Chapter 14 ྿ Open The Border

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The ship Rocket drove with Groot inside had maneuvered itself around an area on Nidavellir. Thor stood at his position as he waited for the signal from Rocket. "I don't think you get the scientifics here." Rocket started to tell him through the coms. "These rings are gigantic. You wanna get them moving you're gonna need something a lot bigger to yank 'em loose." He added on as Thor could then be seen wrapping a wire of a sort around himself before jumping down to a lower platform.

"Leave that to me." Thor implied as he glanced up at the ship. "Leave it to you? Buddy, you're in space. All you got is a rope and a..." Rocket started to tell him as a reply but Thor didn't let him finish seeing how he gripped the rope and started to swing Rocket's ship around. The raccoon could be heard yelling a bit as he tried to gain back control. It wasn't till Thor threw him towards a certain direction when he yelled out "fire the engines!" Rocket gladly did as he yelled in the process.

Once he did, he pulled Thor along with him and kept on thrusting till Thor landed his feet on one of the rings and held onto the rope. Grunting in the process, he used part of his strength to see if he'll be able to at least get the rings started up and going. His voice was filled with strain as he called out "more power, Rabbit!" Rocket did as he was told and the center was started to break off the pieces that were holding it still.

With success, they had managed to get all of the rings back in order and the dying star was once more revealed. That's when Etiri who saw, said "well done, boy." Which was more for Thor. Thor landed right on the front glass of the ship as he revealed a big smile and pointed towards the star as he said "That's Nidavellir." Rocket looked at it with a face of fascination, but smiled also.

The dying star was starting to work till the gates had shut themselves again. "Damn it." Eitri said. " 'Damn it'? What's 'Damn it'?" Rocket questioned towards the dwarf. Not fully understanding what he had meant by it. Thor and Rocket both looked at him as he explained. "The mechanism is crippled." He said and Thor asked "what?" That's when Eitri continued on, "With the iris closed, I can't hear the metal."

"How long will it take to heat it?" Thor asked as he released some breaths, while sitting on top of the ship. "A few minutes, maybe more. Why?" Eitri asked towards the end. "I'm gonna hold it open." Thor announced. "That's suicide." Eitri butted. "So is facing Thanos without that axe." Thor quickly states. He grunted as he threw himself towards the dying star.

B A C K   O N   E A R T H

More than 5 like ships flew rapidly over the fields towards the dome as both Falcon and War Machine flew over them. Natasha that stood directly in front of Bucky on one of the ships, called out "How we looking, Bruce?" Bruce on the other hand was not having it apparently. "Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it." He replied as he was currently inside the Hulk Buster that Tony had made in case if he had to fight the Hulk, which he did when Ultron was active.

Both Steve and T'Challa looked over when they heard Bruce fly over and watched as Bruce landed and stumbled for a bit. "Wow! This is amazing, man. It's like being the Hulk without actually..." Bruce added afterwards with a smile but then didn't see the incoming large rock and tripped right over it. "Ahhh." He grunted when he facepalmed right onto the floor. The ship O'koye was on passed by and as they did, she looked at Bruce with a near judging like face. "I'm ok. I'm ok." Bruce said while in his suit in the same position.

Falcon and War Machine flew right over Bruce as Rhodes started to speak. "I've got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." They also flew right over the amount of people that had gotten off of their ships and were already in their positions to fight. A view of Proxima and Cull. Cull spoke in their own language to Proxima. The Jabari men were both chanting and grunting as T'Challa's men along with Bucky, Steve, Natasha and O'koye arrived. Natasha stood between Bucky and Steve as T'Challa and M'Baku shook hands. (She looks so tiny :'3 against them) O'koye stood by T'Challa's side as he told M'Baku "Thank you for standing with us." That's when M'Baku replies back in Xhosa "of course, brother."

