Chapter 17 ྿ Spare His Life

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Pieces of the moon continued to fall as Peter swung with Mantis in his arm, before tying her up in an area that was safe enough. Meanwhile, you and Loki were taking shelter for a moment. "I got you. I got you." Peter said as he tied up Mantis then Drax before grabbing Quill. "I'm sorry I can't remember anybody's names." He added afterwards.

Thanos pushes over a piece of metal that was blocking his path as Strange landed on a large rock nearby. As soon as they spotted each other, the two went at it and immediately attacked one another without hesitation. No matter how much Thanos deflected or blocked the power Strange was giving, he couldn't help but wonder how Strange was so strong. Thanos threw Strange a black hole and Strange deflected it by making it into butterflies. The Titan grunted as the Dr then took his moment to clone himself many times and wrap many lassos around the madman. Thanos knew he wasn't going to beat him so he used to power of the gauntlet to break free. "You're full of tricks, Wizard." Thanos said as he held Strange by the throat. He yanked the amulet off of the Dr's body and Strange yelled no. "Yet you never once used your greatest weapon. Thanos crumpled the amulet into pieces before looking at him.

"A fake." He told Strange before throwing him over; resulting into Strange hitting his head on a hard surface. Thanos went to close his fist again but Tony didn't let it. He used one of his own technology to hold the gauntlet open. Landing in front of the Titan, he spoke "You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna lose it." Tony said. "Stark" Thanos muttered. "You know me?" Tony questioned. "I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge." He told the human. "My only curse is you." Tony replied before firing missiles at the giant. "Come on!" Thanos yelled as he held up his hand with the gauntlet on it. The two started to fight.

"I need to help him." You said as Loki grabbed your arm. "You'll get killed." He said. "He needs my help. Are you going to keep on hiding or help with me?" You stated back and he hesitated at first but sighed before letting go. "Alright. But you owe me when this is all over." He finally told you and you smiled softly before nodding in response. Tony got the higher hand when he got to do a certain move. Thanos wipes off the blood that was on a small cut he had gotten. "All that for a drop of blood." He told Tony and that's when he knocked him off of himself.

They kept fighting till part of Tony's suit broke off. Tony went to go stab him but it backfired when Thanos ripped it off and stabbed Tony instead. "No!!" You yelled out and used your power to throw Thanos so far back, you didn't know where he landed. Loki ran over to Tony to see if he was okay. Thanos chuckled as he stood back up on his feet. Raising a feet pieces around you, you started to throw them at him and deflect the attacks he was throwing at you but you missed one and got hit hard on your side; making you fly far and crash land in a different area. "Y/n!" Both Tony and Loki yelled. "Go check on her. I'm fine." Tony told Loki.

Thanos then made his way over to Tony and said "you have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you." He then lifted his fist as Tony could be heard grunting in pain. "Stop." Strange started to say. "Spare his life... and I will give you the stone." He added before Thanos said "No tricks." Strange shook his head no as Thanos then aimed his fist at him. "Don't." Stark started to say. Stephen raised his hand as he then pulled out the Stone. Keeping his word, he handed the Stone over to Thanos. Taking the Stone, he placed it on its spot before grunting in pain from the surge of power.

"One to go." Thanos muttered as he took a glance at his gauntlet. Quill had woken up and started to shoot at the Titan. That's when Thanos made his quick move to teleport out of the planet. Quill made a hard landing before looking up "where is he?" He asked. Tony patched up his wound after he pulled out the sword then sighed before looking at Quill. "Did we just lose?" Quill asked before noticing Tony look at Strange. "Why would you do that?" He asked the Wizard. "We're in the endgame now." Was all Strange replied. Loki caught up to you and placed his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n, y/n are you okay?" He asked and you didn't get a response till he started to shake your shoulders lightly and hear coughing from you after.


M'Baku slammed his staff down as he attacked an alien. He yelled out before chanting in Xhosa with his tribe. Bibi was fighting some of her own alongside Brazen who joined her afterwards. She got pissed and brought together both of her forearms to release a powerful blast. Pietro entered and took out others that were nearby. Brazen took down the aliens who were incoming as she did her own thing. Thor flew up towards the metal structures as he went up one, destroyed it, then went for the others.

