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Your shoes sat on top of the uncluttered desk, your legs crossed and relaxed ruggedly. Your arms were resting against your chest as your eyes raked over the classroom. There were four teenagers with you, three huddled together on the left side of the room and one on the right side all by his lonesome.

You narrowed your eyes at Katsuki, wondering why he of all people was in detention. He could run his mouth and had one hell of an attitude, but he rarely broke the rules or acted on his hostile urges. You noticed the bruise on his face, it looked as if someone had sloppily hit him. A bruise like that did not form from a clean, skillful punch.

A fight landed him in detention, that had to be the reason. It was also more than obvious that was the reason because the three other kids looked in far worse shape. One has stuffed a tissue up his nose to stop the bleeding, the other iced a hit to the head, and the third hid his face from you. They were in shambles. Katsuki had won the fight.

The door was suddenly opened and Aizawa walked in.

"You're all dismissed," Aizawa announced. "If you do this again, the consequences will be far worse. Now get out." The four teenagers shuffled out of the classroom as shame was written across their expressions. Aizawa walked over to where you sat at his desk and placed a stack of papers onto it.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on them," He told you, his eyes narrowing at your dirty shoes on his desk.

"Did you get much done?" You wondered aloud. You watched carefully as he shoved your feet off his desk, making them hit the floor. Aizawa requested you oversee detention so he could finish some work that had to be done outside the classroom.

"Yes, like I said, thanks," He stated flatly. "What'd you do to scare them?" Your brows furrowed in confusion.

"I didn't do anything," You told him as you vacated his seat. "Just sat here in silence like you asked me to." Aizawa shook his head with an invisible smile.

"You didn't see how they were shaking in their boots?" He remarked. You let out a small laugh.

"If you say so," You shrugged, tucking your hands into your pockets. "I'd like to think I'm a rather approachable person." Your tone very clearly indicated you were being sarcastic. Aizawa smirked lightly, laughing along in his own way. Your light-hearted demeanor dropped for a moment.

"Um, what did... " You paused, stepping closed to your probation officer. "Why did he fight? Who started it?" Aizawa knew you were talking about Katuski.

"He claims the other three started the fight," He sighed, "and I'm inclined to believe him. They're from our business course, he didn't even know who they were before the incident. He didn't tell me why." Aizawa looked up at you, an exhausted look. "Maybe he'd tell you. You two seem to have an... odd connection."

"What does that mean?" You asked with a hint of playfulness in your voice.

"He doesn't latch on to many people," Aizawa went on, sorting the papers he had brought back on his desk. "But he's latched on to you--he respects you." You felt your heart swell at the man's words. "He talks about you all the time." Aizawa saw the smile that grew on your face, so genuine and sincere. He thought the smile suited you.

"Well... " Your own laughter interrupted you, "I'm going to choose to believe it's all good things."

"In my opinion, they were," Aizawa told you with a small shrug. "But I suppose that's subjective."

"I'm glad I could help out," You began to close the conversation, "I'm gonna try and find the kid." Aizawa nodded and let you slip out of the classroom. You looked both ways down the hall, seeing a blond boy waiting for you a few paces away from the door.

"Mind tellin' me what you did?" You asked him, folding your arms over your chest.

"Yeah," He grumbled, his foot propped up on the wall. If he was not going to tell you what happened, why wait for you?

"I'm serious, why the hell did you feel the need to break some kid's nose?" You reached out to push your hand against his forehead, angling his face to look at you. He snarled, shaking his head out of your grip.

"They were talkin' shit about you, okay?" Katsuki explained with obvious rage behind his eyes. "They said you were a no-good criminal who didn't deserve a second chance. I don't know how they knew, but it pissed me off! So I punched him!" You felt an uneasy pit churn in your stomach. How did word spread about your... reputation? You had a feeling that would not get answered.

"Don't fight with them, it's not worth it" You sighed. "I appreciate you being willing to defend me, but it's better to just let those things go."

"They said you deserved to rot in a cell for the rest of your life," Katsuki's volume dropped, showing just how much those kids' words hurt him. You shook your head, finding his naivety lovable.

"Those guys might be your allies someday, so try not to burn bridges," You reminded him solemnly. "Did you ever think that... " You paused, "maybe they might be right?"

"They're wrong!" Katsuki shouted, not needing a moment to consider the notion. "You sacrificed everything just to protect me!" A bittersweet smile crept onto your face. You gently swatted the side of his head.

"Only fight the bad guys. Understand?"

"Yeah, whatever," Katsuki grumbled. You were not renowned for your ability to talk sense into people, but you picked up a thing or two from your therapist. It was precious to see how loyal Katsuki was, quick and unwavering in his faith to you.

Perhaps that faith was misplaced. He truly did not know the extent of your history. You may have saved one, but you had killed far more to deserve anything less than a life behind bars. You did not deserve the second chance you had been given, which was why you needed to make it count.


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