scratches | tomura shigaraki (tenko shimura) fluff [female-reader request]

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A/N: I'm not gonna be using his given name, although I do think his given name makes him seem so much softer

Prompt: (Y/n) is worried about her boyfriend Shigaraki's habit of abusing his neck

Warning: it's mostly soft, but I guess a bit of a trigger warning for a water-down version of self-harm I guess

Word count: 486

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

Tensions had been high lately. Being a villain wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, surprise, surprise! Unfortunately, the leader of the Leauge of Villains had not been handling the stress well. Whenever Shigaraki would become stress, anxious, or irritated he often took it out on his neck. His behavior worried you sometimes. You noticed how red spots began appearing on his pale skin; scratch marks that were swollen and close to splitting open. It broke your heart to see Shigaraki putting himself through such pain. You loved him, but you hated how he coped with his negative emotions.

You walked into Shigaraki's poorly lit bedroom to find your boyfriend hunched over his desk, most likely working. You had brought him dinner, knowing full well he probably didn't take time to keep himself well-fed. You placed the plate beside his keyboard with a kind smile.

"Thank you, (Y/n)," Shigaraki mumbled, but he didn't take his eyes off the computer monitor.

"Are you doing alright?" You asked in concern. Shigaraki didn't respond, he raised his hand and scraped his nails across the skin of his neck. You frowned and gently wrapped your fingers around his wrist and pulled his arm away. 

"Hey, sweetheart," You spoke softly. "You have to stop hurting yourself like this." Shigaraki recoiled and looked away from you. With a sigh, he proceeded to explain,

"You know what's been going on recently with The League. We've all been under a lot of stress, and everyone's pressuring me for answers that I don't have. it's just so frustrating!" You saw his other hand instinctively move, but he stopped and almost shamefully looked at his hand. "You know better than anyone I have... broken coping mechanisms."

"It's alright, but you just worry me when you treat yourself so poorly," You stated with compassion as you reached out to turn his face toward your own. "I love you and I want to see you be the best you can be."

"I'm sorry," Shigaraki apologized, genuine guilt in his pained eyes. You took his hands in yours very carefully and pulled him to his feet. You guided him over to his messily made bed and laid down, causing Shigaraki to be dragged down to lay on top of you. His head rested against your chest and he closed his eyes, his arms resting at your sides. You tucked your own arms around his torso, one of your hands coming to play with the ends of his soft baby-blue hair.

"Everything's going to be alright," You whispered to him. "You don't have to hurt yourself to feel in control, or release pent up emotions, okay? Just come to me whatever you're upset and I'll always help and love you."

"Promise you'll always love me?" Shigaraki's words were a bit muffled. You chuckled at how childish it sounded, but he came from a very broken place, so you understood why he was the way he was.

"I promise, baby, I promise."

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