with precision and care. Your arms draped around his neck as he pulled you into him, settling his other hand on your hip. With a gentle nip to your bottom lip, he pulled away.

"Can we go to bed now, baby?" Hajime asked as he breathed deeply. "This weekend's been fun, but I'm about to pass out."

"Me too." You took his hands in yours and pulled him to his feet. Sluggishly, you trudged to your bedroom. You slipped out of your nice clothes and immediately under the covers, not bothering to brush your teeth. That, like many other tasks, could wait until the morning.

You felt Hajime wrap his arms tightly around you, embracing you warmly. He kissed your forehead before whispering,

"I love you. Goodnight."

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