Chapter 22 ྿ You Wouldn't Recognize Me

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A U-Store-It self storage center showed as caged areas of people things locked up in containment were shown. A sign passed by reason Walker before another showed reading Lang. Meaning Scott Lang, Ant-Man. His van was in the storage along with a couple of his other things with it. Boxes filled with his things. A rat could be heard squeaking nearby before it was shown inside of the van. The rat, walked right over a machine while it was looking for food and managed to press a button. That button activated the machine that was in the van. As it was turned on, out sprang Scott Lang like a jack in the box. He fell right onto the boxes nearby.

Groaning, he opened up his helmet then patted the spark of electricity that was on his shoulder. "What the hell?" He says as he sits up and looks around at where he's at. The electricity throughout the suit started to crackle and he smacked the piece on his forearm before the sound of it powering down happened. "Hope?" He called out to see if she was there, but there was no response at all. There was a security officer on the duty and was just reading a book when he glanced up and spotted Scott on the cameras. Moving closer in his seat, his eyes widened when he saw the sign the guy held. The sign read in big letters "HELP!"

Next that was seen was Scott leaving the storage unit with a wagon with a majority of his things. Glancing behind him, he noticed the security guard looking at him in a type of way of 'how the hell did he get stuck in there'? Walking till me made it to a part of the city, he looked at how abandoned everything looked and noticed how many Missing flyers there were on the pole. A kid drove by on a bike and he tried getting his attention but it didn't seem as if the kid wanted to talk.

Finding a place filled with vertical stones with numerous names written on either side, the top read 'the vanished' and all that could be heard leaving Lang's mouth was "oh, my god." He stood there for a moment before scanning around to see if either of his family members' names were on the stone. "Oh, please" he begged. "Please, please." He added on. "No, no, no. No. No." He kept on as he moved by a couple telling them "Excuse me, I'm sorry." Continuing to scan through, he muttered "Oh, Cassie, no. No, no. No." Moving around the stone, he continued speaking to himself. "No, no. Please, please, please. No, Cassie." It wasn't till he didn't find her name but his on stone.

"What?" He muttered in confusion. Running towards his home that was a few blocks away, he had to make sure if his daughter was still there. Arriving, He ringed the doorbell a couple of times, knocked on the door before ringing the bell once again. Spotting a figure through the door, he waited for them to answer so he could see who it was. Opening the door quickly, she placed her hands on either side of her face relieved to see her father once again. "Cassie?" He questioned and she smiled through the tears. "Dad?" She said quietly. Embracing each other in a hug, he was shocked as he let her cry on his shoulder. Pulling away, he tried not to cry as he took a good look at her. "You're so big!" He said as they both chuckled and hugged each other again.

A restricted area sign could be shown latched onto the fence as the camera panned upwards and revealed the Avengers facility. Heading back up from training, you caught Natasha making a sandwich. "Didn't eat yet?" You asked and she looked up before giving a small smile and shaking her head. "Didn't get to." She added before you walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure this out. Always do." You attempted to reassure her and she sighed as she kept fake smile before pulling you into a hug. "You need to go shower." She finally said which made you chuckle. "Okay. I'll go. Don't beat yourself up so much." Was all you told her as you pulled away and left with a wave.

The holograms of communication were on and Rocket spoke up after you left, "Yeah. We boarded that highly-suspect warship Danvers pinged." He said and Nebula who stood beside Rocket spoke "It was an infectious garbage scow." That's when Rocket added. "So, thanks for the hot tip." They both were talking to Carol as she looked at them and replied "Well, you were closer." Natasha moved around the table to take a seat as Rocket continued "Yeah. And now we smell like garbage." That's when Nat butted in by asking O'koye "You get a reading on those tremors?" O'koye answered her by replying " 'Twas a mild subduction under the African plate."

"Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?" Nat asked. "Nat. It's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it." O'koye tried telling her and Nat nodded before asking Carol. "Carol, are we seeing you here next month?" Carol took a breath before telling her "Not likely." Rocket looked at Carol before speaking "What? You gonna get another haircut?" Carol didn't like it and spat back "Listen, fur face. I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere. On thousands of planets." Natasha looked down for a moment before Rocket nodded his head. "All right, all right. That's a good point. That's a good point." He said.

