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"Get the hell out," You snarled, "before I make you." Your eyes narrowed at the three villains who lounged in your kitchen. A blonde girl sat on the counter, Dabi leaned against the fridge, and Shigaraki stood in the center of it all.

"It's good to see you again, (Y/n)," Dabi remarked with a sly smirk, his arms folded across his chest.

"Sad I can't say the same," You clenched your fists. Your nails dug into your palms. Your knuckles turned white from the pressure as you activated your quirk. You may not have been armed with your usual arsenal, but you could raise enough hell to get the attention of any heroes in the area. Even if it was in violation of the terms of your probation.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Shigaraki exclaimed as he threw his hands up in a passive position. "No need to get riled up! We're just here to talk." Reluctantly, you allowed your quick to stop circulating. Your guard, however, was still firmly raised. There was nothing you wished you speak to them about. Not after what they did to Katsuki.

You observed how the young girl twirled one of your kitchen knives in your hands. You wondered how many other children Shigaraki employed.

"I understand we might have gotten off on the wrong foot," Shigaraki began after clearing his throat. "Seeing as how you stole from me, killed one of my Nomus, and beat the shit out of Dabi over here."

"She didn't beat the shit out of me," Dabi quickly clarified, getting a tad defensive. You almost found his instinctual interjection to be humourous. Almost. Shigaraki waved his hand in dismissal.

"The point is, I'd like to try again," Shigaraki informed you, straightening his posture. "In fact, I'd like to even offer you a job." You scoffed. What could they possibly offer you? Did they want you to double-cross that people you had double-crossed them for? You did not need an application.

"I'm not a villain," You spat. "I might be a horrible person, but I've got no ideology. That's the difference between me and you." Shigaraki shook his head with a patronizing sigh.

"You'll see things the way I do soon," He promised, making his way to the door. "And the offer will stand when you do." The blonde girl tailed behind her leader as they left, skipping as if it was a joyous occasion. Dabi, however, lingered for a moment. He stepped too close to you and looked you in the eye.

"I'm only telling you this because I like you, but if you ask me... " Dabi began in a low tone, "it's better to have the world hate you than live the lie of acceptance those heroes are feeding you." Then, he vanished. 

The shock was shed from your muscles and you bolted for the door, locking it tightly as soon it slammed shut. Next came the windows, each was shut, locked, and had the curtains closed in front of them.

Your breaths came out in deep pants for air. Their little visit left you on edge. So they know where I live, great. You rubbed your face in an attempt to relax but to no avail. The efforts to sleep that night were also in vain.

You tossed and turned for hours, unable to silence the nagging voice in your head. In the quiet darkness, that voice was only amplified and it swiftly became the only thing you could pay attention to. He was right, was he not? Not a single person accepted you, bar the boy who owed you his life.

Your "therapist" had no choice but to counsel you. Her workload would be much simpler with you off her roster and she would have time for real, paying customers with much easier problems. Did she really care if you were deemed rehabilitated? She knows some of the things you have done, why would she think you deserved to be anywhere but a cell?

The heroes who employed you certainly did not care. They had access to all the information they could possibly need. They could arrest everyone just for being on the message forum designed to facilitate illegal activity. The only reason they had for keeping you around was to get longer sentences for those they did arrest.

The villains did not really care about you either. To them, you were another soldier to die for their cause. If you ever became unuseful to them, they would let you perish, wouldn't they? They just wanted your quirk and your abilities.

Did Aizawa care what happened to you? That was a question you struggled to answer. Logic would dictate he fell in line with the heroes. But... it felt like he cared. The questions he would ask during your check-ins were not always just about the terms of your probation. Did you eat dinner yet? How have your therapy sessions been going? Perhaps they had ulterior motives, which was why you could not decide how he felt about you.

A loud vibration came from the nightstand. You sprang up in your bed, eyes wide open. You reached for your phone and saw the recent notification. Aizawa requested your presence at UA High later that day for unspecified reasons.

Your eyes focused on the blurry letters and numbers, the brightness of the screen alarming your eyes at first. What time is it? Suddenly, the screen changed entirely. There was a large snooze button displayed in the center. Your alarm was going off.


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