- xu shang-chi -

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> he is such a big softie and it is worrisome how difficult it is for him to say no to you

> Shang is openly and unapologetically affectionate and he has it down to a science

> > it's not overbearing, but he would love to hold your hand or put his arm around you in public

> he will blow up your phone when you're not around for extended periods of time

> > he will text you to tell you every minor update throughout his day and just about every random thought that enters his mind even if you don't respond for hours

> once he gets you in his arms, you will have to fight to get free, though--and he does not let go easily

> > something along the lines of, "Where are you going? Who said you're allowed to leave?"

> he was a little embarrassed at first that his current lodgings are not exactly fit for more than half a person

> you and Katy are basically sisters at this point, you regularly hang out together without the presence of your loving boyfriend

> > he becomes the third wheel pretty quick

> > > even Xailing took a liking to you as well--after all, greatness recognizes greatness

> he would adore having a family of his own one day, but he would feel a lot of pressure to be a good father

> he likes rough-housing and play fighting with you as well as playfully pushing you around and picking you up (both of which he does with ease)

> it took him a minute to get around to saying "I love you"

> > he wanted to be sure he really loved you before telling you those three magic words so contrary to his normal carefree and himbo nature, he takes that sort of intimacy seriously

> > > You were taking a walk through the park together after dinner and the golden hour hues poured over you, making that poor boy's heart flutter

> > > > "What's with that look?" "Nothin' I just... I love you. That's all."

> he is the type to just outright say when he wants you to pay attention to him

> most of his kisses are very innocent and childish smooches

> > ya know, the kind of kiss where he grabs your face and kisses your nose, cheeks, forehead, etc.

> > > they never come in singles, though, they always get delivered dozens at a time

> if they aren't too dangerous, he would happily take you on all of his adventures

> if you can manage to be up early enough, you will be rewarded with the glorious sight of him working out before he goes to work

> > "I can feel you staring, (Y/n)." "Don't mind me. Please, go on."

> he was nervous to use a pet name for you at first, he didn't want to push his boundaries, but he would call you some variation of your name

 > > he came around to using simple ones like "babe" and "baby"

> sometimes he'll talk to himself in Chinese and overhearing that is amusing

> > he has offered to teach you Chinese (if you don't already know it)

> he was never very open about his past when you first got together

> > he needed to make sure he could truly trust you--he was honestly afraid of how it would change your perception of him

> > > If he wasn't forced to explain himself as a product of his father's actions, he would have told you about his family and his past eventually

> > > > it was devastating to discover you didn't even know his name and it took time to rebuild that trust

> he has a lot of patience and can tolerate a lot if you throw it his way, regardless, he hates when you argue

> he has trouble remembering the names of your family and friends, so he can get lost easily when you're telling him a story

> you make playlists for each other

> you also sing karaoke together

> > whenever you go out, Katy lets you two have one mushy, love-song, duet

> he always sent you a good morning and goodnight text before you moved in together

> he is also always late and cannot arrive on time to save his life

> > after a few years, you've adjusted your clock to account for his shortcomings: you tell him to meet you at 6:20 pm because your reservations are actually for 6:30 pm so he gets there on time

> > > he constantly apologizes but never learns his lesson

> Shang can get pretty lost in his feelings for you and the way he expresses those feelings can be a bit overwhelming at times

> > that's not to say you don't match his intensity, but sometimes you have to physically pry him off of you... or at least try anyway

> he has a plethora of cheesy pick-up lines tucked away in the recesses of his mind

> you can reenact your favorite movies together at the drop of a hat

> > The Princess Bride is your most polished performance, he plays Buttercup and it's spot on

> the biggest ick to him is someone who isn't forgiving

> > grudges are a big no--if you can't forgive someone who upset you, how could you ever forgive him if he ever upset you?

> > > it's okay to end a relationship and to remember patterns of negative behavior, but swelling on those things (especially if they're small things) is pretty yuck to him

> he is a restless and very light sleeper

> > he prefers a loose cuddle when you're in bed with him and if you get up to use the bathroom or get a drink, he will be awake when you return

> > > you try so hard to not wake him up, but he always assures you it isn't your fault

> > > > besides, sleepy three in the morning kisses are lovely

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