"to spite me" | shoto todoroki soulmate au

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prompt: shoto has found his soulmate, but there is one particularly father-shaped obstacle in his way

warning: strong language, angst, drama, verbal fighting

word count: 1113

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

The light rain beat against your coat because you forgot your umbrella. The grey world around you, and the sounds of the cars passing through the puddles on the ground surrounded your senses. The city wasn't bad, but there seemed to be nowhere to hide from the rain. It was fate you had been rushing down that sidewalk after school. You had been in such a slippery hurry, you accidentally crashed into somebody else. The person you ran into had fallen to the ground. Once you noticed you felt horrible, they were probably soaking wet by now.

"I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed and quickly extended your hand to help him up.

"It's fine," He told you. "Just try to be more careful."

"I will," You promised as he took your hand. However, as soon as his cold skin touched yours, there was an explosion that erupted before your eyes. The world that has always been grey was washed away and everything around you was painted with brilliant colors. Neon signs, shiny cars, the boy's vibrant red hair, and his single turquoise eye. You could see the world in color now, and by the awe-struck look on the boy's face, he could too. It was indescribable

"You can see it too then," The boy almost muttered before he stood up on his own, cautiously looking around.

"Y-Yeah," You said, a smile breaking out onto your face. "Does this mean... ?"

"It does," The boy said when he realized you weren't going to finish your thought. "My name is Shoto Todoroki."

You had found your soulmate in the peppermint-hair boy you ran into that day. You couldn't remember a time when you felt so happy. Ever since that day, you and Shoto had started seeing each other. You went to different schools, but you made sure to see each other on a regular basis. The more you saw each other, the happier you were. It was a feeling neither of you had ever felt before, but you didn't want it to go away any time soon.

However, the more time Shoto spent away from home and the less time he spent training, the greater his father's confusion became. He wondered what his son could possibly be doing that was so important. His father soon found out why Shoto had been late to class one afternoon. When Enji discovered his son was putting less time and effort into school and work just so he could "chase a skirt," as he so delicately put it, he was furious.

"Just because you never found your soulmate doesn't mean I can't be happy with mine!" Shoto shouted at his father as their argument raged on.

"You will not be with her just to spite me!" Enji shouted back.

"Are you really that self-centered?" Shoto spat. "I'm with her because I love her! And there is nothing you could ever do to change that!"

"No son of mine will be with some quirkless nobody!" Enji yelled, growing angrier by the second.

"How can you say that?" Shoto asked, outraged his father had just called you, the girl he loved, a nobody. "You've never met her!"

"I don't need to if you ever see that damn girl again--" Shoto cut his father off,

"You'll what?" He asked. "What will you do to your precious achievement?" There was a moment of tension-lace silence between the two. Shoto meant what he said. His father was being completely unreasonable. Just because he didn't marry for love, doesn't mean Shoto has to as well. He tried not to fight his father on many things in recent times, but this was a hill he was willing to die on.

"If you ever see her again," His father started, dangerously quiet, "I'll find someone to replace you." With those words, Shoto stormed out of the room. Anyone with eyes could see the rage radiating off of him as he slammed the door to his room shut. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, and to take a few deep breaths. He was quick to decide what he was going to do. He took his phone and sent a single message:

Shoto: I'm coming to see you.

You: Should I be worried? lol

You sat on your bed casually, just enjoying a night to yourself when you received the text from Shoto. He wasn't often spontaneous, so you wondered if something had happened. You would soon find out. He entered your room, as he normally did, through your open window. You smiled upon seeing him, but when you noticed his rather troubled expression it faded.

"Shoto, what's wrong?" You asked, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Run away with me," He suddenly said. You were shocked at his proclamation. He had never mentioned any desire to run away before. You knew whatever happened must have been very bad for him to seriously consider running away.

"Hold on, let's think about this," You tried to be rational, but you saw that determined glint in his dual-colored eyes.

"I have thought about it," He stated. "We're almost legal adults now and-"

"Shoto what happened?" You asked, sitting him down at the foot of your bed softly. He sighed and looked down at his lap as you sat beside him.

"My father knows about you," Shoto explained. "He's not thrilled about it either. He told me I couldn't see you if I was going to be his son."

"You know how your father can be," You robbed soft circles on the boy's back as you spoke. "Give it some time to cool down before deciding to just leave."

"There is nothing I would ever let come between us, (Y/n)," Shoto took your hands in his, now facing you. "I don't give a shit about what that old man thinks I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I know," You laughed bitterly at his words and kissed the top of his head. "Everything's going to be fine, just... let's not elope just yet. Let's keep that idea in our back pocket, okay?"

"I don't want to forgive him for what he said about you," Shoto admitted, resting his forehead against your shoulder. He felt angry tears burn at his eyes, and he didn't want you to see him cry.

"Then don't," You said softly. "Just don't throw away everything you have. We're literally soulmates, everything will work out in the end. I promise."

"He's taken so much away from me," Shoto's voice cracked as he spoke. His breaths were shaky and you could feel your heartbreaking as you held him tighter. It broke you to see someone as strong as Shoto cry, and it hurt, even more, knowing you were why he was crying.

"I can't let him take you away from me too..."

"He won't, Shoto. He won't."

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