Chapter 15 ྿ You'll die

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Back at Nidavellir, Thor centered himself directly in the middle of the passageway that needed to be open in order for Eitri to make the axe. "Allfathers, give me strength." Thor spoke as he readied Himself. "You understand, boy?" Eitri asked Thor. "You're about to take the full force of a star. It'll kill you." He added and Thor replied. "Only if I die." Eitri quickly replied "Yes. That's what killing you means."

As the last statements were said, Thor made sure to get a sturdy grip on both of the parts he would need to pull. Inhaling a deep breath, Thor's strained voice could be heard as he had begun to pull it open. He kept on and yelled a bit as he held it open as much as he could. The strength of the star poured through and that's when Eitri ran as he yelled "Hold it! Hold it, Thor!" Thor looked behind him for a second as he kept on holding his grip. The dwarf didn't waste any time, he got straight to work. As soon as the metal was melted Thor lost his grip and let go, drifting off quickly. Rocket saw and sped towards him. Thor got hit in the process and tumbled on the ground when he landed. Rocket landed the ship and rushed over towards the god.

Groot was sitting nearby and saw the god laying on the ground, not seeming to be conscious at the moment. "Thor! Say something. Come on." Rocket tried getting him to wake as he added on "Thor, you okay?" Eitri could Then be heard slamming the piece of finished metal on the ground before grunting and punching it to break off the unwanted pieces. "I think he's dying." Rocket told the dwarf. "He needs the axe!" Eitri exclaimed as he looked around. "Where's the handle?" He said and Groot could then be seen with a sad like look upon his face. "Tree, help me find the handle!" Eitri asked of Groot as he got up and walked to search.

Groot was so worried about his new god friend that he stood up with such courage and used a piece of his own hand to link onto the newly made axe. After they aligned, Groot groaned in pain before breaking off the part of his arm that was now the new handle. That sparked electricity through Thor's hand and the axe.

At Earth, Bruce threw some aliens aside as Bucky Shot at others before being tackled to the ground. A lightning like sound could be heard from above and who ever were standing looked around to see what was happening. Entering was Eva as she landed right on her feet, similar to how Wanda lands. Then to Follow was her aunt, Bibi. (GIF below) "Need assistance?" Bibi said and started to fight the creatures alongside Eva.

Steve and T'Challa were fighting side by side till they started to get tackled to the side as well. War Machine and Falcon were in the air shooting down before Cull hit Rhodes over with his huge hammer. As everyone started to go down beside Eva, O'koye, Bibi and Natasha, Bruce yelled out "there's too many of 'em!" As if all help was lost and as if they had seem to be defeated, the bifrost opened and knocked out a majority of the creatures the Wakandan people were fighting.

The axe Thor had spoke about started to go around and knock off all of the aliens that were on top of each of his friends or his soon to be allies. Looking up from his spot, Steve went to see who it was. As the theme song kicked in, Thor was revealed holding the axe with Rocket on his shoulder and Groot beside him. Everyone looked at him with shocked looks not expecting to see him after he had left long before. Bruce stood up and yelled as he laughed "You guys are so screwed now!" That's when Thor started to run as he said "Bring me Thanos!" Jumping into the air, he lit up all blue with electricity all around him as he slammed his axe down on the ground; knocking whatever creatures were near, over.


In space, Thanos had opened a portal to his home planet, Titan. Scanning around, he didn't spot a single person, but he knew the Stone was there because he was led there. "Oh, yeah." Dr. Strange started to say as he sat on some form of steps. Not too far away from the guy. "You're much more of a Thanos." Strange added on. "I take it the Maw is dead." Thanos said and all Strange did was nod. "This day extracts a heavy toll." Thanos continued on. You were position with Peter and Loki, as everyone else were scattered all over.

"Still, he accomplished his mission." Thanos states as he glanced at the amulet around Strange's neck. "You may regret that." Stephen told him before adding on "brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts." Peter Quill was well hidden at his spot behind Thanos. Parker moves away from you and climbed up on a piece above Strange. "And where do you think he brought you?" Thanos could be heard saying. Strange didn't look at all fascinated by the idea and gave a 'I would rather be anywhere else than talking to this purple grape' type of look. An nearly annoyed look.

"Let me guess, your home?" Strange said and Thanos smiled as he used the reality stone to show how his planet used to look before. "It was. And it was beautiful." He told the Wizard. The reality seeped all over you all and you looked around, as well as Loki. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." Thanos continued before Strange interrupted "Genocide."

"But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." Thanos told him as the reality of before, disappeared. "Congratulations, you're a prophet." Strange sarcastically told the giant. "I'm a survivor." Thanos told him in response. "Who wants to murder trillions." Strange snapped back. "With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy." He told Strange. Your eyebrows creased and you glanced a Loki.

"And then what?" Strange started to say as he stood up and took a few steps forward. "I'd finally rest.. and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Thanos said as Strange quickly replied while tapping his wrists together "I think you'll find our will equal to yours." That made Thanos look up from his spot and right at Strange while he questioned "our?"

Tony was quick to move as he pushed a machinery like rock down at Thanos before the Titan was able to use the power stone at him. "Piece of cake, Quill." Tony said. "Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off." Quill replied as he placed his helmet on and flew beside Tony. "Move, move." Loki told you as he grabbed your hand and the two of you started to head towards a different spot. He noticed Thanos use the gauntlet to break apart the piece of machinery that Tony had thrown on him as he yelled in frustration.

