Chapter 18 ྿ Something's Happening

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Thanos appeared in another place which had seemed to look like if it was in a realm where the Soul Stone had taken him. Looking around, he spotted young Gamora standing at the temple area where he had shown her and gave her, her first blade. Walking towards it, he stopped when he got close enough.

"Daughter?" He questioned when he saw her back turned to him. She then turned to face him and asked. "Did you do it?" He looked at her with a face filled with regret. "Yes." He replied. "What did it cost?" She asked him as she could be seen trying to hold back tears. "Everything." He responded.

Snapped back into reality, the gauntlet had looked completely destroyed from the usage of power and the stones all together. "What did you do?" Thor asked not believing if he had done what he was so set on doing what he was told. "What'd you do?" He yelled out in question towards the Titan and before he could get a response, the giant used the stone to teleport himself out of that area. Leaving the axe where he had been.

Thor looked down, not sure of what to do as Steve held his side and walked over towards him just a few steps. "Where'd He Go?" He asked Thor. He looked around to see if he was anywhere. "Thor?" He added on. "Where'd He Go?" He asked him again hoping to get an answer. "Steve?" Bucky could be heard saying to Steve's right. Looking over, he noticed his long time Best Friend turning into dust before fully collapsing and being left with nothing but a pile of dust in its place.

Both Steve and Thor looked at each other with faces of disbelief of what they had just witnessed. Steve went over to where Bucky was and bend down on one knee. People all around the field were seen being dusted away. Both Penelope and Brazen didn't make it. They had died before it had happened. Bibi stood there looking around, not believing in what was happening. M'Baku did the same.

T'Challa moved along the ground and told O'koye "up, General. Up!" He offered a hand as he said "This is no place to die." Then as he was helping her up, he dusted right before her eyes. She couldn't believe it and looked around in shock. Standing up, she looked around as she called out in Xhosa. Rocket was walking towards Groot as Groot started to fade. "I am Groot." Groot says weakly. "Oh.." Rocket starts to say. "No, no, no! Groot! No." He said before Groot disappeared.

Wanda was next and when she felt her body start to go numb, she looked up one last time before it was her turn. Sam grunted on his way back up and before he got the chance, he dusted away also. Rhodes called out for him in the last minute. "Sam!" He yelled out but nothing. O'koye could be seen trying not to tear up as Rhodes could be heard yelling in the background "Sam, where you at?"


Thunder echoed through the atmosphere and Nebula can be seen making her way down towards everyone else. Mantis was helping Quill out as Drax followed behind Nebula. Peter helped Tony up as Loki helped you up. That's when you felt it and gasped lightly. A majority of them looked over at you before Mantis spoke up. "Something's happening." Was all she got to say before she dusted away right before their eyes.

Drax started to feel the effects too and looked over at Quill as he said "Quill?" Quill was next to start feeling the effects and looked over at Tony. "Steady, Quill." Tony told him with a shocked look of what was happening. "Oh, man." Quill said before it was his turn. You looked over at them and a tear slipped from your eye. "What..." you muttered before looking at Strange. "Tony." Stephen started to say as he added on "there was no other way." He looked away with a blank expression before leaving as well.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter could be heard saying and you looked over at your boyfriend. "I don't feel so good." He added. "You're all right." Tony tried reassuring him. "I don't... I don't know what happening." Peter replied as he made his way over to Tony and stumbled, to which Stark caught him. "I don't know..." he groaned before added on. "I don't want to go." You places a hand over your mouth as tears wanted to spill. "I don't want to go, sir. Please. Please, I don't want to go. I don't want to go." Tony places him down and you ran over to him, placing a hand on Peter's hand. "Peter, stay with me." You told him in a pleading tone and he glanced at you as he said "I love you." before telling Stark "I'm sorry." You started to see Peter start to go and cried out "No! No, Peter, please!" Tears spilled as he vanished.

Tony couldn't believe it and said there trying to take it all in. You grabbed some of his dust that was left over and cried. Loki couldn't believe his eyes either and walked over to you, trying to comfort you in any way he could. "He did it." Nebula said and Tony sighed. He looked as if he wanted to cry. Nebula took a seat and Tony sat there in deep thought. You looked up after crying for a bit and placed a hand on Tony's shoulder. He turned to see your watery eyes and gave you a hug. You both tried to reassure each other and comfort one another in a way.

O N  E A R T H

Steve turned over Vision's dead body then sat down in defeat as everyone else from behind him could be seen in a similar stance. Natasha was then seen running in and taking in the whole scene that had just unraveled. "What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodes questioned to de if anyone had any answers to give. No one did and just sat there not knowing what to say or do next. Bibi and Pietro soon caught up to them and took in the scene as well. They couldn't believe it. "Oh, god." Was the only thing to be said from and by Steve.

O N  A  D I F F E R E N T  P L A N E T

A scene of a planet filled with a patched of green and thick patches of forest trees in some areas could be seen. Along with a little house like area not too far from it all. Thanos was then shown walking towards the opening of the house from the inside with his arm completely destroyed. He was limping on his way over before stepping down one step and taking a seat right there to take in the view he had gotten. All that was left on his face after he released a deep sigh, was a smile. He got what he wanted in the end. What he was so set on achieving since the beginning. Even if that meant that both parties had lost everything. He had managed to get something out of it for himself. A paradise.

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