- xu xialing -

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> she is the definition of a queen; strong, regal, feminine, and powerful

> > she started a criminal empire from the ground up and ran it for years before taking over the Ten Rings

> she would probably kill anyone who threatened your safety with her bare hands

> on a similar note, she has damn near-constant security around you when she's not by your side

> > when you asked her about it, she simply said: "Why would I not take measures to protect what's most important to me?"

> she can get snippy with you sometimes

> she unapologetically spoils you to no end

> > she has got the money to do it and she wants you to feel like royalty because that is exactly what you deserve

> she has a killer sense of fashion and always looks like she is about to be on the cover of Vogue

> > without makeup, bedhead, and in sweatpants, she still looks gorgeous

> > > she has a handful of scars, but they make her even more beautiful

> she has this way about her; she walks with purpose like she is always on a mission

> she enjoys playing with your hair

> > she could not explain it, but it is so calming for her

> she likes to be held in your arms

> > she has a lot of responsibilities and is constantly expected to be the one in charge, so it feels nice to be taken care of for a change

> very softly, she will speak to you in Mandarin as you lay close to her

> > she claims it's poetry, but you would be none the wiser if she was saying nonsense

> she is very headstrong, stubborn, and determined

> > those aren't necessarily bad qualities, but arguing with her can be like arguing with a brick wall

> > > it can be difficult to get her to see things from your point of view

> she has some abandonment issues, but it is something she is actively working on

> > she would be devastated if you left her but would feel guilty over telling you for fear of making you feel like you have to stay

> you watched her fight in the ring at the Golden Daggers Club once

> > it was hot

> you are one of the only people she allows to call her Ling-Ling

> > for the sake of her dignity, you only call her that in private

> she would love to see all the beautiful sights in China with you (including Macau)

> > she would even take you to Ta Lo if they would let you in

> she trusts herself to be vulnerable with you

> > it took a long time to reach that point, though

> she truly admires your sense of humor due to her humorless upbringing

> > you are one of the few people who can make her laugh, and the sound is nothing short of music to your ears

> you and Shang-Chi get along swimmingly

> > when the three of you are together, you really feel like a family and it's refreshing

> when she wears high heels, all you can think is, "Please, step on me"

> > she probably would if you asked her to

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