Thanos used the reality stone to change the way the pieces were into some sort of creatures to push Tony away. Peter swung in and webbed Thanos in his eyes as Drax quickly slid in and sliced the Titan's leg. Both him and Strange started to fight with Thanos. Quill flew in and shot Thanos from behind. Strange helped him as he shot disk like platforms for Quill to step on as Thanos was shooting the power stone at him. Quill placed a gadget like object to his back before sticking up the middle finger "boom!" He said and fell backwards right into the portal Strange had opened up.

The gadget exploded and Strange told his cloak"don't let him close his fist." That's when his cloak left him and quickly wrapped itself around Thanos's fists. As Thanos struggled to rip off the cloak as Strange opened up portals for Peter. "Magic!" Peter yelled when he punched the Titan. "More magic!" Peter said as he grabbed the Titan's head before disappearing. "Magic with a kick!" He added when he kicked the Titan. "Magic with a-" right when Peter was going to attack again, Thanos grabbed him by his neck and slammed him to the ground. "Peter!" You yelled when you saw. "Insect!" Thanos said at Peter before throwing him at Strange.

He finally had managed to rip off the cloak and went to fire when a collapsed building beside him exploded. Tony could be seen flying in as he shot missiles towards the giant. All by which Thanos sucked into his gauntlet before using it on Tony but didn't get to seeing how you ran out and used your power to block him from hitting Tony. Tony however did get hit a bit and flew backwards. Peter swooped in and webbed the gauntlet but Thanos pulled him and punched him with his other hand. Ripping off the webbing, a smaller space ship flew him and knocked over Thanos. You and Peter fell backwards from the debris and Loki was able to catch you before you hit your head on anything nearby.

Thanos got up after pushing off the rumble on him and immediately got punched on the face by Nebula. She pulled out a sword that showed some sort of electricity as he said "Well, well." That's when Nebula told him "You should've killed me." Thanos then states "It would've been a waste of parts!" That's when Nebula yells and they started to fight each other. "Where is Gamora?" She questioned and he backhanded her.

That's when Strange saw and used part of his magic to latch onto the gauntlet and get a firm grip on it. Drax slid in and got ahold of Thanos's leg so he wouldn't move. Quill shot another gadget and it got ahold of Thanos's hand that didn't have the gauntlet. Peter webbed Thanos and pulled down. Tony quickly reappeared and took the hand that Strange was holding. Strange opened a portal above Thanos and Mantis fell right onto his shoulders; taking ahold of his head. Loki ran over and grabbed ahold of Peter's webbing with him as you went over to where Strange was and helped him out on his side.

As Thanos' voice strained in trying to get out, Mantis grunted as she used her ability to put him under. "Is he under? Don't let up." Tony asked her. "Be quick. He is very strong." Mantis replied. "Parker, help! Get over here. She can't hold him much longer. Let's go." Tony told Peter. "I got him." Loki told Peter and Peter left to help Tony with the gauntlet. Quill flew over and strapped a few things onto himself before taking off of his helmet.

"We gotta open his fingers to get it off." Peter could be heard saying as you grunted in pulling on Thanos' hand so he wouldn't move. "I thought you'd be hard to catch. For the record, this was my plan." Quill announced as he walked towards the Titan. "You're not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?" Quill added. "My Gamora." Thanos groaned. "No, bullshit! Where is she?" Quill butted in. "He is in anguish." Mantis states. "Good." Quill said. "He... He mourns." Mantis adds.

"What does this monster have to mourn?" Drax said as he grunted from his place. That's when Nebula was piecing the puzzle together. "Gamora." She finally told Quill and he turned to look at her. "What?" Quill asked. "He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone. But she didn't." She added and Quill was upset. "Ok, Quill, you gotta cool it right now. You understand? Don't, Don't. Don't engage. We almost got this off!" Tony yelled at Quill. "Tell me she's lying. Asshole, tell me you didn't do it!" Quill yelled at the Titan. "I had to." Thanos said. "No, you didn't. No, you didn't." Quill said and pulled out his gun as he yelled and started to hit Thanos hard on the face.

"No, you didn't!" Quill yelled and Mantis lost her grip. "Quill!" Tony yelled and Mantis gasped. "Hey, stop! Hey, stop! Stop!" Tony added as he let go of the gauntlet and grabbed Quill's hand before he could land another punch. "It's coming, it's coming. I got it, I got it!" Peter yelled out as he was getting the gauntlet loose. Thanos then woke up and head butted Mantis hard before yanking the gauntlet back, making Peter tumble backwards. He then grabbed Mantis and threw her to which Peter got her quick. Kicking Nebula, Quill and Drax out of the way, he grabbed both you and Strange and threw you both to the side before taking Loki and throwing him as well. He was a bit surprised to see the god still alive after what he had though he had done earlier. Tony flying in the air, fired at Thanos.

That's when Thanos backhanded Tony when he got close then used the Power stone to knock Quill, Drax And Nebula out. Tony flew in again and pushed his hand back. They both started fighting back and forth with each other. It wasn't till Thanos got the chance to head bud Tony when he used the gauntlet to break a piece of the moon and throw it down on top of Tony.

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