Chapter 21 ྿ Went For The Head

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The same ship, Nebula had arrived with Tony, you and Loki was now flying through the air and into space with Bruce, Nebula, Rocket, Carol, Steve, Natasha, Thor and Rhodes. That's when Rocket broke the silence "okay. Who here hasn't been to space?" Steve, Natasha and Rhodes raised their hands Carol laughed at the expression Rhodes gave. "Why?" Rhodes muttered. "You better not throw up on my ship." Rocket stated.

"Approaching jump in three, two, one." Nebula said as everyone hanged on. As they started to speed up in acceleration, Steve's eyes widen when he saw the colors that were passing right by. They made the jump and Carol was the first to be release to go and scout the area. "I'll head down for recon." She told them before entering the planet's atmosphere. Steve pulled out the pocket watch he had as looked at it. Natasha went over to him and saw what he was looking at before he closed it. Smiling to herself lightly she started to speak.

"This is gonna work, Steve." She told Steve, no longer a smile on her face. "I know it will." He said as he looked at the window before looking at her. " 'Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't." He admitted and Carol came back. "No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defenses of any kind." She said and paused for a moment before adding on. "It's just him." Nebula then said "and that's enough."

A view of the planet Thanos was on showed as birds could be heard chirping in the far distance. His armor was hung up on a cross of some sort in a field as he walked through the patches of alien Food. Finally finding the right size, he prepared a pot to make himself soup as he started to prepare the food. He sat down near the campfire when he heard a sudden noise.

Carol blasted in and quickly threw him over before placing him in a chokehold as her Food was holding down the gauntlet. Bruce entered from the ground under and grabbed Thanos' hand as War Machine entered from behind and grabbed his free hand. That's when Thor swooped in and used the axe to cut off the arm that held the gauntlet. Thanos groaned in pain as Carol held him in place. Steve entered followed by Natasha. Rocket came in and pushed over the gauntlet only to notice that the stones were gone. "Oh, no." He said. Steve and Natasha saw it as well.

"Where are they?" Steve asked and Thanos groaned as Carol gritted through her teeth. "Answer the question." Thor watched as Thanos started to say, "the Universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation." Bruce got frustrated and pushed the giant once Carol was off of him "You murdered trillions!" He yelled out. "You should be grateful." Thanos told him which only made Bruce punch him on the face. Natasha took deep breaths in and out as she tried not to cry. "Where are the stones?"

"Gone. Reduced to atoms." He told her as Bruce then implied "you used them two days ago!" Thanos pushed himself up from the floor a bit as he told him "i used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable." Rhodes looked around and spoke "we have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying!" That's when Nebula butted in. "My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." Thanos looked at her as he said "Ah. Thank you, daughter." She looked down. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly." He added and Thor was so pissed he used the axe to slice off the Titan's head. "What? Banner said.

"What did you do?" Rocket asked as Natasha could be seen shedding a tear. Thor took a few breaths in and out before saying "I went for the head." Thor then walked out and everyone looked at the scene in shock by the fact that they had lost again and didn't get the stone. Steve looked down and everyone returned back to the ship to head back home.

F I V E  Y E A R S  L A T E R

You were training everyday since you had gotten better with Loki and Pietro. Pietro will help with your target accuracy, Loki with help with your power as Bibi would come in here and there to help with your combat skills. Natasha would pop in sometimes just to see if you were doing alright. Tony left home with Pepper after checking in on you. He saw how you started to look better than he last saw you on the ship.

A majority of the city looked vacant and abandoned due to the lack of people. "So.. I, Uh, went on a date the other day. It's the first time in five years. You know? I'm sitting there at dinner. I didn't even know what to talk about." The man said in the group. (One of the Russo brothers). "What did you talk about?" Steve asked him. "Eh, same old crap. You know, how things have changed. My job, his job. How much we miss the Mets. And then things go quiet... then he cried as they were serving the salads." The man added as another asked "What about you?"

The first man made a face before adding on "I cried just before dessert. But I'm seeing him again tomorrow, so.." that's when Steve nodded his head as he said "That's great. You did the hardest part. You took the jump. You didn't know where you were gonna come down." He looked at everyone else before adding on. "And that's it. That's those little brave baby steps we gotta take... to try and become whole again, try and find purpose. I went in the ice in '45, right after I met the love of my life. Woke up 70 years later. You gotta move on. Gotta move on. The world is in our hands. It's left to us, guys. And we gotta do something with it. Otherwise... Thanos should've killed all of us." Steve finally finished off.

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