- moon knight -

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> "I love you to the moon and back."

> > even though you said it first, he probably got you a little necklace/bracelet with that phrase on it

> I guess it's technically a polyamorous relationship (???), especially after Marc and Steven got synced up

> > we don't talk about Jake though

> > > you met Jake once but had no idea

> > > > you honestly just thought he was in a really bad mood

> Steven is a very doting and simply adoring lover, he thinks you can do no wrong

> > so sweet, so goofy, so innocent, so lovely

> > > he gets you flowers, chocolate, etc. for zero reason at all just because he can

> Marc is a bit of a different story, he gives off emotionally unavailable but means well dangerous, hot guy

> > he is trying, though

> > > he has a lot of issues he needs therapy for, which you have pointed out to him many times and he has considered

> you have successfully convinced Steven to grow a beard, but Marc keeps shaving it off

> > ironically, you've also talked Marc into growing his hair out, but Steven keeps chopping it off

> > > it's a losing battle, but you fight anyway

> he is going gray, but you're not complaining

> > Steven does... he really complains about it

> > > Marc doesn't care, he knows you like it

> Marc would probably kill someone who was hurting/threatening to hurt you just out of instinct

> in the same scenario, Steven would try to use his words, but fail miserably and end up having to punch the aggressor

> you met Steven first and knew for a while before he finally got the nerve to ask you out on a date

> > this was before they got their sync down, so Marc showed up by accident with a really crappy British accent

> > > and with him, he brought whatever mythical monster that was trying to kill him that month

> > > > after some chaos, you got him to explain everything

> > > > > and then you agreed to a proper date with Steven

> that make-up date was really nice, he brought you flowers and he was so nervous, it was cute

> > he took you to a restaurant with live music and you talked him into dancing 

> > > and yes, he did trip over himself multiple times

> the suit looks real nice on him

> > both versions of it, especially when the mask is off but the rest is on

> his go-to music is anything from the 60s

> it can sometimes be strange to see the same face express such different things

> > Steven and Marc are very separate in the way they show affection

> > > Marc is of the following mindset: you know I love you, so I don't really get the point of making a big deal about it every day

> > > > Steve, on the other hand, displays his love for you at every given opportunity

> > > > > that's not to say Marc doesn't show affection, it's just less often and smaller than his counterpart

> his work frightened you and the fear came from the danger he puts himself in

> > but after seeing him in action, some of your worries were put to rest

> he sleeps very close to you, almost clinging to you

> he likes it when you play with his hair

> his hands are nice to hold, though a little calloused

> you go stargazing and Steven knows just about every constellation

> > sometimes you bring along dinner and have a little picnic

> he has a handful of scars from Marc's days as a gun for hire

> > he doesn't like to talk about them--he can't even remember how he got some of them

> you have made countless Indiana Jones jokes at his expense

> > Steven thinks they're funny because he's a nerd but Marc has never been impressed

> you have many plant children and every single one of them has a name (Steven has named most of them)

> > you bought a watering can just for them

> he lowkey needs glasses but Marc has too much pride to actually guy a prescription pair

> you feed his fish when he doesn't bring you along on his adventures

> > something about not wanting you to get hurt or whatever

> he would lose his mind if you became anyone's avatar

> > like, has his suffering not been obvious? why would you do something like that?

> Marc will let you wrap yourself in his cape if he's wearing it

> > he thinks it's adorable and makes him feel like he's protecting you and making you feel safe

> you met Khonshu once... you still don't know how to feel about him

> > now, you got the vibe he was kinda flirting with you, but you don't want to believe that was the case

> "Which one of us is your favorite?" "You know I can't answer that question. I love you both for different reasons."

> Steven gets really mopey when he knows you're mad at him

> > which rarely happens, Steve is such a sweetheart and he's never done anything wrong ever

> sometimes it can be difficult to be around one of them when you're mad at the other

> > they share the same face, so--

> Layla does not know how you do it even though you've had long and meaningful talks about him

> > she is somewhat relieved to be done with all his shit 

> > > she even gave you a few pointers on how to deal with Marc

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