Wanda landed gracefully in the woods and ran over to Vision when she spotted him sitting on the ground. "Are you ok?" She asked him and he lowered his head when the high pitched ringing could be heard. "What? What is it?" She asked him. He was breathing heavily when he replied "He's here." Eva heard the conversation due to how close she was to them than Steve. The wind started to howl and pick up as Steve looked around. He could sense that something was coming and something was wrong. "Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve announced.

Sam and Natasha were standing by each other as they looked around for any signs. "What the hell?" Natasha muttered. T'Challa and O'koye standing side by side each other as they also looked around, waited for something to happen. That's when Bruce turned around at where the noise was coming from and spotted the portal opening; out walked Thanos. Wanda could be seen arming herself as well as Eva. "Cap. That's him." Bruce told Steve when he saw the Titan standing there.

"Eyes Up. Stay sharp." Was all Steve said as he started to walk towards the madman. Thanos walked towards them as if he can no care in the world. Bruce went first to attack but Thanos used the space stone to place Bruce into the stone nearby. Steve was next and was pushed away by the power stone. T'Challa went to charge but got grabbed and punched to the side. Sam fired till his wings got damaged by the giant and he fell.

"Wanda." Vision started to say as he grabbed her wrist. "It's time." He added. "No." She told him. "They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can." He pleaded. "Look at me." He told her as he turned her around so she could see him. "You have the power to destroy the stone." He added. "Don't." She tried to stop him as tears could be seen in her watery eyes. "You must do it. Wanda, please." He begged and her lip quivered as she tried not to cry "we are out of time." She shook her head. "I can't." She softly told him. "Yes, you can." He whispered. "You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies. It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me. I just feel you." He finished off as she tried her best not to cry.

With that, she did as he asked and used her power to try and break the stone so Thanos couldn't reach for it. A tear escaped from her eye as War Machine could then be seen firing at Thanos. The space stone being used to crush him before throwing him over to the side. Bucky yelled out as he started to fire his gun and both Natasha and O'koye could be seen running not too far away. The power stone was used to both knock Bucky over and stop O'koye's spear from impaling him. Natasha was pushed over and wrapped around some nature like cage area. Groot punched his fists to the ground as he tried to fight against the Titan. No success.

Steve slid in under Thanos and punched him a couple of times. Wanda was seen trying her best as her tears were falling. Thanos then went to grab Steve's neck but was stopped when Steve grabbed his hand. The man yelled as he tried to hold up the Titan's hand away from him but didn't see the other as he got punched hard to the side. Eva stepped forward and blasted Thanos, holding him back for a few moments; giving Wanda a bit more time. The time part wasn't on their side seeing how she got the power stone used on her and thrown over. It was up to Wanda. When Wanda saw, she used her other hand to hold Thanos back.

She wasn't letting him get to her any time soon and continued on trying to break the stone. "It's all right." Vision reassures her. "It's all right." He says again when he sees Thanos getting closer. "I love you." He finally tells her as the stone is then shattered into pieces, throwing them backwards. The Titan was shocked but not by much. Walking over towards Wanda, he glanced down at her as he placed a hand on her head "I understand, my child." He told her when he saw her face.

"Better than anyone." He added afterwards and that's when she told him through her gritted teeth, "you could never." He sighed before saying "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn" and walked passed her towards Vision. "Now is no time at all." He added as he used the time stone to bring back Vision. Wanda saw and yelled out as she started to get up "No!" But he back handed her and she landed a few feet away.He held a firm yet tight grip on Vision's throat as he reached over and yanked the stone out from his head. Not giving a care.

Placing it into the gauntlet, he felt the surge of energy go through his body once more. Before he could act on it, Thor threw him aside. Thanos started to use the stones on the god but it wasn't working. Thor threw the hammer straight towards the Titan and it went right in center of his chest; causing him to take a knee. "I told you... you'd die for that." Thor told him as he stood face to face with the Titan and pushed the axe farther in, making Thanos scream in pain. "You should have..." Thanos started to say in a weak voice. "You should..." He said before gaining his breath and adding on "You should have gone for the head." With that, Thanos raised his hand and snapped his fingers. "No!" Thor could be heard yelling out when seeing it happen.

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