prince charming | shoto todoroki fantasy au

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prompt: prince shoto was supposed to save princess (y/n)

warning: none

word count: 951

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

"I'm not giving you a choice, Shoto," His father clarified.

"I'm going to save a princess for political gain?" He asked, gritting his teeth.

"You're lucky I'm not forcing you to marry her," He reminded Shoto things could be worse. "You just have to kill the dragon."

"Fine," He grumbled and left the throne room. To say he was upset would be an understatement. His father couldn't care less about the princess' safety, he just wanted the favor of a neighboring King. 

He sheathed his sword into its place at his side. He hated that he was being forced to do this, but he was glad someone was going to save her. He pulled himself onto the saddle of his horse and took a deep breath. This was going to be fine. Someone who saw the princess be captured said the dragon wasn't very big. Hopefully, Shot wouldn't have too much trouble getting rid of it.

Shoto gripped the reins of his horse and sometime later found himself at the mouth of a cave. He assumed that was the place due to the burnt grass outside. Shoto dismounted his horse and tied him to a tree and took out his sword. He cautiously entered the cave, and luckily the sunlight allowed him to see the inside of it. As Shoto ventured deeper into the cave, he noticed the piles of bones, most likely human, that were scattered around the stone walls. Shoto saw a discarded helmet, presumably, a knight's from the princess' kingdom.

Shoto was almost startled when he heard the sound of a dragon cry out. He began to sprint in the direction that the sound had come from. He stopped dead in his tracks at what laid before him. Was it shock or was it awe?

The princess, in your floor-length pristine dress and hair falling around you, plunged the sharp blade into the dragon's chest. You were elevated several meters in the air and used gravity to fall to the ground, tearing a long hole down the dragon's body. Its blood fled out of its body as you lept off of the scaley creature. You landed on your feet gracefully and managed to not get covered with the beast's blood.

"Oh hello," You greeted the stunned prince casually as you used the end of your sleeve to wipe off the bit of blood on her face. "You must be another one of my father's attempts to rescue me."

"No," Shoto stated, finally managing to speak. "I am Shoto Todoroki, my father King Enji sent me to save you."

"Thank you, your highness, but I don't need saving," You informed him, even though it was quite obvious seeing. You brushed some stray strands of hair out of your face and smiled. You still held onto the blade you used to kill the beast. You clearly knew how to use it, making Shoto wonder if you had been properly trained.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), but I'm sure you already knew that," You introduced Yourself. "Thank you for your efforts, but you may go home now. I can handle it from here."

"Where did you learn to do that?" Shoto inquired, curious as to how a princess managed to slay a dragon countless nights died to.

"Why should I tell you?" You asked playfully with a smirk on your face. You folded your arms over your chest.

"Because I'm kind enough to offer you a ride to proper shelter," Shoto coolly countered.

"That will do it, Prince Todoroki," You said and stuck the sword into the ground. You walked beside him to the exit of the cave.

"So, how come your father sent you?" You asked casually.

"He thought it would gain your father's favor," Shoto explained briefly.

"Hm," You hummed, "does no one think I can fend for myself?"

"You should not have to," Shoto told you.

"My mother thinks differently, your highness," You explained with a proud smirk. "She's to thank for my survival. Don't tell anyone, this is our secret."

"Of course." You now arrived at the tree where Shoto had tied his horse. Shoto held his hand out to help you onto the saddle. You simply stepped onto the foot-grip and swung one leg over the side of the horse. You sat the way a man would, rather than with both of your legs to one side. This caused your dress to lift a bit, revealing your bare and dirty feet. Shoto climbed onto the horse in front of you and untied the reins.

You wrapped your arms around his waist and held securely as the journey began. You were certainly not what Shoto had been expecting. He felt you nuzzle your head into his back as the wind blew. By the time you reached the castle, your father was already present. Shoto got off the horse and once again offered his hand to help you dismount. You, much as he anticipated, did not accept it.

You simply jumped down onto the ground with a smile, not needing the help. Shoto shook his head and guided you to where he knew your fathers would be waiting. During the short walk, you tried to spark up a conversation. You spoke briefly before arriving in the open throne room.

"(Y/n), thank the gods!" Your father rejoiced and embraced you gently. He turned to Shoto and said,

"Prince Todoroki, I am truly in your debt." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father's smirk. This was going all too according to his plan. Shoto clenched his fists. Before he could respond, you swiftly jumped in.

"Prince Todoroki, would you like to come to visit for dinner tomorrow evening?" You asked loudly. In a desperate attempt to get out of the situation at hand Shoto said,

"It would be an honor, Princess (L/n)."

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