flowery | hanta sero fluff [gender-neutral reader request]

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A/n: this one is a bit rough, but I think it's kinda sweet

Prompt: (Y/n) has a quirk that can create flowers, so, to drop hints that they have feelings for Sero, they leave him flowers

Warning: None

Word count: 623

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

Daisy; innocence, purity.

Sero returned to his desk one late afternoon to find something waiting for him. A flower with little white petals was resting on the wooden surface. Sero was perplexed, and very gently picked up the flower to get a closer look. It was real, certainly, and smelled quite nice. But why was it on his desk? Did someone misplace it or was a note originally supposed to be attached? Although confused, Sero kept the flower. After all, it looked nice and it would be a shame to leave something so pretty out to die.

Stock; beauty, happiness.

The following morning, Sero found yet another flower on his desk. It was a different kind, though: a light lavender color and in a tall bunch. Sero was beginning to think that it wasn't an accident that he found either of the flowers. That begged the question, why was someone leaving him flowers?

Rose; love, passion.

Sero tucked the rose he found on his desk into his backpack quickly, but carefully. He did not want his friends to see the flower. He was a bit embarrassed, did he actually have a secret admirer? He was not sure, which is why he didn't want anyone to see. Sero wanted to know the truth before letting anyone in on the little secret.

Peony; romance, prosperity.

The lovely blush pink petals wrapped around the pollen-filled center of the flower as Sero inspected it with great contemplation. Sero didn't know much about flowers or plants. However, Sero did know there was only one person he knew who had the ability to grow any plant they wished. You had a plant-based quirk, meaning you had the power to grow flowers at will anywhere anytime. Did you have a crush on him? That was impossible, wasn't it?

Tulip; love, confidence.

Sero nervously twirled the stem of the flower between his fingers as he held the tulip behind his back. This was not a flower you had made for him, operating under the assumption that you were the one leaving them for him of course. Sero had bought this one himself and he planned to give it to you as soon as you showed up. Maybe planning to confront you about the whole ordeal was a bad idea. Before Sero had the chance to bail, he heard the sound of your voice,

"Hey, Sero!"

"(Y/n), hi," He greeted a bit awkwardly. "So, uh, I gotta ask you something and you have to promise to be honest with me, okay?"

"Of course, what is it?" You asked, curious as ever.

"Have you been... " Sero cleared his throat, a little nervous to ask. "Have you been leaving flowers on my desk?" You felt your face flush and you chuckled awkwardly.

"Y-Yeah," You nodded your head sheepishly. "I knew it would be too obvious."

"It didn't take me long to figure it out," Sero admitted with a small shrug and a goofy smile. "B-But I have something for you." You perked up at this. You thought he was about to reject your feelings, but his promise gave you a bit of hope. Sero held out the flower he was hiding behind your back and scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye-contact.

"F-For me?" You asked, very flattered, and accepted his gift. "Thank you."

"I like you, (Y/n)!" Sero blurted out recklessly. "I really hope those flowers were your way of saying you like me too."

"I do! I really like you, Sero," You confessed, a big grin on your lips. You felt beyond elated that your crush shared the same feelings for you. You reached out and softly intertwined his fingers with yours. Sero shared the same feeling you felt  from the top of your head to the souls of your feet. And what a wonderful feeling it was.

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