laughter is the best medicine | shohei fukunaga fluff

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prompt: Shohei tries to make (Y/n) laugh to make them feel better

warning: none

word count: 1101

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

"You should speak up more."

"Why are you so quiet?"

"Talk more, c'mon!"

Their comments stuck with him for some time, because their words kind of... hurt. He did not think he was that quiet. He certainly did not feel quiet, his mind was constantly talking. He just instinctually formulated retorts and quippy comments. The young man simply happened never verbalize them. 

He often chose to keep his hilarious jokes to himself. And most other thoughts he had. Maybe part of him was worried. Maybe he was scared that no one would find the jokes funny--scared that no one would find him funny. Especially you. Oh, he was terrified of you thinking that he was not funny.

Shohei thought you were hilarious. Every time the two of you would hang out, you were making him laugh constantly. Surely, your standards for comedic genius were too high for him to reach. But, your words brought such light to his day. If Shohei was ever in a sour mood, you could fix it with ease. He just desired to return the favor.

Shohei wanted you to laugh because of him. He loved to hear you laugh, and to know he was the one who caused it? He imagined it would be nothing short of magical. Maybe it would give them those butterflies that fluttered whenever you sent a smile his way.

"How are you feeling?" Shohei asked curiously.

"Fine," You mumbled, your voice hoarse. "It's just a fever. Really, you shouldn't be here. I don't want to get you sick too." Shohei shook his head, coming to sit at the foot of your bed. You leaned against the headboard with your game console laying on the bed next to you, the game paused.

"I don't mind," Shohei shrugged casually. "Just wanted to check on you."

"You're sweet, Sho." You quickly tucked your face into the crook of your elbow as a cough bubbled up in your throat.

"You better not suffocate," Shohei told you, a blank expression on his face. "Because I don't know CPR." You smiled at him as your coughing fit died down. "I don't think your parents would like me very much if you died under my watch."

"Under your watch?" You repeated somewhat skeptically. You felt the bed dip as Shohei crawled towards you. He was on his knees in front of you when he extended his arm out above your head.

You looked up in confusion, trying to swat his hand away to little avail. It was then you noticed the shiny thing on his wrist. He was wearing a watch. Though your throat was sore, you could not resist the flow of laughter that spilled from your lips.

"You're such a dork!" You exclaimed between giggles as you finally managed to slap his arm away. You saw the stupid grin on his face, showing you just truly how much he was enjoying this. Shohei sat down, still so close to you. He was practically glowing.

Shohei was right, making you laugh was just as enchanting as he thought it would be. He could listen to your laugh all day if you would let him. Your eyes crinkled and your nose scrunched up with a grin reaching ear-to-ear, he wanted to forever engrave that image into his mind. Seeing you happy made him happy.

"You're unusually talkative today," You remarked on his peculiar behavior. Shohei shrugged his shoulders, unsure how to respond to that statement. He was talkative today, he was so on purpose.

"I'm just in a good mood, I guess," Shohei said vaguely.

"Did something happen at school today?" You asked, taking a guess.

"Well, you weren't there," Shohei pointed out, his eye darting to land on something else in your bedroom. "It felt weird, but it doesn't feel weird anymore." You gave Shohei a gentle smile, understanding what he was trying to say.

"I like hanging out with you too." His eyes finally drifted back to where you sat. Even sick with a fever, you were so wonderful to look at.

"It's, um... it's more than that, (Y/n)," Shohei admitted sheepishly. "I really like spending time with you, no matter what we're doing. I think I just really like you." Your eyes widened a bit. Was he saying what you thought he was saying?

"Shohei, I--" You were cut off by a blistering itch in your throat. Another set of almost violent coughs overtook you. You turned away from the boy sitting so close and waited for the itch to clear. Shohei was on the edge of his seat, wondering if you were about to reject him or welcome his feelings. You looked back at him.

"As I was saying," You began again, "Shohei, I really like you too." You watched the boy relax, a wave of relief crashing over him. "I-I didn't think you were interested in me because I'm, ya know... "

"Funny?" Shohei finished your sentence. You nodded your head, somewhat embarrassed.

"Sometimes guys can be intimidating by that," You mused awkwardly, unsure where you were going with your words.

"I like that your funny," Shohei told you earnestly. "It--It's one of my favorite things about you, actually." You felt your face grow warm as Shohei inched closer. "It's still intimidating, though. I think I would've died if you didn't laugh at that watch joke." You let out another small chuckle.

"That was brilliant, a perfect set-up." You saw a light pink hue dust his cheeks and the tip of his nose, how cute. "C'mere, Sho." You gestured for the boy to come closer, which, he happily did. He was not, however, expecting you to gently place your lips on his.

His entire body went stiff as he was nearly frozen in time when you kissed him. It was a quick and chaste kiss that was interrupted by little giggles.

"Are you okay?" You asked, pulling away slightly.

"Y-Yeah," He nodded his head somewhat frantically. "It just feels kinda funny. I--I like it, though."

"I like it too," You mumbled as Shohei leaned in to connect your lips again. Shohei was right, it did feel kinda funny. It was an odd tingling sensation that spread across the sensitive skin of your lips when his moved against yours nervously. You felt another laugh spill out of you.

Your forehead rested on his delicately as you laughed. Shohei was not entirely certain what specifically you were laughing at, but the sound, much your illness, was contagious. Shohei began to laugh with you, the music of your voices filling the room. 

Shohei was probably going to get sick thanks to kissing you, but he could not care in the slightest. He knew you would come and make him laugh when he was sick.

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