weird | satori tendo fluff

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prompt: Tendo has a little crush on (Y/n)

warning: none

word count: 1042

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

He watched with careful eyes, warry of where yours looked. If they ever wandered in his direction, he would be mindful to look away quickly. The last thing he wanted was for you to notice his lingering stare. Then, surely, you would think he was weird just as everyone else did.

Everyone except you, so it seemed. You made no observant comments about his... unique personality or his unconventional appearance. In truth, he had no bullies anymore. Fortunately, those had been left behind after he began attending Shiratorizawa Academy. Nevertheless, some folks did not take so kindly to his attitude.

Every since your first interaction, you had been rather accepting of him. That certainly aided in the development of his newfound feelings. You shared an elective class and bonded over its contents. You did not spend much time together outside of the class, or discussing it in the hall. Yet, he was too nervous to invite you to do anything else.

Ushijima was the only one who knew about his little predicament. Obviously, his best friend's advice was useless. Something along the lines of, just do it anyways. He should have anticipated Ushijima's lack of understanding. Regardless, he was thankful for someone to talk to.

He watched as you weaved through the heavy lunch crowd, balancing your food. You walked right past the table where he and his teammates sat. He caught your attention when you noticed him. You smiled brightly.

"Hey, Tendo," You waved at him as you walked by.

"H-Hi, (Y/n)!" He waved back as if he had not been staring at your approach. Tendo suspected he appeared more nervous than he would have liked. You passed him by, arriving to sit beside some of your closest friends for lunch. His eyes trailed after you and held there. That was until Semi spoke up,

"She's totally into you, man." His head whipped in Semi's direction, almost doubting that he heard those words correctly. Surely, the setter was joking or being sarcastic.

"What? (Y/n)?" Tendo clarified, shaking his head with a bitter smile. "No, she--she wouldn't like me." This shocked the boys surrounding him at the table. Was that insecurity in his voice? No, impossible! Tendo was too cheerful and annoying to express such sincerity so casually. He almost looked sad.

"Did you not see the way she smiled at you?" Goshiki wondered in Tendo's direction. "It's so obvious. You should ask her out!" Tendo shook his head almost violently. No, that thought frightened him to his core. You would reject him, of that much he was certain.

"Semi and Ghosiki are right," Ushijima spoke up as seriously as usual. "(Y/n) seems interested in you." Tendo found that no words came to mind. If Ushijima, the densest person on the face of the Earth, picked up your so-called signals... perhaps something was there. Maybe... maybe he could just talk to you outside of class. That seemed like a good place to start.

Tendo waited not so patiently for the school day to end. He anxiously looked around the hallways. He recalled you had mentioned club activities once before, so he hoped he could catch you before you made it back to your dorm room.

He heard a door creak open and several individuals shuffle out, idle chatter filling the previously quiet hall. Tendo could recognize you from the back of your head, having stared at it for hours on end. His body faltered to move as if it knew this would be a mistake. Nevertheless, he approached you carefully. With a deep breath, Tendo caught your attention with a quick,

"Hi, (Y/n)!"

"Oh, hello," You smiled at him, pleasantly surprised at his presence. "What brings you out this way? Don't you have volleyball practice?"

"Yeah, we finished a little bit ago," Tendo explained, awkwardly fidgeting with his lean fingers. "I thought I'd come say hi."

"That's very sweet," You told him kindly, flattered he took the time to single you out. "You want to walk with me back to my dorm?" Tendo nodded swiftly, feeling a flicker of excitement in his stomach. The journey was somewhat awkward at first, neither of you was very sure what to talk about.

"Are you, uh, close with your teammates?" You asked him.

"Kinda, yeah," Tendo shrugged. "I'm closest with our captain, though."

"That's nice, having good friends is important," You noted casually. Tendo let out a bitter chuckle.

"Yeah," He agreed with a small nod. "It still feels a little weird, though." You looked at him with a curious look.

"What do you mean?" You wondered, seeing the somewhat sour expression he held.

"Well--just when I was younger I didn't have a lot of friends," Tendo revealed, deciding to keep his eyes on the path ahead. "I got picked on sometimes and some kids didn't really like me." You only proceeded to become more confused.

"Why on Earth could someone not like you, Tendo?" Your words almost made him stop walking. With a nervous laugh, he felt his face flush harshly.

"I guess they thought I was weird or creepy," He shrugged again, trying to ignore the burning in his face. "I'm not hung up on it anymore, but it's nice to know that... that you don't think I'm weird." Tendo heard you let out a small laugh.

"Of course I think you're weird, Tendo," You told him blissfully. "That's why I like you." This time, Tendo did pause walking. He wondered if he heard you correctly. Surely, you did not just admit to what he thought you just admitted to.

"You like me?"

"Yes, and I'd like to get to know you more," You stated confidently, folding your arms over your chest. "Maybe we could hang out sometime? Like, outside of school."

"That sounds fun!" Tendo quickly agreed, eager to spend any amount of time with you. It was not a date, sure, but it was something. Every relationship starts somewhere--somewhere small, like hanging out every once in a while. Tendo knew he had a tough competition ahead of him for your attention. There must have been dozens of folks who wished to hold your heart. 

But he was certainly up for the challenge. He watched with careful eyes, warry of where yours looked. If they ever wandered in his direction, he would be mindful to hold your gaze. Your eyes were beautiful.

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