"reckless" driving | daichi sawamura fluff

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a/n: I don't really know what's going on here, I just thought it was an interesting idea, let me know if you want a part two?

prompt: (Y/n) gets pulled over while driving

warning: mentions of police brutality, strong language

word count: 879

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

Shit, shit, shit, shit! Your heart pounded against your ribcage in a nauseating sweat. Your hands nearly trembled as they gripped the top of the wheel, fingers spread at an obvious distance. After the initial panic, you began to pray. Whatever higher power there was, you hoped with eyes shut tight that they listened to your pleas. Please let me live this encounter.

You heard a gentle knock on your rolled-up window. You slowly moved your hand to press the button that made the window roll down. Nervously, your eyes glanced over to the police officer leaning down to give you a sympathetic smile.

"Do you know how you were driving just now?" He asked casually and you shook your head, visibly tense. "Have you had anything to drink today?"

"No," You spoke up, shaking your head again. Daichi could tell how nervous you were and he hated that he contributed to that. Alas, it was his job. He stepped back from the car door.

"Could you step out of the car?" Your heart rate rose astronomically and you opened the car door. You slowly climbed out of the vehicle and waited for further instructions. The road was relatively empty with no other cars brazing by.

"Can you walk in a straight line for me?" Daichi requested politely. He gestured towards the white line painted across the side of the round. With a heavy swallow of the quickly evaporating saliva in your mouth, you placed your right foot hesitantly onto the line. 

Your other foot followed and you walked roughly a meter down the road, directly on the painted concrete. Daichi scratched his head. You did not stumble nor sway, appearing to be perfectly sober. He wondered again,

"And you haven't smoked anything either? You're feeling alright?" He wondered curiously.

"I-I haven't smoked anything," You promised with a small shrug. "But, uh... I'm a little sad." Perhaps somewhere in the deep recesses of your memory, there was a cloudy moment in time when your driver's education teacher warned you not to drive while emotions were high. But that was a long time ago, you must have forgotten. Or you must have dismissed the warning, figuring that a lingering sense of betrayal would not affect your driving.

"What happened?" Daichi asked out of pure reflex, only to quickly follow it up with: "If you're comfortable, that is. You don't have to answer." He should not have asked that question, but he only realized his mistake after it was too late. There was a power imbalance, one that could not be obfuscated with a simple, only if you want.

"It's really not that big of a deal. I just, uh," You fumbled over your words, not knowing why you chose to confide in such a stranger, "I got dumped. That's all." Daichi felt a twinge of guilt flutter across his heart.

"I'm so sorry," Daichi told you sympathetically. He knew the feeling of being tossed away like last week's trash good and well. He felt bad for prying, especially in his position. He waved a vague hand in the direction of your vehicle.

"You're free to go, just try not to drift so much," Daichi told you with a pitiful smile. "Sorry for interrupting your day." Daichi watched carefully as you returned to your car. With a small breeze of wind, your hair swayed gently against your head. 

As the driver's seat door was pulled open, you glanced over your shoulder at him. He was still standing in the middle of the road, just observing you. Your eyes shined with a wonderful curiousness, a pretty shade of (e/c) he would not soon forget. 

An impulse rocked through him, an urge to say something so utterly stupid he would lose sleep over it in the coming years. Nevertheless, his mouth moved, once again, before the more sensible part of him could catch up.

"Hey! If you need a rebound, I'd be happy to help!" Suddenly the sound of your bombastic laughter filled the empty street. The sound made him grin and dissolved the swarm of anxious nerves that infested his stomach the moment he finished his sentence.

"Thank you," You called back though you were halfway inside your vehicle. "I might take you up on that offer!" The feeling he got from making you laugh was such a rush, a high he was willing to chase for just a moment longer.

"Feel free to drop by the station and ask for Sawamura!" He spoke on a whim, hoping he could provide you with some semblance of amusement. Maybe he could make up for the stress he had caused you.

"I might just do that," You stated with a bright smile. "So maybe I'll see you soon!" You shut the car door and let out a breath you had not realized you had been holding. He seemed nice, or at the very least friendly. He was not serious and overly authoritative, rather, he was relaxed and joking. Was offering to be your rebound a joke? There was a possibility.

There was also a possibility that you would take him up on that proposal. Perhaps you would ask for him in the coming days. Or, perhaps, you would allow the encounter the remain an oddity--a fun story to recall at parties. You had not made up your mind quite yet.

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