"So, you might not see me for a long time." Carol told Natasha and the woman looked up at Danvers. "All right. Uh, well... This channel's always active. So, if anything goes sideways... anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't... comes through me." They al nodded their heads as someone tells her okay. "All right." She added before Carol looked at Rhodes and told him, "good luck." Natasha thought everyone was gone when she sat down but noticed Rhodes was still there. Looking at him, she questioned "where are you?"

"Mexico." He replied. "The federales found a room full of bodies. Looks like a bunch of cartel guys... never even had a chance to get their guns off." He added afterwards. "It's probably a rival gang." Natasha told him. "Except it isn't. It's definitely Barton." He told her. That made her look at him before looking down. "What he's done here... what he's been doing for the last few years... I mean, the scene that he left... I gotta tell you, there a part of me that doesn't even wanna find him." Natasha nodded her head before asking him. "Will you find out where he's going next?" She took a half of her sandwich before taking a bite and looking at Rhodes.

"Nat?" He asked, wanting to make sure she was okay. "Please?" She asked of him. Nodding his head as he said okay, he turned and broke the communication. At that moment, Natasha placed both of her hands on her face as a tear fell. She tried to stay strong till Steve walked in. "You know, I'd offer to cook you dinner... but you seem pretty miserable already." He said and she recomposed herself before looking over at him. "You here to do your laundry?" She asked of him. "And see a friend." He told her and she laid back as she replied "Clearly , your friend is fine." She gave him a smile but he knew she was just putting on a face.

You finished up your shower and got a few bites of food. "Hey." Loki stopped you at the doorway when you were about to make your way out. "Talked With Nat?" He asked. "Yeah, she's trying her best to stay strong. I can tell and feel it." You replied and he let you through. "Coming with?" You asked as you walked towards the conference room Natasha was in before you left her. "Yeah. Pietro was still training when I left the arena." He told you and you nodded your head.

"You know, I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge." Steve told her. "In the Hudson?" She questioned a bit surprised. "There's fewer ships... cleaner water." Steve replied. "You know, if you're about to tell me to look on the bright side... um... I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut better sandwich." Natasha mentioned and he smiled as he hummed before making his way to sit in front of her. "Sorry." He finally admitted. "Force of habit." He added as he placed his jacket down. She moved the plate over  to him on his side once he sat down across her.

Sighing, he looked over at her. "You know, I keep telling everybody they should move on... and grow. Some do. But not us." He said. (Bananas 👀😂) "If I move on, who does this?" She asked of him. "Maybe it doesn't need to be done." Steve replied. Shaking her head lightly, she started to say. "I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job. This family. You all are great to me. Y/n is like... I treat her as if she was my own and I hope she sees that or I'm gonna say something." She said and he smiled lightly as she paused before continuing on. "And then it... and I was better because of it." Steve noticed how watery her eyes were getting "and even though they're gone... I'm still trying to be better." She finished and Steve spoke.

"I think we both need to get a life." He said and she was seen with a tear rolling down her face and she mentioned "you first." Her comment made him smile in return. You made it to the room and Steve looked over at you. "Hey." He said as he stood up and gave you a hug. You smiled over at Natasha and she returned it. She was like a mother to you and you appreciated it. Loki was not so far behind and both him and Nat shared a glance. Him and Steve shared a handshake. That's when you all heard a chime. Natasha accepted.

Scott's voice could be heard coming through the speakers in a near frantic tone way. "What the..." You muttered. Loki wasn't so far from you when he heard the voice. They pulled up the screen and both Natasha and Steve stood up, not believing their own eyes. "Oh, hi, hi! Uh, is anyone home? This is, Uh, Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport... in Germany? I was the guy that got really big. I had a mask on. You wouldn't recognize me." He rambled on as Steve asked "is this an old message?" Scott could still be heard "Ant-Man? I know you know that." He spoke. "It's the front gate." Natasha said in a tone filled with hope. "I really need to talk to you guys." Scott finished off.

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