injury | kotaro bokuto bittersweet (female-reader request)

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prompt: they've been on a losing streak and bo gets hurt during a game and he's really upset about it

warning: none

word count: 516

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

One loss after another, they were starting to pile up. Shockingly, the Fukurodani boy's volleyball team was on a hot losing streak. None of the boys were taking it well, but their loyal captain was taking it especially personally. Hence why he was so determined to win the match they were currently playing.

You sat on the edge of your seat, anticipation coursing through your veins. Attentively, you watched as Akaashi tossed the ball into the air. You saw Bokuto rush to meet his set, leaping into the air. He hit the ball as hard as he could to the other side of the net. As everyone's eyes followed the ball, gravity pulled Bokuto back to the ground. The captain was too focused on his spike to realize wasn't going to land right.

All his weight came crashing do onto the heel of his right foot. Just like that, he slipped and his back hit the unforgiving wooden floor of the court. You shot out of your seat, seeing the breath knocked out of Bokuto. The game instantly halted as he was assisted off the court. You hurried to meet him at the nurse's office.

"(Y/n)!" Yukie Shirofuku, one of the team's managers, called out when she saw you. "I'm glad you're here, Bokuto isn't gonna take this well." If you weren't bothered before, you were certainly distressed now. Yukie let you into the office once the nurse was finished looking over Bokuto's foot and his back.

It was clear his pain didn't come from his injury. You slowly approached the boy, whose head hung low, staring at the ground. Bokuto felt the tender brush of his girlfriend's hand on his face. He looked up, despair filling his honey-like eyes.

"How are you feeling, Bo?" You asked in a gentle tone. He didn't respond at first.

"How am I supposed to feel?" Bokuto asked, anger bubbling up in his voice. "We've been doing nothing but lose for weeks! And now--n-now I can't even play!"

"For how long?" You asked, still using a soft voice.

"The nurse said a couple of weeks," Bokuto sighed, his eyes dropping to the ground again. You stroked some stands of his hair, trying to soothe his ahces. To your surprise, Bokuto jerked his head away from your touch.

"I've spkied a million times, how'd I fall like that?" Bokuto groaned in frustration. He burried his face in his hands. You felt a sympathetic smile form on your face.

"It's okay! These things happen to the best of us," You tried to reassure him. "Look at it this way, you'll have a break from practice."

"But I love practice... " Bokuto murmured under his breath. You reached out again, moving his hands away from his face.

"But you'll get to spend more time with me," You reminded him, still wearing a smile. "And I'll figure out a way to make you feel better, okay?" Bokuto looked up at you, just a glimmer of hope in his eyes. You kissed his nose tenderly, his hands finally coming to rest on your waist.

"Promise?" Bokuto mumbled, pulling you closer to where he sat on the inspietion table.


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