Chapter 10 ྿ Not that Good Looking

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Nebula is shown in the same position as before except her parts aren't all part but together as a guard is making sure of that. As it's checking to see if the parts on her leg is put back into place, the part over her eye pops out. The guard goes over to her face as it tilts it head and places the piece back.

At that moment, Nebula attacks by pushing the hand away, hitting its face before snapping its neck. She then, placed her eye socket back into place.

She is by now off the spot she had been, dragging a piece of her leg as she walks over to the communication device a few steps away. Grunting along the way, she twists her hand back into place. Typing onto the device she starts to look for the GOTG ship. She started to speak, "Mantis, listen very carefully. I need you to meet you on Titan." She announced.

Camera now shows the flying doughnut Peter, Y/n, Strange and Stark is in as they pass a over a planet. A blue screen starts to display the scenery in from of the spacecraft as they entered the planet.

"Oh you guys better not crash this thing and better have some sort of plan." You told them and that's when Peter spoke up. He could hear the light fear in your tone of the craft possibly crashing. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"I think we're here." Strange stated

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function." Stark said.

"I was afraid you'd say that." You mentioned and Peter place a hand on your arm as a reassuring way.

"Get your hand inside the steering gimbal." Stark started to say "close those around it." He added towards Peter and you stood near, if not behind Strange. Peter did as instructed by Stark. "You understand?"

"Yep, got it." Peter replied as you looked back at him before looking ahead.

"This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta move at the same time." Stark said

"Okay, Okay, Ready."

Rumbling started to sound as Dr Strange looks and Peter starts to speak. "We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!" Tony Stark placed his helmet back on as the two of them started to slightly tilt the ship in a direction.

Part of the ship started to fall and break away. Strange then used his ability to form some sort of shield in front of you all, protecting from further harm from the front as you used part of your sacrificial magic to do the same but on the back of everyone. "Got it y/n?" Strange asked and you grunted lightly from the power but replied "yup." The ship then landed with a hard thud.


Stark landed forward as you landed on your ass. "You all right?" Strange asked Stark as he saw the man starting to stand. Strange helped him the rest of the way up. "That was close." Stark told him after they stood. "I owe you one." He added towards the Wizard.

You got up naturally as Peter causally came down upside down on a web. "Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry." He told everyone and you gave him a look.

"I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?" Stark said

"I'm trying to say that something is coming." Peter added and as of in cue, a ball rolled out from an unknown destination and stopped in front of the four of you. "What the..." You started to say before getting blasted back. You hit your side on a machinery part.

Quill, Mantis, Drax and Loki could be seen entering. Doctor Strange leaned up to see them enter as Drax threw a dagger at the Wizard while yelling "Thanos!" Strange was quick to deflect the attack with his magic. Drax yelled at the action and the cloak attacked straight onto Drax's face; making him fall backwards.

As you were getting up, Mantis found you. Before you could do any form of an attack, she placed a hand on your forehead and said "sleep." Right there and then, you fell back on the ground fast asleep. Peter spotted this as well as Loki. "Y/n..." Loki said as he made his way over towards where you laid out in the open.

Quill flew up and started to shoot his blasters as Iron man flew up as well and started to attack him. He managed to blow up the side near Quill; which caused Quill to swerve and fall right into Tony. But Tony pushed him aside. When Quill landed, he chuckled at Stark. It was then when Stark realized that wee was a piece of machinery on his chest. Quill pressed it and it immediately latched Tony to the nearby metal beam.

Mantis had moved around the ship till she spotted Peter. Her eyes widened slightly as she lent out a hand to try and make him sleep but he started to back up when he saw her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don't put your eggs in me!" He exclaimed as he webbed her arms down to her side.

Quill saw and kicked Peter to the side as he said "Stay down, Clown." He started to shoot the kid as Peter quickly used his abilities to move out of the way and around him. As he landed then jumped up to attack Quill, the man threw some sort of rope at him. It wrapped around the spider and he fell screaming.

