as you wish | izuku mydoria fantasy au

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prompt: izuku is a lowly stable boy, (y/n) is a princess; what could go wrong?

warning: none

word count: 1453

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

He heard a shuffle from across the stable. It startled him at first, he grabbed a nearby broom and carefully approached the place where the sound came from. The stable was only lit by a handful of lanterns, so it was difficult to see. But suddenly, a shadowy figure jumped out of the darkness and kicked him to the dirt floor. 

The shadowy figure must've been some thief or mercenary! He thought. They pulled open one of the stall doors but Izuku swung the broom to hit the back of their head. They tried to kick at his torso, but he used the broom to block the hit. Izuku pushed them off their balance and swept them off their feet. They fell and flat on their back and he put the broom against their neck while using the rest of his body to pin them down.

He swiftly pulled their hood away from their face.

"Oh my gosh!" He exclaimed, instantly scrambling away. "My deepest apologies, your majesty! Please forgive me! I had no idea it was you! I meant you no harm, truly!"

"It's alright," You sighed as he knelt some distance from your feet. "It was my bad really, I wasn't exactly trying to be recognized. Please, at ease." You watched as he carefully stood up, eyeing you with nothing but guilt. Izuku watched as you brushed pieces of hay off your clothes. He had never met the daughter of the king he served, but he had stories. Those stories only captured half of the beauty he saw before him.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"I-Izuku Mydoria," He bowed again stiffly. "It's an honor, your highness."

"Well, Izuku Mydoria," You began, watching him flush as you said his name. "I need you to open the stable gate and I will be taking Roach here."

"What?" Izuku asked, confused. He walked closer as you began to push the stall gate open. "I-I can't let you leave, Princess."

"Excuse me?" you asked, your voice filled with attitude. You raised an eyebrow and he was became intimidated. You could easily have him executed if you so wished, but he tried to keep a brave face.

"I have clear orders from my superior to not let any member of the royal family leave," He explained formally, remaining stern. "Not without your father's explicit permission, that is, the kingdom being on the verge of war and all. It's dangerous to leave the castle grounds, especially for someone like you." He swiftly realized the mistake in his words and overcorrected: "Not that I'm calling you weak or incapable! Just unarmed is all, a-and all alone."

"I know what my father's said, but," You cut his rambling off, "but you have to understand where I'm coming from. For years I haven't been able to do anything for myself, I simply want my own freedom."

"I'm--I'm sorry, Princess, but you could get hurt," He stated, putting his arm out so you couldn't climb onto the horse's back. "If you were to die out there, there's no doubt that would mean war. I would love to help you, but I just can't." Izuku watched as you looked shocked, impressed almost.

"If someone capable of protecting me were to accompany me everything would be fine, would it not?" You thought out loud, a devilish glint in your eyes. You were not wrong, but no one would agree to go behind the King's back. Yet again, you were known throughout the kingdom for being rather cunning. Many thought you were a politician in disguise, planted artificially by another kingdom. Izuku nodded, knowing you were technically right.

"Izuku Mydoria, come with me," You proclaimed confidently.

"What? I can't do that!" He quickly said, shaking his head, causing his green curls to ruffle.

"Of course you can!" You fired back. "You're the stable boy training to become a knight, aren't you?" He blushed and sputtered some nonsense. How did you know about that?

"W-Well yes," He admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "It's been my dream since I was a kid, but I can't take you out of castle grounds! I'm sorry."

"Hmm," You hummed, placing a hand under your chin. "I suppose you can't be convinced if I don't offer up anything of use." You sighed and pulled your cloak back around you and the hood over your head. "Fair well, Izuku Mydoria. I thank you for your assistance, goodnight."

"G-Goodnight, Princess." You vanished into the darkness. Two days passed.

"My mother didn't believe me at first," You watched from the shadows as Izuku brushed the horse's main. "But once she did she was so thrilled. She asked so many questions," Izuku was talking to the horse, how cute. You had to admit, the boy was rather adorable. He was trustworthy and you knew it.

"Princess (Y/n)!" He squeaked once he caught sight of you. He bowed respectfully, but not getting on his knees. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to cut you a deal, young stable boy," You said, almost teasing him with the nickname.

"Deal?" Izuku asked, putting the horse brush away.

"Yes," You stated, taking several steps closer to him. "You made a good point last night about how I could get hurt if I were to go out on my own. After careful consideration, Izuku Mydoria, I have elected to give you another chance to be my escort."

"As I told you last time, Princess," Izuku said seriously. "If we were caught it would ruin my chances of becoming a knight."

"Oh, on the contrary," You said with a sly smirk. "If you help me--take me to see the outside world safely--I will personally ensure your quest to become a knight will be successful." Izuku thought for a moment, and he seemed hesitant at first.

"Just this once, and you'll stay close, okay?" Izuku set the terms simply and you agreed. A grin covered your face. He secured a saddle onto the nearest horse and helped you onto its back. He was in the front and you wrapped your arms tightly around his torso so you wouldn't fall off. Izuku was thankful you couldn't see him blushing as you rode out of the stables.  

To keep your hood on and the wind from your face, you buried your head into Izuku's back as he rode away from the castle. When he stopped you peaked your head out and saw you were someplace completely new. Izuku placed his feet on the ground and held out his hand to help you down. You took his hand until you were safely on the ground.

"Where are we?" You asked, looking around at the open field. The green grass was tall and there were countless wildflowers sprinkled around.

"My mother used to take me here when I was young," Izuku stated as he made sure the horse wouldn't runoff.

"How cute," You remarked playfully and Izuku blushed nervously.

"I-It's the only place I can think of that no one would see us at," He explained sheepishly.

"Wonderful," You smiled and looked up at the open night sky. You didn't get to see or be in any big open spaces, so it was refreshing to be in the field. You laid down in the grass and took in mother nature. Izuku joined you, both of you staring up at the star-filled sky. It was beautiful. You couldn't recall how long you had stayed out, but you and Izuku managed to talk for what felt like hours. You learned a lot about the boy, and he learned a lot about you.

Your family had never let you make friends on your own. It was nice to be around Izuku, he was so sweet and kind not to mention incredibly cute. Soon enough, you knew you had to go back home, so Izuku helped you onto the saddle. You rode home and he helped you off, but you didn't let go of his hand once you were on the ground.

"Thank you," You said kindly. "You have no idea how much this meant to me."

"Oh, don't mention it," Izuku waved his unoccupied hand in the air. "I had a good night."

"I did as well," You stated. You smiled and used your hand that wasn't holding his to touch the side of his face. He almost shivered and you leaned in to plant a soft kiss on one of his freckled cheeks. His face erupted in a bright red color and he once again started spouting nonsense.

"I will ensure you become a knight Izuku Mydoria, as promised," You said, letting go of his hand and his face. "I hope I get to see you again soon. Goodnight, stable boy." You disappeared into the darkness. Izuku stood there stunned, his hand gently resting on the cheek you kissed. He didn't know what to do with himself besides mumble,

"Goodnight, Princess."

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