hatred | hitoshi shinso lime [female-reader request]

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A/N: I love Shinso so much, you don't even understand I need to be writing more of him-

Prompt: Shinso acts like he hates (Y/n), but the truth is, he has a huge crush on her

Warning: Swearing and suggestive content

Word count: 1,114

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

You did not think you were a dislikable person, you got along fairly well with most people. You got along with most people, except for the lavender haired manipulator that sat in front of you during class. You had no idea why, but he hated you. Shinso acted like he despised every fiber of your being. When he spoke to you, he would have a venomous tone and sharp glare that gave you the impression he wanted you dead. He never showed you any kindness and was bitter to his core it seemed.

You had tried to be nice to him, you had tried to be friends with him even. However, from day one he was harsh toward you. His rejection of your basic friendliness upset you. Why would he act like such a jerk? It pissed you off that he didn't even entertain the idea of becoming friends with you. You would find yourself just glaring at the back of his head when class got boring. You began to hate every fiber of his being.

The pain slowly crept through your hand, then you realized just how hard you had been balling your fists. Just the very thought of Shinso made your blood boil, so you shook your head and decided it was time to head to your dorm room. Classes were all dismissed, but your friends and most everyone else was around. The weekends were usually quiet at UA.

A small yawn caused you to close your eyes are you rounded a corner, it was getting late. Your slight sleepiness prevented you from avoiding bumping into someone. Your eyes opened and the words "sorry" almost vocalized out of instinct, but that was when you saw who you had bumped into.

"Watch where you're going," Shinso snarled with a roll of his eyes. "You're such an idiot."

"You could've moved out of the way," You pointed out in distaste. "Why should I change my direction just to make life a little more convenient for you?"

"Because that's the thing a decent human being would do," Shinso explained, glaring at you. There was a height difference and the boy before you had a killed resting bitch face, so Shinso could easily intimidate some people. You tried your best not to be affected by his demeanor, you knew he wouldn't physically attack you, though.

"And you sure know a lot about being a decent human being," You spat in sarcasm.

"I know more than you," Sihsno fired back, folding his arms over his chest. You placed your hands on your hips and scoffed. Shinso turned to walk away, but you felt you couldn't let him have the last word.

"Why do you hate me?" You asked, exasperation overcoming you. Shinso stopped his steps and bit his bottom lip. He didn't hate you. He hated the way you made him feel. Shinso hated when you spoke because he knew he could be mesmerized by your voice all day. Shinso hated when you smiled because his heart would always trip over itself when you did. Shinso hated it when he looked at you because all he could think about was how beautiful you looked. Shinso hated when you touched him because his head would be clouded with thoughts of touching you back. Shinso didn't hate you, he had a crush on you. The boy was just an idiot and couldn't bring himself to express his feelings in a good and proper way.

"Shinso, answer me," You demanded, reaching out and forcing him to turn around and face you. The feeling of your fingertips against his skin drove Shinso wild. With ragged breaths, Shinso smacked your hand off him and grit his teeth. He was angry, that much was perfectly clear.

Shinso did not doubt that you detested him for the way he treated you, and rightfully so. Upon realizing what he had done and why Shinso felt like an utter fool. Of course, he would do something as stupid as making the girl he has feelings for think he hated her. If Shinso needed any more reason to loath himself, this was it.

"I don't hate you!" Shinso nearly shouted. "I... I know it sounds so fucking stupid, but you drive me insane and sometimes I just can't stop thinking about you." Shinso took a deep breath and looked you in the eye. His violet irises seemed to shimmer with a kind of gentleness and sincerity you've never seen him show before.

"What?" You asked, confusion lacing your quiet voice. It appeared that somehow you and Shinso had gotten rather close to each other, his face a few inches from yours.

"You know how when we were kids, boys would pull your hair, tease you, or-or something because they liked you?" Shinso asked, a little shaken up. You blinked several times in a row, trying to process what he was talking about.

"Are you saying you... you like me?" You had trouble fathoming the idea. Maybe the reason you were so upset that Shinso rejected your offer of friendship was because you were fond of him. Maybe it made you so pissed that he "hated" you because you had a crush on him. You saw the way he fought in the Sports Festival and how hard he was working to make his dreams come true. You admired that about him so much, and not to mention he was pretty cute too.

"I like you, (Y/n)," Shinso stated seriously, then cracked a small smile. "A lot, actually."

"I-I like you too," You said, a smile creeping onto your face. You leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. The feeling of your brief kiss nearly melted Shinso's heart. However, that small kiss wasn't enough to satisfy the intense need Shinso felt to be with you. He kissed you, reaching out to cup the side of your face. Your arms wrapped around Shinso's waist as his unoccupied hand went to gently hold the side of your neck.

A series of kisses took place, each deeper and more passionate than the last. Suddenly, Shinso's grip on you tightened and you felt yourself be pushed up against the nearest wall. Shinso had you trapped between the wall and himself, giving you no way out. Your hands slowly traveled from his torso to his hair, tugging ever so slightly.

"I-I'm sorry," Shinso said as he pulled away from you slightly. "I should have asked first, I didn't mean to--"

"No, I liked it," You explained, a bit out of breath. "Can we continue this somewhere a bit more private?" Shinso smirked and leaned down to whisper into your ear,

"That depends, how far do you want to take this? Because once you get me going, kitten, I'm not going to stop."

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