Drax could be heard trying to get rid of the cloak. "Die, blanket of death!" As he was having some trouble, Tony had managed to get himself out of the metal beam. He spotted Drax about to get up and quickly flew over to him; landing with his foot on Drax's chest. He then aimed the repulser at Quill who had Peter and Strange went into a defensive stance. Mantis was seen standing not too far away from Peter Quill as Loki held you close to his arms. And he was standing near Strange.

Peter, Strange and Tony shared a worried look when they saw you in Loki's arms unconscious. Quill started to speak up as he held Parker close to him. "Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out." He then pressed a button to make his helmet go away as he pointed his gun towards Tony. "I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?"

The camera panned to Tony as he was in a defensive state "Yeah. I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?"

That's when Drax from underneath Tony's foot spoke up. "I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?"

Loki And Strange gave the man a look before Loki spoke up. "I strongly believe that they do not know of this Gamora you speak of Quill." He told Quill but Quill just looked at him before looking back at Tony.

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna French Fry this little freak." Quill mentioned as he pointed the gun at Peter's head.

"Let's do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go!" Stark announced as he changed the hand that was pointed towards Drax into a rather large gun.

"Do it, Quill! I can take it." Drax said

"No, he can't take it!" Mantis spoke and Stranged agreed as he said "she's right. You can't."

"Oh, yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all three of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you." He said and mentioned the last part towards Peter that was held against his arm.

"Wait, What, Thanos? All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" Strange states and Loki internally rolled his eyes as he then moved to lay you on the ground. Although he didn't let go of his grasp. Afraid that something might happen if he did.

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, 'Jesus'?"

Tony made a 'are you serious' face at Strange before looking back at Quill. "You're from Earth."

"I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri."

"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit. What are you hassling us for?"

"So you're not with Thanos?" Peter asked Quill and Quill made a face as he creased his eyebrows.

"With Thanos? No, I here to Kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you?" He said as he lowered his gun.

That's when both Loki and Peter replied at the same time "They're the Avengers." Loki said as Peter said "We're the Avengers, man."


"You're the ones Thor told us about." Mantis added

Tony looked at Mantis for a second "you know Thor?"

"Yeah." Quill nodded "Tall Guy, not that good-looking, needed saving." Peter beside Quill made a face at the 'not that good-looking' part.

"Where is he now?" Strange questioned and that's when Quill told them.

As he was telling them, Loki was working his magic to wake you back up. Took a while but he had managed to do so. You started to groan from the pain and as soon as the others heard it, they looked at you. Peter was the one to quickly go over to you. Though Loki still had you in his arms.

Opening your eyes slightly, you started to ask "what... happened?" Your sight quickly took in Peter who was knelt beside you but wasn't holding you, you realized. That's when you turned your head a bit to see Loki. A sad smile formed on your face as you quickly gave him a hug. "Loki." You said and he hugged you back.

That's when Loki started to explain the whole situation that was happening and how an alien woman was able to make you fall asleep before you had the chance to fight back. You pulled back as you took in the information he was giving you. It was then Peter's turn to give you a hug. "Aren't I'm glad you're okay." He told you while hugging you and you smiled slightly. "Me too. I'm glad you're okay too." Pulling away, you looked at everyone else in the area. "Who are they?"

"The Guardians of the Galaxy If so I'm told." Loki said.

"Indeed we are." Quill announced. And Peter told you something which made you stand up quickly, waking over to the man. "You nearly shot my boyfriend?!" You yelled at Quill when you stood in front of him.

"I didn't and wasn't aware of you guys being the Avengers Thor spoke of. I thought you all were working for Thanos!" He yelled back.

"And you think we'd be working for that purple alien condom?! Are you serious?!" You replied and Quill was going to say something till Stark broke it off. "That's enough." He said and Strange went over to you, pulling you away from the man. He moved you towards Peter and Loki. Peter, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling closer towards him. "It's alright." He tried to reassure you and rubbed the side of your arm lightly. Peter was standing beside you as Loki was standing off to the right of you and Strange to the left side of you.

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