Chapter 13 ྿ Semi-Stable

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The quinjet flew over the beautiful landscape of Africa as it made its way towards their destination. Bruce was leaning on the wall nearby Natasha's seat as she watched Sam drive. Steve then made his way towards the cockpit to speak to Sam.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0." Steve told him as he was seen placing a hand near the window, looking out. He didn't shave so his beard grew.

"I hope you're right about this. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want." Sam announced as he made some adjustments to the keypad and looked back up to steer the direction they were heading. Wanda was seen with her hand on Vision's shoulder as both Brazen and Penelope socialized with Rhodes for a bit.

The quinjet made an entrance at an opening in the tree line. Entering Wakanda and making its way towards the city across the water. Meanwhile back at the palace, King T'Challa and his Dora were walking towards the meeting point. That's when the general started to speak up on her opinions. "When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world this is not what I imagined."

"And what did you imagine?" T'Challa asked her with a small smile at first before returning it back into a flat line.

"The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks." She admitted once they stopped and he looked over at her with a small smile again. The jet started to descend on the platform. Once it was, the back door lowered and they started to exit, walking towards T'Challa and his guards.

Banner could be seen placing on his jacket while walking alongside Rhodes. That's when he asked, "should we bow?" Rhodes looked at him and said "yeah, he's a king." While Wanda was behind them with Vision. Brazen, Pietro and Penelope were at the end.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something." Steve started to say as he finally stopped right in front of the king. He gave him a firm handshake as Bruce cleared his throat. "What are you doing?" Rhodes asked him. That's when T'Challa noticed and told Banner "Uh, we don't do that here." Banner stood back up and looked at Rhodes with a 'really?' Type of look and the man just smiled at him.

T'Challa started to walk with O'koye back towards the palace as everyone else started to follow "So how big of an assault should we expect?" That's when Bruce took the opportunity to hurry along and say "Uh, Sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault."

"How we looking?" Natasha asked T'Challa.

"You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." He then gestured to a smiling Bucky who started to walk towards them.

"And a semi-stable 100-year-old man." Bucky mentioned in armor. Steve went up to him and gave him a hug as Bucky returned it. They pulled away as Steve asked "How you been, Buck?"

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world." He replied with a smile before spotting Brazen and Penelope. Wanda, Vision and Pietro went inside with the Dora earlier. "Hey." He told them before seeing that they came alone. "Where's Y/n?" He asked. Penelope sighed before speaking up "We don't know." - "And Eva?" He asked and Brazen answered. "With her aunt." Everyone went quiet for a moment before T'Challa spoke up. "Let  us head in."

A structure with two small waterfalls on either side revealed itself as it then showed inside. Shuri was using one of her Kimoyo beads on her bracelet that wrapped around her wrist to scan vision's current state. With that she moved her hand upward before revealing a hologram like view of his state. "Whoa." Banner was heard saying out of amazement.

"The structure is polymorphic." Shuri states as everyone in the room watched the two scientists. "Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Banner told her.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" She questioned as she looked at him. Vision laying on the table, looked over at the man. "Because we didn't think of it." He replied in more of a question like tone. "I'm sure you did your best." She admitted with a smile.

"Can you do it?" Wanda asked her. Shuri looked over at the woman as she started to explain. "Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." That's when she looked over at her brother saying, "It will take time, brother." T'Challa nodded lightly.

That's when Cap asked "how long?" Shuri looked at him as she said "as long as you can give me." As the alarms start to blare, O'koye's Kimoyo beads started to trill and she quickly pressed on it. "Something's entered the atmosphere." She informed everyone.

Large machinery objects started to charge towards earth as it made its way in, landing in various places. Sam looked up while he was outside with Bucky at his left when he said "Hey, Cap, We got a situation here." One of the many pieces could be seen hitting the dome straight on then breaking into pieces. "God, I love this place." Bucky mentioned.

That's when war machine butted in "Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys." As soon as he said that, he saw more pieces making their way down. (Making their way downtown, moving fast, gonna crash and destroy shit XD jk). "We got more incoming outside the dome." Once the pieces made contact with the ground, they destroyed a majority of the trees and objects around them.

Steve looked over at T'Challa as T'Challa looked over at Steve with the same look. Everyone stood near the windows taking in the scene as Shuri helped Vision sit up. "It's too late." Vision spoke up. "We need to destroy the stone now." That's when Natasha turned around and walked towards him as she said, "Vision, get your ass back in the table." T'Challa started to follow suit as he said "We will hold them off." Steve looked at Wanda as he told her "Wanda, as soon as that Stone's out of his head, you blow it to hell." Wanda nodded lightly as she said "I will."

"Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses" T'Challa spoke as he walked with his Dora Milaje before stopping and gesturing at Steve. "And get this man a shield." Rogers looked over at T'Challa before giving a nod of his head.

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