to be home | shoyo hinata fluff

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a/n: slight spoiler warning for what Shoyo does after graduating high school also I cannot express how much I love this man

prompt: Shoyo wants to ask (Y/n) to move in with him, but there's a catch...

warning: none

word count: 1353

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

He could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. He could hardly hear the sounds of the salty ocean waves falling to the shore or the sound of seagulls calling to each other. The beach should have been calming, it always used to make Shoyo feel so at home. But his thoughts reeled, keeping him from appreciating the atmosphere. He had come to the beach almost every day since his stay began nearly two years ago.

Is it too soon? What if she says no? Could we make long-distance work? Would she even want to try if it came to that? I can't ask her to uproot everything for me... can I? 

He chewed on the inside of his cheek. He had not felt so nervous in what felt like a decade. He felt his hands pick at themselves, scratching at and pulling on the skin around his trimmed nails. If his nails had been any longer, he would have been biting them. With a strong breeze, the wind ruffled his unusually formal clothes. A white button-down shirt and clean pair of shorts, his sandals laying in the sand a few feet away from him. His toes were nestled in the sand, the waves gently wetting his ankles.

He looked down at his watch which was an expensive gift from his family before he left Japan headed for Brazil. It was approaching six o'clock. Shoyo had not gotten a text letting him know you were going to be late, so you would be arriving soon. The plan was to meet and then go to dinner at a restaurant on the beachfront, one that was special to you. It was the place you had your first real date. It felt like such a long time ago, but it had been only a little over a year. 

You were in a similar position to Shoyo when you first met; living on your own for the first time in a new place. It was almost expected that you'd get along, shared experiences and perspectives often lead to friendships. It only took Shoyo a week to ask you on a date.  He gazed out over the crystal blue water, swaying to the force of the current. The sun was slowly but surely dipping to touch the horizon. Shoyo took a deep breath, the smell of the ocean filling his lungs. The attempt to calm down worked for just a second, but he still felt ill.

"Sho!" The should of your voice instantly brought the man peace. He turned around to see you approaching. You were beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Shoyo failed to use any other proper words to describe you, both the way you looked and acted. A smile covered his face.

"Hi, (Y/n)," He greeted you, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.

"You ready to go?" You asked with a big grin. That smile made his heart skip a beat, his chest filling with nothing but adoration for the one before him. You noticed the way he hesitated to answer your question. You began to wonder if something was bothering him. He saw your expression shift as you caught on to his inner turmoil. A sigh escaped his lips.

"Actually, can I talk to you about something first?" He requested kindly. You nodded your head, growing worried.

"I was gonna talk to you about it over dinner, but I can't wait," He admitted, his gaze falling to the sandy ground. Shoyo reached out, gently taking your hand in his. His hand was much bigger than yours and rough and calloused from years of spiking volleyballs. You never minded, though. His hands were warm and always welcomed yours, or any other part of you for that matter.

"I love you, you know that," Shoyo began shakily. "The past year and a half with you have been a dream come true, really! It has!" You saw the sparkle in his brilliant brown eyes; he meant it. "But I got a call a few days ago. Japan's Division 1 Volleyball League is having open try-outs in a couple 'a months." Your eyebrows furrowed. Where was this going?

"What I mean to say is... " Shoyo thought for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. "I think that it's time I go back to Japan. There--There isn't anything else here for me, except you." He held your hand tighter, his eyes squeezing shut. "It's just--It's been so long since I've been home and this a great opportunity for to play volleyball professionally and I--"

"I understand, Shoyo," You stopped him from rambling further. "I-I can't keep you here, not when there's so much for you there." You felt your heart ache. "I want you to go to Japan." If this was the end, it was the cleanest way to go. You love him and that meant you wanted him to be happy, even if it was across the ocean.

"No, (Y/n)," Shoyo quickly responded, suddenly looking you in the eye. "I want you to come with me."


"I want you to move with me to Japan!" Shoyo exclaimed, grabbing your other hand. "I know I'm asking a lot of you! But I want to lose what we have! I never thought I'd have something like this--someone like you!" There was desperation in his voice. "I-I can teach you Japanese a-and we can look for a place together! I'll help you find a job, whatever you need!"

You shared a moment of silence. The waves rushed to shore, a wonderful white noise filling the air. The golden hour light cast golden rays on Shoyo's handsome face. His ginger hair drifted back and forth in the cool breeze. His eyes--His eyes. They always held so much. They studied your face, frantically searching for an answer you did not speak. His grip on your hands loosened, slowly disappearing completely. He had blown it, didn't he?

He should have known better. Of course, you would say no. Who in their right mind would move across the world for a boy you've known for a year and a half? Shoyo was the one making the choice to leave, he could not ask you to leave everything behind: a stable job, a home, friends, and a familiar environment. And for what? Him? Just him? It was hopeless. He looked away, clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry," He muttered, his words barely audible. "I never should've--"

"Okay," You interrupted him for the second time.


"I said okay," You repeated, reaching to reunite your hand with his. "I'll go with you to Japan, Shoyo."

"Are you serious?" He nearly shouted, an iron grip instantly wrapping around your hands. That sparkle in his eye was back. You wanted it to stay there, always.

"Dead serious," An irresistible grin broke out across your face. "I'm going to move to Japan, I'm going to live with you."

"I love you!" Shoyo swiftly engulfed you in a clinging embrace. "I love you so much, (Y/n)! Thank you!" His strong arms held you tight and close, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You hugged him into you as hard as you could, a light-hearted laugh escaped your throat.

"Thank you," He whispered, his eyes burning with tears of relief. Shoyo swore he would never forget how lucky he was; he was the luckiest man alive, no doubt about that.

"We're gonna miss our reservations, Sho," You choked out, finding it difficult to speak under his crushing embrace. Reluctantly, he released you, but not entirely. He only stepped away enough to pull your lips onto his. Shoyo was never good with words, often substituting sounds for words he was incapable of pin-pointing. As he grew older, he began to express himself through actions.

You practically melted into the kiss. Shoyo's passion nearly overwhelmed you, stealing your breath from your lungs. His soft lips melded with yours in a gentle rhythm. His tongue carefully brushed against your closed lips while his hands caressed the sides of your face lovingly. His delicacy was overpowered by the intense feeling of euphoric relief. Shoyo pulled away with a breathy laugh. You felt your head spin, dazed from the kiss.

"Okay, let's go!"

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