The three, Natasha, Steve and T'Challa, made their way down towards the dome where Proxima and Cull awaited to enter. Penelope stayed back with Bucky and O'koye as Brazen stayed with Wanda, Vision and Shuri. Proxima attempted to break through the dome with her weapon but was having no success with it at all. "Where's your other friend?" Natasha questioned her. "You will pay for his life with yours." Proxima states before continuing "Thanos will have that stone." That's when Steve butted in. "That's not gonna happen." He told her. "You are in Wakanda now." T'Challa started to say before adding "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

All Proxima said after that was "we have blood to spare." Before raising her weapon and the pieces of machinery that were behind her started to open up. The three made their way back and this time, Steve stood beside Bucky as Natasha stood between Steve and Penelope. "They Surrender?" Bucky questioned. "Not exactly." Steve replied as he stood his ground.

Aliens snarled and ran as they were exiting the space ship in groups. Ripping through trees and pounding the ground as they rampaged and made their way towards the dome where everyone else awaited and Falcon flew high as a lookout for any incoming attacks. When T'Challa saw his first sign of movement through the trees, he started to call out. "Yibambe!" In Xhosa and every one of his own men and the Jabari chanted along with him. O'koye, along with everyone else who had carried a spear or a weapon of their sort, banged them on the ground as they chanted. Proxima noticed this and raised her fist up in the air with her weapon as a gesture to attack full speed.

"What the hell?" Bucky muttered once he saw the alien creatures. Steve remained silent as Natasha spoke "Looks like we pissed her off." The view then shifted over to the aliens at the dome tearing themselves apart just to get through. O'koye's face held a disgusting yet disturbing like look as she saw what the aliens were doing. "They're killing themselves." She said. Proxima smiled as she noticed some of her aliens making it through with no injuries. When the people of Wakanda saw this, the border tribe were the first to act by placing their shields and charging their weapons; preparing to fire at any given chance. T'Challa was the person to speak out in Xhosa and when he did, they started to fire at the enemies.

Bucky was helping out by firing as well. So was Bruce, Falcon and War Machine. Falcon deployed all of his little red wings as he charged the aliens. Then he spoke up by telling everyone "You see the teeth on those things?" Rhodes then spoke up "All right, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed." That's when he started releasing little missiles towards the edge of the dome where the aliens were entering.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce announced when he noticed the aliens trying to round off to the sides. "Then we better keep 'em in front of us." Steve said as O'koye asked T'Challa "How do we do that?" He but his lip as he glanced over at her. "We open the barrier." He finally said before looking back at the enemy and placing a finger over the coms in his ear. "On my signal, open North-West Section 17." He spoke as a person from the dome control said "Requesting confirmation, my king. You said open the barrier?" He then responded as Steve looked at him by saying "on my signal."

"This will be the end of Wakanda." M'Baku said in a face filled with worry of what would happen to their home if the aliens take over. "Then it will be the noblest ending in history." Remarked O'koye beside him. Everyone standing firm in their positions, started to armor up and prepare themselves. Shouting in Xhosa, part of the border tribe that stood in front of the king dropped their shield; everyone else following suit. Stepping forward, he waited for a moment before yelling out "Wakanda Forever!" Then he suited his the only part that needed to be covered (his face), and everyone started to run towards the dome. "Now!" He yelled into the com and the section of the dome, opened.

Aliens snarled their way through as soon as they were gained access. A shot of Steve speeding through the crowd could be seen trying to catch up to T'Challa. Natasha, O'koye and Penelope were nearly on the same running pace as Bucky was a few feet ahead. Jumping, T'Challa was the first to make contact with the creatures as soon as he landed. Steve was a close second. It was a full out brawl between heroes and enemies, humans and creatures. Slashing and tackling each other to both survive and come out on top. To be the last one standing. Everyone used their weapons and skills as Penelope used both her skills and abilities.

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked through the coms after taking out an alien. Shuri was hen shown working through the technicalities of getting the Stone our of Vision's Head when she replied "I've barely begun, brother." T'Challa was shown again as he answered "you might want to pick up the pace." Working on the stone, Shuri was in full concentration as she tried her best and Vision was cooperating by staying still and not moving an inch from his spot.

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